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taken precautions to reduce accidents, for it gives the industry a lower rate when the premiums are set for the coming year. When employers "carry their own risks," there is of course a very definite incentive for keeping the accidents down. A defect deserving of special attention is the inadequacy of the schedule of awards. Although injured workmen are now receiving much more on an average than they would as a result of a suit for damages, the compensation is in many cases less than one-half of the current earnings. Two-thirds is a rate given in some states. Another greater defect of American statutes is their lack of comprehensiveness. Mr. Carl Hookstadt estimated that in the so-called compensation states there were not less than 7,400,000 employees who were not covered at all by the statutes. A million and a quarter are in interstate commerce, and many of the remainder are, for good or bad reasons, classed as being in non-hazardous occupations. The method of improvement for the future will therefore need to provide more liberal awards and the inclusion of a greater number of employees.-Willard C. Fisher, The American Economic Review, March, 1920. C. V. R.

Will the Wage System Last ?-The wage theories which have predominated from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution down to the present are four in number: (1) the so-called "iron law" of wages, which held that general wages tend to be fixed at the minimum point necessary to enable the laborer to maintain himself and rear a family to supply the laborers of the next generation. This theory fitted in well with the social and economic conditions of the early nineteenth century; (2) the "wage-fund" theory held that at the beginning of each year or season of production the employers set aside a portion of their capital to be paid as wages during the ensuing period; (3) the "productivity" theory maintained that wages are the return to labor of that part of the product which is actually created. This was acceptable to the capitalist because it gave the laborer to understand that he was getting all he deserved; (4) the "bargain" theory took something from each of the others. The modern industrial unrest signalizes labor's eventual acceptance of the bargain theory and simultaneously registers a protest which takes two forms: (1) labor accepts the bargain theory unreservedly and proposes to carry it to its logical application; (2) labor believes there can be no satisfactory economic conditions as long as one class of producers is paid by another class of producers, i.e., as long as the relation of master and servant persists in the economic field. To solve the problem entirely, a new system of relationship between labor and capital must be established, i.e., labor must share with capital in both the control of production and the ownership of the product.Henry Pratt Fairchild, The Unpartizan Review, July-September, 1920. C. N.

Un Aspect de la loi du 24 Octobre 1919 sur la protection des femmes allaitant leur enfant.-One law of the last legislature should not be passed by without notice; it is that of October 24, 1919, on the protection of women who are nursing their children. It presents a two-fold interest. First to encourage mothers, now becoming more and more rare, who still remember that the mother's milk is the best nourishment for the child. A general interest follows: that of putting into the hands of vigilant administrators a simple and practical means of bringing about the realization of a reform in our methods of aid which consists of creating in each commune a liaison organ between public and private charity. It is from this last and larger aspect that we will examine it here. It is an incontestable fact that the new law will give results only where the control of the nursing and the observance of the hygienic prescriptions will be strictly assured. To give the physicians exclusive charge would be too burdensome, and all that remains is to ask for friendly aid, preferably of women. This aid virtually exists, being provided for by two former laws. The eight weeks period of aid is too short to excite more than a passing interest, but the new law, in extending assistance to the mother until the twelfth month, will permit a much longer contact with the visiting nurse. If the law is properly administered it will result in saving many precious lives and will secure more births in the future. This law is in fact the culmination of the decree of February 28, 1919, which established co-ordination between public and private assistance. The administration of the law is placed in the hands of a commission of eight members representing both sexes.-F. Lebaulanger, Revue Philanthropique, March 15, 1920.

C. V. R.



Bonjour, Felix. Real Democracy in Operation; the Example of Switzerland. New York: Stokes. Pp. viii+ 226. $1.50.

Boucke, Oswald Fred. The Limits of Socialism. New York: Macmillan.

Pp. 259. $1.50.

Brissenden, Paul Frederick. The I.W.W.; a Study of American Syndicalism. 2d ed. (Studies in history, economics, and public law. Vol. LXXXIII). New York: Longmans. Pp. 438. (41 pages bibl.) $4.00. Brooks, John Graham. Labor's Challenge to the Social Order; Democracy Its Own Critic and Educator. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 441. $2.75. Bryas, Madeleine de, comtesse, and FrenchBryas, Jacqueline de. A woman's Impressions of America. New York: Century Co. Pp. xiv+ 268. $1.75.

Coffin, Henry Sloane. A More Christian Industrial Order. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 86. $1.00.

Cooke, Richard Joseph, Bp. The Church and World Peace. New York and

Cincinnati: Abingdon Press. Pp. 178. $1.00.

Cope, Henry Frederick. Education for
Democracy. New York: Macmillan.
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Crowther, Samuel. Why Men Strike.
Garden City, New York: Doubleday,
Page. Pp. viii+232. $1.75.
Dawson, Edgar.

Organized Self-govern

ment. New York: Holt. Pp. xxiv+ 383. $1.40.

Dickson, Mrs. Marguerite Stockman. Vocational Guidance for Girls. Chicago: Rand, McNally. Pp. ix+246.


Elmer, Manuel Conrad. Technique of Social Surveys. Rev. ed. Minneapolis: University Printing Co. Pp. 117. $1.25.

Erskine, John. Democracy and Ideals;

a Definition. New York: Doran. Pp. 152. $1.50.

Feldman, William Moses. The Principles of Ante-natal and Post-natal Child Physiology, Pure and Applied. New York: Longmans. Pp. xxvii+ 694. $10.50.

Fielding, William J. Sanity in Sex. New York: Dodd, Mead. Pp. xvi+ 133. (17 pages bibl.) $1.75Findlay, Joseph John. An Introduction to Sociology; for Social Workers and General Readers. (Publications of the University of Manchester.) New York: Longmans. Pp. xi+304. $2.00. Folks, Homer. The Human Costs of War. Illustrated with photographs by Lewis W. Hine. New York: Harper. Pp. 325. $2.25.

Gallichan, Catherine Gasquoine Hartley (Mrs. Walter M. Gallichan). Women's Wild Oats; essays on the refixing of moral standards. New York: Stokes. Pp. 238. $1.50.

Gibson, Thomas. The Problems of Peace. New York: Financial World, 29 Broadway. Pp. 146. $1.00. Gleason, Arthur Huntington. What the Workers Want; a Study of British Labor. New York: Harcourt, B. & H. Pp. vii+518. $4.00.

Harper, William Allen. Reconstructing the Church. New York and Chicago: Revell. Pp. 188. $1.25.

Haskins, Charles Homer, and Lord, Robert Howard. Some Problems of the Peace Conference. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Pp. 310. $3.00.

Hill, David Jayne. American World Politics. New York: Doran. Pp. 257. $3.50.

Hobson, S. G. National Guilds and the State. New York: Macmillan. Pp. xix+406. $4.00.

Holt, Arthur E. The Bible as a Community Book. New York: Woman's Press. $1.35.

Hrbkova, Sárka B. Czechoslovak Stories. Translated from the original. (Interpreters' Series.) New York: Duffield. Pp. iv+330. $1.90. Husband, Joseph. Americans by Adoption; Brief Biographies of Great Citizens Born in Foreign Lands. With an introduction by William Allen Neilson. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press. Pp. xv+153. $1.50. Johnston, Donald Kent. Religious Aspects of Scientific Healing. A psychoanalytic guide written from the patient's point of view. With an

introduction by Elwood Worcester. (Studies in Psychology.) Boston: Badger. Pp. 94. $1.75. Jones, Henry Arthur. Patriotism and Popular Education. New York: Dutton. Pp. xxviii+314. $4.00. Kellogg, Vernon Lyman. Herbert Hoover, the Man and His Work. New

York: $2.00. Klein, Philip. Prison Methods in New York State. A contribution to the study of the theory and practice of correctional institutions in New York State. (Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, Vol. XL, No. I.) New York: Longmans. Pp. 420. $3.50.

Appleton. Pp. viii+375.

Koos, Leonard Vincent. The Junior High School. With an introduction by Henry Suzzallo. New York: Harcourt, B. & H. Pp. xv+79. $1.36. Lewis, James C., Jr. Teaching in the Army. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. Pp. 64. Paper, So. 50. Lockey, Joseph Byrne. Pan-Americanism: its Beginnings. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 503. (7 pages bibl.) $5.00. Low, Barbara. Psycho-analysis. A brief account of the Freudian theory. Introduction by Ernest Jones. New York: Harcourt, B. & H. Pp. 199. $1.60.

Mansbridge, Albert. An adventure in Working-class Education; Being the Story of the Workers' Educational Association, 1903-15. New York: Longmans. Pp. xx+73. $2.00. McBride, Isaac. "Barbarous Soviet Russia." New York: T. Seltzer. Pp. 276. $2.50.

Meriam, Junius Lathrop. Child life and the Curriculum. Yonkers-onHudson, N.Y.: World Book Co. Pp. xii+538. (14 pages bibl.) $3.60. Miliukov, Pavel Nikolaevitch. Bolshe

vism: an International Danger. Its doctrine and its practice through war and revolution. New York: Scribner. Pp. 303. $3.75.

Payne, George Henry. History of Journalism in the United States. New York: Appleton. Pp. xx+453. (28 pages bibl.) $2.50.

Queen, Stuart Alfred. The Passing of the County Jail. Individualization of misdemeanants through a unified correctional system. Menasha, Wis.: G. Banta Pub. Pp. xiii+156. $1.50.

Raymond, George Lansing. Ethics and Natural Law. A reconstructive review of moral philosophy applied to the rational art of living. New York: Putnam. Pp. xxxiii+345. $2.00. Roberts, Richard. The Unfinished Programme of Democracy. New York: Huebsch. Pp. 326. $2.00. Rosanoff, Aaron Joshua. Manual of Psychiatry. 5th rev. ed. New York: Wiley. Pp. xv+684. $4.00. Ross, Edward Alsworth. The Principles of Sociology. (Social Science Series). New York: Century Co. Pp. 700. $4.00.

Russell, Charles Edward. The Story of the Nonpartisan League; a Chapter in American Evolution. New York: Harper. Pp. 332. $2.00.

Scott, Emmett Jay. Negro Migration During the War. (Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, 16.) New York: Oxford Univ. Pp. v+189. (8 pages bibl.) $1.00. Sechrist, Frank Kleinfelter. Education and the General Welfare. A textbook of school law, hygiene, and management. New York: Macmillan Pp. xx+443. (14 pages bibl.) $1.60. Seligman, Herbert J. The Negro Faces America. New York: Harper. Pp. 318. $1.75.

Simon, Leon. Studies in Jewish Nationalism. With an introduction by Alfred E. Zimmern. New York: Longmans. Pp. xi+174. $2.40. Spalding, Henry Stanislaus. Talks to

Nurses; the Ethics of Nursing. New York: Benziger. Pp. 197.


Steiner, Rudolph. The Triorganic Social Organism. An exposition of the embryonal points of the social question in the life-necessities of the present and the future. Detroit, Mich.: Goetheanum Press of America, 46 Hendrill St. Pp. 135. $1.50. Talbot, Winthrop, and Johnsen, Julia E. Americanization. Principles of Americanism; essentials of Americanization; technic of race-assimilation; annotated bibliography. 2d rev. ed. (Handbook series.) New York: W. Wilson Co. lxiv+373. (53 pages bibl.) $1.80.


Thomas, William Isaac, and Znaniecki, Florian. The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. Vol. IV. Boston: Badger. $5.00.

Veiller, Lawrence Turnure. A Model
Housing Law. Rev. ed. (Russell
Sage Foundation Publications.) New
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Vestal, Samuel C. The Maintenance of
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Warren, Howard Crosby. Human Psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Pp. xx+460. $5.00.

Watkins, Oscar Daniel. A History of Penance; Being a Study of the Authorities. Vol. I, The whole church to A.D. 450; Vol. II, The Western church from A.D. 450 to A.D. 1215. New York: Longmans. 2 Vols. Pp. xxix+xix+775. $16.00.

Webb, Jesse P. The American Prison System. Salem, Ore.: J. P. Webb, Route 6. Pp. 262. $2.00.

Willis, George. The Philosophy of Speech.

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