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" The scientists of his day held that heat is an imponderable fluid, caloric, which flows from a body at a higher temperature to one at a lower, much as water flows from a place of higher to a place of lower level. "
An Introduction to Biophysics, by David Burns ... - Seite 440
von David Burns - 1929 - 580 Seiten
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An Introduction to Biophysics

David Burns - 1921 - 492 Seiten
...Ingestion and excretion. Inspiration and expiration. II. Radiation. III. Evaporation of moisture. I. Conduction. By conduction is meant the loss of heat...depends on several factors. (i) Surface exposed, (a) The loss of heat varies directly with the area of the surface exposed. For example, the flow across...
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A Textbook of Intermediate Physics

Harry Moore - 1923 - 844 Seiten
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Science and Scientists in the Nineteenth Century

Robert Henry Murray - 1925 - 492 Seiten
...about 1798. The scientists of his day held that heat is an imponderable fluid, caloric, which flows from a body at a higher temperature to one at a lower, much as water flows from a place of higher to a place of lower level. They also spoke of substances...
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Thermodynamics for Students of Chemistry

Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Hinshelwood - 1926 - 204 Seiten
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Homoiothermism: The Origin of Warm-blooded Vertebrates

Arthur Sperry Pearse, Frank Gregory Hall - 1928 - 142 Seiten
...gained or lost by (1) conduction and convection and by (2) radiation. Conduction. — Conduction means the loss of heat from a body at a higher passage from particle to particle. For example, if one end of a copper rod is placed into a dish of hot water, heat will pass into the rod and along...
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Everyday Science

Arthur Woods Haslett - 1937 - 342 Seiten
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Modern Building Construction: A Comprehensive, Practical and ..., Band 2

Richard Greenhalgh - 1947 - 586 Seiten
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Elements of Food Engineering, Band 2

Milton E. Parker - 1954 - 376 Seiten
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Introduction to Physics

Frank M. Durbin - 1955 - 806 Seiten
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Professional Engineer's Examination Questions and Answers

William S. La Londe - 1956 - 486 Seiten
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