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and then another sheet of paper, and so on till they have made a pile of forty or fifty. They are then pressed with a large screw. press, which, forcibly squeezing the water out, immediately gives them consistence.

Much, however, still remains to be done. The felts are removed, and the paper dexterously taken up with an instrument in the form of a T, three sheets at a time, and hung on lines to dry. After hanging a week or ten days, any knots or roughness it may still have, are carefully picked off, and it is then sized.

Size is a kind of glue, made from the skins of animals, and without the applica tion of this substance, the paper would not bear ink, but would run and blot, as is the case on common red paper. The sheets are then hung up to dry, and when dry, taken to the finishing-room, where they are examined again, pressed in dry presses, (which give them their gloss and smoothness ;) counted into reams, and sent to the stationer, from whom we have them, after he has again folded them, and cut the edges. The whole process of making paper takes about three weeks.



WHO is she that with graceful steps, and with a lively air, trips over yonder plain?

The rose blushes on her cheeks; the sweetness of the morning breathes from her Tips; joy, tempered with inuocence and modesty, sparkles in her eyes; and the cheerfulness of her heart appears in all her movements. Her name is Health; she is the daughter of Exercise and Temperance. Their sons inhabit the mountains and the plain. They are brave, active, and lively, and partake of all the beauties and virtues of their sister.

Vigour strings their nerves, strength dwells in their bones, and labour is their delight all the day long. The employments of their father excite their appetites; and the repasts of their mother refresh them. To combat the passions is their delight; to conquer evil habits their glory. Their pleasures are moderate, and therefore they endure: their repose is short, but sound and undisturbed. Their blood is pure, their minds are serene; and the physician does not find the way to their habitations.


Respect due to Old Age.

IT happened at Athens, during a public representation of some play, exhibited in honour of the state, that an old gentleman came too late for a place suitable to his age and quality. A number of young men, who observed the difficulty and confusion the poor

old gentleman was in, made signs to him, that they would accommodate him, if he came where they sat. The good man bustled through the crowd accordingly; but when he came to the seats to which he was invited, the jest amongst the young fellows was, to sit close, and expose the confusion and embarrassment of the old man to the gaze of the whole audience. This frolic went round all the benches reserved for the Athenians. But on those occasions, there were also particular places set apart for strangers. When the good man, covered with confusion, came towards the boxes appointed for the Lacedemonians, that honest, though less instructed people, rose up all to a man, and with the greatest respect, received the old gentleman among them. The Athenians being suddenly touched with a sense of the Lacedemonian virtue, and their own misconduct, gave a thunder of applause; and the old man cried out, "The Athenians understand what is good; but the Lacedemonians practice it."


The good Example.

A decent, well behaved woman, came one day with her daughter, who was leaving a Sunday school in London, and going to service, to return thanks to the conductors of the school, for the instruction her girl had

He was

received. On the visiters inquiring of the mother whether her daughter had derived any essential benefit from. the instruction of the teachers; she replied, O yes, not only my daughter, but I trust all my familly will have reason to bless God for this school to all eternity. "Before Mary came to the school," said she " my husband was a drinking, swearing man, and the whole of my family were very miserable. He spent most of his time and money at the public houses, and I and my children were almost famished for want of food and the necessaries of life. also so violent in his temper, that I scarcely ever dared to ask him for any money. He generally spent the early part of the week in drinking, and he would seldom give me more money on a Saturday night, than would just serve to buy a little food for Sunday. I and my children," continued the mother, with tears in her eyes, "had often nothing to eat, and had no money left even on a Monday morning. After some time, my daughter Mary came to this Sunday school, where she was happily instructed in the principles of ligion, and taught to consider the taking God's name in vain, as a heinous sin. One Sunday afternoon, he had been swearing very much, and Mary said to him, O father! if you did but know what a wicked thing it is to say so many bad words, I am sure


you would never say them again." These words from the child (as he has since told me) cut him to the heart. He went out into the yard and wept very much, to think that his child should be his reprover. He seemed to be very sedate afterwards, and said, he would go in the evening to the place of worship, where the Sunday school children attended. "This rather surprised me," said the mother,. " but I was more astonished on Monday morning, to see him go out before breakfast, and bring home a loaf, and other necessaries for breakfast ; we sat down together to a most comfortable meal. After this, he went out to work, and came home regularly to his meals all the week. I did not know what had produced this happy change, his behaviour was so very different-he was quite like another man. He has ever since brought me home all his earnings on the Saturday night, and we soon became very comfortable. I at length asked him how he became so much altered for the better, when he told me it was Mary's words which first struck him, and led him to think of his foolish and wicked character; that by going to public worship he was still more deeply vinced of his sins, and had determined, by the grace of God, to forsake his iniquities and lead a new life." The good woman added, that being of a profitable trade, he.


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