(E.) LIST OF RULES AND REGULATIONS MADE BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST JULY, 1926. Higher Education-Regulations for Maintenance Allowances-Amending Regulations No. 1, 1925. Board of Education (Special Services) Regulations, 1925. Board of Education (Compulsory Purchase) Regulations, 1925. Training of Teachers (Amending) Regulations (No. 6), 1925. Salaries of Teachers (Public Elementary Schools) Regulation, 1926. Teachers' Superannuation Rules, 1926. Higher Education (Substantive Grant) Amending Regulations No. 1, 1926. Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools. Science Awards Regulations, 1926. Regulations for Secondary Schools, 1926. Scheme relating to Juvenile Unemployment Centres and Home Training Centres aided by grant by the Ministry of Labour, made by the Board of Education, with the Consent of the Treasury, under s. 21 (1) (b) of the Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1925. Regulations for Further Education, 1926. Regulations for the Training of Teachers, 1926. APPENDIX IV. TABLES SHOWING FOR ENGLAND AND WALES CERTAIN FIGURES WITH REFERENCE TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. TABLE A. Number of Schools, 1925-26; England and Wales. Provision of New Schools and Enlargements, 1925 -26. New Schools Council. Church of Roman Undenom- Total. No. Accn. No. Accn. No. Accn. No. Accn. No. Accn. (a) Before re-assessment on the basis of 10 square feet per head for older children and 9 square feet for younger children. (b) After re-assessment. (a) The apparent discrepancy is due to the fact that in the case of one Voluntary School one department only was transferred to the local authority and became a Council School. Age. TABLE F. Number of Pupils classified according to age, 1924-25. England. Wales. England. Wales. England. Wales. Per Per Per Per Grade of Teacher. Number. cent- Number. cent- Number. cent- Number. cent England:- Uncertificated 102,178 68.0 107,931 73.7 108,009 74.4 109,233 74.3 36,204 24-1 28,192 19.3 27,661 19.1 28,988 19-7 Supplementary 11,770 7.9 10,208 7.0 9,449 6.5 8,877 6.0 Numbers of Certificated Teachers, showing the number who are College Trained. 33,982 25,113 73.9 68,196 36,819 54.0 102,178 61,932 60-6 3,244 2,691 83.0 3,734 2,283 61.1 6,978 4,974 71.3 32,689 25,717 78-7 75,242 50,208 66.7 107,931 75,925 70.3 3,741 3,305 88.3 5,036 3,936 78.2 8,777 7,241 82.5 33,000 26,447 80-1 75,009 51,477 68.6 108,009 77,924 72-1 3,886 3,460 89.0 5,082 4,062 79.9 8,968 7,522 83.9 England 33,166 27,014 81.5 76,067 53,519 70-4 109,233 80,533 73.7 Wales 3,996 3,613 90.4 5,323 4,350 81.7 9,319 7,963 85-4 |