TABLE 40-Wine imported in Cask: continued. Degrees of Proof Spirit. Countries whence Spain 31 32 35 36 37 38 33 34 degrees. degrees. degrees. degrees. degrees. degrees. degrees. degrees. 2,843 43,921 226,866 Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. 10,773 9,889 21,108 117,165 262,911 196,211 156,349 75,012 705,392 1,747,384 1,750,749 685,316 270,693 9,394 2,022 Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. These duties now apply only to unsweetened table waters, the duties on the sweetened varieties and on herb beer having been abolished in 1924. The Budget estimate for 1926-27 was £400,000 and the actual revenue was £401,000. 1918-19 1919-20 Sweetened Total. Sweetened Total Sweetened 270,573 9,080 70,817,916 1,323,277 71,088,489 1,332,357 7,921 132 64,807,440 1,080,124 64,815,361 1,080,256 147,183 5,019 10,009,440 333,648 10,156,623| 338,667 4,083,480 34,029 4,083,480 34,029 155,104 5,151 78,900,360 1,447,801 79,055,464 1,452,952 296,002 9,865 72,512,702 1,361,891 72,808,704 1,371,756 3,863,640 757,771 45,475,658| 757,927 390,815 12,186,731 406,291 32,197 3,863,640 32,197 471,645 15,632 61,054,384 1,180,783 61,526,029 1,196,415 6,317 105 41,711,067 695,185 41,717,384 695,290 461,551 15,522 13,004,909 433,484 13,466,460| 449,006 3,432,840 28,607 3,432,840 28,607 467,868 15,627 58,148,816 1,157,276 58,616,684 1,172,903 2,981 50 28,225,934 470,429 28,228,915 470,479 469,262 28,158,595 469,307 379,786 12,094,418 403,240 379,042 12,074,078 402,562 2,681 45 28,155,914 700,838 23,454 11,393,580 702,818 23,520 11,371,260 2,502,000 = 2,443,080 703,819 23,504 42,121,514 705,499 23,565 41,970,254 Total Sweetened (b) 9,162 153 15,320,836 896,186 29,906 11,384,693 1,307,520 905,348 30,059 28,013,049 4,632 952,523 31,763 11,488,542 952,523 31,763 11,493,174 312 952,581 31,754 11,080,465| 952,581 31,754 11,080,777 127,718 15,329,998 127,871 Figures for United Kingdom. † For 1922-23 the figures in ordinary type show the revenue collected in Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the corresponding dutiable quantities; those in italics show the_revenue attributable to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the corresponding dutiable quantities. For later years the figures refer to Great Britain and Northern Ireland only. (a) Excise Duty reduced from 1st May, 1923. (b) Duty abolished from 1st August, 1924. (c) Arrears of duty. TEA DUTY. The consumption of tea in 1925-26 was about 406 million lb., and the estimate for 1926-27 assumed a further rise to 412 million lb., representing a revenue of £5,850,000. The actual clearances, excluding drawbacks, were nearly 416 million lb., giving a surplus of £103,000 on the estimate. But there were heavy forestalments in March, which more than accounted for this surplus. The actual consumption in 1926-27 probably approximated to that of 1925-26, the failure to expand being attributable to the industrial situation in 1926. Wholesale prices during the year fluctuated considerably, and were lower at the end of the year than at the beginning. The average retail price moved slightly round about 2s. 5d. per lb., being lower at the end than at the beginning of the year. About 84 per cent. of the tea cleared during the year was of Empire origin and consignment, as compared with 87 per cent. in 1925-26 and 84 per cent. in 1924-25. The bulk of the foreign tea came from Java and Sumatra, and only about 2 per cent. from China. Full particulars are given in Table 43. The clearances of tea in financial years have frequently been affected by forestalments or postponements in anticipation of changes in the duty, so that the variations in consumption from year to year are more accurately shown by the calendar year figures in Table 124 than by those in Tables 42 and 43. Figures for United Kingdom. For 1922-23 the figures in ordinary type show the revenue collected in Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the corresponding quantity of dutiable goods; the figures in italics show the revenue attributable to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the corresponding quantity of dutiable goods. For later years the figures refer to Great Britain and Northern Ireland only. (a) Duty on Tea of Empire origin and consignment reduced to five-sixths of full rate as from 2nd June, 1919. (b) Including sums paid by the War Office in respect of Tea cleared in previous years, viz.: £681,000 (on 13,612,135 lb.) in 1920-21, and £81,000 (on 1,942,688 lb.) in 1921-22. These quantities are included in the quantities shown as retained for consumption in 1920-21 and 1921-22 respectively. (c) Drawback was first authorised on blended Tea exported in 1924 and was extended in 1925 to cover ships' stores. TABLE 43.-Tea: Countries of Origin and Import Values. 1922-23 (a). 1923-24. 1924-25. 1925-26. 1926-27. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 248,461,258 229,377,973 232,799,997 244,432,184 232,303,783 102,068,632 103,592,234 105,984,028 108,955,195 116,364,721 351,146,400 333,726,691 339,504,083 354,107,342 349,484,959 8,028,640 10,659,387| 14,225,529 9,823,849 11,538,785 35,493,551 32,394,805 49,298,031 41,764,139 53,858,977 330,804 222,444 200,092 498,828 903,993 43,852,995 43,276,636 63,723,652 52,086,816 66,301,755 394,999,395 377,003,327 403,227,735 406,194,158 415,786,714 Percentages. Tea of British East In Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. (a) The quantities shown are those corresponding to the revenue collected in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The revenue from the Cocoa duties in 1925-26 was £735,000, and the estimate for 1926-27 allowed for a small increase to £750,000. The actual receipts were £754,000. Raw cocoa contributes over three-fourths of the total revenue from the cocoa duties. Over 90 per cent. of the raw cocoa retained for consumption comes from the Empire. This is mainly from British West Africa, but a certain amount is received from the British West Indies. The proportion of imported cocoa preparations which are of Empire origin is negligible. |