TABLE 126.-(1.) Import Duties continued. 06 9.5 0743 Molasses and invert Sugar and all other Sugar and Extracts from Sugar which cannot be completely tested by the Polariscope and on which duty is not otherwise charged :— If containing 70 per cent. or more of sweetening matter If containing less than 70 per cent. and more than 50 per cent. of sweetening If containing not more than 50 per cent. of sweetening matter Note:-Molasses is free of duty if for use in the manufacture of Spirits, or for food for stock. Table Waters (other than Herb Beer and Table Waters Sweetened or Fermented) Cavendish or Negrohead Cavendish or Negrohead, Manufactured in Bond Snuff containing more than 13% of moisture Watches, see Clocks. (a) For Rates of Duty on articles containing Sugar or other sweetening matter see Table 52. Articles. TABLE 126.—(1.) Import Duties continued. Exceeding 30° but not exceeding 42° of Proof Spirit Additional for every further degree or part of a degree " 060 60 per cent. of full rate. 0 0 6 33 per cent. of full rate. " 50 per cent. of full rate. (a) Wine rendered sparkling or effervescent and bottled in Bond is liable to the same duties as imported Sparkling Wine. |