6 e ALEXANDER POPE.. From an enamelled Painting in Miniature, given by Pope, to M.: Nugent Now in the Marquis of Buckingham's Collection at Stowe. Published by Cadell & Davies, Strand, and the other Proprietors May 1.1807. WORKS OF Alexander Pope, Efq. IN VERSE AND PROSE. CONTAINING THE PRINCIPAL NOTES OF DRS. WARBURTON AND WARTON: ILLUSTRATIONS, AND CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY REMARKS, BY JOHNSON, WAKEFIELD, A. CHALMERS, F.S.A. AND OTHERS. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, NOW FIRST PUBLISHED, SOME ORIGINAL LETTERS, WITH ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS, AND memoirs OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. By the Rev. WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES, A. М. PREBENDARY OF SALISBURY, AND CHAPLAIN TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. IN TEN VOLUMES. VOL. III. LONDON: Printed for J. Johnson, J. Nichols and Son, R. Baldwin, F. and C. Rivington, CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME. Page The Universal Prayer |