A New Treatise on Chess by George WalkerSherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, 1841 - 296 Seiten |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
advance Q. P. attacks Kt attacks Q best move better game Bishop Black play Black.-K capture Castles check with Q corner draw the game drawn game edition eighth Evans Gambit fifth ch force fourth ch gives Checkmate interposes K. B. checks K. B. second K. B. seventh K. B. sixth K. B. takes K. B. third K. B. to Q K. B. to Q. B. K. P. advances K. R. fifth King's Bishop's King's Gambit Knight London move Kt move Q move Q. P. Muzio Pawns at K. R. Philidor play K play K. B. play Kt play Q player Ponziani position push Q. P. Q. B. attacks Q. B. fourth Queen retakes retreat Rook Schachspiel SECOND DEFENCE SECOND PLACE seventh ch situation sixth ch square takes K. P. takes Kt takes Q third best third ch unmoved White wins White.-K won game