THE HISTORY OF THЕ WORKS of the LEARNED, FOR THE Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-nine. CONTAINING IMPARTIAL ACCOUNTS and ACCURATE INTERSPERS'D WITH DISSERTATIONS on several curious and enter- VOL. I. LONDON: Printed for JACOB ROBINSON, under the Inner- THE HISTORY OF THE WORKS of the LEARNED. For JANUARY, 1739. ARTICLE I. To the Author of the History of the Works of the Learned. A Vindication of the Jews and their Religion, from the Calumnies of the Egyptian, the Greek, and the Roman Writers. Cupientes lædere dente Offendunt folido. HORAT. Τέτο τοῖς πολλοῖς ἑτέροις συκβέβηκεν δια τὴν τῶν ἐνίων δυσμενείαν διμαι γινώσκειν τὲς πλέον ταῖς Ἱσορίαις ἐντυγχάνοντας. Jofeph. contra Appionem. By CHARLES LAMOTTF, D.D.. T HERE is not perhaps a greater Instance in antient or modern Hiftory of religious Averfion, national Hatred, Spite and Malice, and at the fame Time of great Falfhoods, Blunders, and Mistakes, than what may be observed in the Accounts which the Heathen B |