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stunt swimming meets will be open affairs. Thus we shall enlarge our experimental program, every activity being carefully considered before being accepted for a program designed to utilize our community's resources and interests to the utmost.

"You're On the Air!"

(Continued from page 252) musical interludes ("bridges," in radio parlance) which indicate changes of scene and lapses of time. Otherwise the interludes are inserted from recordings. Appropriate standard musical selections may be used, or, even better, music written and recorded especially for such programs, each record being designed to fit a particular situation, such as "Omens" (mystery), “Orientale,” “Agitato" (emotional tension), and "Rushing Waters" (excitement).

These brief notes on some of the aspects of radio dramatic production will reveal how interesting broadcast plays really are-for the director, for the players themselves, who must convey every idea and emotion by word of mouth, and for the technical crew, to whom each play brings new sound effect requirements which must be met if realism is to be achieved. But the activities of the group need not be confined to the studio. Most people are in total ignorance of what goes on in the studio while their favorite dramatic hour is being produced. Therefore they welcome an opportunity to witness a "behind the scenes in radio" program in which the mysteries of the broadcast drama are explained. The author's amateur company has made many successful "personal appearances" before clubs and other organizations in which, with the aid of a microphone and all the varied sound devices, actual demonstrations are given of the technique of radio play production.

Nor need amateur dramatic groups exist for their own sake alone. They are in constant demand to aid in various publicity campaigns such as those attendant to community chest drives. Radio dramatizations of welfare work have been notably successful; during one campaign a year or two ago, the Chicago Associated Charities used about a score of such playlets, which have been mimeographed for adaptation and use by similar organizations throughout the country. And it often happens that successful play-casters are engaged by commercial sponsors. For example, (Continued on page 270)


"The Five Day Week Brings Opportunity"


'HE DISCUSSION of industrial men at the Con

gress in Atlantic City centered around these words: "Five Day Week Brings Opportunity." "Although we do not know yet how this time will be filled," they said, "it is obvious that picnics and outings will form a greater part of the summer program. The Saturday holiday is expected to result in recreation being sought farther from home."

The industrial world was shocked a few weeks ago when the Carnegie Illinois Steel Company reduced its work week from 48 to 40 hours. Other companies followed its example. Carnegie Illinois with 100,000 employees, thus set free 800,000 leisure hours a week or 41,600,000 leisure hours a year! The recent action by other companies would add their quota thereby enlarging the opportunity. The industrial group foresees that the five-day week will change the whole nature of industry's leisure time opportunity. Adult and family recreation leap into prominence. Parks, camping, picnic trails have new significance for workers when they with their families can go out for a week-end of two full days. Having two days together makes possible many types of recreation which are not possible during other spare hours.

Now is the time for careful thinking and planning for the best use of the rapidly growing leisure period in American life. All of the evidence points to more and more organizations adopting the five day plan.

France, on one week's notice declared a national five day week, effective April 1st last. Most workers get Saturday and Sunday off, but shops and department stores close on Sunday and Monday. The people were not prepared for such sudden action. Shopping districts were deserted and crowds spent the extra day strolling along the broad avenue of the Champs Elysee, and in the parks. Lots of leisure and nothing to do! Shop keepers were indignant. Workers refused to discuss the question with an American reporter because, they said, "the change is so great that a new mode of life would be necessary." Thrifty house-. wives were afraid the change would take money from the home to be spent in drink. The men are not so much concerned. Fishing in the Seine, suburban gardens for the better class and sports for youth are immediate subjects of discussion.

France's Minister of Leisure, Leo LaGrange,

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faces a critical decision. Will he study the rigid militaristic development of physical recreation in Russia, Germany and Italy? Will he look to England who, deeply concerned about the physical welfare of her youth, now plans to spend $10,000,000 primarily for the development of facilities for recreation? (This concern arose unfortunately over a condition that was revealed in military recruiting efforts). Or will France face her leisure problem with its humane aspects uppermost-seeking opportunities for better living for her people rather than deliberately building sturdy bodies for cannon fodder. Other European nations prepare through recreation for war and death. May France prepare for peace and life!

You're On the Air!

(Continued from page 269)

the various motion picture companies prepare fifteen-minute dramatic scripts based upon their new films, which they supply to the theaters booking the pictures. The theater managers, recognizing the advertising value of these radio previews, engage the local amateur radio group to produce them in advance of the showing of the films.

Thus broadcast sketches offer a novel and highly interesting activity for any group which is looking for new fields to conquer or for means of becoming more familiar with the world behind the microphone. Few recreational activities provide greater thrills than that of the moment when the winking of a light below the microphone signals, "You're on the air," or more genuine satisfaction than that which the entire group feels when the musical curtain has fallen on what has proved to be an adequate presentation of a well-written radio play.


(Continued from page 254)

B. Hit shot at opening left by opponent's rush. c. Attempt to drive shot down side line.

D. Drop shot by blocking bird toward front


E. Let bird drop down below waist.

IV. Lob Shots

A. Make a lob "clear"-that is make it high and long.

1. High enough to clear opponent's maximum reach.

2. Within 5 feet of back line.

B. A lob which falls in center court is a lost point.

c. After lobbing-hurry to center court position. D. An excellent defensive maneuver to recover position.

E. Try to disguise shot when possible. V. Soft Shots

A. Should always be aimed with 12 inches of junction of net and side line.

B. Should be aimed within 4 inches of top of


c. When playing a soft shot from the opponent, a good policy is to try to drop the shot in the opposite corner by a low flat shot along the net.

D. The soft shot can be delayed to add deception.

E. Use the soft shot mixed with other shots— vary the play.

VI. The Smash

A. Should be for an ace.
B. Hit full and hard.

c. Alternative placements:

1. Along forehand side line.
2. Along backhand sideline.
3. At opponent's feet.

D. Try to force opponent to raise his return shot for a second smash.

E. Must be used at proper moment for efficiency. F. Play all short lobs or short lob services with a smash.

G. Is not fully effective from back court. VII. General Tactics

A. Maintain center court position.

B. Disguise your intention on every shot possible.

c. Make your opponent declare himself—then hit behind him.

D. Don't allow your footwork to betray you.
E. Try to anticipate your opponent.

F. Vary the game-don't use the same stroke in the same situation every time it occurs.

G. Use the wrist as a swivel for quick directional changes of shots.

H. Smash for put-away shots.

1. The best defense against a smash is to simply block it.

J. The best defense is a good offense.
K. Watch the bird closely.

L. Nearly every player has a habituated reaction to certain situations-use them to your advantage.

New Publications in the Leisure Time Field

"First Aids for the Naturalist That

Fit the Pocketbook"

Some inexpensive nature material by William Gould Vinal. W. F. Humphrey Press Inc., Geneva, New York.


ATURE RECREATION IN A NUTSHELL" might well be the title of this collection of material which playground leaders who are developing nature activities will find invaluable. The following inexpensive leaflets and pamphlets are available: Nature Games, 1936, 32 pages, 10 cents each-in quantities of 100, 8 cents each; The Nature Guides Dictionary, 1936, 17 pages, 10 cents each -in quantities of 100, 8 cents each; Bird Calendar, Key and Check-List, 1937, two for 5 cents-in quantities of 100. 2 cents each; Tree Calendar, Key and Check-List, 1937, two for 5 cents-in quantities of 100, 2 cents each.

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Touring with Tent and Trailer

By Winfield A. Kimball and Maurice H. Decker. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York City. $2.50. F YOU ARE PLANNING a tour with tent and trailer, your first investment may well be this book which will tell you how to travel comfortably, enjoyably and economically! It will save the new trailer tourist many mistakes by telling him what not to take, how and where to camp and other essentials of touring. The book gives an outline of the best travel routes and hints for caring for the motor while traveling. There are special chapters on women motor campers and camping with small children.

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Dramatic Tournaments in the
Secondary Schools

By Magdalene E. Kramer, Ph.D. Bureau of Publications,
Teachers' College, Columbia University. $1.85.


"HE DRAMATIC TOURNAMENT, as an activity in the secondary schools, is rapidly expanding and is absorbing an increasing amount of the time and energy of both students and teachers. Furthermore, it is the center of a controversy which has arisen among educators regarding the evils and the values alleged to be associated with it.” With these facts in mind the author sets out to determine what are the educational values of the tournament in order to make specific recommendations regarding the place of such tournaments in the secondary school program. A careful inquiry as to actual practice in this field has been made and the resulting facts set forth. Teachers and directors of tournaments have been quizzed and their opinions are listed and appraised. Interesting and important questions are raised. How are tournaments organized and conducted? What is the effect of the extra work load on students and teachers? How are tournament judges chosen? What awards are given? What is the effect of competition in tournaments? What are the real educational values of such tournaments? These and many other questions are answered in the questionnaires from the field and evaluated by the author.

[blocks in formation]

ERE IS A HANBDOOK of stunts and games which may be played anywhere at any time with little preparation

or equipment. In addition to the mental games offered, there is an interesting account of the origin of numbers.


Preventing Crime.


A Symposium. Edited by Sheldon and Eleanor
Glueck. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New
York City. $4.00.

One of the most hopeful signs of the time is the growing interest on the part of all classes of citizens in the question of delinquency and crime prevention. Citizens' organizations of many kinds are being formed throughout the country and many books have recently been written on the subject. One of the most comprehensive of these publications is Preventing Crime by the Gluecks. It is a volume of more than 500 pages dealing with the philosophy and principles of crime prevention and the various methods which have been devised to cope with the delinquency problem. The types of experience have been carefully selected and grouped under six major headings, with examples of each. These headings are: Coordinated Community Programs; School Programs; Police Programs; Intra-Mural Guidance Programs; Extra-Mural Guidance Programs; Boys' Clubs and Recreation Programs. As a guide for workers the Gluecks set down definite principles for crime prevention. A study of these programs indicates clearly that there is no one complete answer to the delinquency prevention problem and that there is necessity for more complete coordination of all preventive agencies. The evidence of aroused citizen interest and of a new experimental attitude is encouraging.

Costumes for the Dance.

By Betty Joiner. A. S. Barnes and Company, New
York City. $2.75.

The purpose of this book is "to aid the teacher and dancer to appreciate and achieve the definite unity between the design of the dance and the design of the costume." There are six plates in full color containing ten individual costumes together wtih forty-eight line and wash drawings. The pattern drawings and directions on how to make costumes out of inexpensive material make the book esssentially practical.

A Directory of Organiations in the Field of
Public Administration-1936.

Public Administration Clearing House, 850 E. 58th
St., Chicago, Ill. $1.00.

The past few decades have seen an impressive growth in the number of voluntary associations, organizations and agencies concerned with questions of public administration. This volume lists and describes more than 500 national organizations of public officials and national organizations active in this important field, including some thirty or more formed since 1934. The directory is a guide to sources of information on all types of governmental problems.

The Picnic.

Story by James S. Tippett. Illustrations by Samuel J. Brown. E. M. Hale and Company, Milwaukee. $.15.

Here is another of the Picture Scripts series issued under the sponsorship of the cooperating editors at Lincoln School, Teachers College, Columbia University. This time it is a jolly, delightfully illustrated booklet showing little Negro children on a picnic.

The American School and University-1937.

American School Publishing Corporation, 470 Fourth
Avenue, New York, N. Y. $5.00.

The increasing emphasis upon play in the school curriculum and the growing community use of school buildings are reflected in the ninth annual edition of this publication. Recreation workers will find much of interest throughout the entire volume. Of special value, however, are such articles as: "Principles of Effective Plant


ing of School Grounds" which contains many practical suggestions which are applicable to play areas: Score Card for Measuring Physical Education Facilities" which suggests the relative value of various features of physical education buildings; and the practical and very helpful article "Outdoor Areas and Facilities for Physical Education-Their Planning and Maintenance" which is accompanied by excellent illustrations and plans of school play areas in Pasadena, California. Particularly useful also is the comprehensive directory of university, college and school officials and the list of architects and landscape architects who have had experience in the designing of school grounds and buildings. The entire volume is logically and attractively arranged, carefully indexed, and should be a valuable addition to the reference library.

Play Days.

By Clara I. Judson. Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., New
York City.

The happy adventures of three very small playmates are described in this charmingly illustrated book which is addressed to children.

Designing with Wild Flowers.

By Nettie S. Smith. Obtainable from the Girl Scout Equipment Service, 14 West 49th Street, New York. $.95.

"An excellent book has just come to our attention that will be of inestimable help to those timid souls who 'cant draw a straight line' and just know they can't create their own designs. It is Designing with Wild Flowers by Nettie S. Smith. The steps by which a naturalistic flower drawing may be conventionalized into simple patterns are made so interesting and so exciting that we wonder why we haven't had the fun of playing this game brought to our attention long before this. To us it looks as though Miss Smith might have been observing Dr. Vinal and Mr. Staples at their pranks and had put her observations into this charming book."— Reviewed by Chester G. Marsh.

Officers and Directors of the National Recreation Association


JOSEPH LEE, President
JOHN H. FINLEY, First Vice-President
JOHN G. WINANT, Second Vice-President
ROBERT GARRETT, Third Vice-President


F. GREGG BEMIS, Boston, Mass.
MRS. EDWARD W. BIDDLE, Carlisle, Pa.
HENRY L. CORBETT, Portland, Ore.

MRS. ARTHUR G. CUMMER, Jacksonville, Fla.
F. TRUBEE DAVISON, Locust Valley, L. Í., N. Y.
JOHN H. FINLEY, New York, N. Y.

ROBERT GARRETT, Baltimore, Md.



MRS. CHARLES V. HICKOX, Michigan City, Ind.


H. MCK. LANDON, Índianapolis, Ind.
MRS. CHARLES D. LANIER, Greenwich, Conn.
JOSEPH LEE, Boston, Mass.


J. H. MCCURDY, Springfield, Mass.
OTTO T. MALLERY, Philadelphia, Pa.
WALTER A. MAY, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CARL E. MILLIKEN, Augusta, Me.
MRS. OGDEN L. MILLS, Woodbury, N. Y.

MRS. JAMES W. WADSWORTH, Washington, D. C.

J. C. WALSH, New York, N. Y.

JOHN G. WINANT, Concord, N. H.

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