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before the time it would be in flower. This naturally induces an earlier second growth, which will come into bloom in good time to take the place of the plants not subjected to the same treatment.

I have thus grown this Delphinium with varied success for the last three years, keeping the plants in reserve-beds over winter, and transplanting them about the end of April, by which time the flower-stems are well developed; and the operation serves the purpose of retarding them considerably, especially if a good part of the roots are cut off in the process.

I am now inclined to think that the same result might be better effected by using only seedlings of the preceding year. By raising them from two or more distinct sowings, there is little doubt that a succession of superb blue spikes might be obtained from June to November; and I think it would be interesting to many readers of "The Journal of Horticulture" if some correspondent would show a little light on the subject.

Another blue bedder, the merits of which I think are but scantily appreciated, is the beautiful little Cape aster (Agathæa cœlestis). Its tidy habit, darkgreen foliage, and sky-blue, star-like flowers, all indicate it as a plant almost worthy of its name, — certainly of more patronage than it has yet received. – Ayrshire Gardener.

SOWING PENtstemon-Seed.

The seeds should be sown in May, in pans well drained, and filled to the rim, or nearly so, with light turfy loam. Scatter the seeds over the surface after having made it smooth, and cover with fine soil to the depth of a quarter of an inch. The pan may then have a gentle watering, and be placed in a cold frame, or on the front-shelf of a greenhouse; shading it from sun, so as to keep the surface moist until the plants appear; then discontinue shading, and admit air freely. Keep moist; and, when the plants are large enough to handle, prick them off in a bed in the open ground, shading for a few days until established, and finally planting out where required.

CYCLAMEN PERSICUM CULTURE. Sow the seed in February. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, prick into small 60-pots; giving the last shift into large 60's, which are quite large enough for the first year.

From the time the seed is up, the plants should be kept in a moist, growing temperature, but by no means with a confined atmosphere; and, at the end of ten or twelve months, fine blooming plants can be had.

After the blooming period, the plants should not be allowed to become dry at any time of the year, or to be exposed to the mercy of the weather during the summer months. When they show signs of starting, they should be repotted, but without destroying any of the roots; and as little as possible of the old soil is removed. Keep them in a cool house, with a free circulation of air.

A good way to preserve them during the resting-season is to bury the bulb, as soon as the foliage decays, in the flower-border, covering it (pot and all) with about a foot of earth. Let it remain until October; take it up and repot: it will be found fresh, and in good condition.


CHINESE POTAto, or Japanese YAM (Dioscorea batatas).

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- Stem twelve feet or more in length, of a creeping or climbing habit; leaves heart-shaped, though sometimes halberd-formed; flowers small, in clusters, white. The roots are club-shaped, about two feet in length, two inches and a half in their largest diameter, of a rusty white or yellowish color without, remarkably white within, very mucilaginous, and so easily broken, that they are rarely taken from the ground in a perfect state.

Propagation and Cultivation.- The Chinese potato requires a deep, light, rather sandy, and tolerably rich soil; and this should be thoroughly stirred to the depth of at least two feet. No fresh manure should be used; but fine, welldecomposed compost applied, and deeply as well as thoroughly incorporated with the soil; avoiding however, if possible, its direct contact with the growing roots. It is propagated either by small roots; by the top or neck of the large roots, cut off to the length of five or six inches; or by the small bulbs, or tubers, which the plants produce in considerable numbers on the stem, in the axils of the leaves. These should be planted the last of April, or as soon as the ground is in good working condition. Lay out the land in raised ridges two feet and a half or three feet asunder, and on the summit set the bulbs, or tubers, with the point or shoot upwards, eight or ten inches apart, and cover about an inch deep. Cultivate in the usual manner during the summer; and late in autumn, after the tops are dead, and just before the closing-up of the ground, take up the roots, dry them a short time in the sun, and store in the cellar for use. The roots are perfectly hardy, and will sustain no injury from the coldest winter if left unprotected in the open ground. During the second season, the growth of the old root is not continued, but gradually decays as the new roots are formed.

Use. The roots are eaten either boiled or roasted, and require rather more than half the time for cooking that is usually given to the boiling or roasting of the common potato. When cooked, they possess a rice-like taste and consistency, are quite farinaceous, and unquestionably nutritive and valuable for food.

Though strongly recommended as a vegetable likely to become a substitute for the potato, the cost of preparing the ground for planting is so great, the harvesting is so difficult and laborious, and the yield is generally so small, that the plant must be classed as one not worthy of cultivation. — F. Burr, Jun.

TAKING UP TULIPS, ANEMONES, AND RANUNCULUSES, AFTER FLOWERING.- The bulbs and roots of these plants may be taken up after flowering, and when the foliage turns yellow, as they are then perfected. They may be dried a little on a shelf in a cool, airy shed, and, when dry, stored away in sand. It does not injure them much, if at all, if they are mature when taken up, and they are planted early in autumn.

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This charming shrub

STUARTIA PENTAGYNIA (Five-styled Stuartia).· pleases us more and more every year. We know not which is more pleasing, the elegance of foliage, or the beauty of the flower. The bud is very beautiful, especially when half expanded. Altogether, it is one of the most valuable ornamental shrubs, and should be extensively planted.

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CHUFA, OR EARTH ALMOND (Cyperus esculentus). A perennial plant, from the south of Europe. The roots are long and fibrous, and produce at their extremities numerous small, rounded or oblong, jointed, pale-brown tubers, of the size of a filbert. The flesh of these roots, or tubers, is of a yellowish color, tender, and of a pleasant, sweet, and nut-like flavor. The leaves are rush-like, about eighteen inches high, a little rough, and sharply pointed. The flowerstalks are nearly of the same height as the leaves, three-cornered, hard, and leafless, with the exception of five or six leaf-like bracts at the top, from the midst of which are produced the spikelets of flowers, which are of a pale-yellow color.

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Propagation and Culture. -It is propagated by planting the tubers in April or May, two inches deep, in drills two feet apart, and six inches apart in the drills. They will be ready for harvesting in October. In warm climates, the plant, when once introduced into the garden, spreads with great rapidity, and is exterminated with much difficulty. In the Northern and Middle States, the tubers remaining in the open ground are almost invariably destroyed by the winter.

Use. It is cultivated for its small, almond-like tubers, which, when dried, have somewhat the taste of the almond, and keep a long period. They are eaten either raw or roasted.

When dried and pulverized, they are said to impart to water the color and richness of milk.-F. Burr, Jun.

Castle-KennEDY FIG. - We find in "L'Illustration Horticole" a fine representation of this excellent and popular variety. This fruit has existed at Castle Kennedy, Scotland, for more than a century; and its origin is unknown.

Its great value is its earliness, and the facility with which it can be forced. It is, under similar treatment, a fortnight earlier than the White Marseilles, — the earliest variety of any value, three weeks earlier than the Brown Turkey, and more than a month earlier than the Brunswick. The fruit is thus described:

Of the largest size, turbinate or somewhat obovate; the skin of a pale dingy brown on the half nearest the eye, and of a greenish yellow on the half towards the stalk, the brown part being mottled with ashy-gray specks. The flesh, when fully ripe, is of a dull opaline color, with the slightest tinge of red towards the eye; very melting, and of good flavor.

When within a few days of being ripe, a clear, honey-like substance, of exquisite flavor, begins to drop from the eye of each fruit. When quite ripe, this substance becomes somewhat viscid, hanging like an elongated dewdrop from half an inch to three-quarters in length, giving a very remarkable appearance to the fruit.

The Annual Exhibition of the Lake-shore Grape-growers' Association, Ohio, will be held at Elyria, Oct. 15, 16, and 17. Mr. Bateham, the secretary, says, "The prospects of the coming grape-crop are reported as very favorable in all parts of the county; and a very hopeful feeling exists in regard to the future of grape-culture, especially in the Lake-shore region."

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TUBEROUS-ROƆted TropŒolum (Ysano. — Tropæolum tuberosum).

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is a perennial plant from Peru, and deserves mention as a recently-introduced esculent. It produces an abundance of handsome yellow and red tubers, about the size of small pears, the taste of which is not, however, very agreeable. On this account, a particular mode of treatment has been adopted in Bolivia, where, according to M. Decaisne, they are treated in the following manner :

The tubers designated "Ysano," at La Paz, require to be prepared before they are edible. Indeed, when prepared like potatoes, and immediately after being taken up, their taste is very disagreeable. But a mode of making them palatable was discovered in Bolivia; and the ysano has there become, if not a common vegetable, at least one which is quite edible. The means of making them so consists in freezing them after they have been cooked; and they are eaten when frozen. In this state it is said that they constitute an agreeable dish, and that scarcely a day passes at La Paz without two lines of dealers being engaged in selling the ysano, which they protect from the action of the sun by enveloping it in a woollen cloth and straw. Large quantities are eaten sopped in treacle, and taken as refreshment during the heat of the day.

Propagation and Culture. The plant may be propagated by pieces of the tubers in the same manner as potatoes, an eye being preserved on each piece. The sets should be planted in April or May, according to the season, about four feet apart, in light, rich soil. The stems may be allowed to trail along the ground, or pea-sticks may be placed for their support. In dry soils and seasons, the former method should be adopted; in those which are moist, the latter. The tubers are taken up in October, when the leaves begin to decay, and stored in sand. — F. Burr, Jun.

"The Floral Magazine" for June figures AURICULA PETER CAMPBELL.

A fine florist's variety, with a bright-green

edge, and dark crimson-brown ground-color. EARLY TULIPS (La Plaisante and Van Spaindonck). — The former, goldenyellow, barred at the sides with crimson, and a broad flame of crimson-lilac in the centre of each petal; the latter, cream-color, slightly stained with green, flamed and barred with lilac-crimson.

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ODENTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ. One of the loveliest of the cool-house orchids, which thrives under the same treatment as its congeners; requiring an abundant supply of water when growing freely, the soil never being dry. In summer, they should be carefully shaded from sunshine, and a moist temperature maintained; the night temperature being then 15° or 20° lower than the day temperature. In winter, little or no water should be given, and the atmosphere be kept as dry as possible. The temperature in winter should be about 50°, and in summer from 60° to 80.

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HIPPEASTRUM PARDINUM. - A remarkable addition to this portion of the Amaryllis family, sent from Peru to Messrs. Veitch. The flowers are from six to seven inches in diameter, very spreading and open, spotted all over with dark crimson-red dots on a cream-colored ground. The plant is peculiar in expansion, in color, and in marking. It flourishes under the usual modes of culture of the family.

TARRAGON (Artemesia dracunculus). A hardy, perennial plant, said to be a native of Siberia. Stalk herbaceous, about three feet in height; the leaves are long, narrow, pointed, smooth, and highly aromatic; the flowers are small, somewhat globular, greenish, and generally infertile. There is but one variety.

Soil, Planting, and Culture. — As the plants seldom produce seed, tarragon is usually propagated by dividing the roots. Select a warm and comparatively dry situation; stir the ground deeply and thoroughly, and in April set the roots in rows fifteen inches apart, ten or twelve inches apart in the rows, and cover two or three inches deep. They will soon send up vigorous shoots, which may

be cut for use the first season.

It is sometimes increased by cuttings, set three or four inches deep in moist earth. If seeds can be obtained, they should be sown in April or May, in a nursery-bed or in a common frame. Sow in shallow drills six or eight inches apart; and, when the plants are three or four inches high, set them out as directed for the roots. They will early become strong and stocky, and may be used in August or September. The plants are more healthy, yield more abundantly, and are of finer quality, when not allowed to run to flower.

Use. -"Tarragon is cultivated for its leaves and the points of its young shoots, both of which are used as ingredients in salads, soups, stews, pickles, and other compounds. Tarragon-vinegar, so much esteemed as a fish-sauce, is made by infusion of the leaves in common vinegar. It is also added to most salads to correct their coldness. Three or four plants will be sufficient for a family."- F. Burr, Jun.

In Curtis's "Botanical Magazine" for May, we find the following plants figured:

DALECHAMPIA REZLIANA (Razl's Dalechampia). — A superb plant, native of Vera Cruz; an erect shrub, with bright-green leaves. The beauty of the plant lies in the bright rosy involucres which surround the flowers, and which entitle it to rank in splendor with the Bougainvilloaæ.

This species,

AGAVE SCHIDIGERA (Splintered-leaved Century Plant). nearly allied to A. filifera, flowered in England last January. The flowers are green, about three inches long. As an ornamental plant, it may well claim a place in collections.

This species, re

GOMPHIA THEOPHRASTA (Theophrasta-like Gomphia). cently introduced from South America, is a small stove-shrub, producing panicles of pale greenish-yellow flowers.

- A handsome or

EPIDENDRUM EBERNEUM (Ivory-flowered Epidendrum). chid, discovered on the line of the Panama Railroad in 1866. The sepals are of a pale citron-green; the lip large, spreading, and ivory-white.

MYRTUS CHEKEN. An evergreen myrtle from Chili, with white flowers, which may prove hardy in the Southern States. It forms a pretty thick-spreading bush, plentifully furnished with starry flowers.

"The Dayton (O.) Journal" says it is estimated that the peach-crop in the Miami Valley this season will be greater than for a dozen years before.

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