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303 Tamworth 8s, 7s & 4s.



Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious; See the Man of sor-rows

O 3 64

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Crown Him! crown Him! Crown Him! crown Him! Crowns become the Victor's brow. A-MEN.

2 Crown the Savior, angels, crown Him!
Rich the trophies Jesus brings;
In the seat of power enthrone Him,
While the vault of heaven rings:

:Crown Him! crown Him! :|| Crown the Saviour King of Kings! 3 Sinners in derision crowned Him,

Mocking thus the Saviour's claim; Saints and angels, crowd around Him!


Own His title, praise His name!

||:Crown Him! crown Him!: || Spread abroad the Victor's fame.

4 Hark, those bursts of acclamation!
Hark, those loud, triumphant chords!
Jesus takes the highest station;
Oh, what joy the sight affords!
:Crown Him! crown Him!:
King of kings and Lord of lords!
Thomas Kelly, 1806.


10 come, all ye faithful, triumphantly sing!
Come, see in the manger, the angels' dread King!
To Bethlehem hasten, with joyful accord;

O hasten! O hasten! to worship the Lord.

2 True Son of the Father, He comes from the skies;
The womb of the Virgin He doth not despise;
To Bethlehem hasten, with joyful accord:
O hasten! O hasten! to worship the Lord.

30 hark to the angels, all singing in heaven,
"To God in the highest, all glory be given!"
To Bethlehem hasten, with joyful accord,
O hasten! O hasten! to worship the Lord.

4 To Thee, then, O Jesus, this day of Thy birth,
Be glory and honor through heaven and earth;
True Godhead Incarnate, Omnipotent Word!
O hasten! O hasten! to worship the Lord.

Tr. by Edward Caswall, 1848.

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1. Let me come closer to Thee, Je sus, Oh! clos-er day by day,

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307 Fletcher. C. M.


1. O Jesus! sweet the tears I shed, While at Thy cross I kneel,


Gaze on Thy wounded, faint-ing head, And all Thy sor-rows feel. A-MEN.

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Kind-ly meet us, Lord, we pray, Grant us Thy re- viv - ing grace. A-MEN.

2 Yonder stars that gild the sky Shine but with a borrowed light: We, unless Thy light be nigh,

Wander, wrapt in gloomy night.

3 Sun of Righteousness! dispel

All our darkness, doubts, and fears:

310 Bristol. C. M.

May Thy light within us dwell,
Till eternal day appears.

4 Warm our hearts in prayer and praise,
Lift our every thought above;
Hear the grateful songs we raise,
Fill us with Thy perfect love.
Ray Palmer, 1859.


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1. Be-gin, my tongue, some heav'nly theme, And speak some boundless thing:

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