Je-sus standeth, watch-ing, read-y, To show the sun-shine of His face. CHORUS. O, the sun-shine, the sun-shine is for you and for me,... The sunshine of His face is for you and me, Copyright, 1912, by Chas. M. Alexander. International copyright secured. 66 Let the Lower Lights be Burning. P. P. BLISS. P. P. BLISS. more, 1. Bright-ly beams our Father's mer-cy From His light-house ev - er 2. Dark the night of sin has set-tled, Loud the angry bil-lows roar; 3. Trim your fee - ble lamp, my brother: Some poor sailor, tem- pest-tost, But to us He gives the keep-ing Of the lights along the shore. are watching, longing, For the lights along the shore. to make the har-bor, In the dark-ness may be lost. Some poor fainting, struggling seaman You may rescue, you may save. COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF THE JOHN CHURCH CO. 67 My Saviour's Guiding Hand. JULIA H. JOHNSTON. D. B. TOWNER. 1. Passing through this world, a stran-ger, Still I know my gracious Guide, my cry as-cend - ed, From the Heights He bent to hear, of Pain and Sor-row, Heav-y-laden, sore op-pressed, up-on me rest -ing, Lead-ing toward yon Bet-ter Land, 2. From the depths 3. Thro' the path 4. Day by day And the Hand that shields from dang-er, What-e'er evil may be - tide. Lift-ed up, re-deemed, be-friend-ed, Jesus' Hand still keeps me near. Point-ing to a bright-er mor- row, Jesus' Hand up-held and blessed. While the storm and temp-est breast-ing, Let me feel that guid-ing Hand. Jesus' Hand it is that guides me, With the scar that shows His love; Since His guiding Hand He gave me, All my path- way leads above. Copyright, 1912, by Chas. M. Alexander. International copyright secured, 68 He Rolls the Sea Away. EMMA PITT. D. B. TOWNER. 1. In an-cient days when Is-rael's host In dark - est bond-age lay, 2. The waves of sin swept o'er my soul, Temp-ta - tions held their sway; 3. Tho' doubts and fears ob scure my path, With Jesus I will stay; 4. Dear Je-sus, when in my last hour I face tow'rd realms of day, |