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tioned the Presbytery to sustain the call, and take the usual steps there anent. After deliberation, the Presbytery unanimously agreed to sustain the call. to meet in the church at Seaton Delaval on January 29th ; appointed Mr. Miller to preach at Seaton Delaval on Sabbath, the 25th, and serve the edict, and ordered a copy of the reasons of translation to be lodged with the clerk of the Delaval Session. Intimation of this was made to the Commissioners from Hexham, and Mr. Henderson, who were summoned to be present at the said Meeting of which the Clerk was instructed to give notice to the absent members. Messrs. Henderson, Saphir, Storie, and Dr. Toshach were appointed a Committee to examine the St. John's School, South Shields, and prepare the schedules for being submitted to the Meeting at Seaton Delaval. Messrs. Stuart and Wrightson were appointed a Committee to examine the Falstone Schools. , The Meeting closed with prayer. The Presbytery met again at Seaton Delaval on January 29th. Present: the Revs. P. L. Miller, R. Henderson, A. Saphir, J. Storie, and J. Reid; Mr. Miller, Moderator, pro. tem. The Meeting having been constituted and minutes of former Meeting read, the edict was returned, duly served and attested; and there appeared Mr. John Dodd for the Session, and Mr. Thomas P. Dods for the Congregation at Hexham; Messrs. Thomas Wilson, John Hardy, and James Tait for the Session; and Messrs. James Ord, Deacon, and T. McDougal for the Congregation at Delaval. Mr. Henderson appeared for himself. The Commissioners having been heard, the Moderator put the call from Hexham into Mr. Henderson's hands, and he intimated his willingness to accept the same. Parties were then removed, and on deliberation, considering the whole circumstances of the case, and especially the state of Mr. Henderson's health, it was moved and unanimously agreed that the Presbytery record their satisfaction with the conduct of the Session and Congregation at Seaton Delaval in connection with this call, consent to the translation of Rev. Robert Henderson to Hexham, and declare that he shall continue the pastor of the Delaval Church till he shall have been formally inducted into the Church and charge at Hexham. On this finding being intimated to the parties, they acquiesced; and the Commissioners from Hexham craved extracts, which were granted. The induction of Mr. Henderson to the Church at Hexham was appointed to take place on Wednesday, March 11th, at

twelve o'clock, moon, Mr. Saphir to preach and preside; Mr. Stuart to address the minister and people. The Committee appointed to examine the St. John's Schools gave in a written report, a copy of which the Clerk of Presbytery was instructed to transmit to the Session of St. John's. The schedule was laid on the table and examined; and the Moderator was authorised to certify and transmit it to the School Committee. The Meeting closed with prayer.


We are requested by the Session of St. George's to publish the following:At Liverpool, the 10th day of February, 1857, which day the Session of St. George's Presbyterian Church having met, was constituted with prayer, etc., etc. Inter alia. The Committee appointed at last Meeting of Session to draw up a statement in answer to the letter of remonstrance from the Presbytery's Committee having given in their Report, the Session, after deliberation and discussion, agreed to the following resolution: Resolved—“That the Session intimate to the Presbytery of Lancashire that they have received the Letter Remonstrance of date the 6th January, from the Committee appointed by the Presbytery on the 5th ovember last, and that they cordially reciprocate the feelings of friendship and affection which it breathes; but having already appealed to the Synod against the whole action of the Presbytery in regard to the use of an organ in this Congregation, they feel themselves precluded from taking any further step at present, than respectfully intimating to the Presbytery that their “Remonstrance' has been duly received, and that the Session regard their particular case as removed by dissents and complaints to the judgment of the Synod.” The Clerk was instructed to transmit a * of this resolution to the Presbytery. he Session resolved to enter said Remonstrance upon their minutes, and the following remarks upon it prepared by their Committee: 1. “The Presbytery's Committee assume the whole question in dispute between the Presbytery and this Session. The Session hold that the enactment of the Synod has not a retrospective bearing; and even though it had, yet, not having passed the Barrier Act, it is not binding upon Sessions or Congregations, and cannot be enforced in the exercise of a lawful authority.


2. “That while the Session entirely agree ciples,' and 'to direct attention to the with the Committee that it is the duty of greater advantages which we enjoy in the the subordinate courts of the Church to government and discipline vested in our yield obedience to the lawful authority of courts,' if the various denominations see their superior courts, they believe that all that that so-called superiority, and those the steps taken by them in this matter supposed advantages, are consistent with have been strictly constitutional, and that the interdicting of instrumental music in instead of resisting they have been up the worship of God, or the prohibition of holding the lawful authority of their su- / whatever those Church courts may disapperior Church courts, regulated and deter prove, without reference made or pretended mined, as that authority must always be, to any divine authority or scriptural obliby the laws of Christ, and the great safe gation. The probability is that thesevarious guards of the Church's constitution. denominations would regard such courts as

3. “The Session deprecate as sincerely acting the part of lords over God's herias the Committee any procedure that is tage, instead of being helpers of its faith, fitted to cause or increase discord in our and would leave that superiority and those Presbyterian Church,' or 'that would advantages to the Presbyterian Church in tend to foster & spirit of strife which | England. might prove hurtful to the interests of 5. “The Session cannot conceive upon religion amongst us.' The Session deny | what grounds it is that the Committee state that they have been the cause of any strife, their confident belief that the Session would or discord in the Church. They were not secure the increased esteem of their people' the first to sanction the introduction of by removing the organ, while it is manifest instrumental music in the worship of God that the very reverse would be the result. within the bounds of the Synod; it had It was introduced at the instance of the been used for many years, without let or Congregation, and the Session have a right hindrance, in other Congregations con- to say that they know best the opinions nected with our Synod, and it had pre- and feelings of the Congregation on this viously been allowed and sanctioned by matter, and that they (the Congregation) the Presbytery of Lancashire itself; and are unanimous in their determination lawthe Session believe that if this question of fully, to retain the use of the organ, which the introduction of an organ in St. George's) they have found from experience to be so had not been mooted in the Presbytery, no beneficial. The views of the Congregation disturbance would have arisen from it, on this question have been frequently more than from those cases where instru: brought under the notice of the Presbytery ments were previously and still are used. by members of this Session ; but the PresAnd the Session humbly submit that if bytery's Committee appear entirely to misliberty in this matter be continued as here- understand or ignore those views, when tofore, it would bring the Church in all its they state a confident belief which is clearly parts into harmonious working with its in opposition to any reasonable deduction avowed constitution, and would greatly from the facts of the case.” tend to its progress and stability.

And inasmuch as the Letter of Remon4. “The Session hold the distinctive strance was published in the “Messenger" principles of Presbyterian government, and for this month, without the authority of in their practice have always endeavoured the Presbytery and contrary to usual practo maintain and promote those principles ; tice, the Session instruct the Clerk to get but, at the same time, they conscientiously the foregoing remarks upon it printed for believe that there is nothing in the judicious circulation. Itse of an organ that does in any way or Extracted from the Records of St. degree infringe or compromise Presbyterian George's Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, polity or discipline. On the contrary, it is by in accordance with the principles, and is

JAMES ADAM, Session Clerk. found in the practice of almost all the Presbyterian Churches in Christendom. And the Session are persuaded that nothing SIR,-Allow me to state that the reason can so tend to bring 'reproach upon us as why Etal Cash Book was not "produced” a community holding distinctive principles at the Meeting of the Presbytery of Berof Church government,' and that nothing wick, on the 25th of November, according is so seriously fitted to hinder the progress to the Report of the proceedings in the of those principles themselves, as an undue last number of the “Messenger," was simply interference with the Christian liberty of the absence of the Treasurer. I may add Congregations in matters of indifference, that it, along with the other Session Books, and in which it is impossible to appeal to had been "produced" twice previously, any law of Christ. It will be in vain for when, owing to other business, the Presbyus to talk of the superiority of our prin- tery had not time to examine and attest

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GRRENwich.-The Annual Meeting of the Congregation was held in the Church on the evening of 4th February. After tea the chair was taken at seven o'clock by the Rev. G. J. C. Duncan, the Minister, who opened the Meeting with devotional exercises. The Office-bearer's Report showed a greater degree of steadiness than formerly in the financial arrangements; also, that a Ladies'-Work Society had been instituted for the purpose of supplying with decent clothing, aged indigent persons connected with the Congregation, and the more destitute of the children attending the school, which was reported to be increasing. Measures were being taken to establish a Congregational Library. Collections had been made for all the Synod's schemes: there had also been collections in aid of the London City Mission, and the Sabbath Defence Association. Mr. Christopher Blake, lately a Deacon of the Free Church, Calcutta, was then elected a Deacon of the Congregation. From the Liquidation of Debt Report, it appeared that various liabilities had been paid off, as well as £50 from the Mortgage Debt, thereby reducing the latter to £550. The Rev. Mr. Chalmers, of Marylebone, addressed the Meeting on the subject of these Reports, urging very powerfully the duty of Congregations to provide a suitable maintenance for the Ministry, the want of which, with the inadequate ideas now abroad on that subject, threaten to deter many promising young men from entering the Ministry, as thereby they might be entailing on themselves a life of disappointment and privation, injurious alike to their own comfort and respectability, and to the efficient discharge of Ministerial Duty. The Report of the School Committee was next read, which proposed that on the vacant ground in the rear of the Church, a School-house should be erected for the education of girls, an institution of this kind being much wanted in the locality; the estimated costs, about £800, to be raised in instalments, so as not to interfere with the ordinary revenue of the Church, and with the exertions now in

The Rev. Dr. Weir, of Islington, in supporting the Report, urged the duty of providing a sound Scriptural and useful education for the class contemplated, always keeping in view the previous obligations to maintain the Ordinances of Religion, with a suitable provision for the Ministry, and to extinguish as speedily as possible the remainder of the debt on the Church. The Report was adopted unanimously, and a Committee appointed to carry out its objects. Thanks were voted to the Revs. Dr. Weir and Mr. Chalmers, for their excellent addresses; and to the Rev. Mr. Duncan, with whom sympathy was expressed, he having been obliged to leave the Meeting early, owing to a domestic affliction. North SHIELDs.-On Tuesday evening, the 17th February, a social Meeting of the Scotch Church Congregation was held in the lower School-room, Howard Street. After tea, Rev. C. A. Mackenzie took the chair. The assemblage was a large and highly-respectable one; and on the platform there appeared, among others, Rev. W. Wrightson, Rev. A. Hardie, Rev. G. Hallatt, Rev. A. Jack, Dr. Emmerson, Dr. Cyle, &c. &c. The special business of the evening opened with the reading of the first Annual Reportof the Building Fund, which was of the most satisfactory character. The central principle on which this fund proceeds is, that every member and adherent of the Congregation contribute a penny each week; and by means of these pence and one or two donations, it appeared that the Congregation had raised during the year, the sum of £140 10s 10d. Part of this falls to be devoted to the heating, ventilating, &c. of the Church; but the fund is mainly intended to compass the erection of a Mission-school and Lecture-room, in a populous and destitute locality. After the reading of the Report, various resolutions were moved and seconded by Messrs. S. Kerr, W. Douglas, D. Miller, G. Innes, J. Mayor, Dr. Emmerson, and J. Hedley; and able and effective addresses were delivered by Revs. A. Hardie, A. Jack, and W. Wrightson. Cordial votes of thanks were passed to the Collectors, to the Ladies who had presided at the tea-table, and to the choir; and a Committee having been appointed to co-operate with the Session, in selecting and securing a site for the Mission-school, the large assemblage dismissed after a most pleasant evening. CHELSEA—YouNG MEN's Association. —A deeply interesting Meeting was held in this Church on Monday evening, the 9th ult., when China, as a field for Christian Missions, was fully considered. The Rev. Thomas Alexander, M.A. presided. After praise and prayer, the chairman stated that

orogress for the liquidation of the debt.

the Meeting originated entirely with the

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Young Men's Association, and that he highly approved of their determination and the object sought to be attained. Mr. Robertson, who had himself been in China, addressed the Meeting. He came, he said, like one of the spies whom Moses sent to spy out the land of Canaan, and who brought up an evil report, his lot was to be put in the back-ground and show the unfavourable features presented by China to Christian Missions, arising from the variable mature of the climate, the conceited character of the inhabitants, the jealousies | rising from frequent and painful disputes between the natives and ourselves, and also from the very reprehensible manner of condicting our opium trade. After explaining the inadequacy of a Missionary's ordinary salary in China (from £200 to £250 per annum), to enable him to assume and maintain the position which is generally esteemed necessary for a Christian Minister in any country, to occupy and to exert

a proper influence—he sat down to give

place, as he said, to the Rev. J. Baillie, who spoke for a short time upon the *Claims of China upon the English Presbyterian Church;” solemnly dilating on the fact of its vast uncared-for population 300,000,000 souls ignorant of the knowledge of Christ), instanced W. Carey's saying, “I will go down the pit if you will bold the rope:” and showed in a soulstirring manner what was the duty of Christian Churches in reference to China. Mr. Mackintosh (of the English Presbytorian College) gave a condensed statement of the history of China Missions, from the Jesuit Xavier to Morison downwards, economenting upon the patient and prospersus literary labours in China of Morison, Butterworth, Milne, and others, in forming * Lexicon, translating the Bible and tracts into Chinese, bringing down his remarks to the present faithful labourers in Christ's esuse in China, from the English Presbyterian Church. Mr. Dinwiddie (also from the English Presbyterian College) conchded in an excellent speech, pointing out the “favourable feature of China for Christian Missions:” remarking on the open door to Christian effort from the fact that five seaports were now open to our commerce, and how much it were to be wished that British merchants were also Christian Missionaries—that commerce should be sanctified to the Gospel. The hopeful aspect of the present insurrection in China arose from the fact not that it was y religious or political, but that the ental principles of Christianity were admitted, and believed in by its leaders. Another cheering circumstance was, that of the hieroglyphical language of the country having been reduced to the

same level as that of other foreign countries, and in some degree rendered more simple from the fact of its varying less in different parts of the country, than that of India. Also the mode of thought and religion are one; likewise the climate is certainly not so bad as many other spheres of Missionary enterprise. DUDLEY.—The Annual Tea Meeting in connection with the Sabbath-schools was held in the School-room on January 2nd. The large room, which was tastefully decorated, was, as usual on such occasions completely filled by a very respectable auditory. After tea, very suitable and interesting addresses were delivered by the Revs. G. Lewis, Pastor of the Church; W. Cocker; Maugham; John Davis, of St. Edmund's; S. M. Coombs, of Gormal; T. Macpherson, of Birmingham; W. Tullo, of Smethwick; and E. Hollier, Esq., President of the Mechanics’ Institution. The evening's proceedings were very agreeably diversified by the introduction of a selection of sacred music. The annual examination of the School was held on the 23rd December, in the presence of a numerous attendance of visitors. The School, numbering about 100 scholars, was divided into classes, each of which were minutely examined. The answering of the higher classes on arithmetic and grammar was especially gratifying, manifesting very careful attention to those branches; whilst the spelling, reading and writing classes also acquitted themselves most creditably. The recitations of some of the higher scholars were given in a style, and with a finish and precision, seldom attained by such young children. The numerous specimens of plain and fancy needlework shown on tables throughout the room, gave evidence that this useful acquirement had been carefully taught in the female department. At the close, the Rev. G. Lewis introduced the Rev. T. Macherson, of Birmingham, and the Rev. W. H. of Smethwick, who had been deputed by the Presbytery of Birmingham to report as to the efficiency of the School. Both expressed themselves as greatly gratified on the occasion, and very warmly commended both teachers and scholars on the highly creditable character of the whole examination. It should be added, that all the scholars were subjected also to a careful examination in Scripture, and that the general answering was such as to indicate that their religious instruction had been minutely and regularly attended to. Scotch CHURCH, LoNDoN WALL-The annual social Meeting of this Congregation was held on the evening of Wednesday, the 18th of February, in the library of the Baptist Mission-house, Moorgatestreet; the Rev. W. Ballantyne, Minister

of the Congregation, in the chair. On no carried into operation. The old Congreformer occasion has there been so nume- gation of London Wall has many claiins rous an attendance of members and friends, on the sympathy and support of the Chrisor a deeper interest manifested in the pro tian community, and especially of Presbyceedings; considering the peculiar circum- terians ; and we cannot help thinking that stances in which the people of London in the estimation of a very numerous class, Wall are placed, destined as they are to the resolution to abolish seat rents and leave their present place of worship in a few provide an open door for all who choose to months, and engaged in the arduous duty come and hear the Gospel, will not be the of erecting a new Church, the presence of least of its recommendations to a place in so large and interested an andience was their prayers and a call upon their libefelt to be highly encouraging, and calcu- rality. We trust that the Congregation, lated in no small degree to strengthen the which is meeting the present emergency hands of the Minister and Office-bearers. manfully, will receive encouragement and After a suitable opening address from the material aid, from their Christian brethren Chairman, a Report embracing many all over the country. details connected with the Financial, Sabo LEEDS.—The Members and friends of bath School, Missionary, and other schemes this Congregation lately waited on the Rev. of the Church, including the labours of the G. W. Adam, and presented him with a Local Missionary, the operations of the handsome salver and an elegant tea and Dorcas Society, and the continued progress coffee service on the occasion of his leaving of the Young Men's Society, was laid be- Leeds. Alexander Blackie, Esq., who was fore the Meeting. Interesting addresses called to the chair, said that they all deeply were then delivered by various gentlemen ; regretted the step Mr. Adam had taken, by Messrs. Anderson and Forbes, chiefly for they entertained for him the highest on finance; by Mr. R. R. Glover, on the esteem both as a man and a minister. Their Schemes of the Church; and by Mr. Oliver beautiful church was a standing memorial on the Sabbath Schools. Mr. Miller read of his perseverance and active labour. Mr. a Report from the Church Building Com- Kirkhope, the oldest member of the Conmittee, detailing the progress which had gregation, made the presentation, which been made towards the erection of the new bore the following inscription :-“Preplace of worship in De Beauvoir Town, sented, a salver, with tea and coffee service, from which it appeared that upwards of to the Rev. Geo. W. Adam, late Minister £1,300 has already been subscribed, with of St. Columba's Church, by the Members a great deal more in prospect ; that prepa- and friends of the Congregation, as a token rations are in progress for a Ladies' Bazaar, of their appreciation of his high personal in aid of the Building Fund; and that some qualities as a man, and of his gifts and progress has been made with the building graces as a Minister ; of their love and of the Church, which, it is anticipated, will esteem for him as a Pastor, and of their be completed in the month of June. Messrs. gratitude for his invaluable services on George Grant and A. Richardson urged behalf of the erection of their church. the claims of the new Church, and pressed Leeds, Jan. 29th, 1857.” Mr. Adam made upon the Congregation the necessity of con- a feeling and suitable reply, in which he tinued liberality, in order that at its com- adverted to his labours in Leeds, the kind pletion the building might be as free as friends he was about to leave in it, and conpossible from debt. Mr. Brown afterwards cluded by expressing an earnest wish for addressed the Meeting on the subject of the prosperity of the Congregation. pew-rents, and stated that in all probability, REGENT SQUAKE, LONDON.—The Anihough the Office-bearers had as yet come to nual Meeting of this Congregation was no resolution on the subject, the system held in the Music Hall, Store Street, Febof seat rents would be entirely aban-ruary 5th, 1857, Dr. Hamilton in the doned when they took possession of the chair. It appeared from the Report that new church in De Beauvoir Town,-leav. there had been contributed for various ing the necessary revenue to be raised | Missionary objects, during the yearby the free-will offerings of the people, on Through the Association £872 15 9 the principle that every man should give By Church Collections 537 19 0 as “God has prospered him.” So far as could be gathered, the announcement was

£1410 14 9 received with favour, and we understand Showing an increase of £51 8 11 over that there is little doubt that the plan will be of last year.

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