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Rev. Daniel Carmichael, admirable and telling addresses were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Pearson, Wesleyan, on “The Year that has Gone;” by the Rey. Ebenezer Dall, on “The Elements of Congregational ..". ;” by the Rey. Robert Henderson, Seaton Delaval, on “Parental Duties;” and by the Rev. W. Stead, Howden, on “The Advantages of Anniversaries.” The Meeting having been wound up by appropriate remarks from the Rev. John R. minister of the church, and the usual acknowledgment passed to the chairman, and the ladies and others who had so judiciously provided for the comfort of the tea party, the doxology was sung and the benediction pronounced. The weather being favourable, and the day a holiday, it was pleasing to observe the Church quite filled in the evening with a respectable and attentive audience.—Newcastle Guardian. CHELSEA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Young MEN's Association.—This Society held its first Annual Social Meeting on Thursday evening, the 8th ultimo, in the School-room of the Church, when about 150 Ladies and Gentlemen sat down to Tea. The room was very tastefully ornamented with evergreensand artificial flowers, and the walls were neatly covered with pictures. The President, the Rev. Thomas Alexander, M.A., occupied the chair, being ably supported by the Rev. Messrs. J. Bigwood, § M. Statham, and J. S. Pearsall, Dr. A. P. Stewart, Mr. George Shield, and delegates from the other Associations, connected with the Societies' Union. After tea, the Secretary read the Report for the preceding year, which having been adopted the Chairman called upon Dr. Stewart, who gave some excellent hints on the subject of “Mental Labour.” The Chairman, who had for his topic, “Reminiscences of the Society,” concluded by calling upon Mr. Sharer, of the London Wall Association, who was followed by the Rev. J. Bigwood, on the “Importance of a Good Character.” He impressed upon the young men the duty of endeavouring to excel in all they undertook, and acting at all times strictly upon principle, leaving results to a Higher Power. Mr. Grant, of the Regent Square Association, bore testimony to the great good resulting to young men from attending the Societies' Meetings. The Rev. W. M. Statham next rose and gave a very impressive address, “On the Influence of Young Men's Societies on Social Life,” and was followed by the Rev. J. S. Pearsall, “On the Claims of the Church upon Young Men.” After this most earnest address, Mr. George Shield, formerly Secretary of the Society, gave a very lucid and facetious description of the ordinary meetings of the Society, and how they were conducted.

After a few remarks from Mr. R. L. Allan, Mr. J. Brown expressed the thanks of the Society to the Ladies and Ministers for their great kindness in assisting and being present with them, also to the Choir for the very efficient manner they had contributed to the pleasure of the even

§won STREET, BIRMINGHAM.—The Anniversary Meeting of the Congregation was recently held in the Church, Broad StreetAmong others, the Mayor of Birmingham, the Revs. John Angel James, P. Sibree, and W. Tullo of Smethwick, Dr. Melsom, Mr. Charles Ratcliff, the Mayoress, etc., were present. The ladies of the Congregation provided for the tables without lessening the proceeds of the Meeting. Nor was the Pastor behind in his liberality; for Dr. Mackenzie very generously released his Congregation from all obligation to him by remitting the deficiency of salary due to him, which is a gift of £80. After partaking of tea the proceedings were opened by Dr. Mackenzie, who observed that they had great reasons to rejoice. Last year they had to ask friends in Manchester and Liverpool to aid them in defraying their current expenses; they had grappled with difficulties themselves, this year, with no other than local aid. His flock was happily increasing, and although when his congregation had to split up into three portions he was left with only ninety-eight communicants, the revised roll of communicants now amounted to 162. Mr. Byers, the Treasurer, read the financial statement, which showed the position of the Congregation to be most satisfactory. The first resolution, after the reading of the treasurer's report, was proposed by Mr. M'Crindle, seconded by Mr. Smith, and unanimously agreed to. He stated that there were two things to be done, namely, to pay for their sittings and to support their minister. Those who did the former for their own accommodation and comfort, ought not to leave the other duty undone. Their Sabbath-day collections and their association subscriptions went to the promotion of the latter object, and each should do his or her part for their worthy pastor, who laboured among them in holy things. Some, perhaps, might object, the association fund is merely for the minister. But is not the labourer worthy of his hire? If he has sown to us spiritual things, is it a great matter that he should reap of our carnal things? But there is a higher end than this in view, if the minister is not supported how can the Gospel be maintained? To contribute for the support of the ministry is but a means to an end—that end being the salvation of immortal souls. Christ has cast his cause on earth upon the love of his people,


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and he expects that such as are debtors to

als grace will not leave his ambassadors to bear the burden and heat of the day alone. Mr. MacCrindle was happy to observe, that whereas for the first five months the Association subscriptions amounted only to £8 fis. 8d., there had been collected during the last six months £56. Since the persqual canvass of the Congregation in June last had been made, promises were received which would amount to £100 ayear to this fund, and these promises would be fully realised, if the collectors rendered the same efficient help as they have hitherto done, and waited regularly upon those who are so liberally agreed to support this coject. To those who were already contritiring he would say, continue in this good work. But for you, the taunt and jeer of many that Broad Street Church must go to pieces would have been realised, but, by the alossing of God they have been disappointed. The following was the resolution which he submitted upon this matter: “The Deacons' Court and Committee of Management, feeling deeply impressed with the conviction and necessity of upholding gospel ordinances amongst us, would earnestly call on all the members and seat-holders in the congregation for further exertions, and increased and continued liberality in upholding the hands of our worthy pastor, and in providing for him a comfortable maintenance, and trust that all will cordially approve of and unite in a combined,

- and energetic effort being made during the ensuing year in supplying requisite funds for effecting this desirble object. They would also call upon the congregation to join them in returning thanks to that Providence which had led them safely through another year, and in acknowledgment of whose guidance they would confidently look forward for pro

teetion in the future.”—The Mayor sub

mitted a resolution, seconded by Captain

Pechell, expressive of the high esteem in which they held Dr. Mackenzie as a Christian minister.—The Rev. J. A. James, Dr. Melsom, one of the magistrates of the town, and the Rev. W. Tullo, of the Cape congregation, Smethwick, addressed the meeting with much acceptance, and effect.—The school reports were afterwards read by Mr. Hossack, and thanks were voted to the speakers and others who had contributed to the enjoyment of the even

Bazaan FoE REDUCING THE BUILDING DEET on BRoad STREET CHURCH.-We understand that the ladies of the congregation meet weekly to work for the Bazaar, and that contributions to it will be received by Mrs. Munro, Albert Villa, Manchester, Mrs. Paterson, 50, Cecil Street,

Manchester, and Mrs. Mackenzie, 4, Crescent, Birmingham.

NoHHAM.—The last evening of the year found the English Presbyterian congregation assembled around the tea table to celebrate the extinction of the church debt. The members of the Bible Class, thirty-six in number, served out the tea, and elicited the admiration of their guests by their trim, tidy appearance, their intelligent countenances, and their service excellent in arrangement and in execution. The mimister then read a report of all the departments into which the labours of the officebearers are divided. From the Session report it appeared that there are 309 members on the communion-roll, that a prayermeeting is held on the Sabbath evenings, in which once a month missionary intelligence is given, and special prayer offered for the cause of missions at home and abroad; that a Bible Class meets for an hour after morning service; that there are sixty-eight scholars in the Sabbath School, who, with the Bible Class pupils, have raised during the past year, £5 1s. 7d. for the support of a missionary in China; that the Day School taught by Mr. Hay has upwards of 60 in attendance, with a goodly number in the Evening School. There is a short-coming in the funds of £4.14s. 34d. From the Deacons' Court it was reported that collections had been made for the schemes of the church amounting to £51s. 6d. The income for congregational purposes was, with a balance in hand, £172 14s. 24d. ; the expenditure £1230s. 10d., leaving a balance of £49 13s. 4d. in hand, which will be absorbed ere the May rents come in. The report of the Debt Fund was the report of the evening. This fund originated in a proposal by Robert Barbour, Esq., of Manchester, to give £50, provided the congregation raised the remainder of the debt on the church, £250. Two years ago a subscription was began, and now closes in the receipts of £223 2s-the surplus being designed to pay the expenses of conveyance, mortgage, trust-deeds, etc., but which Mr. Weatherhead, the solicitor, has handsomely given as his subscription to the Debt Fund. A manse and glebe have been purchased, involving an outlay of £465 13s.5%d. The property is mortgaged for £300. Mr. Barbour has given £50, and Christian friends £104, towards the remainder. School premises have also been secured for £42 10s. Mr. Barbour giving £10, and Mr. Weatherhead's donation and the proceeds of the evening will about make up the rest. The most remarkable circumstance in the report was the fact that for every pound the congregation had given God blessed them with another. Thus—

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Balance in favour of the text—“There is that scattereth and yet increaseth” £14 0 0 The report was cordially adopted, and the thanks of the congregation voted to Mr. Barbour, and to Mr. Weatherhead, and the other contributors. After interesting and instructive addresses from the Revs. J. C. Fairbairn, Thomas Wright, John Fraser, and A. Rodger, the meeting separated, well pleased with the whole of the proceedings. On New Year's Day evening the children of the Sabbath School, 68 in number, had their tea in the school-room, and passed a pleasant two hours, in the course of which they were entertained by an address on the “Tea Cup.” BAZAAR IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WHITE HAVEN.— For some weeks past we have been advertising the above-named splendid collection of works of art and industry, and in our impression of last week we reported the progress that had been made. This Bazaar opened on the 16th and closed on the 18th, and in the course of that period we were privileged to have a peep into the schoolroom, in which it was held. The materials for sale were costly and beautiful, and were of both a useful and ornamental kind. The fair fingers of the ladies, who wrought preparatory to the sale, had certainly not been idle; and our readers will learn that their labours have not been in vain, when we inform them that the proceeds of the sale have reached the handsome sum of £108 10s., which will yet be raised to a much higher figure, when some valuable articles still remaining shall have been disposed of in the usual way on such occasions. The Bazaar was well patronized by the ladies of our town, and several carriages conveyed ladies of distinction from the surrounding country, who assisted greatly in clearing the stalls of their valuable contents. A cheap train from Workington and Harrington, on Tuesday, also contributed a goodly number of the fair sex, who purchased largely from the well-furnished tables.—On account of the labour and the expense to which the ladies of the congregation have gone, and the excellent cause to which the proceeds are to be applied, we heartily congratulate the Committee on the success which has crowned their efforts. The results are most creditable and highly satisfactory to all who were connected with this benevolent undertaking. [The above we have taken from a Whitehaven paper. The Bazaar was in aid of a fund for the erection of a new church—a

work in which we wish our friends in Whitehaven very great success. We trust Mr. Burns, who is at present visiting London and other towns, may meet with all the financial help he desires.] WARRINGTON.—The Annual Tea-meeting was lately held, and the school-room was densely crowded. After tea the Revs. Mr. Blythe of Wigan, Jones of Rotherham, Rowson of Warrington, and Mr. Wood, the Minister of St. John's, addressed the assembly; as did also, Dr. Smith, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Potter, Mr. W. Edelsten, and Mr. Mackie. A very handsome Bible was presented to Mr. Wood by his female Bible Class. PRESENTATIon AT SouTH SHIELDs.On the first Sabbath of the year Mrs. Sinclair and Mr. W. Stevens presented to the Rev. J. Storie a very handsome Pulpit Bible and Psalm Book; a New Year's Gift from a few of the Members of his Congregation, as a mark of their affection and esteem. Oventure on OPEN-AIR PREAch ING, ADoPTED BY THE North UMBERLAND PRESBYTERY.—Whereas the preaching the Gospel of Christ is the chiefduty of the Christian Ministry, and whereas multitudes, especially in our large towns, have forsaken attendance on Public Worship, it is overtured by the Presbytery of Northumberland to the very Reverend the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, appointed to be held at Newcastle on the 20th day of April, 1857, that at an early meeting of Synod, Ministers willing to engage in Open-Air Preaching, be appointed to preach in such parts of Newcastle as may be deemed expedient, such Ministers being, during the time of their being thus engaged, relieved from attendance at Synod, and further, that the Report on the State of Religion be read at an early diet of Synod, in order that the Brethren may have an opportunity of freely discussing the matters therein contained.

*** Notwithstanding the large number of Local Notices inserted, we have still others from Dudley, Gateshead, and other places for which it is impossible to find room. We hope to insert them in our next, and also Notices of Books, etc., which have been unavoidably left over.

*** Many have been looking forward with much interest to the arrival of the Rev. Dr. Medhurst from China; but these expectations have been soon darkened. He arrived in London, on Thursday, the 22nd January, in a weak and exhausted state, on the following day he felt worse, and on Saturday he died:




WHEN we took up this little volume, the thought was in our mind that the ground had been often traversed, both on the camel and with the pen; but this remembrance soon disappeared as we passed from page to page of the interesting narrative. One feels at once that the theme and the writer are kindred. His mind has been so long and lovingly applied to the Bible and Bible subjects, that he enters with relish and a calm | enthusiasm on the Bible-lands. His mind, steeped in these topics, offers, | like a daguerreotype plate just taken out of its preparation-jar, a susceptible surface for the picturing of the scenes that lie spread before him. It is wonderful how much such a traveller sees that escapes the eye of one not so prepared. As we might have expected, there are a copiousness and ease in the references to Scripture, suggested by all around him, that are at once instructive and pleasing; e.g., “We were rather discomposed by the howling of dogs at night. Yet what town or fort, or village, or encampment in Egypt, Syria, or the desert, are free from this nuisance. It brought to mind more than one passage of Scripture. ‘Against Israel shall not a dog move its tongue.” Often did we wish it had been so with us. “Dogs have compassed me.” Every traveller passing by or through an Arab village, knows what this is, and knows also that a stone or stick soon makes them fly. “They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog and go round about the city P How exact the picture. ‘Without are dogs.’ Who ever saw a dog in the East, within a house or tent? If not always without the walls of the city, they are always outside the dwellings—a wandering race of prowlers whom no man owns, whom no man feeds, and for whom no man cares; yet each has his own quarter of the city, beyond which he dares not intrude, save at the risk of being torn in pieces by the dogs of that quarter into which he has intruded.” Again, “Egypt from the nature of its soil, as well as from lack of moisture, is specially the land of dust: and terrible must have been the extent of the plague sent on her, when God commanded Aaron, saying,

* “Notes of a Spring Journey from Cairo to Beersheba.” By Horatius Bonar, D.P. London: Nisbet and Co. No. 111.-New Series. F - VoI. IX.

- Stretch out thy rod and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt.”

We hail the author of "The Night of Weeping,” in his new walk, and are refreshed by the sprightliness which sometimes breaks out. “Leaving Cairo at eight, we reached the Nile in less than an hour. Then rose from sea to sky,' such a hubbub as can only occur in Egypt. We and our donkeys must embark. The latter were pulled into the boat, some by the tail and some by the head, and some by the legs. The jabber of the Arabs was horrific. They screamed and shouted, and scolded and shook their fists; they pulled and pushed and tore at each other;—such a mob. The sail across the Nile was lovely. . . . . . As soon as we landed, the Arabs' shrieks recommenced. We stepped quietly ashore, leaving our donkeys to follow, which they did without delay, though whether with head or tail foremost I cannot say. I am certain they did not know themselves."

The author's account of life in the desert is lively and pleasing. He leads us by many a halting place whose name is familiar in the story of Israel's wanderings, to Wady Ghurandel, a place of wells and palm-trees, which has the best claim to be considered as Elim. He spent a Sabbath there, enjoying its sacredness and its shade. He characteristically remarks, "Marah and Elim! how near they lie to each other. Thus near to each other are the bitter and the sweet of life. The bitter, too, is first, and then the sweet. Marah first and then Elim."

Dr. Bonar and his party visited and ascended Sinai. An unforeseen difficulty prevented them from fulfilling their intention of visiting Petra ; a difficulty, however, which they had no reason to regret, as it determined them to make for Palestine by another and little-frequented route, which conducted them through the heart of the territory, which is entitled to be called the land of the Patriarchs. Here Abraham and Isaac spread their tents and fed their flocks, in a land intermediate in position, and in character between the desert and the land flowing with milk and honey. The transition from the desert to this region of partial verdure and onward to the verge of Canaan, is interestingly described; and the author's eye for the beautiful in earth or sky does not desert him.

But the part of the volume to which we turn with the liveliest interest is that which describes the famous Wady Mukatteb, or Written Valley. Dr. Bonar adduces strong reasons against Mr. Forster's theory which attributes the inscriptions to the Israelites. The characters employed have more resemblance to the Phænician than to the old Hebrew alphabet. Besides this, the inscriptions must have occupied a considerable time to execute. While from the want of motive, it is impossible to suppose that the children of Israel could have tarried long there. It is to be borne in mind that the miraculous supply of water was not provided till some days after they had passed this region. Again, Mr. Forster points out the resemblances of a figure with uplifted hands, to what we may suppose to have been the attitude of Moses pleading against Amalek ; but at this time the conflict with Amalek was still future. There have been some exaggerations by travellers, and some perverting of the parts by theorists. Dr. Robinson, for instance, describes the inscriptions as occurring "at such points as would form convenient restingplaces for pilgrims during the noon-day sun," in the face of the fact that from nine in the morning till three or four in the afternoon the sun beats upon these rocks. We had read also accounts of the inaccessibility of

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