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and having subscribed the formula, the which the Presbytery agreed to accept, Presbytery did, in the name of the Lord whereupon the Presbytery appointed Mr. Jesus, license him to preach the Gospel, Bannatyne as Convener instead of Mr. when and where he may be called in the Huie. providence of God to do so.

The Presbytery agreed that the next The Presbytery having taken up the Quarterly Meeting be held at Alnwick, on matter of the eldership in terms of the former the second Tuesday in April, at twelve Minute, the members in general reported o'clock, in St. James's Church. Closed that they were willing to carry out, so far with prayer. as in the circumstances of their respective Sessions may be practicable, the suggestions contained in the Presbyterial letter.

PRESBYTERY OF LANCASHIRE, In regard to the conference proposed by This Presbytery met on January 7, at Mr. Bannatyne, it was agreed that the Liverpool. The Rev. A. Inglis, Moderator. matter be taken up at next Quarterly Present, Dr. Munro, Messrs. Forster, Meeting. A letter was read from Mr. Welsh, White, Lundie, Cromar, Blellock, Bannatyne in regard to the same, which Wood, Paterson, Adam, Blythe, Hunter, and the Presbytery agreed to keep in retentis. Steele, Ministers; and Messrs. Adam, Sorley,

School schedules were given in from Bran- and Chalmers, Elders. ton, Wooler, Crookham, Glanton, Felton, Application was made by the Session of and Bavington, which were read, sustained, St. Peter's, Liverpool, to have a call modeand ordered to be attested by the Mode- rated in. The Presbytery appointed a rator, which was done accordingly.

Meeting to be held for that purpose, on Home Mission schedules from Framling. February 3, at 7 P.M. Mr. Blellock to ton, Felton, and Bavington, were given in, preach and preside. read, and ordered to be attested by the Mo The Report of the Committee on the derator, which was done.

Rock Ferry Station was given in and read The following Committees were ap- by Mr. Lundie, the Convener. It bore, pointed to examine the schools within that the progress of the station was highly the bounds of the Presbytery : Morpeth, satisfactory. The number of sittings let is Messrs. Anderson, Hoy, Forsyth, Edwards, 180. About £1,250 have been already and Walker ; Warrenford, Messrs. Ban- raised for building a church, the whole natyne, Edmonds, and Blythe ; Branton, estimated expense of which is not more Messrs. Blythe, Cathcart, and Fergus; than £2,000, but the building is not to be Crookham, Messrs. Edmonds, Lennie, and commenced till £1,500 is raised. It further Huie ; Bavington, Messrs. Anderson, Cath-bore, that the Local Committee had recart, Davison, and Forsyth; Felton, Messrs. solved to take steps to guarantee £200 Hoy, Anderson, Walker, and Edwards ; per annum to a Minister, before applying Wooler, Messrs. Huie, Lennie, and Banna to the Presbytery to moderate in a call. tyue. The respective clergymen to be con- The Report concluded with recommending, veners. Mr. Edmonds gave notice that at on this understanding, to the Presbytery next Meeting he would move that the Pres- to admit Rock Ferry Station as a full bytery petition Parliament to close the charge. The Report of the Committee was public-houses on the Lord's-day. Mr. Huie received, and Rock Ferry Station sanctioned intimated that at next Meeting he would as a full charge in connection with this move that the Session Books of the different Presbytery. congregations, within the bounde, be or- The application on behalf of the Dingle dered up for the July Meeting of Presby- Congregation to have a call moderated in, tery.

which had been ordered to lie on the table Mr. Clugston gave notice that at next till this Meeting, was then taken up. After Meeting he would move the transmission deliberation, the Presbytery agreed to apof an overture to the Synod anent the pre-point a Committee to confer with the Local sent mode of obtaining information by Committee on the state of the financial schedule of queries as to the financial con- affairs of the Congregation, and, particudition of congregations receiving aid from larly, what amount of stipend can be sethe Home Mission Fund.

cured for the maintenance of a Minister. Mr. Huie gave notice that at next The Rev. G. W. Adam, of Leeds, then Meeting he would move the transmission of laid on the table his application for leave an overture to the Synod anent the appoint- to resign his charge. A Committee, conment of certain ministers to preach in the sisting of Dr. Munro and Mr. Welsh was open air, in such places in Newcastle as appointed to confer with Mr. Adam, who may be deemed fittest, while the Synod is having retired for that purpose, shortly held there.

after returned, and reported, that after Mr. Huie tendered his resignation as having heard the statements of Mr. Adam, Convener of the Sustentation Committee, both in reference to the state of his own

health, and the pecuniary difficulties in connection with his church, they recommended to the Presbytery to accept of the resigmation. Whereupon it was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to : the Presbytery having heard the Report of their Committee, agree to accept of Mr. Adam's resignation, and hereby do loose him from his charge. And further appoint a Committee, consisting of Messrs. Paterson (Convener) and M'Caw, Ministers; and Messrs. R. Barbour and Halliday, Elders, to confer with the Session and Congregation at Leeds, with a view to obtain the payment of arrears of stipend, and also to communicate with the Home Mission Committee in order to obtain, in the peculiar circumstances of the case, a grant for Mr. Adam on his leaving this Presbytery. The Presbytery further express their deep sympathy with Mr. Adam in the very trying circumstances of his case, and cordially recommend him to the most favourable reception of the Free Church of Scotland, and more especially to the Presbytery within whose bounds he may labour. Before loosing Mr. Adam, the Moderator engaged in prayer. Mr. Thomson was appointed to declare Leeds Church vacant on the 18th inst., and to be Moderator of the Session during the vacancy. The Schedules of Risley and Wigan Schools were attested. Communion Rolls were also attested. At the preceding Meeting of Presbytery, a Committee was appointed to address a friendly and solemn remonstrance to the Minister and Church Session of St. George's, Liverpool, in reference to their continued use of the organ in public worship. The following was read by the Convener, and reported as forwarded, agreeably to the terms of the minute.

Manchester, 6th January, 1857. Dear Brethren,

It is with feelings of friendship and affection, that, in the name of the Presbytery of Lancashire, we undertake to address you in a matter which pertains to the worship of Almighty God, in the Congregation of which he has made you. Overseers; and which intimately pertains also to the order of our Church. In performance of this duty laid upon us, we trust that we shall be guided by the spirit of wisdom and kindness; and we earnestly entreat you to weigh and consider, in the same spirit, what we now venture to submit.

Assuming what we are fairly entitled to assume, on every right and reasonable view

at its Meeting in April last, declared its mind to be opposed to the use of instrumental music in the Congregations under its government and control; and, farther, that Presbyteries were enjoined to see that nothing contrary to its declared mind, in this respect, be allowed in the churches within their bounds; it became the duty of the Lancashire Presbytery to enjoin you, the Minister, and Church Session of St. George's, to desist from the use of the organ which had been placed in the church, and employed in the worship of the congregation. This injunction has not hitherto been complied with. We would fondly trust such refusal will not be persisted in. It surely becomes you, as a subordinate Court of the Church, to consider that it is at "... interest and your duty to yield obedience to the lawful authority of your Superior Courts, as well as to 3. all in your power, by a ready compliance, to avert the evils which must arise from your pursuing an opposite course. We earnestly and affectionately beseech you not to do what is fitted to cause or increase discord in our Presbyterian Church, by persistance in this innovation. We have but very recently been formed into a united community, governed by courts and regulated by laws; and, as might be expected, we have many difficulties to contend with, in giving effect to these, and in bringing the Church, in all its parts, into harmonious working with its avowed constitution. At the same time, the attainment of this object, though difficult, may, by the blessing of God, be effected; provided that the office-bearers of such congregations as yours, be prepared to lend their assistance, by example and otherwise, in accomplishing the end in view. Consider, then, dear brethren, how largely your compliance will contribute to this; and how much, on the other hand, your continuance in an opposite course will tend to foster a spirit of strife, which may prove so hurtful to the interests of religion amongst us. Besides this, it cannot but be obvious to you all, as men who have experience in administering law and rule among your people, that, if in this matter and instance, you refuse to submit to lawful authority, there will be a severe blow dealt to your own authority as office-bearers; and also such an example presented to other Sessions, and Congregations, as may seriously impair the maintenance of government and discipline throughout our Church. We are persuaded that you cannot but be sen

of the case, that the Synod of our Church,

sible to this danger; and trust that, by immediate compliance with the injunction

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already sent you, you will do all that in

PRESBYTERY OF NEWCASTLE. you lies to avert it from our Church. We feel that there is still another con

THIS Presbytery met at the Presbyterian sideration which we are bound to bring

Church, Hexham, the 30th December, 1856, under your notice. It is this: - Our

by special summons, to consider a MemoChurch has after the lapse, and, it may be

rial from the Congregation at Hexham, said, after the eclipse of a century, taken

requesting the Presbytery to grant a modeher stand in England, as one of its various

ration of a call. denominations. We have-as we are en

Present the Revs. D. M. Stuart, Modetitled to do-been for years in the practice

rator, P. L. Miller, and J. Reid. The of maintaining the superiority of our prin

Meeting having been duly constituted, the ciples, not only among our own people,

conduct of the Moderator in summoning it but frequently, as opportunity presented,

was approved. in the view of others bearing the Christian

The Memorial was then laid on the name. We have especially been in the

table, and Messrs. Richard Mews and habit of directing attention to the greater

Thomas Dods appeared as Commissioners advantages which we enjoy in the govern

from the Hexham Congregation to support ment and discipline tested in our courts,

its prayer. The Memorial, signed by fiftyas highly conducive to the order and edifi

two members and fifty-two adherents, hav. cation of our Churches.

ing been read, and the Commissioners Now, it must be clear to your discern. having been heard, the Presbytery unani. ment that the refusal on the part of a

mously agreed to grant the moderation as Minister and Church Session to yield obe

craved-agreed to meet in the Church at dience to the deliverance of the Synod, and

Hexham on the evening of Wednesday the to the injunction of the Presbytery as law

7th of January, at 7 o'clock, to moderate ful superiors, cannot but have the effect of

| in a call. Mr. Reid to preach and preside, bringing reproach upon us, as a community and appointed the edict to be served on holding distinctive principles of church

the Congregation by the officiating Minisgovernment; and of seriously hindering

ter, on Sabbath next, the 4th of January. the progress of these principles themselves.

The Meeting closed with prayer. This unhappy result, we are persuaded,

| The Presbytery met again at Hexham you would, with ourselves, deeply deplore.

on the evening of the 7th January. Rev. We do, therefore, entreat you, by all that

J. Reid, Moderator, pro tem. After sermon, we esteem distinctive in our ecclesiastical

the edict having been returned duly served polity, to yield forthwith a ready com

and attested, it was moved, seconded, and phance with the call we now again make on

unanimously agreed, that the Rev. Robert you; by removing this interdicted element

Henderson, of Seaton Delaval, be called to from the worship of God in your Congre

be Minister of the Hexham Church and gation. By so doing you will, as we con

Congregation. The call was then signed fidently believe, secure the increased esteem

by the office-bearers, members, and adheof your people you will impart unmixed rents present. Attested by the Moderator. gratification to the mind of the Church at

and left with the Session for additional large; and, possessing the answer of a

signatures. good conscience, as faithful servants of our

The Meeting closed with prayer.
Divine Master, you will find in your happy
experience, that the blessing of the Most
High will descend in richer abundance

than ever on your labours.
Signed by the Committee, and directed by

TRINITY CHURCH, MANCHESTER.-Some the Presbytery, to be by them transmitted to the Minister and Church Ses

months ago this Church was painted and

beautified, and cushioned afresh, at an exsion of St. George's, Liverpool.

pense of some £230. The re-opening ser(By authority.)

rices were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Cooke, ALEXANDER MUNRO, D.D., Convener of Belfast. In December the Anniversary R. H. LUNDIE, Minister.

Sermons were preached by the Rev. Dr. J. C. PATERSON, Minister.

M'Crie, and collections amounting to £50 JOHN SORLEY, Elder.

were taken upon the occasion. The Dr. ROBERT McEwen, Elder.

was cordially welcomed by the Presbyte

rians of Manchester, and his visit has The Presbytery received the Report, and tended to strengthen the bond between ordered the letter then read to be kept in them and our College in London, of which retentis.

he is such an ornament. On Wednesday The Presbytery adjourned to meet on evening last the Congregation held their March 4, at Manchester.

| Tenth Anniversary Soirée, under the pre

sidency of the Rev. W. M'Caw. The school-room was tastefully decorated, and the meeting was large and joyous. The speaking, as on a former occasion, was confined purposely to members of the conregation, and this with the most satis#. results. Occasion was taken to review the history of the congregation during the ten years of its existence. Ten years ago Mr. M'Caw became the minister of the church, and his call was signed by only thirteen communicants; now the membership numbers 220. The entire debt has been wiped off the church and schools, and they are now free from any encumbrance whatever. An efficient staff of elders, and another of deacons, have been ordained. Sabbath and day-schools have been put into efficient operation. A Juvenile Missionary Association, a Ladies' Clothing Society, and a Tract Distribution Society, have been organized; and satisfactory efforts have been made in behalf of the Missionary and other institutions of our church in England. So that, though constrained to acknowledge many imperfections and shortcomings, the meeting felt that they could not but inscribe on their Ebenezer, “hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” The Congregational Treasurer, Mr. Morton, read the financial report for the jo. year, which showed a balance in the hands of the treasurer. He mentioned, moreover, that, during the past half year, fifty new sittings have been let in the church. There, after it was moved by Mr. John Stuart, and seconded by Mr. W. M“Farren, and unanimously carried, amid the applause of the meeting, that £50 ayear should henceforth be added to the minister's stipend. Mr. M'Caw expressed his hearty acknowledgments for this additional token of his people's kindness and regard, stating, that this is the second addition of a similar sum that has been made to his stipend since he became the pastor. He took occasion also to acknowledge the kindness of the ladies of the congregation in presenting him with a new pulpit-gown and cassock. The meeting was addressed also by Mr. J. Armstrong, on the Sabbath...?. by Mr. J. Edmunds, on the Ladies' Benevolent Society; by Mr. J. Scott, student, on our College; by Mr. J. Arnold, on the City Mission; and by Mr. W. Dean, on the Juvenile Missionary Association, which has raised some £19 during the past year. At intervals, during the evening, the Congregational Voluntary Choir, led by Mr. N. Meadows, performed a number of pieces of music, with remarkably good taste; and, as was felt by all here, well entitled to the vote of thanks that was moved to them by Mr. J. Elsmore. At the close of the proceedings it seemed to be

the unanimous sentiment that a most interesting and pleasurable evening had been spent. BRAMPtoN.—The Sabbath-school teachers held their quarterly tea-meeting Dec. 26th, when they were joined by a few friends, and a goodly number of young men and women, who attend the Bible Classes. After tea, the chair being occupied by the minister, interesting speeches were delivered on subjects bearing on Sabbathschool teaching, by the Rev. Mr. Shaw (Wesleyan minister) and others. The superintendent, Mr. Bath, read a very excellent report, from which we learn that the school continues to make steady progress, and is at present in a very flourishing condition. The anniversary meeting of the Sabbath school took place on the evening of New Year's Day. It must have been very pleasing to the parents and friends present to observe the amount of Scriptural knowledge possessed by the children; the correctness with which they answered the questions in the Shorter Catechism; and the R.", with which they recited various hymns and portions of Scripture. No fewer than twelve Bibles, thirty Testaments, and a number of valuable books, were distributed as rewards. The Children's Missionary Box was opened, and found to contain about 29s., part of which was voted to the Chinese Mission Fund. A public examination of the Day-school, in connection with the Presbyterian Church, was held on the 23rd ult, which exhibited not less the industry and proficiency of the scholars, than the ability and zeal of the teacher, Mr. Fraser. The scholars acquitted themselves with great credit, and entered with much heart into all the exercises of the day. We were struck with the perfect discipline of the school, and the amount of general knowledge possessed by the scholars, which could not but be highly gratifying to the parents and friends present, and also to the minister, to whose efforts we are chiefly indebted for the existence of a school so superior in connection with our own Church. MoRPETH...-The Annual Social Entertainment on behalf of the Schools in connection with the Presbyterian Church, was held here, as usual, on the evening of New Year's Day. The tea was served up in the Town Hall and Borough School Rooms. The two sections of guests adjourned at six o'clock to the Court House, the use of which was kindly granted by the county magistrates for the occasion. That spacious and beautiful hall was densely crowded with an audience amounting to 1,200. On the motion of Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Tait, William Trotter, Esq., M.D., was called to the chair, and opened the proceedings

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with an appropriate speech. The Meeting was afterwards addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Walker, Alnwick, on “Party Spirit;” Wright, of Swinton, on “His Visit to the Holy Land ; ” Edwards, of Widdrington, on “Christian Activity and Beneficence;” | Fergus, of Thropton, on “The Moral Results of the Late War;” and by Dr. Guthrie, of Edinburgh, who spoke for upwards of an hour, with his usual eloquence, pathos, and power, on the subject of “Education,” relative more especially to the children of the destitute and degraded classes. On the platform besides the above, were the Rev. Messrs. Hoy, of Felton ; Bannatyne, of Warrenford; Forsyth, of Bavington; Robinson, late of Salford; Green, Vicar of Longhorsley ; Maughan, Incumbent of Widdrington; Fisher, Curate; and RunI die, Wesleyan ; the Mayor (James Hood, | Esq.), the Sheriff of York; George Brumell, Esq., etc., etc. During the intervals between the speeches, as well as at the commencement and close of the Meeting, the choir of the congregation, and the harmonic band, delighted the company with various ieces of vocal and instrumental music, perormed in a very superior style of execution. After votes of thanks had been successively moved by the Mayor, to Dr. Guthrie; by Mr. Rutherford, to Mr. Wright, and the other clergymen; by Mr. Cherney, to the Ladies who presided at the tea tables; by Mr. Jos. Chermey, to the Choir and Band; by Mr. Flint, to the Committee of Management; by the Mayor, to the Magistrates of the County; and by Mr. Anderson, to the Chairman; the large but very respectable assembly separated from a scene of the highest intellectual entertainment, instruction, and delight, which left them nothing to regret but its conclusion. WoolER.— On Christmas Day, the scholars attending the Presbyterian Sabbath School at Wooler, assembled in the Schoolroom, and k of Tea, provided for them by the liberality of some members of the Congregation. After Tea was over, Addresses on suitable subjects were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Huie, and Messrs. Duncan and Todd, teachers. The Prayer Union was observed in the Presbyterian Church by a series of meetings, in which the Minister of the Congregation and some of the Elders took part. ST. ANDREw's Church, OxFord RoAD, MaxchestER.—The members of this congregation met, on New Year's Day, in the Town Hall, Chorlton-on-Medlock, to celebrate the first anniversary of the induction of the Rev. J. C. Paterson to the charge of the congregation. About 250 persons were present. After tea, Mr. Paterson addressed the meeting in happy terms, ex| pressing his satisfaction with the present

state of the congregation, and the pleasure with which he had performed his duties in the past twelve months. Several of the office-bearersandothers spoke encouragingly of the various institutions in connection with the Church, and urged upon the members an increase of zeal in their behalf. A pleasant episode in the meeting was the presentation of a tea service (supplied from the establishment of Mr. M'Ferran, Wictoria Street) to Mr. Joseph Hurst, a member of the deacon's court, for valuable services rendered to the congregation. At a late period of the evening, the minister and several members spoke to the desirability of liquidating the debt of about £1,200 which is on the Church, and of providing a more suitable school room than the one they now possess. Resolutions were moved, and unanimously carried, to promote these objects, and upwards of £1,000 was subscribed in the room. The minister stated that, in addition to this, he had obtained subscriptions from friends of the congregation, to the extent of about £400, and he expected a considerable addition, and that there were many of the members of the congregation unavoidably absent, who would fully make up the required amount. altogether a very pleasant one, separated about eleven o'clock. SALFoRD.—The Young Men's Association held its third Annual Meeting on the 26th of December. Mr. J. W. Hindshaw in the Chair. The Report exhibited considerable F. in the Society. The Membership ad increased a half more during the year than what it was. After Tea, Addresses were delivered, by the Chairman, “On the Value of Association ;” by Messrs. Inglis and Coates, “On the Report;” by the Rev. Robert Steel, “On the #., of the Connection between Science and Religion;” by Dr. Allen, of the Wesley College, Sheffield; by Mr. George Edwards, “On Literature;” by Mr. J. Mitchell, “On Britain's Greatness in Relation to the Bible;” by the Rev. A. Inglis, and others. Music and art aided also the fellowship of letters, making this the most successful meeting the Society has had. A new feature was introduced in the proposal to unite the members in an active benevolence beyond their ordinary exercises together. We trust the suggestion may be carried out, and be copied by other societies of Christian youth. BLYTH.—On the afternoon of New Year's Day, between two and three hundred members and friends of the English Presbyterian Church took tea together. In the evening there was a public Meeting, when Michael Scott, Esq., contractor for the new docks at Blyth, occupied the chair. Fo having been sung, and prayer offered up by the

The meeting, which was

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