Abbildungen der Seite

denominations than our own. It is well known that it is adopted as a text book in many of the Sunday schools of the Congregational denomination in this country. Our Baptist brethren have published an edition of it, with only an introductory question or two, and such an alteration as was to be expected on the questions relating to baptism, which is largely used in their Sabbath schools; and will it be believed that, in the form used in the Presbyterian Church, it has been introduced into some schools of the Church of England? To what extent I am not prepared to say, but one instance occurred in my former neighbourhood. At a certain parish church, a Sunday school was commenced by the worthy incumbent, and the principal, if not the sole landed proprietor in the parish, a gentleman well known as a zealous member of the Evangelical Alliance. As a matter of course they intended to make the “Church Catechism” the basis of their teaching, in addition to the sacred Scriptures; but when they read the first

few questions—“What is your name?” “Who gave you that name?” etc., they looked to each other, and said, “This will never do; ” and, without hesitation, they at once adopted the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, into which the youth of that parish are in a fair way of being indoctrinated. May I be permitted to suggest a hint to my brethren in the ministry? I think it would be well if the Decalogue were made, occasionally, at least, a part of the public reading of the Scriptures; and if, at the end of each commandment, were given the answers to the questions on that commandment, from the Shorter Catechism, the people might be the more impressed with the extent and spirituality of the Divine law, and have their edification greatly promoted. In the latter years of my own ministry I used to read the Decalogue in this way once a month, and I believe with beneficial results. I am, yours, etc.,

December, 1856. SENEx.

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Those who have felt anxious for the safety of Mr. Burns during the recent disturbances in Canton, will be glad to meet with the following note recently received by the Treasurer of the Misston :“Hong Kong, Nov. 7, 1856.

“My dear Sir, The troubles at Canton (see newspapers) obliged me to come down here a week ago; and as Mr. Taylorhas delayed returning to Swatow, I shall feel it my duty, as soon as I can findan opportunity, to return to Swatow, that at least I may arrange our little matters there, but also in the hope that the door for labouring in the Gospel .# that people will not yet be found closed. The native brethren who were arrested along with me, I regret to say, are, we suppose, still in confinement. It appears that about a fortnight after I was sent off to Canton, they, or rather one of them, was again examined before the

district magistrate, and in consequence of his decided testimony to the truth and excellence of the Gospel, he was beaten forty blows on the cheek 1 The other, who was not examined, was also beaten in the same manner. With this ...F. they have suffered little, beyond their being confined, and in their confinement they appear to be allowed to hold worship morning and evening with the prisoners, etc., beside them : one of these, they write, studies the Scriptures with interest, and professes to believe in the Saviour. Thus may their imprisonment be ordained as the means of spreading the truth where otherwise it would not have been heard; and of leading some precious souls to the knowledge of Christ. “Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them.” “I am an ambassador in bonds, but the Word of

God is not bound.' I am here living

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MEETING IN GLASGOW. with Mr. Johnson, members of whose people there became more overbearing than native church these two brethren are. ever in their conduct. At the termination From Mr. and Mrs. Johnson I ex of the war, the Treaty of Nankin was perience much kindness, as I did also agreed to, by which the five ports were to from the Rev. Mr. Macy and Dr. Kerr. be opened; but in consequence of the feeltwo other American brethren, whose

ing among the population of Canton, this guest I was at Canton for a month. right of entrance was not then enforced May the Lord graciously reward them!

in the case of the city, but allowed to "Hoping that prayer will be in

| lie over for a few years, in the hope that creasingly made for China at the pre

hostile feelings might subside. It was not sent time, when we seem to be on the the murder of some of our countrymen,

| till 1817, when a tragic event occurred, in eve of further changes in the relations that any steps were taken with the view of of this country to foreign powers, and

enforcing the right of entrance into Canton. praying that the work of God may

However, the Admiral at that time, from prosper among you at home,

motives of humanity, did not proceed to I am, ever yours,

extremities, but rested satisfied with the “W. C. BURNS." stipulation that in two years certain, 1849,

the right of entrance should be conceded.

In 1849, there were long negotiations with MEETING IN GLASGOW.

the Governor to carry out this agreement, The friends in Glasgow who assist in but the British again yielded, from conraising the fund for the support of Mr. siderations of humanity. But these reCarstairs Douglas at Amoy, held their peated concessions on the part of our annual meeting lately in Free St. Peter's country had the very opposite effect from Church, Mr. Arnot in the chair. Dr. Lo what was hoped for the Chinese attributing rimer opened the meeting with prayer. our forbearance to weakness. The conse

Mr. Colin Brown, treasurer of the Glas-quence was that it became merely a question gow committee, stated that the receipts for of time when the crisis, which was inevitthe past year had been £488. 14s. 6d., and able, should come about. In regard to the the expenditure £410. 11s. 9d. The con- origin of the present quarrel, it was untributions in Glasgow for the year ending fortunate, for the immediate casus belli last November were £94.

appeared to be somewhat indefensible. Still, The following remarks of Mr. Donald it was to be remembered that the Admiral Matheson of Edinburgh, on the recent quar- proceeded with great deliberation and hurel at Canton, will be read with interest:- manity in making reprisals, and that there

He said, that having resided in China was hardly any loss of life in the taking of for twelve years, from 1837 to 1849, he the city. But once being in the fray, it was able, from his own experience, to state was deemed proper to enforce this longsome facts which had led to the present delayed right of entrance; and, in doing so, crisis in China. It was necessary to be borne it must be admitted that the Admiral had in mind, in reference to this quarrel, that acted with great moderation. There was a our right of entrance into Canton was really good deal of misunderstanding in regard to the chief point in the dispute. Long before the way in which the present quarrel was the war of 1841 this matter was a constant likely to affect the missions. In Canton, source of difficulty and irritation. The all the missionaries had been obliged British merchants lived in the suburbs of leave, as well as the merchants, and the Canton, and could then only communicate mission there was, in the meantime, at an with the authorities in the town through end. In the neighbourhood of Canton, the Chinese merchants. When anything Mr. Lobscheid and the other German misserious occurred, absolutely requiring the sionaries had had a hairbreadth escape ; but attention of the authorities, the expedient they were in a part of the country infested to which the British merchants were driven by robbers and pirates, and one which any was to prepare a petition, to go with it to one acquainted with the country might the town in a body, make a rush at the have foretold would have been a dangerous gate of the town, surprise the guards, and residence, in the event of any disturbance. make their way on to the residence of But the other mission stations were entirely

the authorities. The authorities were thus away from the scene of warlike operations, | compelled to take some notice of the peti- and were perfectly safe for the missionaries.

tion; but when anything of this kind | Even Swatow, where Mr. Burns now prooccurred, the natives made a great stir about posed going, might be expected to be a it. It was a point of honour on their part perfectly safe residence, as it was about 200 that we should have the right of entrance. / miles from Canton. Amoy was more than When the last war broke out in China, 300 miles from Canton, and the people that scourge passed by Canton, and the there took little interest in what passed at

Canton. Shanghae was 600 miles from Canton, and equally safe, so far as regarded the Canton quarrel. However, it was possible that the Canton quarrel might exert a sympathetic influence among the Chinese in the present state of the national mind, and the Revolutionists might improve it for their own purposes. In Canton especially, the Revolutionists had a very heavy account to settle with the Imperial Government for their barbarous massacres, and, therefore, there was reason to fear the result of this embroilment, not so much for ourselves, as among the Chinese themselves. He thought we might congratulate ourselves on this, that the British Government was committed against the Imperial Government of China; for there was no doubt that our sympathies went more with the revolutionary party than with the Imperialists, inasmuch as the former were seeking the advancement of religion and morality. We might also congratulate ourselves on this, that the Americans were committed along with us, and could make common action with us in rectifying this matter. But there were many difficult questions looming in the distance. For instance, should we make a new treaty with this Chinese Government, which was apparently unable to carry out its stipulations? Or would the British Government, taking advantage of their helpless condition, enforce its own terms, and act with them against the revolutionary party? It was to be hoped that this latter alternative would not be chosen; but it was possible, for there were those in this country who would be glad to hear of it. The revolution in a was not only a conflict between the Chinese and the Tartars, but of the principles of moral and religious force against despotism, corruption, and idolatry. . If, as was very generally believed now, the leader of this movement died some years ago, it was not improbable that the

revolutionary party would fail in their political object of overturning the government, while their principles might operate as leaven to elevate and improve the national character. The Chinese mind was very intelligent, though their hearts were very dark, and in their classics there were many of the elements of excellent government and morality. We might therefore hope that, in the providence of God, their government, if not overturned, might at least be purged and purified. There was another very difficult and delicate question which might also come up, viz., the opium question. If the British Government should unite with the Chinese Government in endeavouring to remove this great evil, it might greatly facilitate the re-establishment of friendly relations and the progress of Christianity. Mr. Matheson then read the latest intelligence from Mr. Burns, in a letter to the Committee in London of the same date, and containing substantially the same intelligence as that published in the “Guardian.” Mr. Matheson remarked, that in all his letters, as at all his meetings, with Christian people in this country, Mr. Burns urged the duty of unceasing prayer on behalf of China. The Committee hoped to hear, in a few days, of the arrival of Mr. Sandeman at Hong Kong; and it was also hoped that the London Committee would soon send out Mr. Tait or Mr. Johnston, or both, or some others in their place. The meeting was afterwards addressed by Dr. Henderson, Mr. G. F. Barbour, and Professor Fairbairn.—Scottish Guardian.

*** The friends of our Mission at Amo will be glad to learn that the o Committee have obtained the consent of Mr. George Smith, an Aberdeen Student of the Free Church, to go out as coadjutor to Mr. Douglas.

It is hoped our own Committee will be enabled to increase our present staff before long.—ED. E. P. M.

£rtshirtill Clutts in Englism. HOME MISSION AND SUPPLEMENTAL FUND, Collection on Sabbath, the 15th February.

THE Treasurer begs to remind congregations and preaching stations that by appointment of Synod, the annual

collection should be made on the third Sabbath of this month.


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1. Napier










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Juvenile Missionary Association, Ån:
Amount already advertised .

22 11 0

8 Sabbath school Children, sålford : 0 10 0 Chelsea Church Collection . iiii 97 0 Felton, ditto. . . . . . . i 1

St. Andrer's Congregational and Ju. Seaton Delaval ditto . . . .

Fenile Missionary Association, Man

. . . ! Ancoats, ditto

chester : ! . . . . . .

100 Treedmouth, ditto i

1 1 2

Sabbath Bchool Missionary Box, stafSabbath School Borii 0 4 0


. .

. .

. .

1 2 3 .


. 2 A Thank of.

. uering . . ak

. . . 2

. . 0 5 0 Trinity Church, Newcastle, additional 30 0 " Tobacco". . i .

2 6 Dalston Church, additional

1 0 Canning Street, Liverpool, Church Ase Bociatio

FOREIGN MISSIONS. St. George's Church, Liverpool, addi:

Grosvenor Square, Manchester, Ju. tional

venile Missionary Association - - £69

69 6 10 Rev. A. Cromiar .. 010 0

Liverpool, A Friend, per Rev. J. R.
John Fyfe . . . . . 0 15 0
James Adam, Jun. ... 1 0 0

Trinity, Newcastle, additional, per år.
John Adam, .

Freeman. .. 1. Livingston, .i..

Birkenhead, conway street, Sabbatti Laurina Kilgour .....

School i . . . i : . : i

1 11 3 Thomas Turner . . . . 0 10 0

Brighton, Susan Thurlow ::::

05 0 David Milne . . . . .

Ancroft Moor, Collection . . . . i

09 James R. Brougham i

Canning Street, Liverpool, CongreJames Adam . . . . i 25 0 0

gational Association. .....i

24 2 6 Al sick, Church Collection ...:

South Shields, St. John's Sessional 1

Sabbath School .. Branton, ditto.

. . .

. .



3 13 .


. .
. . .
Hampstead, a Thankoffering . . . .

6 0 0 South Shields, ditto

Seaton Delaval, Sabbath Regent Square Church Association, one

School . . . . . : 0 9 quarter to 31 December, per James

4 Ditto, Mr. James Mean i 0 5 0

0 14 4 A Thank-offering. . . . . . . . 0. 5 0 Gateshead, Sabbath School ..... 0 6 0

£749 10
Durham, A Friend


. 0 10 0

Tweedmouth, a Member inisters' In last " Messenger" for " Bishopswearmouth,” Ditto, James Dickson : : : 81% read "Monkwearmouth," £3 10.

090 ALEX, GILLESPIE, Treasurers.

Branton, A Friend, per Rev. Jaines

Kingston, Mr. Strachan’s Missionary
London, Jan. 21, 1857.

Box. .
Sunderland, ' si. "George's 'Sabbath
School .

100 SYNOD'S SCHOOL FUND. John Knox's, London, Juvenile Mis: Contributions received

sionary Society . . . . . . 2 3 6 Canning Street, Liverpool, Association £15 13 6 | A Thank-offering : . . . .

5 0 Southwark, London, Collection

2 2 01" Tobacco". . . . . . . . . 0 2 Glanton . . . . . . . . . . . . Widdrington . . . . . . . . . 1 2 0

HUGH M. MATHESON, Treasurer. Tweedmouth ...ii.:

3, Lombard Street, London, A Thank-ottering . . . . . . . 0 5 0

20th Jan., 1857.

21 8 Note. It is carnestly requested that any out. Amount acknowledged previously 242 18 6 standing collections may be immediately sent in,

Ll to insure their insertion in the Annual Statement

£264 6 6 of Accounts.
Londos Worke, Birmingham,
Jan, 20th, 1857.

Collection, Islington, Liverpool ...£12 3 0

| This Presbytery met at Berwick on the Ditto, additional, Warrenford .; 012 6 25th of November. It was reported by Mr. Association, Canning Street, Liverpool 24 4 6 George Murray that the Horncliffe conDonatiou, Mr. John Swan, Manchester

gregation were ripe for the election of a Missionary Box, Tweedmouth . . . Donations, St. George's, Liverpool

minister. And he applied for a moderation Rev. A. Cromar . . . . 0 10 0

in a call. Agreed to grant this-instructed Mr. James Adam. ... 5 0 0

the Session to correspond with the Home Mr. John Fyfe . .

0 16 Mr. James Adam, Jun. . 1 0 0

Mission, as to the renewal of a grant to the Mr. John Adam . . . . 1 0 0

congregation. Appointed Mr. Murdoch to Mr. R. Livingston . . .

1 0 0

preach at Horncliffe on the 7th of December, Mr. James R. Brougham. 1 0 0 Mr. David Milne . . . 0

and thereafter to ascertain whether the 5 0

10 10 0 congregation be ripe for an election; and, if



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Presbyteries' Prorerdings.

so, to moderate in a call. A statement was The Court congratulated Mr. Stewart and made for the Deacon's Court, as to stipend, his congregation on the successful efforts etc. Answers to Mr.Hunter's reasons of dis- by which this most desirable result has sent from the Presbytery's decision, on the been attained. Instructed the members to 26th August last, in the case of Mr. Veitch, acknowledge the goodness and mercy of were received and ordered to be kept in God in the past harvest, time and way most retentis. The Petition from Bankhill Ses suitable ; also, on the last Sabbath of the sion, in the case, was read and considered. current year, to make intimation from the The Session agreed ultimately to withdraw pulpit respecting the New Act of Parliament the Petition, at the recommendation of the on Border Marriages, and to warn the peocourt, it being understood that Mr. Veitch ple of the evil consequences of its violation. should give up that part of the furniture The Letter referred to in the beginning of confessedly not belonging to him. The the Minute was considered. It was moved books from Etal, Ancroft Moor, Tweed-by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Murray, mouth, and N. Sunderland, were examined and agreed to, that “The Presbytery having and attested ; Etal Cash Book excepted, beard a letter read which the Secretary of which was not produced. Collections for the Home Mission Committee had been inCollege were reported. The Tweedmouth structed to send to Mr. Murdoch, ModeSchool schedule was attested. Adjourned rator of Horncliffe Session, referring to till the 9th of December, at 11:30, A.M. Mr. Ryder's residence in Horncliffe, as Next ordinary Meeting to be held at Ber- detrimental to the congregation there, and wick, on the last Tuesday of February at suggesting his removal to near Ancroft the same hour.

Moor, has no means of knowing whence the Dec. 9. Mr. Murdoch reported that he various members' referred to obtained their had, as appointed, preached at Horncliffe, information, and cannot homologate their on Sabbath last, and thereafter held a con- statement. At the same time feel that it gregational meeting ; found the congrega- would be both for Mr. Ryder's comfort, tion ripe for an election, and then moderated and for the benefit of Ancroft Moor, that a in a call. Mr. William Henry Douglas manse be built there." The Presbytery was elected by a large majority. The call adjourned to meet at Berwick on the 13th was produced by Mr. Murdoch, attested of January, 1857, at 11:30, A.M. by him and signed in due form. He had, as Moderator of the Session, and as instructed by the Presbytery, written to the

PRESBYTERY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Home Mission Committee, but there had TAE Quarterly Meeting of this Presbynot been time yet for a reply. The call tery was held at Alnwick, January 13th, was sustained. Instructed the clerk to 1857, and duly constituted. Sederunt, the forward the call to Mr. Douglas for his Moderator, Mr. Forsyth, Mesers. Hoy, consideration, and empowered the Mode- Anderson, Lennie, Huie, Fergus, Walker, rator (pro tem.) to prescribe Mr. Douglas' Edmonds, and the Clerk — Ministers, trials in case of his accepting the call. Ad. Messrs. George Davidson, and James Wanjourned to the 18th instant.

lass, elders. Dec. 18. Mr. Murdoch, as Moderator of Commission in favour of Mr. William Horncliffe Session, presented a Letter from Turnbull, as ruling elder for the congreHome Mission Committee, intimating re- gation of Bavington, was given in and newal of grant to the congregation for this sustained. year, in the hope that the congregation will Messrs. Anderson, Blythe, Edmonds, take steps towards being self-sustaining. Forsyth, Hoy, Huie, Lennie, and Walker, An accompanying note was left for con- reported that they had taken up collections sideration till the close of the Sederunt. for the College Fund. Mr. Wanlass inThe clerk reported that he had forwarded timated that a collection had been taken the call to Mr. Douglas. Mr. Douglas up for the same object in the congregation being present, and the call being put into at Warrenford, Mr. Huie had made a collec. his hands, and he being asked by the tion for the School Fund. Moderator whether he accepted this call, The Presbytery then proceeded to hear the stated, that after prayerful consideration, pieces of trials prescribed to Mr. Sayburn, he felt it to be his duty to accept, which he when he delivered a lecture, homily, etc., and accordingly did. Mr. Douglas' trials were was examined in Hebrew, Greek, Church appointed to be received on the 13th of History, and Theology. The Presbytery January next. The Presbytery was ex. being alone, and having taken a conjunct ceedingly gratified to learn that the Church view of the whole trials, and being satisfied at Norham is now free of debt. Having therewith, unanimously resolved to license been stimulated by a donation of £50 from Mr. Sayburn ; whereupon having satisRobert Barbour, Esq., the congregation factorily answered the questions required had raised the remaining £200 in two years. 'to be proposed to candidates for license,

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