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Letter FROM Mr. CHAnteris.


Mr. Parkes, in his reply to this communication, kindly intercedes for the two native teachers, who were arrested along with Mr. Burns. He first assures the Commissioner that, “Mr. Burns is, as he has represented himself, a British subject, and is well known in China as a Protestant missionary who for upwards of eight years has endeavoured to do oi to the Chinese by religious teachings, as well as by gratuitously administering to their bodily wants. While others of his missionary brethren have remained stationary in one place, studying the sacred writings of o: Chinese, and preparing translations of their own, Mr. Burns has moved about from one place to another that he might have wider opportunity or preaching, and o books. In 3. so, however, he has hitherto confined himself to the five ports open to foreign commerce, and in reply to my inquiry, why he on this occasion proceeded to Chaon-Chow, which is not one of those ports, he stated to me that he simply intended to pay the place a passing visit; and having no intention of staying there would have left again | immediately, had the authorities, desired or allowed him to do so. They, however, being unaccustomed to see foreigners in a native dress, mistook him, I conclude, for a suspicious character, and thought it necessary to arrest him; and, serious as the consequences may be to Mr. Burns, it must be admitted that he has subjected him. self to them by his own deviation from what was right. “As to the circumstances of his adopting the Chinese costume, your Excellency, who knows full well how liable foreigners are to be molested, even at the Five Ports open to trade, by Chinese crowding round them to stare at their strange dress, will readily understand that Mr. Burns did this in order to escape the annoyance to which hemust otherwise have been subjected; and, I may mention here, that the practice of wearing Chinese attire is now not uncommon to the foreign missionaries whose profession naturally takes them among the native population." In a note to the Earl of Clarendon, enclosing the correspondence, Sir John Bowring says, “Mr. Burns is a most zealous person; and, having heard that

it was his purpose to return to the district from which he has been just sent away, I have thought it necessary to instruct Mr. Parkes to caution him against so doing. The caution is all the more necessary on account of the disturbed state of the colony.”


MRs. PAT1son has received a letter from Mr. Charteris, dated 19th March, from which we take the following extracts:—“I am very unwilling to have it thought that my mission has lost its Jewish character. I assure you it has not, so far as my own intercourse with the descendants of Abraham is concerned. I intend to give myself as much labour as formerly; and I feel more and more interested in them the longer I have to do with them. I consider myself better qualified every year on Jewish questions—I endeavour always to improve myself in the Hebrew language. I intend to read, if possible, and if it be the will of God, the whole of the Old Testament in Hebrew, in 1857. I have, in spite of many hindrances, advanced to the close of Exodus. If I can, Iread also a chapter in modern Greek. My hospital work, owing to the arrival of the 91st, has become a little more extensive, but I am thankful to say, there is almost no sickness of a serious nature. On the Lord's day I preach in the morning in the Garrison §. at halfpast ten. At one P.M. Isail in the same boat with the Garrison Chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Clark, a good and godly Minister of Christ, who is much esteemed, though he is much humbled by the lack of spiritual results among his flock. These the day may declare, and they may be wisely hid from us. I return at three P.M., when we dine. At five come two or three Italians, with whom I read a chapter, with a few words of explanation, and a few questions put to them or asked by them. My audience at Vislo amounted to between forty and fifty, from the 91st R., Artillery, and Sappers, with two wives and two little girls. In the Garrison School-room, we may have nearly 200 men, with a number of wives .children; more of the 91st are expected, and the Quarter-Master tells me these are supposed to be chiefly Scotch, and


he seems happy that such should be
the case. At our prayer meeting last
Tuesday evening, we had a few of the
91st out for the first time. A corporal
called on me the other evening, and
among other things told me that he and
a very few others met together every
Lord's day, in a cave by the sea-side, in
the neighbourhood of Piraeus, and
there united in prayer, reading, and
praise. How interesting, to think that
amid the votive niches which made
Paul, as he passed by, esteem the
Athenians in all things too supersti-
tious, there should meet a few Presby-
terians who, after the simple form ac-
counted heresy, should worship the
God of their fathers. I expect more to
attend the service on the week-day
evenings, when we have removed to
another house, which will be much
more easily found by new-comers.
“I did not advert in either of my
two last letters to the death of the late
Lady Vereny. Ihave rarely felt more

consoled me. She saw all that I was doing, and encouraged me to set a face like a flint against everything disheartening. Her accomplishments won many, and all far removed from the superficial. She was the Christian in all her actions—the lady in all her carriage. I have had kind letters from her, accompanied with proofs of her interestin my work, since she was here in 1854. She has also been a warm friend to dear old Mrs. Dickson. We may thus well say, that Corfu has lost a benefactress—but the Master called her, and though I have not heard the circumstances connected with her departure, I believe that her excellent husband and family have good reason to rejoice while they sorrow. Mrs. Charteris is now quite well, and unites with me in kind regards to you and Mr. Patison. With the same to Mrs. Moore, and other dear friends, believe me, dear Madam,

Very affectionately yours,

for any one not a relative. She was such a very kind friend when here.— She entered into all my sorrows, and

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WE have received the following in should not find that strange combina. reply to a paper, received from a cor-ition of prudence and rashness, eulogy respondent, which appeared in last and depreciation, which is so striking Messenger. evident in the article before us. We Sir, –In the last number of the agree with almost all his conclusions, Messenger, under the head “Miscel- but we arrive at them by a somewhat laneous Papers" (original and selected), different course. For instance, we bethere appeared an article upon the lieve that another professor ought to be college which, while it contained much added to the present staff, but not be. excellent advice, was so fitted by its cause “the scantiest possible apparatus tone and colouring to mislead and dis-for conducting the work necessary to courage those inclined to be friendly to the theological education and trainthat institution; that I do not think iting of her aspirants to the ministry is ought to be allowed to pass without a divinity hall with three professors." notice. The author, if we may judge|We believe that the work mentioned from what he has written, appears to not only can be done, but that it has

to us to be the unfortunate possessor of a hasty temperament, otherwise we

been done, and done well too, by two professors (assisted by the two London

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ministers whom our author so uncere- not necessarily involve the neglect of moniously pushes aside), since the first “ some branch of theological learning." institution of the college, and our occa- In certain circumstances, we believe sion for approving of the appointment that two professors, assisted as ours of an additional professor is simply, have been, may be able to overcome that such a step must, in the nature of with efficiency an entire theological things, secure to the students a pro- course, though, we admit, not without portionable advantage, and at the same an undesirable pressure upon their time enable the professors themselves powers, and a too great sacrifice of to discharge their duties with superior precious time. Compare the number of ease and comfort. We entirely demur to the Great Ormond Street students, the spirit of the following remarks :- with the number attending the Edin"Two professors cannot teach as they burgh Hall, and, on a careful and ought to be taught Exegesis, Apolo impartial consideration, it will be getics, Systematic Theology, Church found that our professional staff is in History, Hebrew and Greek. It is reality more efficient than the Edinmonstrous to expect any two men to burgh one. We institute this comundertake such an amount of labour. parison notwith the view of deprecating It is utterly impossible that any two in any degree the northern institution, men can satisfactorily undertake it. but solely for the purpose of doing Some branch of theological learning justice to our own, and of rendering must be neglected," and that for two harmless the aspersion upon her past reasons :-Ist. Because the field of and present character, contained in instruction embraced in a divinity the remarks we have quoted. We are course is unduly extended. Who ever quite aware that some hold that twelve heard of Greek being taught in a students require just as many propurely theological ball ? Although fessors as twelve hundred. Such may our author advocates a higher standard scout the argument we have advanced, in theology, he must have a very low but, nevertheless, believing it to be idea of the measure of literary attain- sound and just, we abide by it, and ment requisite on the part of the confidently assert that fifteen students, student before entering the hall. It is under two first-class professors and quite possible that in the divinity two assisting ministers, have a better colleges of Scotland (where classical chance, not only of being led through learning is notoriously at a low ebb) the whole extent of the theological the study of the Greek language may course, but also of being more thoform part of the regular course; but to roughly grounded as they proceed, English students the idea is prepos- than two hundred students under five terous, and we are happy to find that professors. our professors in Great Ormond Street Our author is evidently ignorant of have too just a view of the nature of the arrangements and working of our their own duties, and of what is re- little hall. He regards its constitution quired from students of divinity, to theoretically--not in its practical workdegrade their office, and the institution ing—and hence the mistake into which with which they are connected, by be- he has fallen. But, what is worst of coming Greek tutorg. Does the writer all, he appears to have overlooked the mean by “ Greek," the exegetical study fact that his statements contain a most of the Greek Testament? Surely not'; disagreeable reflection upon the train. for that is precisely what is meant, we ing of those ministers and probationers apprehend, by the term exegesis, which of our church, who have the misforhe also makes use of. We can only Itune (?)-as he would think--to call therefore attach one meaning and themselves alumni of the English Presthat the usual one to the word byterian College. The only inference * Greek.

we can draw, with regard to these 2nd. But our second and principal gentlemen is, that they have been but reason for dissenting from the above very imperfectly educated. That in remarks is, that we sincerely believe their education“ some branch of theothem to be incorrect. The possession logical learning has been neglected"of only two permanent professors, with that their theological studies have two eminent masters assisting, does been pursued at a “schule" or an

“academy,” and not at any institution worthy of the name of “college.” Now we are too charitable to think that our author intended such a reflection, but we ask, is not the inference a just one, and is not the whole para: graph from which we have quoted calculated to injure our students, and to spread wrong impressions throughout the church regarding our college? We heartily deprecate the idea of benefiting the future at the expense of the past. Notwithstanding the adverse circumstances which have impeded the progress of our college from her birth, she has done her duty nobly. We have been blessed by professors unsurpassed in any hall, but unfortunately neithersufficiently known nor appreciated by the church in whose behalf they have been labouring. We have had a band of students sent forth, inferior to none in the empire; and, taking our college as a whole, as regards her professional staff, her internal arrangements, and externai advantages, we may safely say that she will bear comparison with any Presbyterian college, either in Scotland or Ireland. We make these statements fearlessly; . We have given the subject long consideration, and our conclusions are based upon grounds perfectly satisfactory to our own mind. Let us, then, by all means have additional professors; we need them, and shall need them still more as the number of our students increases; let us also endow our chairs; but, while endeavouring to secure these objects, do let us be careful not to destroy the past character of our hall, or the character of the sons to whom she has given birth, l am, sir, yours, truly, you" op.

London, April, 1857.


SIR,-According to an opinion expressed in an article in last number of the “Messenger."our College, so long as the present staff of professors continue, will “be stigmatised as a sham—the mere mockery of a theological hall.” We think the statement correct. Our

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neither let them o athise with the

stigmatisers. Such lan e is not that of the wise and *:::: among us. It is not the language of those who are entitled to be heard on the question. Farther, it is not the language of respectable opponents—those who ground their opposition, or rather their negative position, on the idea that a College for England is unnecessary. These men would repudiate such language, as at once unworthy of their own character, and of their connection with the Church. They may not be enthusiastic friends, but they know how to respect an institution created W the Church to which they belong.

ho, then, are those who have sometimes expressed the sentiment condemned P 1. Ingrates, who have not scrupled to stigmatise the mother which nourished them. The race, we think, is extinct. Still, they may have left the evidence of their existence. Like Samson's foxes, they had brands tied behind them. And yet letus be gentle and considerate, for supposable circumstances may have created the Samson to tie the brand. 2. Earpatriated Scotchmen and Irishmen. When they come here, they find us in Egyptian darkness. . We don't do things as they ought to be done. We don't know how to do them. How should we? We are all wrong from head to foot. The wonder is, that we have not long ago reached inextricable confusion. But they come from the land of light. They will teach us what to think and what to do. When they come, Daniel's come to judgment. erily, wisdom would die with them, were we not careful to catch its mellow rays as they flow from their fountain. And now, as one good service deserves another, let us tender them a few words for consideration — to do which they j have studied long ago, when under the sway of good King Birch:

“A fool uttereth all his mind; but a

wise man keepeth it in till afterwards." Good friends, don’t tell us all your mind. ...We may, in your enlightened estimation, be strange, our institutions may be stranger. But do not permit us to know what you think, much less

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proclaim your opinion on the house- professors are sometimes better than top. You may lead us into a mistake. two and occasional assistance; they do We may be tempted, especially if we not require to be told how the different study Solomon, to regard you as wit-branches of study can best be taught; lings, with more wind than wisdom, neither are they ignorant that the more self-conceit than self-respect; and multiplication of professors sometimes

hence fail to recognise your wisdom. tends to make study so smooth and so ! Permit us to tender another advice. diversified as to create shallow students. Matriculate for a few sessions. We They knew these things long ago. shall not predict the full result. But But they do not know how to be told, this we venture to say, that at the close especially by youthful recruits, that of the first four months, you will find their College is a mockery. self-esteem somewhat reduced, and We occasionally find in certain circles, your notices somewhat modified; and a disposition to speak contemptuously when you finally leave your friends, of the Presbyterian Church in England. you will find yourselves not quite so Such a disposition must be deplored great "shams," as when you entered. deplored for the sake of those who

Who are the friends of the College? cherish it. It must nourish the spirit Why should we ask? The College is of pride, dry up the springs of benevothe College of the Church. It belongs lence, and banish the spirit of prayer. to her, and to her alone. And he who How can an individual who contemns knows not how to respect her College, the church with which he is connected, knows not how to respect herself, and expect to grow in grace? Complaints can scarcely be regarded as an honest are sometimes made, that there is a man in having any connections with want of power in the services of the us. Who are the friends. The aged sanctuary. Good friends, search your. and experienced ministers and elders, selves. See whether the disposition to the men of whom we think when we which we allude, may not be found an think of the Church; those who have obstruction. The Presbyterian Church been longest in England, and who here has no éclat. But that should have studied their position and their not lead you to contemn her. Rather wants. Who are the friends ? True- let it lead you to labour and to pray hearted Scotchmen and Irishmen who for her success. This would be more come here to do the work of the like a friend, more like a Christian. Church, with which they cast in their If you please, mourn over our degene. lot. England does not want men whose racy, mourn over our want of spiritual chief recommendation is, that they life. But let your mourning be such have attended certain institutions. She as to draw forth benignant labours and needs not those who have been needy fervent prayers, and we shall rejoice at the fountains, but those who have and gladly bear with your spirit. If drunk the waters. Those who come you be private members, then let none here to do the work provided, show foster in your minds this contemning that the institutions in which they spirit, Regard them as the enemies, were trained have not given them a not the friends of the Church. Their fictitious character. And we think, conduct reminds us of those who that the fact that they respect and creep into houses ;" and as to their support the means which their adopted spoil, they sometimes lead captive Church employs to rear a ministry, other than “silly women laden with enhances the value of the institution in sins.” If you have accepted office in which they themselves were trained. the Church, then respect her instituThe man who wisely loves his country, tions, labour and pray for their success. will never permit its honour to become If you have the charge of souls, and the target of common sense by his own receive the emoluments of the Church, hyperbolical laudation. And he who then eat not the bread of questionable really exalts the institutions through honesty; hold not a charge in a church which he passed, will never be found which you stigmatise in stigmatising acting dishonestly to those of others. her institutions. Study the ethics and Men who are both an honour to their the maxims of the world, not to mencountry and their church, do not require tion a higher authority, and learn from to be told that three or four regular men of business the principles of honour

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