Handbook of Atopic EczemaThomas Ruzicka, Johannes Ring, Bernhard Przybilla Springer-Verlag, 1991 - 484 Seiten Atopic eczema is one of the most common dermatologic Altough the etiopathogenesis of the disease has not yet conditions. According to recent data, up to 10 % of all been fully elucidated, the large body of data already children may be affected. Particularly in its severe form, available provides important clues for both our atopic eczema is a distressing and even disabling disease. understanding of the disease and for daily patient care. Even the far more frequent minor forms may pose prob This Handbook of Atopic Eczema aims to put together lems because of their chronicity or the unpredictable current knowledge on this multifacted disease in the tendency for relapse. Atopic eczema must therefore be most comprehensive way. This volume covers the whole regarded as a major health problem, and it is one that is range of relevant information. Since each topic is dealt today drawing mounting attention, not only from the with by authors expert in that particular field, the up-to medical community, but increasingly from the date knowledge provided is not only extensive but also nonmedical public as well. critical. I believe that this Handbook of Atopic Eczema Since atopic eczema first emerged as a disease entity in will not only enhance our ability to treat our patients, but the early decades of this century, it has been the subject will also stimulate our efforts to fully understand this of both extensive research and intense scientific enigmatic disease. controversies. |
Condition Disease or Syndrome? | 3 |
Deuell B klinik Klinikum der Universität Freiburg Hauptstraße | 7 |
Rystedt I | 14 |
Urheberrecht | |
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Handbook of Atopic Eczema Johannes Ring,Bernhard Przybilla,Thomas Ruzicka Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - 2006 |
Handbook of Atopic Eczema Thomas Ruzicka,Johannes Ring,Bernhard Przybilla Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - 2013 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
abnormalities Acad Dermatol Acta Derm Venereol activity allergens allergic contact Allergy Clin Immunol antigen Arch Dermatol associated atopic dermatitis atopic diseases atopic eczema atopic eczema patients atopic patients atopy aureus basophils chronic clinical contact dermatitis controls cutaneous Derm Venereol Stockh Derm Venereol Suppl dermatology diagnosis diet dry skin effect eicosanoids eosinophils epidermal factors fatty acids function genetic hand eczema Hanifin JM histamine histamine release hypersensitivity ichthyosis vulgaris IgE antibodies IgE levels IgE production IgG4 immune immunodeficiency immunological increased individuals induced infections infiltrate inflammatory inhibition Invest Dermatol irritants itch Langerhans cells leukocytes lipids lymphocytes mast cells mediators normal observed patch test patients with AE patients with atopic protein pruritus psoriasis Rajka Rajka G reactions reactivity receptors reported role sebaceous gland sensitivity serum IgE skin diseases specific steroids stratum corneum studies symptoms syndrome T-cell therapy tion topical treatment twin urticaria vitro white dermographism