Grey, unbleached Sq. yds. 174,573 235,349 390,116 681,110 797,181 1,106,080 part of Dyed yarn and com- 132,298 140,441 988,880 680,876 547,511 2,149,870 1,715,979 917,088 1,182,944 7,358,988 4,519,304 4,598,425 450,700 517,573 642,616 1,766,222 2,057,964 2,643,336 2,298,977 1,575,102 2,814,440 9,806,086 7,124,779 9,391,631 2,198 872,726 2,936,961 3,051,999 3,124,717 11,059,629 10,951,280 1,263,096 755,845 1,250,695 5,414,250 5,941,996 3,774,159 583,938 684,884 566,110 2,215,250 3,280,892 2,002,133 759,693 1,222,370 1,323,677 4,837,907 5,566,177 5,094,849 50,175 3,692 114,479 104,607 8,233 4,353 659 " Other Countries " Total " 330,371 263,623 296,911 1,619,430 1,199,577 1,564,865 3,859,999 5,865,881 6,493,084 17,326,033 27,152,878 23,395,519 44,502 27,296 952,700 1,016,998 1,288,590 177,505 318,692 1,373,438 1,419,865 974,475 109,008 585,290 834,591 415,089 118,419 568,098 512,630 469,476 887 14,609 13,011 2,591 31,914 215,473 122,499 182,318 1,139,887 4,045,498 4,938,692 2,036,096 2,056,851 4,100,800 * Dutiable on and after 1st July, 1925. ↑ Embroidery manufactured on net or any fabric which, or the main part of which, is eliminated before the article reaches its final stage and embroidery containing silk became dutiable on and after 1st July, 1925. Gloves of Leather and of Fur (except Astrakhan Gloves) and Fabric Gloves of Cotton became dutiable on and after 22nd December, 1925. |