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14. Some feminine nouns have moreover another plural termination, formed by changing

into 'n

or רחמתים .a damfel ; plur ,רחמה,as ; ותים or

, damfels.*

15. Numeral adjectives, from one to ten inclufively, though fingular in form, take a plural fubftantive; as,, four years., a thousand, follows this conftruction. All other numeral adjectives, though plural in form, take a fingular fubftantive; as, MJ W¬, forty years.

16. The mafculine plural termination added to the cardinal numerals from three to nine inclufively, increases their number tenfold. Twenty is expreffed by the numeral ten, y, in the masculine plural.

17. Sometimes cardinal numerals feem to be used as fubftantives fingular in regimen or conftruction;t as,, three days (a trinity of days); wy, ten days (a decade of days.)

18. When two fubftantives come together, fignifying different things, the former of them is in regimen or conftruction; as, 37, the word-of Fehovah.S Here is in regimen.

19. Words are faid to be abfolute, when they are not in regimen or conftruction.

20. Adjectives and participles, coming before fubftantives, are alfo frequently in regimen.

The feminine plural, formed by changing into n, is fometimes dual; as, o`nɔw, two years, Gen. XI. 10. XLI. 1.— ', two cubits, Exod. XXV. 10 and 17.-'NND, two meafures, 1 Kings, XVIII. 33.—□'nx, two hundred, Gen. XI. 19 and 32.


For the definition of these terms, fee No. 18. Alfo No.
Note first.

When a word is in regimen, of is joined to its English; not to that of the following word: as, the word-of Jehovah; not the word of-Jehovah.


Masculine nouns fingular fuffer no change in regimen*; but in the plural they drop their

, kings-of a country.t


; as,


22. Nouns feminine fingular ending in 7, when in regimen, change their into ; as, A. Other feminine nouns fingular, as alfo feminines plural in and ♫, fuffer no change in regimen.

23. All nouns with fuffixes are in regimen.‡ 24. The Comparative degree in Hebrew is made by or, thus, pn, fweeter than boney (fweet in comparison of honey.)

25. The fuperlative is formed by ND, very; as, AND, very good by repeating an adjective; as, 3, the best, or very good (good good): or, by the fame or a fynonymous word repeated, the former being in regimen; as, y, a most abject flave (fervant of fervants).

26. One of the names of God is fometimes placed after the noun, fome quality of which is to be expreffed in the fuperlative; as,, the loftieft, or very lofty cedars (cedars of Gods). 27. Masculine nouns are thus declined:

[blocks in formation]

* Words are faid to be conftructed, when they are in regimen. + Some feminines plural end in ; as, DW), wives, na, fhe camels, y, fhe goats, waba, concubines. Such feminines plural, like mafculines, drop in regimen, as do feminines Alfo fome feminine nouns fingular and ♬. See No. 8.

ותים and תים plural in

end in other letters befide

See Sect. VII. No. 3. Note.

In the book of Jonah, Chap. III. ver. 3. Nineveh is called

an eaceedingly great city (a city great to עיר גדולה לאלחים

God). In the fame manner, Mofes is called by Saint Stephen, Acts, VII. 20. a58105 tw bew, exceedingly fair (fair to God).

[blocks in formation]

29. Feminine nouns ending in n are thus declined:

| אגרות or אגרת | אגרות or אגרת a letter אגרת | אגרת

[blocks in formation]

32. Adjectives and participles are changes to which fubftantives are.

declined :

liable to all the

They are thus

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

*It often happens, that nouns have a feminine termination in the fingular, and a masculine termination in the plural, according to this example: fuch nouns, derived from verbs Lamed He, are mafculine. The reverse alfo occurs.




1. These feven ferviles, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, and w are called prefixes, because they are often prefixed

to words.

2. fignifies in; (alfo, into, within, among, when, to, at, against, with, concerning, of, by, for, on account of, towards, upon, above, according to): as, py, righteousness; P, in righteousness.

3. is demonftrative, vocative, or relative; and, when prefixed to nouns, fignifies the, that, or 0; when prefixed to verbs and participles, who, which, &c. and it is fometimes interrogative, or a note of admiration as,, a king; p, the, or that, or O king. It is frequently emphatic.

4. fignifies and; (as alfo, but, notwithstanding, that, or, nor, even, when, to wit, fo, alfo, although, feeing that, then, because, if): as, 17, a king; , and a king.

5. fignifies as; (alfo, like, according to, when): as, y, a tree; D, as a tree.

6.↳ fignifies to, of, for; (and until, upon, with, at, about, from, in, into, unto, on account of, after, according to, before, with). Thus, 172, 72, a king;

, to or of a king. fometimes denotes poffeffion or property; as, o, they are mine, (funt mihi).

7. fignifies from; (out of, in, among, by or near, by means of, because of, in comparison of, against, before, not, left): as, , a mountain; from a mountain.


8. fignifies who or which; (because, that, for, when): as, m, he fhall take; mx, who fhall take.*



1. Under nouns, in Hebrew, are comprehended pronouns, so called, because they stand (pro nominibus) inftead of nouns.

2. Grammarians divide pronouns into several kinds; as, primitive, poffeffive, demonstrative, relative, and interrogative.

3. Primitive pronouns are distinguished into three perfons. The first perfon fingular is ",", or , I, and me: plural, 18, † 18, we and us.

,אתך or את $ אתה The fecond perfon fingular is f

thou and thee: plural, or (mafculine), ye and you; jns, hans, or (feminine), ye and you.

,הוא or היא,be הוא The third perfon fingular is

She plural, nor (generally mafculine), they; or an (generally feminine), they.

4. Fragments of the primitive pronouns, as from "N, 13 from 1, joined to the end of nouns, fup

* When the prefixes are applied in any manner not noted here, an attentive reader will be at no lofs for their fignification.

,אנחנו for,נחנו We rarely find +

+ Masculine.


Thus, from nx, fingular, ons, mafculine plural, p feminine plural, are taken 7, 2, and, thee and thy; D, you

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