Abbildungen der Seite

to any fcience which is converfant folely with the qualities of things.'

We know not how this cenfure of one of our universities, by a fon of the other, will be received: but it feems clear, that there is very little ground for the diftinction by which the good Bishop attempts to obviate the confequence of the application of mathematical principles to theology. Moft certainly, when the question is, whether there be three divine perfons or one, it is a question of quantity and not of quality; for to whatever fubftance the axiom be applied, it must always be true, that one, three times taken, is more in quantity than one. The corrupt nature of man; the faving power of faith; the effential difference between morality and religion; and the divine authority of epifcopal and of civil government; are the principal points difcuffed in this charge; in which, with the fulleft perfuafion of the good intentions .of the writer, (whofe worldly cares and labours are now ended,) we must confess that we do not find much ftrength nor conclufivenefs of reafoning.

Art. 68. Remarks on Mr. Wakefield's Inquiry into the Expediency and Propriety of Public or Social Worship. By a Layman. 8vo. 6d. Stockdale. 1792.

Little addition is made by this publication to the argument in reply to Mr. Wakefield's objections against public worship. The following remark may perhaps be thought worth tranfcribing:

Our Lord found focial worship eftablished in principle, though wretchedly corrupted in practice, among the Jews. It was not therefore neceffary for him to inftitute, but to reform it and if we can find him actually doing fo, the obligation to public worship will be as completely authorized by him, as any pofitive inflitution whatever. Let his declaration, God is a Spirit, and they that worship him muft worship him in fpirit and in truth;" let the form, or model of prayer prefcribed by him to his difciples, and their fabfequent practice, be duly confidered, and it will appear, that the reformation, and not the abolition, of public worship was intended.

Art. 69. Two Sermons: the first addreffed to Seamen: the fecond to the British Welt India Slaves. By a Phyfician, Author of Unanfwerable Arguments against the Abolition of the Slave-trade, &c. To which are fubjoined, Remarks on Female Infidelity, and a Plan of Platonic Matrimony; by which that Evil may be leffened, or totally prevented. By F. G. Published for the Benefit of the Tin-miners in Cornwall. 8vo. pp. 66. IS.

Ridgway. 1791.

This benevolent writer offers very good advice to feamen and flaves. The first of thefe fermons was rather haftily compofed during a voyage from the West Indies to Britain. It was well received by the audience to whom it was delivered. The honeft Tars were fo pleafed with the difcourfe, that they afked permiffion to transcribe it. The fecond fermon was delivered to a number of slaves, on a plantation which had been the property of the author. His aim, in both, is to render them what he justly styles practical Chriftians; whereas, he obferves, fome perfons feem to confider morality as no


part of the Chriftian religion. Our author, whom we still regard as a philanthropist, is well known, ftrange as it may appear, to be wholly adverfe to the abolition of the traffic in his fellow-creatures. His reafons, without doubt, appear valid to himself. We will not enter into any debate with him on the fubject. We fuppofe that flaves may meet with milder treatment in the Grenades, or in those parts with which he was connected, than in fome other places. Yet, allowing that this may be true, it enters but little into the main argument.

The latter part of this pamphlet ftands rather in odd connection with the former. It is of the ferio-comic kind, intermixed with grave and fenfible reflections:- There is (fays the author,) a radical defect in the management of young people of both fexes. By being too early introduced into the world, they are taught to confider themfelves as men and women before their time. They remark in their parents an infatiable attachment to pleasure and diffipation, and a total inattention to religious duties: from the examples perpetually before their eyes, the boys become complete coxcombs, and the girls finished coquettes: another fource of corruption is the general perufal of novels.'-Unequal matches the author numbers among the caufes of that female infidelity which he attacks; as one means of its cure, he felects three claffes of each fex, as fitted for what he calls Platonic love; and, with a degree of humour and drollery, furnishes the parties with their Platonic advertifements! All the rest we commit to the reader's own examination and criticism.

Art. 70. Forms of Prayer for Public Worship. 12mo. PP. 144. 2 s. Johnfon. 1791.

This compilation has been formed, we are told, for the use of an evening lecture, fupported during the fix months of winter, by Proteftant Diffenters at Portsmouth. By a variety of fervices, it is faid to be their wish to obviate, in fome degree, the objections to a ftated form. These fervices are five in number, collected chiefly from the Common Prayer reformed by Dr. Samuel Clarke; from the Liverpool form; from prayers published by the Rev. Mr. J. Palmer; and from others, by a friend to family devotion. Some, it may be fuppofed, have received alterations and additions; and the minifter is left at liberty to introduce fuch prayers of his own as may accord with the occafion. The editor affumes no particular name but that of Proteftant Diffenter; it may, however, be readily inferred that thefe fervices are not formed on a Calvinistical or what is termed an orthodox plan. The doxologies, as, according to the editor's proper expreffion, they undoubtedly ought to be, are from the Scriptures. We have only to add that these forms feem to be very well adapted to answer the propofed intention.


Art. 71.
The Rights of Government not compatible with the
Rights of Man. Preached at the Affize, held at Chelmsford, in
the County of Effex, before the Hon. Mr. Juftice Gould, and


Mr. Juftice Wilfon, Aug. 1, 1791. 4to.


Pp. 16. Is. 6d. Kearleys. The objects, which this preacher profeffes to have in view, are to condemn the abject doctrine of paffive obedience, to reprefs the intemperate zeal of licentious innovation, and to enforce the duty of obedience to rulers whofe chief care is the public fafety. He would be thought to preserve a middle courfe, between the Scylla of Republicanism and the Charybdis of Defpotifm: but, at the fame time, he maintains the abfurd and flavish doctrine, that the prefent generation has a right to bind the next to certain forms of government, and he rejects the only true foundation of political liberty, that the fovereign will of the people is the ftandard of human govern ment. How far fuch doctrines are confiftent with that air of moderation which the preacher affumes, we leave the public to determine.

Art. 72. Cruelty the natural and infeparable Confequence of Slavery, and both diametrically oppofite to the Doctrine and Spirit of the Chriftian Religion; preached March 11, 1792, at HemelHempstead, Herts. By John Liddon. 8vo. 6d. Dilly.

An ingenious, fenfible, and fpirited difcourfe, from Pfalm xxii. 14. The author does not fail to recommend the practice, adopted, it is faid, by many thousands in the kingdom, of difufing the Weft India produce. Every Chriftian, (it is obferved,) is here of importance. They may prevent the wounds of many by rendering their labour useless. Avarice will then leave the trade, from the fame principle from which it firit engaged in it.'-This fermon will probably contribute its mite toward increafing that defire of immediately abolishing our flave-trade, which appears to be almoft general throughout the kingdom. How far the nation, in general, are competent to judge, on a fubject attended with fo many difficulties, is a point on which we dare not prefume to determine.

Art. 73. The Principles of Proteftant Diffenters flated.

Preached at Fairford, August 28, 1791. By Jofiah Townsend. 8vo. 6d. Johnfon. 1791.

It appears to be the principal defign of this difcourse, to remove the odium which has fallen on the Diffenters, as enemies to the State and Church, by proving that their principles are pacific, and that the general tenor of their conduct entitled them to the confidence of their fellow-citizens, The fpirit, with which it is written, is candid, and the language is conciliating.

Art. 74. Preached by the Rev. Dr. Huffey, at the Opening of the Spanish Chapel, on the 8th of December 1791. Taken in Short Hand by a Gentleman prefent. 8vo. Is. Ridgway.



We defire to exercife candor, and we wish every man to enjoy his opinion at eaje; yet we can perceive but little reafon for the labour that has been used to communicate this difcourfe to the public. There are, no doubt, feveral pertinent and good obfervations

in it: but, at the fame time, there are expreffions, fuch as myftic facrifice, fymbolic ornaments, facred robes, &c. which we cannot approve, befide the frequent found of THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! founds which tend to impofe on, delude, and mislead, the ignorant and unwary; of which, it is plain, to our grief, there are great numbers, of all ranks, in this Proteftant, and [fuppofed to be] enlightened country.-Some parts of the fermon, however, are fenfible, and calculated to promote real religion. We cannot much applaud this fhort-hand manner of obtaining publications of this kind."

Art. 75. Youth reminded of a Future Judgment; in a Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of Mr. John Vowel, who died at Hackney, Dec. 24, 1790; in the twenty-fecond Year of his Age. By William Bennett. 8vo. pp. 52. 19. Dilly.

The fubject and the occafion of this difcourfe are too ferious and affecting to admit of criticifm. It is very well written, and urges with energy an early and conftant regard to the great concerns of human life. There are indeed phrafes and expreffions of a Calviniftical kind, which we cannot approve; to fome other readers they may be acceptable, and poffibly of fervice: but the event itself is powerfully inftructive, and the preacher's remarks farther recommend it to regard. The youth, whom the fermon commemorates, appears to have been amiable and promifing, in an eminent degree, and to have met his early difmiffion with a cheerful refignation and Chriftian hope. Some account is added of his fifter, who, with fimilar difpofitions, died a short time before him, in the fixteenth year of her age.

Art. 76. Reflections on the Character and State of departed Chriftians: occafioned by the Decease of the Rev. Caleb Evans, D. D. Paftor of the Baptift Congregation meeting in Broadmead, Bristol, and Senior Tutor to the Academy in that City. Preached in Cannonftreet, Birmingham, Sept. 4, 1791. By Samuel Pearce. 8vo. 6d. Knott.

A proper tribute of respect is here paid to the memory of a worthy man; who, for many years, filled the offices of a minister and a tutor with great refpectability among the independent class of Diffenters.




IN your Review for December laf, P. 431, you have committed a mistake, which I have no doubt of your correcting as foon as it is pointed out. Having mentioned a cafe of inverted uterus by Dr. R. Cleghorn of Glasgow, you fubjoin: "To this cafe are added fome judicious remarks by Dr. Garthfhore." Now, Gentlemen, I faw the paper before publication, and I affure you, that every part of it was


written by Dr. Cleghorn himself, without the fmalleft affiftanee from Dr. G. This information being anonymous can occafion no scruple on your part; for, by looking at the paper itfelf, you will fee that it was only communicated by Dr. G.

Permit me to fay one word more concerning the title given to this paper by the Society. It is "A Cafe of Inverfion of the Uterus;" it ought to have been, "The Hiftory of a Woman who furvived a continued Inverfion of the Uterus." Cafes of inverted uterus are so common as hardly to be worth recording; but inftances of women living with their uterus inverted are very rare, and muft, in the present state of our knowledge, be regarded as objects of curiofity. 6 With great respect, I am, Gentlemen,

Your most obedient fervant,


We are obliged to this Correfpondent for pointing out an overfight in our account of Dr. Cleghorn's paper. The remarks in question we find, on farther infpection, to be written by that gentleman: we were misled by the manner in which they are printed; namely, at fome distance and apart from the cafe which they were intended to accompany. This, at first view, gives an appearance of their being the production of the gentleman who communicated Dr. Cleghorn's cafe.

A Correfpondent in the country begs leave, through the channel of the Monthly Review, to request the publishers of fingle fermons, not to fell them at fo high a price as one shilling, which greatly hinders the fale of them, and thus leffens their usefulness. Where one is fold at one fhilling, he says three would be fold at fix pence. The booksellers, however, are the best judges of this


+*+ Our female Correfpondent, who dates from Layton, May 23d, is informed that we have not reviewed the novels which the mentions. Publications of this clafs are become fo numerous, and are, in general, fo trifling and infipid, that we do not chufe to torment ourfelves, and to difguft our readers, by noticing every work of this description.

+ CELADON'S Verfes, entitled, "Farewell to the Mufes," and addreffed to the Monthly Reviewers, have fufficient pathos to make us regret the hafty refolution formed by the ingenious and ingenuous young writer. Why fhould he be thus early difcouraged?

This gentleman, we understand, is the author of An Epistle to W. Wilberforce, Esquire, (fee p. 104.) written when under the age of twenty. At that age, even the great Dryden was not so good a writer, if we may judge from his juvenile productions.

If We cannot at prefent find the little work called "The Blind Child;" it is mislaid: but we will look farther for it.

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