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our civil and religious establishment, which may feriously affect the religion and morals of the people. The confequence will be, that Good Friday and Eafter-day will fometimes fall in the middle of the Law-term, and fuitors will be called from different parts of the kingdom to attend their bufinefs at Westminster; which, he fays, by leffening the respect that has hitherto been paid to those days, will tend to increase that general inattention and indifference which threaten to undermine the morals and religion of this nation. Whether the intended bill has been wholly laid afide, or whether the confiderations above fuggefted have had any weight with the fupporters of the measure, we have not been informed. We believe no fuch bill was brought in during the laft feffion. Probably fome difficulty may have occurred among the judges respecting the propofed arrangements.

Art. 35. A fecond Letter to the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, upon the Matter of Libel: fuggefting the dangerous Tendency of the Bill now [lately] before the Legislature on the above Subject, both with refpect to the Conftitution itself, and the whole Syftem of English Law. By John Bowles, Efq. of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. 8vo. 28. Whieldon, &c. 1792.

Mr. Bowles purfues this fubject with unremitting induftry, and with more than a common fhare of acuteness. He forefees, er thinks he forefees, the moft alarming confequences from enacting the bill which is the fubject of his animadverfions. As we do not feel the fame alarm, but, on the contrary, moft firmly believe that this bill only recognifes in the jury those powers which the Conftitution has entrusted to them, and meant them to exercife in criminal cafes, we heartily rejoice that it has paffed into a law. Art. 36. The accomplished Practifer in the High Court of Chancery. Shewing the whole Method of Proceedings, according to the prefent Practice, from the Bill to the Appeal, inclufive. Containing the original Power and Jurifdiction of the Chancery, both as a Court of Law and Equity; the Office of the Lord Chancellor, Mafter of the Rolls, and the rest of the Officers: Alfo the Forms and Precedents of Bills, Anfwers, Pleas, Demurrers, Writs, Commiffions, Interrogatories, Affidavits, Petitions, and Orders: With a Lift of the Officers and their Fees. By Jof. Harrison, of Lincoln's Inn, Efq. The feventh Edition, being a new one, on a plan different from that pursued in the former Editions of this Work; with all the Practice enlarged under every Head, and an Addition of Precedents of all Kinds; the Proceedings on a Commiffion of Lunacy; with additional Notes and References to the ancient and modern Reports in Equity. By John Griffith Williams, Efq. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. 8vo. 2 Vols. 18s. Bound. Whieldon. 1790.

This is an improved edition of a very ufeful practical treatise. Mr. Williams has arranged the materials in a more fyftematic manner, and has inferted the most important modern decisions relative to proceedings in equity.

* See Review, New Series, vol. vi. p. 337.


Art. 37. The Barrifter: or, Strictures on the Education propor for the Bar. 12010. 2 Vols. 6s. fewed. Deighton. 1792. Thefe ftrictures are written with the laudable defign of recommending a liberal and enlarged plan of education for the bar. The writer appears to have formed a very high fenfe of the proper dig. nity of the bar; and he wishes to point out the honourable line of advancement in it, in preference to the more gainful fyftem of courting the hotice of attornies by an early application to the aft tie of practice.

The greatest part of these volumes appeared occafionally in the news-paper called "The World." The author has now added fome others, and an Introduction.

Art. 38. An Enquiry into the Extent of the Power of Juries on Trials of Indictments or Informations for publishing feditious or other criminal Writings, or Libels; extracted from a mifcellaneous Collection of Papers that were published in 1776, entitled, Ad ditional Papers concerning the Province of Quebec. 8vo. 1s. 6d.

Debrett. 1792.

Thefe obfervations proceed from the candid and difpaffionate pen of Mr. Baron Maferes. Their object is to fhew that the jury have a right to determine all the particulars of the charge, the malicious intention of the writer, and the mifchievous tendency of the paper, as well as the more fimple facts of the writing and publication. Art. 39 A Differtation fhewing that the House of Lords in Cafes of Judicature are bound by precisely the fame Rules of Evidence, as are obferved by all other Courts; with an Appendix, containing farther Obfervations on the Effect of a Diffolution of Parliament on an unfinished Impeachment. By Edward Chriftian, Efq. Barrister, and Profeffor of the Laws of England in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 130. 2s. 6d. Deighton, &c. 1792. In a former publication on the fubject of Mr. Haftings's impeachment, Mr. Chriftian obferved, that "the rules of evidence, like the rules of morality, are prefumed to be founded in the best sense poffible, in reason and wisdom matured and confirmed by the experience of ages; and that in all criminal proceedings, both in the higheft and loweft courts, whether at the Quarter Seflions or in the High Court of Parliament, and in the Court of the Lord High Steward, they are and ought to be precifely the fame." pofition, it feems, attracted the notice and animadverfion of a gentleman of the first celebrity for talents in this country, who declared in the Houfe of Commons, that he could not fuffer fo erroneous and dangerous a doctrine to pafs unnoticed, especially as it came from one whofe duty it was to inftruct the rifing generation in the principles of the Law and Conftitution of England; and, in a fpeech of confiderable length, he endeavoured to prove that the House of Lords is not bound by the laws of Evidence like other courts. Mr. Chriflian, in the Differtation now before us, reafferts and maintains his former doctrine, with confiderable force and ability; and produces a great variety of inftances, before the Lords,

* See Review, New Series, vol. iv. p. 335.


in their judicial capacity, where he finds points of evidence argued and decided on the fame principles which would have been the ground of decifion in every inferior court.

Art. 40. Of Exemptions from the Payment of Tithes of the Lands of the Monafteries and Abbies diffolved by Stat. 31 Hen. 8. Cap. 13. as ftated in the Arguments in the Cafe of Devie against Lord Brownlow and others, in the Court of Chancery 1790. With an Appendix, containing authentic Documents relative to the local Site of Farcet Fen. 8vo. pp. 136. 2s. 6d. Brooke. 1792.

In the important caufe of Devie against Lord Brownlow, the law refpecting the exemption of lands from the payment of tithes was very fully difcuffed; and a judicious fummary of the arguments employed on that occafion might be well expected to exhibit almost all the information that can be of use both to the proprietor of tithes, and to the owners of lands claimed to be tithefree. The editor of this cafe, however, after devoting a very few pages to the general view of the fubject, immerges into a wide fea of facts and evidence peculiar to this caufe, and which must be very uninterefting, except to the parties themselves. In the course of his narration, he discovers a confiderable partiality in favour of the Vicar, Devie, who does indeed appear to have been confiderably haraffed by his powerful and more opulent opponent.

Art. 41. Points in Law and Equity, felected for the Information and Direction of all Perfons concerned in Trade and Commerce; with References to the Statutes, Reports, and other Authorities. 8vo. pp. 208. 35. 6d. Boards. Cadell. 1792.

The compiler of this work laments that, in the education of young men for the commercial world, the most obvious and material parts of thofe laws, which muft affect their future property and engagements, are not included. We entertain confiderable doubts whether this publication be well calculated to supply its deficiency. The points of law, for there are few of equity that occur in this collection, are stated in too fhort and unconnected a manner to afford much light to thofe for whofe direction it is profeffedly intended.


Art. 42. A Plan of a charitable Inftitution, intended to be eftablished upon the Sea-coaft, for the Accommodation of Persons afflicted with fuch Diseases as are ufually relieved by Sea-bathing. By John Latham, M. D. Fellow of the Royal College of Phycians, and Phyfician to the Middlefex and Magdalen Hospitals. 8vo. pp. 22. 6d. Longman. 1791.

Whoever reflects on the number of difeafes requiring fea air and fea bathing, will own the utility of a plan, the object of which is to enable the indigent part of the community to procure the advantages refulting from their ufe. The difficulty is in felecting the moft proper mode of conferring thefe benefits. Dr. Latham's fcheme is, in a great meafure, fimilar to that of the charitable fund established at Buxton, which is formed from a very small contribu



tion folicited by a gentleman, who acts as a fteward, in each lodging houfe, from every vifitor who frequents the place. The Doctor propofes that fo much of the Buxton plan as refpects the boarding of perfons amongst the inhabitants in the vicinity of Margate, or of any other convenient place upon the sea coaft, be adopted.

That a certain number of perfons who may be deemed proper objects fhall be admitted amongst fuch families as are willing to accommodate them with board and lodging.

That there fhall be paid for each perfon, whether pauper or otherwife, to the managing committee, three fhillings and fixpence per week, towards defraying the expences of board and lodging.

"That each perfon fhall pay always at least one month in advance. That he fhall have the advice of a phyfician and a furgeon, with all neceffary medicines, gratis-and fhall incur no other expences whatever, except in his conveyance to and from the fea coaft.'

This, he obferves, is all that can be at prefent proposed: but he thinks that, in a few years, a general hofpital might be built for the reception of all the proper objects who might offer.

At the conclufion, the Doctor remarks that, fince the writing of his pamphlet, confiderable progrefs has been made in building an hofpital at Margate; but, as the plan is totally different, he thinks it neceffary to propofe his fcheme, though not with the leaft intention of impeding any defign which other gentlemen may have in contemplation.

Art. 43. The great Importance and proper Method of cultivating and curing Rhubarb in Britain, for medicinal Ufes; with an Appendix. By Sir William Fordyce, M. D. F. R. S. 8vo. pp. 27. Is. Cadell. 1792.

Rhubarb is imported into this country at the annual expence of 200,000l. It is an article of the utmost confequence in medicine; and its uses are so many, that its price becomes an object highly interesting to the poor. Moved by these confiderations, Sir William Fordyce was ambitious of trying whether this valuable plant might not be brought within the reach of multitudes, who cannot now afford to purchase it, by promoting its general cultivation and cure in our own country; and thus fupplying the market entirely, without foreign feed; or at lealt by greatly reducing the price of that which is imported. His praife worthy attempts have been crowned with their deferved fuccefs; and the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. have unanimoufly voted him a gold medal, as their premium for raifing three hundred plants of the true palmated rhubarb, in conformity to their advertisement for the year 1791. For the benefit of his fellow-fubjects, Sir William now lays before them fuch facts as he has been able to collect, regarding the culture and prefervation of this admirable root; and, in an Appendix, he has explained the method of combining rhubarb with tartar under various forms, fo as at once to enfure and increase its efficacy.

Sir William obferves, that, by attentively following the rules which he has specified, all who poffefs a garden will have it in their


power to raife and prepare for themselves, or others, one of the moft ufeful fimples hitherto known; and, he adds, it is pleafing to think, that while perfons of rank and affluence are often indulging in the contents of the wine cafk, to the prejudice of their health, the poorest and loweft of the people may be enabled to mend their conftitutions when impaired by very different caufes, by mixing rhubarb with the tartar that adheres to the empty cafk; for when this is done in due proportions, and with the neceffary prepa rations, they form together fome of the moft fovereign remedies for the relief and comfort of the human conftitution.


Art. 44. A Tour through Italy. Containing full Directions for travelling in that interefting Country; with ample Catalogues of every Thing that is curious in Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, &c.; fome Obfervations on the Natural Hiftory, and very particular Defcriptions of the four principal Cities, Rome, Florence, Naples, and Venice, with their Environs. With a coloured

Chart. By Thomas Martyn, B. D. F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 480. 75. Boards. Kearsley. 1791.

The fubject of this work is fo fully explained in the title-page, that we need only fay that the performance does not fall short of the promise. In a narrow compafs, Mr. Martyn has compreffed the most material information contained in the voluminous works of Richard and De la Lande. His ftyle is eafy and perfpicuous, and his information as accurate as the fluctuating nature of his fub ject can well admit. He feldom indulges himself in the privilege of making reflections: but when he does, they are pertinent, and fatisfactory.

We would gladly have given fome extracts from this work: but the overflow of our materials, at this feafon, is fo great, that we are constrained to refer many articles to the Catalogue part of our Journal, which may, intrinfically, merit a larger difplay of their contents. We cannot, however, overlook the author's very striking remark on the popular fondness of the Romans [the modern Romans!] for that infamous, gambling fpecies of taxation, the ftate lottery. The common people' (of Rome) fays Mr. M. are in a ferment during all the time of the lottery, which is drawn eight times a year. Such is the rage for it, that the quantity of bread baked in the city is at these seasons confiderably less than ufual *: in fhort, it is the locuft which confumes what the caterpillar had left.'-By the caterpillar, Mr. M. no doubt, alludes to the miferable government of that country,-once the mistress, now the contempt, of the world.

*Is it through expectation, or disappointment, that the people lose their appetite? Perhaps both concur to produce this effect. In our own country, much worfe confequences have followed.


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