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render all the lands in Canada, granted to loyalift fubjects, or others who have, or may voluntarily take the oaths of allegiance, as free as those in Nova Scotia.

• Men who have been engaged in their country's cause from the best of principles, fhould have every poffible indulgence; and in proportion as they have been deprived of comforts by the defolation of war, they should be recompenfed without any partial reftrictions, and the remainder of their days rendered as happy as the government they live under can make them.

The population of thefe new fettlements, and their parallel fituation with Fort Ofwegatche, Carleton 1fland, Ofwego, and Niagra, evince, perhaps, more forcibly than ever, the propriety of retaining thefe barriers in our poffeffion, which, in the former part of this work, I have fully explained; and as the third township alone (which is nine miles fquare) contained, in the year 1787, about feventeen hundred inhabitants, it is difficult to fay what number of valuable fubjects that country may hereafter produce; certain it is, that it is capable of fupporting multitudes, as the land is in general fertile, and on an average produces about thirty bufhels of wheat per acre, even in the imperfect manner in which it is cleared, leaving all the stumps about three feet high, and from five to ten trees on an acre. This mode of clearing is in fact ab folutely neceffary, because new cultivated lands in hot climates require shelter, to prevent the fcorching heat of the fun, which, in its full power, would burn up the feed. It has alfo been found expedient in ftony ground to let the ftones remain, as they retain a moisture favourable to vegetation.'

Mr. Long, in return for fome civility received from one of the fervants of the Hudson's Bay Company, enters into a vindication of that company from the charges of difcouraging and alienating the natives, and of oppreffive behaviour toward their inferior fervants; charges which have repeatedly been brought against them. He adds,

It has unfortunately happened that the company's enemies have been frequently of their own household, perfons in whom they placed confidence, and entrusted the myfterics of their commerce. Differences will naturally arife, and doubtlefs have arifen between the governors and their fervants, in which cafe no man is, or ought to be, obliged to stay in a fervice that is difagreeable to him; but then it is certainly fufficient to leave the employ, and highly improper to endeavour to prejudice the interest he once thought and felt it his duty to promote; and I am of opinion that not a fingle tranfaction, or circumftance, fhould be revealed that has not an immediate reference to the caufe of the difagreement, or is neceffary to fupport or vindicate a reputation. The prefent governors are men of great probity, and probably may not condescend to take notice of thefe heavy charges against them; but as the most exalted virtue may be injured by groundless affertions, I trust the public will not be difpleafed with any endeavours, however feeble, to vindicate the character of lo refpectable a body. As I do not

intend to enter on the fubject more fully, I fhall only entreat the reader, if he wishes further fatisfaction on this head, to peruse the publication of Mr. Robfon, [fee M. Review, vol. vii. p. 75.] who was one of the company's fervants, and who Mr. Umfreville acknowledges to be a true and impartial writer. From his account the reader will judge of the propriety of Mr. Umfreville's cenfures on the conduct of the governors of the Hudfon's Bay Company. A more copious examination of Mr. Umfreville's publication would exceed the limits I have prescribed to myfelf; and I cannot but think that thofe who perufe it will readily perceive how much in. juftice he has done to the governors and the company.'

It will appear from our account of Mr. Umfreville's publication*, that we did not entertain the highest idea either of his motives or his performance; and we have no conception that Mr. L. is him felf without his motives, afluring him withal, that we can have no ill-will to them:-but we freely own, we have no predilection for the long-hackneyed application of the term mystery to commercial traniactions; allowing that it may fometimes be honeftly applied to proper fecrets in manufactures and handicrafts. The term mystery, in any fenfe, we believe to be feldom ufed but as a cover for fomething that will not bear expofure; and we hope it was mifapplied with reference to the Hudion's Bay Company.

The vocabularies at the end, which occupy one-third of the volume, do not appear likely to be of any great ufe; for those who would study the Indian languages to much effect, must learn by the ear rather than by the eye; and the ftructure and orthography, admitting the correctness of the latter, have little that is inviting in them. The volume contains much local information, is furnished with a good map of the weftern parts of Canada, and is very neatly printed.


ART. V. Eays Medical, Philofophical, and Experimental. Thomas Percival, M. D. F. R. S. & A. S. London, &c. &c. Fourth Edition, revifed and enlarged. 8vo. 2 Vols. pp. 507 and 442. 12s. Boards. Johnson. 1790.


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HIS edition of Dr. Percival's Effays + is introduced by the following advertisement :

The prefent edition of this work comprehends not only the author's former volumes, of Medical, Philofophical, and Experimental Effays; but also many detached pieces, written at diftant times, and on various occafions, that have been inferted either in the transactions of fome of the learned focieties, of which he is a member, or in other periodical journals. He has attentively re

* See Monthly Review Enlarged, vol. v. p. 134.

+ See Review, vol. lvi. p. 120. REV. JUNE 1792.



vised the whole; has made numerous practical additions; and cor-
rected or expunged whatever appeared to be inconfiftent with his
later experience, and better informed judgment.
lofophical fubjects, of which he has treated, much light has been
On certain phi-
thrown by fubfequent inquirers. He has not, however, attempted
to model fuch Effays anew; or to weave into their texture difco-
veries and improvements, made fince the period when they were
written. For he deems anachronism, of this kind, to be a viola-
tion of literary property; and unfavourable to the interests of
fcience, by creating perplexity in the view of its progreffive ad-


Dr. Percival's character being well known to the public, and the principal part of thefe effays having already come under our review, we fhall content ourselves with offering a few very brief remarks, and shall scarcely dwell on any subject, except the new matter, which is not in great abundance.

In the advertisement which we have extracted, Dr. Percival tells us, that he has corrected or expunged whatever appeared to be inconfiftent with his later experience, and better informed judgment. We fear this caution has not been fufficiently obferved. We see not the utility of the first two effays, the empiric and the dogmatic, each contradicting the other, and both probably afferting more than the author believes. The objection more forcibly affects the two effays on inoculation: the doctrines of one are in abfolute oppofition to thofe of the other. In the second volume, the advantages of early inoculation are practically and inconteftibly proved: in the first, the practice is as decidedly condemned: in truth, in one cafe, the author fpeaks from experience and facts; in the other, he indulges in theory and declamation, which his well-informed judgment fhould now have rejected. Other inftances might be enumerated:-but we have done.

Of the effays which are added to this edition, most have before appeared in the memoirs or tranfactions of different focieties; and have, in course, been already noticed by us: this is not the cafe with all. In the fecond volume of the Medical Memoirs, Dr. Percival publifhed the cafe of a young lady, affected with pulmonic complaints, and at the fame time pointed out the ill effects of adhering too rigidly to the antiphlogiftic treatment. This is a fubject of importance; and we fhall extract what is now farther added, in confequence of the inquiries of a very ingenious phyfician,' whose name is not mentioned.

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The young lady, whofe cafe is briefly defcribed in the Memoirs of the Medical Society, vol. II. p. 297, (p. 336 of the preceding Effay,) had no ftrumous difpofition. The ufe of myrrh was continued, many weeks: geftation was daily employed, when the


weather admitted of it: fhe often drank porter at her meals: light animal food was allowed: fhe was fent into the country, near Manchefter; and afterwards to a friend's house, on the banks of the Merfey, diftant only a few miles from the sea. At this time the Peruvian bark was administered in the form of pills, combined with a little rhubarb and salt of tartar, on account of the weakness and acidity of her stomach.

I have read, with attention and fatisfaction, your account of a cafe of phthifis pulmonalis, in the London Medical Journal of 1788. But I cannot concur with you in opinion, that debility is to be confidered, folely, as the proximate caufe of this formidable disease ; though it is fo universally a concomitant, as to render the antiphlogiftic treatment, in many cafes, unwarrantable, when carried to any extent. Yet I am perfuaded the fymptoms may be fuch, as to indicate venæfection. And I have feen inftantaneous relief, obtained from it, when fevere ftitches have occurred, and the patient has been in a state of dyspnea, threatening fuffocation. The wafte of the fluids not being proportionate to that of the folids, and the action of the heart being much diminished, a plethora seems to be the neceffary confequence, which nature often attempts to remedy by fweats or diarrhea. Bleeding may, therefore, be occafionally expedient, to reftore the equilibrium between the circulating fluids, and the powers of the vascular system. But I believe this expediency may, for the most part, be confined to particular emergencies; and that the fame falutary end may be more effectually and permanently attained, by fuch means as augment the vital energy. The tonics, however, which are employed, fhould be fuch only, as ftimulate in the gentleft degree, otherwife the contractions of the heart will become quicker instead of stronger, the circulation through the lungs will be rendered more imperfect, and the vital powers will fuftain a lafting injury.

If it be true that the fweats, in the phthifis pulmonalis, are efforts of nature, to obviate the proportionate fuperabundance of the fluids, it will follow that they fhould not entirely be restrained. Indeed they are the crisis of the nocturnal fever, which occurs. And when the patient rifes from his bed fo early, as to anticipate their coming on, he will experience a fubfequent aggravation of his moft diftreffing heclic fymptoms. A diarrhea will alfo be the probable confequence, which waftes the ftrength more than the most profufe fweatings; not only by carrying off what fhould be converted into nutriment, but by producing an atonia of thofe organs, whofe integrity is effential to the vigour of the body. We fhould be folicitous, therefore, to moderate rather than to fupprefs the cutaneous evacuations: a biscuit fteeped in wine, a draught of porter, or a dofe of the folution of myrrh, now fo generally ufed, will often fucceed, when administered at the commencement of the perfpiration: and after it has continued gently, for fome time, the patient may change his coverings; rife from his bed; and he will thus find himself rather refreshed than debilitated by the perfpiration.

A recommendation of wine, in the pulmonary confumption, will be alarming to many practitioners. But let it be recollected, that

it is the moft efficacious antiphlogistic, in the burning fever of the angina maligna; and that the ftomach is familiarized to its ftimulus, by the daily habit of drinking it at our meals. When it is adminiftered however to phthifical patients, the most accurate attention fhould be paid to its effects on the pulfe. Experience will then be our guide, and I believe, if the ufe of it be confined to the period of languor, which always fucceeds the pneumonic pyrexia, we fhall do good, without incurring the rifque of injury. I have lately had, under my care, a lady, who has been long fubject to hæmoptyfis, and whofe lungs are fo delicate, that the fuffers a relapfe, whenever the breathes a close warm air, for any length of time. She has ftrictly confined herself, many years, to a vegetable diet; and finds that even a flight indulgence in animal food occafions a confiderable degree of fever, and fometimes a fresh bemorrhage. But the drinks daily, with advantage, feveral glaffes of red port wine. Rhenish, or old hock, mixed with Seltzer water, forms a pleasant, cooling, and tonic beverage, in hectical diforders. Though I have objected to the ufe of nitre, in the paper before referred to, the faline mixture, especially when given in the state of effervefcence, is highly falutary, in the febrile paroxyfms of pulmonary confumption. It produces a grateful fenfation in the ftomach, and is fedative, without being debilitating. Myrrh may very commodioufly, and with good effects, be combined with it. Indeed I regard this remedy as the moft ufeful, which modern practice has adopted in confumptions. Yet when the Rev. Dr. Griffith firft communicated to me the MS. of his father concerning it, before his Work on Hectic and Slow Fevers was published, I entertained many doubts of the propriety or even fafety of adminiftering it. And before I ventured to follow fo novel a practice, I confulted Sir John Pringle; whofe letter, on the occafion, I happened to look into, a few days ago. "As for Dr. G.'s publication, it was certainly with Sir George Baker's approbation and mine; though for my part I had no experience of his medicines, and fhould never, from theory, have prefcribed them. But as the author was believed to be an honeft man; and as I have more regard to experience, and the obfervations of old and plain phyficians, than to my own fpeculations, I made no difficulty in giving my advice, for the publication of this little book."-This paragraph I copy, as a pleafing proof of Sir John Pringle's candour, and as an example worthy of imitation by thofe, who are wedded, from long habit, to the antiphlogistic treatment of the pulmonary confumption.

In a paper communicated to Dr. Duncan, and inferted in the Medical and Philofophical Commentaries, vol. V. p. 166. I have recommended the flowers of zinc, in the disorder now under our confideration and this remedy, though a powerful tonic, neither increases heat, nor quickens the vibrations of the pulle.

Near twenty years ago, in a confultation which I had with my late excellent friend Dr. Fothergill, on the cafe of a delicate young lady, labouring under the phthifis pulmonalis, I remember he recommended the Buxton waters to her. I objected to the use of them, on account of their heating quality, and he was much fur


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