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in him Thou hast gloriously bestowed upon us Thy children; much less have we embraced it with a thankful mind, and extolled Thee with due praise. And so Thou hast a just cause for taking him away in Thy great wrath, from the midst of us. But since I have been called for the purpose of healing him, I beseech Thee that Thou wouldest cease to be angry, that Thou wouldest forgive Thy people their offences, and restore him to health and safety, that he may continue to discharge his duties in Thy Church; and that Thou wouldest not suffer mine art and labour to be of none effect in his behalf. Create in me a heart desirous of curing him with the greatest diligence and faithfulness, and of watching with anxious care all the changes and pains of his disease, that I may not either by my negligence or carelessness be guilty of losing one of such great use to mankind. Teach me that as my best endeavours and advice are due to all the pious members of Thy Church, so especially is fitting care to be taken of those who are the chief persons in the same, and pillars of the ministry of the word of God. O God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, three

persons, one God, I humbly trust that Thou wilt grant me these things, which I ask for as Thou hast taught me. Amen. (46)

(28.) For God's Help in curing Kings
and Rulers.

O LORD God, merciful Father, Thou knowest that all the works of the art of healing are works of mercy, if they be rightly practised; but how often do our hearts grow cold, and are wanting in love for the sick. Give me therefore a right heart within my breast; make me to be touched with a due feeling of pity for all those who are afflicted, and to weep with them that weep. But since no greater misfortune can happen to the human race than that the whole Church or State should be distressed; how great should be my compassion towards this Thy servant, a chief man both in Church and State, whom we can but ill spare. And indeed I do pity him, but do Thou, O Lord, aid my pity, that being led by Thee, I may shew the greatest diligence and faithfulness in curing his disease, and in raising from sickness him whose safe recovery all pious and good men do so earnestly desire. And this I humbly trust that of Thy merciful kindness Thou wilt do; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (50.)

(29.) For Carefulness in curing Diseases.

O LORD God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thou with the Holy Spirit knowest the weakness and imperfection of our reason, be it never so much strengthened by art and experience; and that nothing is any where accomplished, nothing is sufficiently sure and firm, unless it be governed by Thee. Both we ourselves, and all our deeds, thoughts, and counsels, are in Thy hand. Of all those who are sick there is not one but hath been created by Thee, and redeemed by the precious blood of Thy dear Son. Thou, O Lord, wilt demand of us the life of man, if it be rashly destroyed, even though it be without our will; I therefore beseech Thee with the deepest thoughts of my mind, that for the sake of Thy Son Jesus Christ, our only Mediator, Thou wilt so guide me in all my actions, my counsels and discourse, that I may safely order for all men the most fitting remedies. Do Thou strengthen the judgment of my reason, and my heart, that I may practise the art of healing wisely, and may order all things to the glory of Thy name; through the same, Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (51.)

(30.) For Kindness towards the Sick.

O LORD Jesu Christ, the Son of God, who not only hast redeemed us by Thy precious blood, but hast also promised that Thou wilt send to us the Holy Spirit, to guide and strengthen us in our calling, and to perfect all our works: Give me, I pray Thee, that Holy Spirit, who may so direct me in the works of mine art according to Thy will, that I may take the care befitting a faithful physician of all the sick in whom any hope of repentance yet remaineth, (especially of the members of Thy holy Church,) and that I may have compassion on them from my heart. Do Thou, O God the Holy Ghost, the fountain of life, warm my heart, for it is cold, that I may perform all the works of healing seriously and piously; and with Thy most holy flame enkindle in me a true pity for all the sick, to whom we can and ought to impart our aid, that the duties of our calling may be sufficient in Thee, and may be healthful to the Church and State; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (52.)

(31.) When several Sick Persons require Help at the same Time.

O LORD God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thou knowest that I have pity upon all sick people, and very willingly help all good or hopeful men by my endeavours and by my counsel: but when so many sick persons fly to me, and seek my help and presence, and I cannot satisfy all; then let me first take care of him who is most sick, or whose life is of most advantage to the Church and State. The others indeed I will help, through Thee, by my writings and my words, by my advice and remedies; but when they too have such dangerous diseases that written counsels will scarcely be enough, I beseech Thee that Thou wouldest bless them by Thy word, which proceedeth from Thy mouth, and wouldest cause the means adopted to be sufficient. How often when engaged in curing many and various sick persons, with each of whom I could not be present at the same time, have I feared lest the remedies should be too weak for the disease; but Thou, O Lord God, hast made them prosper in my hand. O never do Thou withdraw this favour from the works of mine art; preserve the sick entrusted unto my care; do Thou add by Thy word that which is wanting to the nature and the power of the

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