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In June 1793, the Association ap- MASSACHUSETTS MISSIONARY SOCIETY. pointed eight missionaries, to labor a This Society was formed about fifpart of the year in New York and Ver-teen years ago, and has been actively mont. Among the first missionaries and successfully engaged in disseminawere the Rev. Cotton Mather Smith, of ting the great truths of Christianity, by Sharon, and the Rev. Ammi R. Robbins, means of Missionaries and religious of Norfolk, two venerable men, who books. The District of Maine has rehave since rested from their labors. Dr.ceived the largest share of attention Edwards, we think, performed a mis from the Society; though New-Hampsionary tour in the state of New York,shire, Vermont, and Rhode Island, have at an early stage of the business. The not been forgotten. Society now employs above thirty missionaries for a part of the year, nearly all of whom are ordained ministers.

The General Association did not take the form of a Missionary Society till 1797 or 1798. At that time it was found, that the missionary concerns were so complicated, as to require more time than the Association could bestow upon them. Twelve trustees, six clergymen and six laymen, were therefore appointed to manage all the details of business. They are re-appointed annually, and, together with the Treasurer, make an annual report of their transactions. The Society has since been incorporated.

Among the most important enterprises in which this society has been engaged, was the missionary tour of Messrs. Mills and Schermerhorn in the year 1812. Not all the expense of this tour, however was sustained by the Massachusetts Missionary Society; other Societies took a liberal part. These missionaries conferred a great benefit on all religious societies, by exploring the south-western parts of the United States, and describing at large the destitute condition of the inhabitants of those regions.

At the annual meeting of the Society in May 1814 the Trustees resolved to lead the way in fitting out another exThe fields, in which the Society has ploring mission. Mr. Mills offered himprincipally, labored, are the newly set- self for the service, provided he could tled parts of Vermont, New York, Penn- find a suitable companion. The trustees sylvania, and Ohio. In that part of appropriated $600 toward the expenses Ohio, which is usually called New of the tour, expecting that other SocieConnecticut, the exertions of the Soci-ties would make appropriations, accorety have been peculiarly important.-ding to their means, for the same object. In all places, whither their faithful mis-Such encouragement was offered, that sionaries have been sent, much good has Mr. Mills and Mr. Daniel Smith, two been done,―much fruit has been gath-respectable candidates for the ministry ered, which will be manifest in the great set out on their long journey in July.— day of the Lord. The writer of these paragraphs lived in the new settlements, when they were first visited by missionaries, more than twenty years ago. He is fully convinced, that the benefits conferred on many parts of our country, by the Connecticut Missionary Society, are inconceivably great. He is convinced, also, that the affairs of the Society have been conducted with great wisdom,with an enlightened regard to the glory of God and the good of mankind. May the sphere of its usefulness be greatly extended, and may the Divine blessing rest upon its officers, and all its friends and supporters.

They intended to go by the way of Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, and thence down the Ohio and Mississippi to New Orleans, visiting the principal towns and settlements by the way, and laboring as missionaries whenever opportunity would permit. They receiv ed for distribution 600 Bibles from the Massachusetts Bible Society, and more than 10,000 Tracts, from subscribers to the New England Tract Society, and it was expected, that they would superintend the distribution of the edition of the New Testament, recently printed in French by the Philadelphia Bible Society. They were to collect religious information, respecting the countries

through which they passed, and to doptee received, was dated at Somerset, all in their power to promote the forma- Ohio, 18 miles west of Zanesville, tion of Bible Societies. We doubt not | Sept, 21, 1814. It is addressed to the that this mission will prove very impor- Rev. Dr. Worcester, as chairman of the tant in its consequences. We therefore Committee. We copy nearly the design to give copious details from the whole. correspondence of the missionaries.- "Dear Sir, We would urge upon the friends of the "Mr. Evarts' letter of 24th ult. was Society the duty of supporting these received a few days since at Marietta. very important enterprises by continu- A storm that prevents our travelling, ed and increased liberality. The So- gives us time to acknowledge the reciety could do much more than it ever ceipt of it, and to report to you the has done, if larger funds were at its dis-progress we have been able to make in posal. The Christian community is our mission. We left Philadelphia on able to bestow larger funds without dihe 15th of August and reached Pittsminishing the donations to any other burgh on the 28th. There we tarried praiseworthy object. a few days waiting the arrival of the We now proceed to give some ac-Bibles and Tracts committed to our count of the mission of Messrs. Mills care; which we had reason to expect and Smith. would have been there sooner than ourselves. But as we could not be long detained, we left orders for them to be forwarded to Marietta, and went on

The whole expense of this mission was estimated at $2,000, a sum which, it was supposed, would pay the travelling expenses of the two brethren, and our way. Brother Mills went leave, as a reward for their labors, the through Steubenville to Wheeling, usual allowance to canditates for the (Vir.) and brother Smith through Canministry, while preaching in country nonsburgh and Washington. At Canparishes. The Massachusetts Mission-nonsgurgh there is a college, which has ary Society advanced $600; and a been a great blessing to that portion of Committee, appointed by the Trustees the country. Most of the clergy have for the purpose, gave instructions to been educated at it. The Rev. Mr. Mr. Mills, and subsequently joined Mr. Wiley is the principal. He is assisted Smith with him, advising them to as- by two others. The present number of certain what encouragement could be students is about forty. There is a obtained from other Societies, and to fund here for the education of pious proofed if there was a good prospect of young men for the ministry, capable of making up the sum required. supporting a small number. At WashMr. Mills wrote from Philadelphia, ington, 6 miles off, there is another colthat the Bible Society in that city lege. The Rev. Mr. Brown is the would give $200 towards the mission principal. There are about sixty stuand would commit 400 copies of the dents. At Washington, brother Smith Frenchstment to the missionaries, was present at a meeting for the forwith permission to sell them and ap-mation of a Bible Society, and assisted propriate the avails to the same object. in its organization. It was a pleasant It was supposed that these copies meeting. A number of clergymen and would produce $400. The Bible So- others, of different religious denominaciety also committed to them the prin- tions were present. The business was cipal part of the edition of the French entered upon with unanimity and with Testament for gratuitous distribution.-engagedness. The Society is denomThe Committee of Missions gave them an appointment as missionaries, which would add $100 to their receipts.They determined, therefore, to proceed and sent forward large numbers of Bibles and Tracts to Pittsburgh.

The next letter, which the Commit

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inated "The Bible Society of Washington, (Penn.)" The Rev. John Anderson, is the President. About twenty persons subscribed the constitution. There is a prospect of 150 or 200 members. The people of the western parts of Pennsylvania, are perhaps more,

The river bottom, extending one or two
miles in width, is extremely fertile, and
will no doubt in à few years have a very
numerous population.
To pre-occupy

this field is a matter of immense impor-
tance to the interest of the Redeemer's
kingdom in this vicinity.

highly favored with respect to religious privileges than any other portion of the western country. And they appear to prize their privileges. Brother Smith attended a sacrament at Wheeling, which is near the borders of Pennsylvania, and saw females of respectable appearance walking four or five miles to "We arrived at Marietta on the 8th meeting. The Lord we hope is about inst. On our inquiring into the state of to excite this people to exert them- the Ohio Bible Society, we were happy selves in extending these privileges to to learn, that it appears to be flourishtheir destitute neighbors and brethren. ing, and bids fair to be a powerful in"We met at Grave Creek, having strument in diffusing the knowledge of been separated for several days. As the Scriptures throughout the western we were travelling on the banks of the world. This Society was formed aOhio, we were forcibly impressed with bout two years since, when brothers the idea, that a mission ought, if possi-Mills and Schermerhorn were at Marible, to be speedily established up and etta on their former mission. During down this river. Permit us, dear Sir, the first year after its formation, the Sothrough you, to urge this station upon ciety received from subscribers nearly the notice of the Society? and perhaps two hundred dollars. Since the comof other missionary societies in Newmencement of the present year it has England. Between Steubenville and received nearly four hundred dollars. Marietta, (a distance of about an hundred This Society has received from the miles,) there is no regular clergyman. Massachusetts Bible Society a donation Only one place, Wheeling, is supplied of one hundred dollars; from the Conwith Presbyterian preaching half the necticut Bible Society three donations time. This ground seems also to be amounting to five hundred Bibles; very much deserted by Baptists and from the New York Bible Society, a doMethodists. There might be, on both ||nation of one hundred Bibles; and from sides of the river, as many as eight or the Philadelphia Bible Society a doten stations selected, where very con- nation of thirty-one Bibles and sixsiderable congregations might be con-ty eight Testaments. The Society vened to hear the Gospel preached.- has actually distributed four hundred These stations might be visited by a and eighty one Bibles and sixty-seven missionary once in a fortnight or three Testaments, and has now sent to Philaweeks and in this way as many peo-delphia to purchase four hundred Biple would be supplied with the Gospel, bles more. as perhaps could be supplied by the "This Society has also, apparently, same trouble and expense, in any other been the means of provoking to emulaportion of our new country. The peo- tion the good people in other parts of ple on this station, so far as we could the state. A Bible Society has been learn, appear to be willing to attend formed in the Connecticut Reserve, meeting. At Grave Creek, brother which has already sent to Philadelphia Mills appointed a lecture, and in about for six hundred Bibles. Another is two hours more than fifty people came formed at Chilicothe; and another is together. A missionary on this station, contemplated at Cincinnati. Measures might have frequent opportunities of ex-are now taking to unite these several erting a salutary influence upon the Societies, and others that may be formboatmen that navigate the river; whoed, into one general State Society. are perhaps a set of men as much cor- While we tarried at Marietta, our Bibles rupted, as any in the country. The and Tracts arrived. We repacked them distribution of Bibles and Religious as soon as possible, and ordered them Tracts, both among the boatmen and to different places, still farther to the the inhabitants, would be a very pleas- west and south. We are now again on ant and promising part of his business. our journey. Whether we shall be able


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to penetrate as far west as St. Louis, we know not. It is apprehended to be dangerous travelling through the Territories, on account of hostile Indians. May the Lord direct us in the path of duty, and be our Protector; then we shall be safe.

the western country. Since his settlement in that place,and within six years, he has distributed four hundred Bibles. He is therefore well acquainted with the proportionate number of the destitute, in Ohio. And, in his opinion, as many families, as one in five, are not "Hitherto the Lord has wonderfully possessed of the Scriptures. Accord preserved us. We can say with truth,ing to this estimate, more than thirteen that on our long journey no harm worth thousand Bibles are necessary, in order mentioning has been suffered to befal that there may be one to each family. us. Why then should we now distrust the providence of God? We proceed therefore with confidence, followed, we hope, by many prayers."

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Here is a large field for the exercise of christian liberality. Mr. Wright relates some signal instances of the blessed effects of giving away the Bible. He has The next letter, which was received seen a man notorious for indifference by the Committee, was dated at St. to religion, and for profaneness, sudLouis, Missouri Territory, Nov. 7, 1814. denly arrested in his career of stupidity It ought here to be mentioned, that and folly, by this simple means. He has Messrs. Mills and Smith were instruct-seen him turned about, and in the judg ed to state, on proper occasions, that ment of charity thoroughly converted as the expense of the mission was con- from the error of his ways, and made an siderable, donations would be received humble worshipper of the Lord Jesus. towards defraying it, from any persons And all this was effected by the gift of who felt able and disposed to contri-a Bible. What Christian-what friend bute, in the principal towns and settle- of humanity, would not give sixty cents ments which should be visited. It was to bring about an event like this! thought that the tendency of such a "From Lancaster we proceeded to measure would be altogether beneficial;|| Chilicothe ; tarried there a day or two, as it is undoubtedly a benefit to the and went on to Cincinnati. new settlements, that the inhabitants||bytery in that vicinty, had been for some should do what they can toward sup-time endeavoring to procure the formaplying themselves with ministers. tion of a Bible Society for the country

The pres

"Our last communication to you between the Miamies, But they had was dated near Lancaster, Ohio, Sept. not effected it. We suggested to a 21. We have now delayed writing to number of clergymen, who were provyou, longer than we otherwise should, identially in town, the expediency of because our plans of conduct have hith-proceeding immediately to the forma erto been somewhat undetermined. tion of a Society. They approved of We did not know, that we should be a- the proposal, and gave notice of a ble to reach this place. It was thought meeting for the purpose. The next day by many well informed people to be we had the satisfaction of seeing a numdangerous attempting to come hither. ber of clergymen and others, of differThe savages have often been commit-ent denominations, assembled. But as ting depredations and murders in this many were not present, whose assisportion of our country. But through tance was desired, it was thought best the kind providence and protection of to postpone the matter until the next our God, we have passed safely through week. A committee was appointed to the wilderness, and have now reached prepare a constitution, and notice was the most western point of our contem- given of another meeting.—Cincinnati plated tour. contains 5,000 inhabitants, and has a "At Lancaster, we called on the rich back country. We doubt not, Rev. Mr. Wright, a presbyterian clergy-therefore, that before this time a Soman. He has formerly been a labori-ciety is formed there, which will be ous missionary; and has much inform- a powerful instrument, in the diffusion ation respecting the religious state of of the Sacred Scriptures. The ladies

He favored us with letters of introduction to Governor Edwards, and other gentlemen at Kaskaskias. The Governor has promised to patronize the Society should one be formed. This Territory is deplorably destitute of Bi

there have taken the precedency in that || town we saw Judge Griswold, formerly labor of love. They have associated from Connecticut. He will be a decidthemselves under the denomination of, ed friend of the Bible Society.--"The Female Society of Cincinnati, for charitable purposes." They were about to send to the managers of the Ohio Bible Society, to procure for them one hundred Bibles. Agreeably to your instruction, we made known to the Rev. Mr. Wilson the circumstances with res-bles. In Kaskaskias, a place containpect to the support of the mission; and ing from 80 to 100 families, there are, at his request, after an evening service it is thought, not more than five. At in which brother Mills preached, a con- Praire de Rouche we had an interesttribution was lifted (to use the phrase of ing conversation with Bishop Flaget the country) in aid of the mission. It of the Catholic church, respecting the amounted to twenty dollars-to which distribution of the sacred voluine among the Ladies' Society added twenty more. his people. He said he heartily approvOf these and other similar donations, aed; and would exert himself to prostrict account will be given to your So-mote the circulation of the French ciety. At Cincinnati we submitted the Scriptures among the Catholics of his question to the decision of a number of diocese :—with only this reserve that he Presbyterian clergymen, whether we must first examine the translation, and ought to attempt to go through the wes-see that it is one approved by the tern Territories to this place. They church. unanimously decided that we ought to go forward.

We therefore went on But we did it with some degree of hesitancy. For we were obliged, in a great measure, to relinquish a promising field of usefulness in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and also in the neighborhood of Lexington, (Ken.)

"In this Territory, our prospects are flattering with respect to the formation of a Bible Society. The measure has mary friends;—we have yet heard of none who oppose it. Governor Clark has already become a subscriber. We have strong hopes, therefore, that we shall soon see respectable Bible Socie"As we passed through the Indiana ties established in each of the TerritoTerritory, we kept steadily in view ries. Such institutions are certainly the great object of procuring the forma- very much needed. It is exceedingly tion of a Bible Society there. We con- difficult, even for those who have monversed with gentlemen of the first res-ey, to procure Bibles. Very few are pectability from Lawrenceburg to Vin-ever offered for sale. Many of the incennes. And although some had ne- habitants are unable to buy. The Me ver even heard of such an institution;thodist church sends very considerable yet all without exception approved of quantities of other books into this counthe object. We had several interviews try for sale; but it sends no Bibles-or with Governor Posey at Jeffersonville. almost none. We have much regretted, He gave his decided approbation; and in passing through the Territories, that said he would exert himself in favor of we were not able to proceed more slowsuch a Society. The population of this ly, and to perform more missionary laTerritory is increasing with surprising bor. But considering the length of our rapidity. In 1810 it amounted to little tour, and the advanced season of the more than 24,000. Now it is thought year, we have done what we could. there are 50,000 inhabitants. A very Sure we are, that no person, who has large proportion of these are poor peo-one spark of benevolence in his heart, ple, and destitute of the Scriptures. can forbear to exert himself, while pas"In the Illinois Territory, we pursu-sing through this land of darkness and ed the same course ;-and were so hap- the shadow of death. Many portions of py as to meet with universal counte- this country were never before visited, nance and approbation. At Shawanee-as we can learn, by Presbyterian or

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