Abbildungen der Seite

more than thirty years. In this affair he did nothing without my counsel: we made our line of battle together, and concerted the mode of attack, which was put in execution in the most admirable style. I shall grow very tired of the sea soon; my health has suffered so much from the anxious state I have been in, and the fatigue I have undergone, that I shall be unfit for service. The severe gales which immediately followed the day of victory ruined our prospect of prizes."

pointed it out to Admiral Collingwood, and requested his permission to do the same. The ships of our division,' replied the Admiral, are not yet sufficiently up for us to do so now; but you may be getting ready. The studding sail and royal halliards were accordingly manned, and in about ten minutes the Admiral, observing Lieutenant Clavell's eyes fixed upon him with a look of expectation, gave him a nod; on which that officer went to Captain Rotherham and told him that the Admiral desired him to make all sail. The order was then given to He was now elevated to the peerage, and a rig out and hoist away, and in one instant the ship was under a crowd of sail, and went rapidly a-head. pension of 2000l. was settled on him by parlia The Admiral then directed the officers to see that ment for his own life, with 10001. in case of his all the men lay down on the decks, and were kept death to Lady Collingwood, and 500l. to each quiet. At this time the Fougueux. the ship astern of his daughters. His Royal Highness the Duke of the Santa Anna, had closed up with the intention of Clarence also honoured him with a very kind of preventing the Royal Sovereign from going through the line; and when Admiral Collingwood letter, and presented him with a sword. The observed it, he desired Captain Rotherham to steer way in which he received all those honours, immediately for the Frenchman and carry away his is as admirable as the services by which they bowsprit. To avoid this the Fougueux backed her were earned. On the first tidings of his peermain top sail, and suffered the Royal Sovereign to age he writes thus to Lady Collingwood :— pass, at the same time beginning her fire; when the Admiral ordered a gun to be occasionally fired "It would be hard if I could not find one hour to at her, to cover his ship with smoke. write a letter to my dearest Sarah, to congratulate "The nearest of the English ships was now dis.her on the high rank to which she has been advanetant about a mile from the Royal Sovereign; and ed by my success. Blessed may you be, my dear. it was at this time, while she was pressing alone est love, and may you long live the happy wife of into the midst of the combined fleets, that Lord your happy husband! I do not know how you bear Nelson said to Captain Blackwood, See how that your honours; but I have so much business on my noble fellow, Collingwood, takes his ship into hands, from dawn till midnight, that I have hardly action. How I envy him!' On the other hand, time to think of nine, except it be in gratitude to Admiral Collingwood, well knowing his comman- my King, who has so graciously conferred them der and friend, observed, What would Nelson upon me. But there are many things of which I give to be here!' and it was then, too, that Admiral might justly be a little proud--for extreme pride is Villeneuve, struck with the daring manner in which folly-that I must share my gratification with you. the leading ships of the English squadrons came The first is the letter from Colonel Taylor, his Ma down, despaired of the issue of the contest. In jesty's private secretary to the Admiralty, to be passing the Santa Anna, the Royal Sovereign gave communicated to me. I enclose you a copy of it. her a broadside and a half into her stern, tearing it It is considered the highest compliment the King down, and killing and wounding 400 of her men; can pay; and, as the King's personal compliment. then, with her helm hard a-starboard, she ranged I value it above everything. But I will tell you up alongside so closely that the lower yards of the what I feel nearest to my heart, after the honour two vessels were locked together. The Spanish which his Majesty has done me, and that is the admiral. having seen that it was the intention of the praise of every officer of the fleet. There is a thing Royal Sovereign to engage to leeward, had col- which has made a considerable impression upon me. lected all his strength on the starboard; and such A week before the war, at Morpeth, I dreamed diswas the weight of the Santa Anna's metal, that her tinctly many of the circumstances of our late battle first broadside made the Sovereign heel two streaks off the enemy's port, and I believe I told you of it out of the water. Her studding-sails and halliards at the time: but I never dreamed that I was to be a were now shot away; and as a top-gallant studding-peer of the realm! How are my darlings? I hope sail was hanging over the gangway hammocks, they will take pains to make themselves wise and Admiral Collingwood called out to Lieutenant good, and fit for the station to which they are raised." Clavell to come and help him to take it in, observ. ing that they should want it again some other day. These two officers accordingly rolled it carefully up and placed it in the boat."*

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And again, a little after:

"I labour from dawn till midnight, till I can hardly see; and as my hearing fails me too, you will

We shall add only what he says in his let-have but a mass of infirmities in your poor Lord, ter to Mr. Blackett of Lord Nelson::

"When my dear friend received his wound, he immediately sent an officer to me to tell me of it, and give his love to me! Though the officer was directed to say the wound was not dangerous, I read in his countenance what I had to fear; and before the action was over, Captain Hardy came to inform me of his death. I cannot tell you how deeply I was affected; my friendship for him was unlike any thing that I have left in the navy; a brotherhood of

* "Of his economy, at all times, of the ship's stores, an instance was often mentioned in the navy as having occurred at the battle of St. Vincent. The Excellent shortly before the action had bent a new fore-topsail: and when she was closely engaged with the St. Isidro, Captain Collingwood called out to his boatswain, a very gallant man. who was shortly afterwards killed, Bless me! Mr. Peffers, how came we to forget to bend our old top-sail? They will quite ruin that new one. It will never be worth a farthing again.'

whenever he returns to you. I suppose I must not be seen to work in my garden now! but tell old Scott that he need not be unhappy on that account. Though we shall never again be able to plant the Nelson potatoes, we will have them of some other sort, and right noble cabbages to boot, in great perfection. You see I am styled of Hethpoole and Caldburne. Was that by your direction? I should prefer it to any other title if it was; and I rejoice, my love, that we are an instance that there are other and better sources of nobility than wealth."

At this time he had not heard that it was intended to accompany his dignity with any pension; and though the editor assures us that his whole income, even including his full pay, was at this time scarcely 1100l. a year, he never seems to have wasted a thought on such a consideration. Not that he was not at all times a prudent and considerate person; but, with the high spirit of a gentleman, and an independent Englishman, who had made

his own way in the world, he disdained all, sordid considerations. Nothing can be nobler, or more natural, than the way in which he expresses this sentiment, in another letter to his wife, written a few weeks after the preceding:

"Many of the Captains here have expressed a desire that I would give them a general notice when ever I go to court; and if they are within five hundred miles, they will come up to attend me! Now all this is very pleasing; but, alas! my love, until we have peace, I shall never be happy: and yet, how we are to make it out in peace, I know not,with high rank and no fortune. At all events, we can do as we did before. It is true I have the chief command, but there are neither French nor Spaniards on the sea, and our cruisers find nothing but neutrals, who carry on all the trade of the enemy. Our prizes you see are lost. Villeneuve's ship had a great deal of money in her, but it all went to the bottom. I am afraid the fees for this patent will be large, and pinch me: But never mind; let others solicit pensions, I am an Englishman, and will never ask for money as a favour. How do my darlings go on? I wish you would make them write to me by turns, and give me the whole history of their proceedings. Oh! how I shall rejoice, when I come home, to find them as much improved in knowledge as I have advanced them in station in the world: But take care they do not give themselves foolish airs. Their excellence should be in

knowledge, in virtue, and benevolence to all; but most to those who are humble, and require their aid. This is true nobility, and is now become an incumbent duty on them. I am out of all patience with Bounce. The consequential airs he gives himself since he became a Right Honourable dog, are insufferable. He considers it beneath his dignity to play with Commoners' dogs, and, truly, thinks that he does them grace when he condescends to lift up his leg against them. This, I think, is carrying the insolence of rank to the extreme; but he is a dog that does it.-25th December. This is Christmas-day; a merry and cheerful one, I hope, to all my darlings. May God bless us, and grant that we may pass the next together. Everybody is very good to me; but his Majesty's letters are my pride: it is there I feel

the object of my life attained."

And again, in the same noble spirit is the following to his father-in-law :

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"I have only been on shore once since I left England. and do not know when I shall go again. I am unceasingly writing, and the day is not long enough for me to get through my business. I hope my children are every day acquiring some knowledge, and wish them to write a French letter every day to me or their mother. I shall read them all when I come home. If there were an opportunity, I should like them to be taught Spanish, which is the most elegant language in Europe, and very easy. I hardly know how we shall be able to support the dignity to which his Majesty has been pleased to raise ine. Let others plead for pensions; I can be rich without money, by endeavouring to be supe, rior to everything poor. I would have my services to my country unstained by any interested motive; and old Scott and I can go on in our cabbage-garden without much greater expense than formerly. But I have had a great destruction of my furniture and stock; I have hardly a chair that has not a shot in it, and many have lost both legs and arms-without hope of pension! My wine broke in moving, and my pigs slain in battle; and these are heavy losses where they cannot be replaced.

"I suppose I shall have great demands on me for patents and fees: But we must pay for being great. I get no prize-money. Since I left England, I have received only 1831., which has not quite paid for my wine; but I do not care about being rich, if we can 84

but keep a good fire in winter. How I long to have a peep into my own house, and a walk in my own garden! It is the pleasing object of all my hopes." In the midst of all those great concerns, it is delightful to find the noble Admiral writing thus, from the Mediterranean, of his daughter's sick governess, and inditing this postscript to the little girls themselves:

How sorry am I for poor Miss

! I am

sure you will spare no pains for her; and do not lose sight of her when she goes to Edinburgh. Tell her that she must not want any advice or any comfort; but I need not say this to you, my beloved, who are kindness itself. I am much obliged to the Corporation of Newcastle for every mark which they give of their esteem and approbation of my service. But where shall we find a place in our small house for all those vases and epergnes? A kind letter from them would have gratified me as much, and have been less trouble to them."

"My darlings, Sarah and Mary,

ings, and desire you to write to me very often, and "I was delighted with your last letters, my blesstell me all the news of the city of Newcastle and town of Morpeth. I hope we shall have many happy days, and many a good laugh together yet. Be kind to old Scott; and when you see him weeding my oaks, give the old man a shilling!

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May God Almighty bless you.'

The patent of his peerage was limited to the heirs male of his body; and, having only daughters, he very early expressed a wish that it might be extended to them and their male heirs. But this was not attended to. When he heard of his pension, he wrote, in the same lofty spirit, to Lord Barham, that if the title could be continued to the heirs of his daughters, he did not care for the pension at all! and in urging his request for the change, he reminded his Lordship, with an amusing naïveté, that government ought really to show some little favour to his daughters, considering that, if they had not kept him constantly at sea since 1793, he would probably have had half a dozen sons by this time, to succeed him in his honours!

It is delightful to read and extract passages like these; but we feel that we must stop; and that we have already exhibited enough of this book, both to justify the praises we have bestowed on it, and to give our readers a full impression of the exalted and most amiable character to which it relates. We shall add no more, therefore, that is merely personal to Lord Collingwood, except what belongs to the decay of his health, his applica tions for recall, and the death that he magnanimously staid to meet, when that recall was so considerably impaired even before the action strangely withheld. His constitution had been of Trafalgar; but in 1808 his health seemed entirely to give way; and he wrote, in August of that year, earnestly entreating to be allowed to come home. The answer to his application was, that it was so difficult to supply his place, that his recall must, at all events, be suspended. In a letter to Lady Collingwood, he refers to this correspondence, and after mentioning his official application to the Admiralty, he


"What their answer will be, I do not know yet; but I had before mentioned my declining health to 3 F 2

Lord Mulgrave, and he tells me in reply, that he hopes I will stay, for he knows not how to supply my place. The impression which his letter made upon me was one of grief and sorrow: first, that with such a list as we have including more than a hundred admirals-there should be thought to be any difficulty in finding a successor of superior ability to me; and next, that there should be any obstacle in the way of the only comfort and happiness that I have to look forward to in this world."

In answer to Lord Mulgrave's statement, he afterwards writes, that his infirmities had sensibly increased; but "I have no object in the world that I put in competition with my public duty; and so long as your lordship thinks it proper to continue me in this command, my utmost efforts shall be made to strengthen the impression which you now have; but I still hope, that whenever it may be done with convenience, your lordship will bear in mind my request." Soon after he writes thus to his family:-"I am an unhappy creature-old and worn out. I wish to come to England; but some objection is ever made to it." And, again, "I have been very unwell. The physician tells me that it is the effect of constant confinement-which is not very comfortable, as there seems little chance of its being otherwise. Old age and its infirmities are coming on me very fast; and I am weak and tottering on my legs. It is high time I should return to England; and I hope I shall be allowed to do it before long. It will otherwise be too late." And it was too late! He was not relieved

and scorning to leave the post assigned to him, while he had life to maintain it, he died at it, in March, 1810, upwards of eighteen months after he had thus stated to the government his reasons for desiring a recall. The following is the editor's touching and affectionate account of the closing scene-full of pity and of grandeur and harmonising beautifully with the noble career which was destined there to be arrested :

"Lord Collingwood had been repeatedly urged by his friends to surrender his command, and to seek in England that repose which had become so necessary in his declining health; but his feelings on the subject of discipline were peculiarly strong, and he had ever exacted the most implicit obedience from others. He thought it therefore his duty not to quit the post which had been assigned to him, until he should be duly relieved, and replied, that his life was his country's, in whatever way it might

be required of him.' When he moored in the har bour of Port Mahon, on the 25th of February, he was in a state of great suffering and debility; and having been strongly recommended by his medical attendants to try the effect of gentle exercise on horseback, he went immediately on shore, accompanied by his friend Captain Hallowell, who left his ship to attend him in his illness: but it was then too late. He became incapable of bearing the slightest fatigue; and as it was represented to him that his return to England was indispensably necessary for the preservation of his life, he, on the 3d of March, surrendered his command to Rear Admiral Martin. The two following days were spent in unsuccessful hon; but on the 6th the wind came round to the attempts to warp the Ville de Paris out of Port Mawestward, and at sunset the ship succeeded in clearing the harbour, and made sail for England. When Lord Collingwood was informed that he was again at sea, he rallied for a time his exhausted strength, and said to those around him, 'Then I may yet live to meet the French once more.' On the morning of the 7th there was a considerable swell, and his friend Captain Thomas, on entering his cabin, observed, that he feared the motion of the vessel disturbed him. No, Thomas,' he replied; I am now in a state in which nothing in this world can disturb consolatory to you, and all who love me, to see how I am dying; and I am sure it must be comfortably I am coming to my end.' He told one of his attendants that he had endeavoured to review, as far as was possible, all the actions of his past life, and that he had the happiness to say, that nothing gave him a moment's uneasiness. He spoke at test in which he was about to leave his country intimes of his absent family, and of the doubtful convolved, but ever with calmness and perfect resignation to the will of God; and in this blessed state of mind, after taking an affectionate farewell of his atin the evening of that day, having attained the age tendants, he expired without a struggle at six o'clock of fifty-nine years and six months.

me more.

"After his decease, it was found that, with the exception of the stomach, all the other organs of life were peculiarly vigorous and unimpaired; and from this inspection, and the age which the surviving members of his family have attained, there is every lieved from his command, he would still have been reason to conclude that if he had been earlier rein the enjoyment of the honours and rewards which would doubtless have awaited him on his return to England."

The remainder of this article, containing discussions on the practices of flogging in the Navy, and of Impressment (to both which Lord Collingwood, as well as Nelson, were opposed), is now omitted; as scarcely possess ing sufficient originality to justify its republication, even in this Miscellany.

(December, 1828.)

Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824, 1825 (with Notes upon Ceylon); an Account of a Journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826; and Letters written in India. By the late Right Reverend REGINALD HEBER, Lord Bishop of Calcutta. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London: 1828.

THIS is another book for Englishmen to be proud of-almost as delightful as the Memoirs of Lord Collingwood, and indebted for its attractions mainly to the same cause-the singularly amiable and exalted character of the

person to whom it relates-and that combination of gentleness with heroic ambition, and simplicity with high station, which we would still fondly regard as characteristic of our own nation. To us in Scotland the combination

seems, in this instance, even more admirable than in that of the great Admiral. We have no Bishops on our establishment; and have been accustomed to think that we are better without them. But if we could persuade ourselves that Bishops in general were at all like Bishop Heber, we should tremble for our Presbyterian orthodoxy; and feel not only veneration, but something very like envy for a communion which could number many such men among its ministers.

The notion entertained of a Bishop, in our antiepiscopal latitudes, is likely enough, we admit, not to be altogether just:-and we are far from upholding it as correct, when we say, that a Bishop, among us, is generally supposed to be a stately and pompous person, clothed in purple and fine linen, and faring sumptuously every day-somewhat obsequious to persons in power, and somewhat haughty and imperative to those who are beneath himwith more authority in his tone and manner, than solidity in his learning; and yet with much more learning than charity or humility -very fond of being called my Lord, and driving about in a coach with mitres on the panels, but little addicted to visiting the sick and fatherless, or earning for himself the blessing of those who are ready to perish

Familiar with a round

Of Ladyships-a stranger to the poor "decorous in manners, but no foe to luxurious indulgences-rigid in maintaining discipline among his immediate dependents, and in exacting the homage due to his dignity from the undignified mob of his brethren; but perfectly willing to leave to them the undivided privileges of teaching and of comforting their people, and of soothing the sins and sorrows of their erring flocks-scornful, if not openly hostile, upon all occasions, to the claims of the People, from whom he is generally sprung -and presuming every thing in favour of the royal will and prerogative, by which he has been exalted-setting, indeed, in all cases, a much higher value on the privileges of the few, than the rights that are common to all, and exerting himself strenuously that the former may ever prevail-caring more, accordingly, for the interests of his order than the general good of the church, and far more for the Church than for the Religion it was established to teach-hating dissenters still more bitterly than infidels-but combating both rather with obloquy and invocation of civil penalties, than with the artillery of a powerful reason, or the reconciling influences of an humble and holy life-uttering now and then haughty professions of humility, and regularly bewailing, at fit seasons, the severity of those Episcopal labours, which sadden, and even threaten to abridge a life, which to all other eyes appears to flow on in almost unbroken leisure and continued in dulgence!

This, or something like this, we take to be the notion that most of us Presbyterians have been used to entertain of a modern Bishop: and it is mainly because they believed that

the rank and opulence which the station implied, were likely to realise this character in those who should be placed in it, that our ancestors contended so strenuously for the abrogation of the order, and thought their Reformation incomplete till it was finally put down-till all the ministers of the Gospel were truly pastors of souls, and stood in no other relation to each other than as fellowlabourers in the same vineyard.

If this notion be utterly erroneous, the picture which Bishop Heber has here drawn of himself, must tend powerfully to correct it. If, on the other hand, it be in any respect just, he must be allowed, at all events, to have been a splendid exception. We are willing to take it either way. Though we must say that we incline rather to the latter alternative-since it is difficult to suppose, with all due allowance for prejudices, that our abstract idea of a Bishop should be in such flagrant contradiction to the truth, that one who was merely a fair specimen of the order, should be most accurately characterised by precisely reversing every thing that entered into that idea. Yet this is manifestly the case with Bishop Heber--of whom we do not know at this moment how we could give a better description, than by merely reading backwards all we have now ventured to set down as characteristic of his right reverend brethren. Learned, polished, and dignified, he was undoubtedly; yet far more conspicuously kind, humble, tolerant, and laboriouszealous for his church too, and not forgetful of his station; but remembering it more for the duties than for the honours that were attached to it, and infinitely more zealous for the religious improvement, and for the happiness, and spiritual and worldly good of his fellowcreatures, of every tongue, faith, and complexion: indulgent to all errors and infirmities-liberal, in the best and truest sense of the word-humble and conscientiously diffident of his own excellent judgment and neverfailing charity-looking on all men as the children of one God, on all Christians as the redeemed of one Saviour, and on all Christian teachers as fellow-labourers, bound to help and encourage each other in their arduous and anxious task. His portion of the work, accordingly, he wrought faithfully, zealously, and well; and, devoting himself to his duty with a truly apostolical fervour, made no scruple to forego, for its sake, not merely his personal ease and comfort, but those domestic affections which were ever so much more valuable in his eyes, and in the end, we fear, consummating the sacrifice with his life! If such a character be common among the dignitaries of the English Church, we sincerely congratulate them on the fact, and bow our heads in homage and veneration before them. If it be rare, as we fear it must be in any church, we trust we do no unworthy service in pointing it out for honour and imitation to all; and in praying that the example, in all its parts, may promote the growth of similar virtues among all denominations of Christians, in every region of the world.

But though the great charm of the book beed; and have for the most part seen even derived from the character of its lamented those, only in the course of some limited proauthor, we are not sure that this is by any fessional or official occupation, and only with means what will give it its great or most per- the eyes of their peculiar craft or profession. manent value. Independently of its moral They have been traders, or soldiers, or taxattraction, we are inclined to think it, on the gatherers—with here and there a diplomatic whole, the most instructive and important agent, an engineer, or a naturalist-all, too publication that has ever been given to the busy, and too much engrossed with the special world, on the actual state and condition of our object of their several missions, to have time Indian Empire: Not only exhibiting a more to look to the general condition of the countryclear, graphic, and intelligible account of the and almost all moving through it, with a reticountry, and the various races by which it is nue and accompaniment of authority, which peopled, by presenting us with more candid, excluded all actual contact with the People, judicious, and reasonable views of all the and even, in a great degree, the possibility of great questions relating to its destiny, and our seeing them in their natural state. We have interests and duties with regard to it, than are historical memoirs accordingly, and accounts any where else to be met with. It is the result, of military expeditions, of great value and no doubt, of a hasty and somewhat superficial accuracy; and are beginning to have reports survey. But it embraces a very wide and of the culture of indigo, of the general profits various range, and thus affords the means of of trade, and of the heights and structure of correcting errors, which are almost insepara-mountains, that may be depended on. But, ble from a narrower observation; and has, with the exception of Mr. Elphinstone's Cauabove all, the inestimable advantage of being bul and Sir John Malcolm's Central Indiagiven while the freshness of the first impres- both relating to very limited and peculiar dission was undiminished, and the fairness of tricts-we have no good account of the country the first judgment unperverted by the gradual or the people. But by far the worst obstrucaccumulation of interests, prejudices, and de- tion to the attainment of correct information ference to partial authorities; and given by is to be found in the hostility which has prea man not only free from all previous bias, vailed for the last fifteen or twenty years, be but of such singular candour, calmness, and tween the adversaries and the, advocates of deliberation of judgment, that we would, in the East India Company and its monopoly ; almost any case, take his testimony, even and which has divided almost all who are now on a superficial view, against that of a much able and willing to enlighten us on its concleverer person, who, with ampler opportuni-cerns, into the champions of opposite factions; ties, had surveyed or reported with the feel- characterised, we fear we must add, with a ings, consciously or unconsciously cherished, full share of the partiality, exaggeration, and of an advocate, a theorist, a bigot, or a partisan. inaccuracy, which has at all times been Unhappily, almost all who have hitherto chargeable upon such champions. In so large had the means of knowing much about India, and complicated a subject, there is room of have been, in a greater or less degree, subject course, for plausible representations on both to these influences; and the consequence has sides; but what we chiefly complain of is, been, that though that great country is truly that both parties have been so anxious to a portion of our own-and though we may make a case for themselves, that neither of find, in every large town, whole clubs of in- them have thought of stating the whole facts, telligent men, returned after twenty or thirty so as to enable the public to judge between years' residence in it in high situations, it is them. They have invariably brought forward nearly impossible to get any distinct notion only what they thought peculiarly favourable of its general condition, or to obtain such in- for themselves, or peculiarly unfavourable for formation as to its institutions and capacities the adversary, and have fought to the utteras may be furnished by an ordinary book of ance upon those high grounds of quarrel; but travels, as to countries infinitely less important have left out all that is not prominent and reor easy of access. Various causes, besides markable-that is, all that is truly characterthe repulsions of a hostile and jealous reli-istic of the general state of the country, and gion, have conspired to produce this effect. In the first place, the greater part of our revenans have been too long in the other world, to be able to describe it in such a way as to be either interesting or intelligible to the inhabitants of this. They have been too long familiar with its aspect to know how they would strike a stranger; and have confounded, in their passive and incurious impressions, the most trivial and insignificant usages, with practices and principles that are in the highest degree curious, and of the deepest moral concernment. In the next place, by far the greater part of these experienced and authoritative residents have seen but a very small portion of the mighty regions with which they are too hastily presumed to be generally acquaint

the ordinary conduct of its government; by reference to which alone, however, the real magnitude of the alleged benefits or abuses can ever be truly estimated.

It is chiefly for these reasons that we have hitherto been shy, perhaps to a blamable excess, in engaging with the great questions of Indian policy, which have of late years engrossed so much attention. Feeling the extreme difficulty of getting safe materials for our judgment, we have been conscientiously unwilling to take a decided or leading part in discussions which did not seem to us to be conducted, on either part, in a spirit of perfect fairness, on a sufficient view of well-established facts, or on a large and comprehensive perception of the principles to which

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