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fage under confideration, muft mean to make an application of water. Though water is not exprefsly mentioned in the commiffion, there is not the leaft reafon to doubt that it was intended. Words are always to be taken in their literal, proper, common, and obvious fignification, unless they be otherwise explained, or unless fome good reafon appear for understanding them otherwife. Now it is certain that the literal, proper, common, and obvious fignification of baptifm is a wetting, bathing, or afperfing with water. There is no neceffity, there is no ground for affixing a different meaning to it in the paffage before us. It would be contrary to all the approved rules of interpretation-it would confound the meaning of language, and render it useless to any purpofe of inftruction. Where baptifin is ufed with relation to the defcent of the Holy Spirit, it is used in a figurative fenfe, and the Holy Spirit is exprefsly mentioned. That the apoftles must have understood Chrift in his commiffion to intend water baptifm, may be inferred from the received and general fenfe of the word; and from the circumftance, that during the whole term of his perfonal ministry, they had practifed baptifm with water.* That they did underftand him to intend this baptifm is evident from their fubfequent conduct; for in pursuance of his commands, they proceeded to baptize all their converts. This commiffion, therefore, contains an injunction of the Author and Finisher of our faith, delivered to his first ambassadors, to apply water to the subject in admitting him into the number of christians, and implies the obligation of those who

✦ John, iii. 22. iv. 1, 2, 3.

heard the gofpel, not only to believe it, but to tef tify their belief by fubmitting to this application. What is faid thus far may be allowed, and yet the perpetuity of the rite be denied. To fhow that it was not to be a cuftom peculiar to the apoftolic age, we may draw arguments from the character of Chrift as a divine teacher of the world, from the nature and ufe of the act to be done, and from ⚫ the very language of the commiffion to the apostles. Is there not ground for the following remarks? "Jefus Chrift was fent of God to promulgate a divine difpenfation of religion to mankind, to deliver doctrines of univerfal concern, to enjoin laws of univerfal obligation. All his injunctions must be understood to be univerfally binding, unless he himself fee fit in fome way to limit them, or fomewhat in the nature of the things or circumstances" of the injunction limits them. This general principle is true, not only of his moral precepts, but of other precepts, peculiar to himself and his religion. Thus, for inftance, the directions and promifes, which he delivered concerning offering prayers to God in the name of Chrift, though addreffed directly to his immediate followers, without any express mention made of his future difciples, yet have been understood by all chriftians as obligatory on themselves, and a fufficient foundation for their practice." Were nothing faid by Chrift, intimating that not only his immediate ambaffadors, but all his minifters in all future times fhould adminif ter baptifm to believers; and that all believers in fucceeding ages fhould afk and receive it, it would ftill be our duty to inquire whether any thing in the nature or circumstances of the injunction, con

fined it to the perfons, to whom it was first deliv ered. Now the reafons on which baptifm is found ed are common to all ages.

This ordinance was directed to be given and recieved in or into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghoft, and in the name of Jefus Chrift; i. e. in token and acknowledgment of our relation to them, and their relation to us; and particularly as a fign that we look upon our felves as the difciples of Jefus Chrift, obliged to hearken to his doctrine, to follow his inftructions, and to obey his commandments; and that we de fire to have an intereft in his mediation. The words of Chrift's commiffion to his apoftles reprefent baptifm as a folemn initiation into the chrif-tian profeffion; and all its engagements and privileges. Other paffages teach that it typifies in a particular manner the neceffity of moral purity and righteousness. *"Chrift gave himself for the church, that he might fanctify and cleanfe it with the washing of water by the word." These are moral ufes of the ceremony not confined to any age of the church. As all perfons of all times are interested to pay due regards to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft; and to exercife the faith, and trust, to make the refolutions and vows that belong to chriftians, fo are they alike interested in a rite which expreffes these acts and difpofitions.-Hence because the words of the commiffion do not limit the duration of the obfervance of baptifm; and there is nothing in its nature, or the circumftances of the: times to limit it, we have reason to think it intended to be perpetual.

* Rom. vi. 3, 4. 1 Peter, iii. 21. Ephef. v. 26%

On the other hand, the words ftrongly intimate that it fhould be continued. They enjoin upon those to whom they are addreffed two acts, that of teaching or making difciples, and that of baptizing. They contain an encouragement to thefe fervices, which is the promise of the prefence of the Redeemer to the end of the world. The duration of the duties is to be fuppofed coeval with the duration of the promise. This conftruction is confirmed by the very general terms of the direction in Mark, xvi. 15, 16. "And he faid unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, fhall be faved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." We cannot think that baptifm would be mentioned in fuch a connection, as an act neceffary to exprefs and accompany faith, unless it were important, and required to be obferved by all believers.

2. The practice of baptifm with water by the apoftles, during the Lord's perfonal miniftry, affords arguments in favour of the ordinance in queftion, John, i. 22. After these things came Jefus and his difciples into the land of Judea, and there he tarried with them and baptized. iv. 1, 2, 3. When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharifees had heard that Jefus made and baptized more difciples than John; though Jefus himself baptized not, but his difciples, he left Judea and departed again into Galilee. Chrift is faid to do what the apostles did, because they acted by his direction. Had our Lord no defign in this? It muft probably have been intended to be introductory to chriftian baptifm.

3. Another proof is taken from John, iii. 5. compared with verfe 26 of the fame chapter. "Jefus answered, verily, verily, I fay unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the fpirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven." As if he had faid to the Jewish ruler, " you must have new principles and a new character, and in token of your converfion be baptized with water, in order to become a regular member of my kingdom." In the fame chapter, v. 26, it appears that they who received Jefus as the Saviour were baptized.

4. The doctrine of this difcourfe is confirmed by thofe numerous paffages which directly or impliedly speak of baptifm by water, as a standing ordinance in the fpiritual religion of Jefus Chrift, according to apoftolic practice. Rom. vi. 4. We are buried with him by baptifm. Ephe. iv. 5. One baptifm. Col. ii. 12. Buried with him in baptifm. Heb. vi. 2. Doctrine of baptifms.

1 Pet. iii. 21. Baptifm doth now fave us. Acts, ii. 38. Be baptized every one of you. EVERY ONE OF YOU. 41ft verfe. They that gladly received his word were baptized. viii. 12. They were bap tized both men and women. NO DISTINCTION OF 13th verfe, Simon be


lieved and was baptized. 16th verfe, Only they were baptized in the name of Jefus. 38th verfe, Here is water, what doth hinder to be baptized? 38th verse, And be baptized him, ix. 8. Saul received fight, and arofe and was baptized. x. 47. Can any forbid that thefe fhould not be baptized? 48th verfe. Peter commanded them to be baptized. COMMANded. xvi. 15. Lydia was baptized and her household. 33d verfe, The Jailor was baptized, he and ALL HIS

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