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ne reconnaissant à aucune puissance un protectorat exclusif sur les établissements catholiques en Orient, se réserve tous ses droits sur les sujets ou administrés allemands appartenant à un de ces établissements, et il considère notamment comme entendu que ladite stipulation du protocole franco-égyptien ne saurait porter atteinte à la juridiction qui est ou qui sera établie pour les sujets et administrés allemands en Égypte, en vertu des lois de l'Empire et des arrangements faits entre l'Allemagne et le gouvernement du Khédive.

S. Exc. Chérif- Pacha, au nom du gouvernement égyptien, prend acte de cette déclaration.

ART. VIII (texte identique). Il est entendu que les nouvelles lois et la nouvelle organisation judiciaire n'auront pas d'effet retroactif, conformément au principe inscrit dans le code civil égyptien.

ART. IX (texte identique). Les réclamations déjà pendantes contre le gouvernement égyptien seront soumises à une commission composée de trois magistrats de la cour d'appel, choisis d'accord par les deux gouvernements. Cette commission décidera souverainement et sans appel; elle établira elle-même les formes de la procédure à suivre.

ART. X (texte identique). Ces mêmes réclamations pouront toutefois, si les intéressés le préfèrent, étre portées devant une chambre spéciale en première instance, et une autre chambre spéciale en appel, composées de magistrats appartenant, les uns aux tribunaux, les autres à la cour, et constituées conformément aux dispositions déjà convenues entre le gouvernement égyptien et


1875. 31st July.

celui d'Autriche-Hongrie. Ces deux chambres, bien que jugeant d'après les règles de la procédure des nouveaux tribunaux, statueront au fond conformément aux lois et coutumes en vigueur au moment des faits qui auront motivé les réclamations.

ART. XI (texte identique). Les affaires qui concernent à la fois des réclamants appartenant à plusieurs nationalités seront jugés d'après celui de ces deux modes qui sera convenu entre leurs consuls-généraux respectifs.

ART. XII. (texte identique). Le règlement de ces affaires commencera avec l'installation des nouveaux tribunaux et continuera pendant leur fonctionnement.

Convention entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'Égypte, relative à la réforme judiciaire 1.

Les soussignés M. Charles A. Cookson, gérant de l'agence et Consulat général de Sa Majesté Britannique et Son Excellence Chérif-Pacha, ministre de la justice de Son Altesse, le Khédive, agissant par ordre et d'après les instructions de leurs gouvernements respectifs, ayant tenu une conférence ce jour au sujet de la Réforme judiciaire en Égypte, sont convenus de ce qui suit :

Toutes et chacune des stipulations et réserves contenues dans la Convention Relative à la Réforme judiciaire qui a été conclue entre les Gouvernements français et égyptien, le 10 novembre 1874 (dont copie est ci-annexée), aussi bien que celles contenues dans la Convention conclue entre les Gouvernements allemand et égyptien le 5 mai 1875 (dont copie est pareillement ci-annexée) seront immédiatement et inconditionnellement étendues par le Gouvernement égyptien à la Grande-Bretagne et aux sujets britanniques, si à un moment quelconque le Gouvernement britannique exprimait un désir à cet effet.

En outre, le Gouvernement égyptien convient que tous les autres arrangements qu'il aurait déjà faits ou qu'il ferait à l'avenir avec toute autre puissance étrangère, soit concernant la Réforme judiciaire en Égypte, soit concernant les tribunaux

1 Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International, 1878, p. 273; Parl. Papers, u. s.

consulaires ou autres existants dans ce pays, seront immédiatement et inconditionnellement étendus à la Grande-Bretagne et aux sujets britanniques, si le Gouvernement britannique à un moment quelconque exprimait un désir à cet effet.

En foi de quoi les soussignés ont signé la présente Convention, et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait à Alexandrie le trente-et-un juillet, mil huit cent soixante-et-quinze.


No. XII1.

Decree establishing the 'Caisse de la dette publique,' 2 May, 1879.

WE, the Khedive of Egypt, desiring to take definitive and opportune measures for obtaining the unification of the different debts of the State and those of the Daïra Sanieh, and also desiring the reduction of the excessive charges resulting from these debts, and wishing to bear solemn testimony to our firm intention to secure every guarantee to all persons interested, have resolved to establish a special Treasury charged with the regular service of the public debt, and to appoint to its management foreign Commissioners, who at our request will be indicated by the respective Governments as fit officials to fill the post to which they will be appointed by us in the quality of Egyptian officials, and under the following conditions. Having consulted our Privy Council, we have decreed, and do hereby decree as follows:


2nd May.

ARTICLE I. A Treasury of the Public Debt is established, Establishcharged with receiving the funds necessary for the interest and ment of the the redemption of the debt, and with applying them to this

object exclusively.

ART. II. The officials, the local Treasuries, or the special Administrations, after collecting, receiving, or accumulating

1 Parl. Papers, 1876, Egypt, No. 8. Cf. Texts, No. XIV, Arts. 18-22, and No. XVII, Arts. 30-39. Note, that this Decree is modified by subsequent legislation to a greater extent than could be conveniently indicated by italics.



revenues to


Hypothe the revenues specially devoted to the payment of the debt, are or shall be in future charged to pay them into the Central be paid to Treasury or to keep them at the disposal of the Intendants of Public Expenditure1 (Ordonnateurs des Dépenses de l'État'). The Intendants of Public Expenditure are, by virtue of the present Decree, bound to pay these revenues on account of the State Treasury into the Special Treasury of the Public Debt, which will be considered in this respect as a special Treasury. These officials, treasuries, and administrations can only procure a valid discharge by means of the vouchers which will be delivered to them by the said 'Caisse' of the Public Debt. Any other order or voucher will not be valid. The same officials, treasuries, or administrations will every month send to the Minister of Finance a statement of the receipts or collections made by themselves directly or paid in by the receivers of the revenues specially assigned to the debt and the payments made into the Special Treasury of the Public Debt. The Minister of Finance will communicate these statements to the Administration of the Caisse of the Public Debt.

Insufficient and surplus


The Caisse of the Public Debt shall receive from the Daïra Sanieh the entire sum necessary for the interest and redemption of the amount of its unified Debt. It shall likewise receive the funds for the yearly payment due to the English Government, and representing the interest on the Suez Canal shares.

ART. III. If the payments of the revenue assigned to the debt be insufficient to meet the half-yearly charges, the special Public Debt Department will demand from the Treasury, through the intermediary of the Minister of Finance, the sum required to complete the half-yearly payments; the Treasury will have to deliver this sum a fortnight before the payments are due. If the funds in hand constitute a surplus over the amount necessary for the payment of the interest and the sinking fund, the special Treasury of the Public Debt will pay this surplus at the end of each year to the general Treasury of the Exchequer. The Treasury of the Public Debt will submit its accounts, which will be examined and reported upon according to law.

1 But see now Art. 31 of the Law of Liquidation (Texts, No. XVII).


to be

ART. IV. The suits which the Treasury and its Directors, on its Actions of behalf, acting in the name and in the interests of the creditors, against gomostly of foreign nationality, may consider they have to bring vernment against the financial administration represented by the Minisbrought in ter of Finance in so far as regards the guardianship of the the interguarantees of the debt which we have confided to the said Courts. Treasury, will be brought in the terms of their jurisdiction before the new tribunals which, in conformity with the agreement entered into with the Powers, have been instituted in Egypt 1.


ART. V. The Commissioners selected as stated above will The Commissioners. have the direction of the special Treasury of the Public Debt. They will be appointed by us for five years, and will sit in Cairo. Their functions may be continued after the five years have expired, and in case of the death or resignation of one of them the vacancy will be filled by us in the manner of the original appointment. They may intrust one of themselves with the functions of President, and the latter will notify his nomination to the Minister of Finance.

ART. VI. The cost of exchange, insurance, and conveyance of specie abroad, as well as the commission for the payment of the coupons will be borne by the Government. The Directors of the Treasury will come to a previous arrangement with the Ministers of Finance with regard to all these operations, but the Minister will decide whether the despatch of these sums is to be effected in specie or by letters of exchange.

ART. VII. The Treasury will not be allowed to employ any funds, disposable or not, in operations of credit, commerce, industry, &c.

to diminish


ART. VIII. The Government will not be able, without an Governagreement with the majority of the Commissioners directing ment not the Treasury of the Public Debt, to effect in any of the taxes yield of hyspecially devoted to the Debt any changes which might result pothecated in a diminution of the revenue from these taxes. At the same time, the Government may farm out one or several of these taxes, provided that the contract entered into insure a revenue at least equal to that already existing, and may also

1 Cf. the Law of Liquidation, Arts. 38, 57.

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