Discourse: Berkeley Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Band 12Indiana University Press, 1989 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 9
Seite 29
... Sartre for a lecture in 1958 ( later published under the title , “ Théâtre et cinéma , " in Un théâtre de situations ) ... Sartre's own Les Mots , of Sartre's great attachment to film , both as spectator and screenwriter , and of its ...
... Sartre for a lecture in 1958 ( later published under the title , “ Théâtre et cinéma , " in Un théâtre de situations ) ... Sartre's own Les Mots , of Sartre's great attachment to film , both as spectator and screenwriter , and of its ...
Seite 30
... Sartre's rhetoric - sketchily contrived , more polemical than analytical - is responsible for this un- wanted effect . From this point of view , it would be better to read the notes for Sartre's lecture on " Théâtre et cinéma " in the ...
... Sartre's rhetoric - sketchily contrived , more polemical than analytical - is responsible for this un- wanted effect . From this point of view , it would be better to read the notes for Sartre's lecture on " Théâtre et cinéma " in the ...
Seite 37
... Sartre's notion of theatre is a clear example of the latter dialectic , since he thinks of it as a pure group project . In theatre , as I have already said , the entire practico - inert field ( as much as can be referred to , taken up ...
... Sartre's notion of theatre is a clear example of the latter dialectic , since he thinks of it as a pure group project . In theatre , as I have already said , the entire practico - inert field ( as much as can be referred to , taken up ...
Jazz and the Paris AvantGarde | 3 |
John Cages Aesthetics | 28 |
Introduction to On Jazz | 39 |
Urheberrecht | |
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Adorno aesthetic American analysis Anderson artist avant-garde Benjamin black women body Brecht Chinese cinema Clockwork Orange Cocteau contemporary context critical critique Cuiqiao's data bases deconstruction Derrida's desire dialectic discourse effect electronic epic theater essay ethical existential expression fact Feminism feminist film flâneur Foucault Fredric Jameson function gender gesture Harpham human identity ideology images individual intellectuals issues jazz John Cage language Laurie Anderson Lettrist literary literature Mahagonny male Marxism mass culture material means Milhaud Minnesota modern modernist montage narrative object opera Paris photographs piece pleasure political popular culture pornography postmodern practice production psychoanalysis punk reality recent relation representation ritornellos Robert Mapplethorpe Ross SAN DIEGO Sartre Sartre's sense Sex Pistols sexual difference signifier social song sound space specific structure style subcultural Susan McClary theatre theoretical theory tion traditional trans UNIVE UNIVERSITY viewer voice Western woman writing Yellow Earth York