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" man, But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning as he entered the hall Where his picture hung against the wall, A sweat like death all over him came, For the rats had eaten it out of the frame. As lie "
A hand-book for travellers on the continent. [1st] [2 issues of the 16th and ... - Seite 240
von John Murray (publishers.) - 1836
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Pomponii Melæ de situ orbis libri tres, recogn. opera J. Reinoldii

Pomponius Mela - 1761 - 170 Seiten
...his palace returned he, And he sat down to supper merrily, And he slept that night like an innocent man ; But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning, as he enter'd the hall Where his picture hung against the wall, A sweat like death all o'er him came, For...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Annual Anthology, Band 2

Robert Southey - 1800 - 314 Seiten
...his palace returned he, And he sate down to supper merrily, And he slept that night like an innocent man, But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning...came, For the Rats had eaten it out of the frame. As he look'd there came a man from his farm, He had a countenance white with alarm, My Lord, I opened...
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The Poetical Works of Robert Southey, Esq. ...: Minor poems

Robert Southey - 1823 - 266 Seiten
...his palace returned he, And he sat down to supper merrily, And he slept that night like an innocent man, But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning as he enter'd the hall Where his picture hung against the wall, A sweat like death all over him came, For...
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The Young Man's Book of Elegant Poetry: Comprising Selections from the Works ...

1838 - 332 Seiten
...Hatto ne'er slept again. And he slept that night like an innoce t man, In the morning as he enter'd the hall Where his picture hung against the wall, A sweat like death all over him cnme, For the Rats had eaten it out of the frame. As he look'd there came a man from his farm. He had...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

A Hand-book for Travellers on the Continent: Being a Guide Through Holland ...

1838 - 582 Seiten
...down to supper merrily, So then to his palace returned he, And he slept that night like an innocent man, But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning as he enter'd the hall Where his picture hung against the wall, A sweat like death all o'er him came, For...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

A Hand-book for Travellers on the Continent: Being a Guide Through Holland ...

John Murray (Firm) - 1838 - 612 Seiten
...night like an lnnocentinan, But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning as he enter'd the hail Where his picture hung against the wall, A sweat like death all o'er him came, For the rats had eaten It out of the frame. As he look'd there came a man from his farm,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Poetical Works of Robert Southey: Collected by Himself, Band 6

Robert Southey - 1838 - 396 Seiten
...his palace returned he, And he sat down to supper merrily, And he slept that night like an innocent man ; But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning as he enter'd the hall Where his picture hung against the wall, A sweat like death all over him came, For...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Rhine, Legends, Traditions, History, from Cologne to Mainz, Band 2

Joseph Snowe - 1839 - 508 Seiten
...his palace returned he, And he sat down to supper merrily, And he slept that night like an innocent man, But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning,...all over him came, For the rats had eaten it out of its frame. As he look'd, there came a man from his farm, He had a countenance white with alarm; " My...
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The Rhine, Legends, Traditions, History, from Cologne to Mainz, Band 2

Joseph Snowe - 1839 - 520 Seiten
...his palace returned he, And he sat down to supper merrily, And he slept that night like an innocent man, But Bishop Hatto never slept again. In the morning,...all over him came, For the rats had eaten it out of its frame. As he look'd, there came a man from his farm, He had a countenance white with alarm ; "...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Poetical Works of Robert Southey

Robert Southey - 1839 - 836 Seiten
...that night like an innocent man ; But Bishop Hatto never slept again. [n the morning, as lie enter'd the hall Where his picture hung against the wall,...came, for the Rats had eaten it out of the frame. As he look'd, there came a man from his farm ; He had a countenance white with alarm; ' My Lord, I open'd...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

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