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" ocean's slow alluvion fell. Of shipwreck'd cockle and the muscle shell ; This indigested vomit of the sea Fell to the Dutch by just propriety. " Glad, then, as miners who have found the ore, They, with mad labour, fish'd the land to shore, And dived as... "
A hand-book for travellers on the continent. [1st] [2 issues of the 16th and ... - Seite 7
von John Murray (Firm), John Murray (publishers.) - 1836
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The Literary Miscellany: Including Dissertations and Essays on ..., Band 2

1806 - 420 Seiten
...English pilots, when they heaved the lead ; Or what by the ocean's slow allusion fell, Of shipwrecked cockle and the muscle shell; This indigested vomit...then, as miners, who have found the ore, They with mad labor fished the land to shore ; And dived as desperately for each piece Of earth, as if it had been...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Harleian miscellany; or, A collection of ... pamphlets and ..., Band 7

Harleian miscellany - 1808 - 644 Seiten
...This indigested vomit of the sea Fell to the Dutch by just propriety. Glad then, as miners that hare found the ore, They with mad labour fish'd the land to shore; And div'd as desperately for each piece Of earth, as if Ч had been of ambergris ; Collecting anxiously...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Harleian Miscellany: A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and ..., Band 7

1810 - 696 Seiten
...English pilots, when they heav'd the lead; Or what by th' ocean's slow alluvion fell Of shipwrcck'd cockle and the muscle shell; This indigested vomit...the Dutch by just propriety. Glad then, as miners that have found the ore, They with mad labour fish'd the land to shore; And div'd as desperately for...
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The Harleian Miscellany: Or, A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and ..., Band 7

William Oldys, John Malham - 1810 - 664 Seiten
...lead; Or what by th' ocean's slow alluvion fell Of shipwreck'd cockle and the muscle shell; ‘rhis indigested vomit of the sea Fell to the Dutch by just propriety. Glad then, as miners that have found the ore, They with mad labour fish'd the land to shore; And div'd as desperately for...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Harleian Miscellany, Or, A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and ..., Band 7

1810 - 630 Seiten ; This indigested vomit of the sea Fell to the Dutch by just propriety. Glad then, as miners that have found the ore, They with mad labour fish'd the land to shore; And div'd as desperately for each piece Of earth, as if Ч had been of ambergris ; Collecting anxiously...
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The Indicator, Band 1

Leigh Hunt - 1820 - 432 Seiten
...and the muscle-shell. Glad then, as miners who have fovtnd the ore, They, with mad labour,* fished the land to shore ; And dived as desperately for each piece Of earth, as if it had been of ambergreece ; .Collecting anxiously small loads of clay, Less than what building swallows...
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The Retrospective Review.., Band 11

Henry Southern - 1825 - 388 Seiten
...heav'd the lead ; Or what by th' ocean's slow alluvion fell, Of shipwreck'd cockle and the muscle-shell; This indigested vomit of the sea Fell to the Dutch...They, with mad labour, fish'd the land to shore: And div'd as desperately for each piece Of earth, as if't had been of Ambergreece ; Collecting anxiously...
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The Monthly Review

1832 - 632 Seiten
...; And so much earth as was contributed By English pilots when they heav'd the lead ; Or what by the ocean's slow alluvion fell, Of shipwreck'd cockle...They, with mad labour, fish'd the land to shore ; And div'd so desperately for each piece Of earth, as if't had been of ambergris; Collecting anxiously small...
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The Life of Andrew Marvell, the Celebrated Patriot: With Extracts and ...

John Dove - 1832 - 128 Seiten
...the lead; Or what by th' ocean's slow alluvion fell, I Of shipwreck'd cockle and the muscle shell; 1 This indigested vomit of the sea Fell to the Dutch...They, with mad labour, fish'd the land to shore; And div'd as desperately for each piece Of earth, as if t had been of ambergris; Collecting anxiously small...
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Sir Ralph Esher: Or, Adventures of a Gentleman of the Court of Charles II.

Leigh Hunt - 1832 - 316 Seiten
...ocean's slow alluvion fell, Of shipwreck'd cockle, and the muscle-shell,— This ort and muddy refuse of the sea Fell to the Dutch by just propriety. '...They, with mad labour, fish'd the land to shore; And div'd as desperately for every piece Of earth, as though it had been of ambergreece ; Collecting anxiously...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

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