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specialty was crayon portraits. A friend of mine employed him to execute several. After much vexation and delay, the pictures were delivered by the artist, who was "half tight" when he brought them home, and who boasted of the superiority of his work in a manner that would have made Falstaff blush. On investigation, they proved to be pictures made from a photographic negative by a chemical and mechanical process, touched up with crayon in a manner that required but comparatively little skill, and were vastly different from a really artistic "freehand" crayon portrait, though, as likenesses, they were well enough, and a novice would not detect their inferiority. This artist proved to be a dishonest, drunken profligate, brazen enough to beg outright for money from his patrons.

Soon after this I became acquainted with a "bohemian" of the other sex. She was a middle-aged maiden lady, who "wrote for the papers" and contributed to a biographical cyclopædia. She had written biographical sketches of many prominent congressmen and politicians of the day, and was, in truth, what the Yankees call "a mighty smart woman." But she lodged in a back room in a retired boarding house, lived economically, and spent her time at literary drudgery, in single loneliness. Strong-minded, ascetic, cynical, shrewd, and well nigh without opportunity of social enjoyment, I did not envy her.

I have, at various times, met others of this fraternity, and contact with them has sadly blurred the halo with which my boyish imagination once surrounded them. I have found them to be, in most instances, without home, creed, or firm moral principle, often immoral, generally impecunious, profligate, ever ready to prostitute their talent for money; members of a class to whom may be traced many of the calumnies and slanders that have so retarded the spread of truth, and injured the Saints.

True, all "bohemians" may not be thus described. Among their numbers may frequently be found men of principle, as well as of ability, who would scorn to do a dishonorable act, or to lend their brains

or pens to a cause their consciences could not espouse. But the opposite is true in too many instances.

B. F. Cummings, Jr.

SEED-TIME OF YOUTH. THERE is no harm in a certain moderate and occasional amount of innocent pleasure. But a young who has his own way to carve in life, can spare neither the time, the strength, nor the expense of much social pleasure. In the country, where the style of living is simple, one can get all the gayety he needs without spending much money. We recommend to every young man who is starting in life the most rigorous economy in expenses; in clothes, food, and equipment. Young men usually do not take their measures of economy from what they can actually endure, but from what society around them is accustomed to demand.

By far the greater number of young men have only their hands, their good character, and their mother-wit for capital. Success will require ingenuity, industry, and rigorous economy. The practice of these qualities for ten years ought to put a sensible man on a good foundation, on which he can build an enduring prosperity. But if a young man must have three or four "outings" a year; if he must join various societies which tax his slender resources severely; if he must be counted upon for parties, balls, suppers, or drinking bouts; if he must pay for billiards and prime cigars, he will find uphill work to save enough to make his mid-life and old age comfortable. Youth may be the time for pleasure, but that is no reason why a man should squander the best part of his life. Youth is good for pleasure; but is the very time, too, for learning, for work, for selfdiscipline. And pleasure itself does not need to be peculiarly expensive. Do not be ashamed to economize, no matter what the girls think, nor what the boys think. Build yourself up in intelligence and sound morals.

Resolve that except the most imperative necessities required for health and strength, you will not spend a penny,

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either for charity or luxury, except out of | swallow up your individuality-hat, coat, your income. Earn your money before

you spend it. The effect of this will be to curb all expensive impulses, and reduce your actions in the spending of money to a conscientious rule. We believe that sixteen men out of every twenty that begin life poor, remain so to the end of life; but that every one of these sixteen earns enough, if it be saved, to make himself independent.

Foolish spending is the father of poverty. Do not be ashamed of hard work. Work for the best salaries or wages you can get, but work for half price rather than be idle. Be your own master, and do not let society or fashion

and boots. Do not eat up and wear out all that you earn. Compel your selfish body to spare something for profits saved. Be stingy to your own appetite, but merciful to others' necessities. Help others, and ask no help for yourself. See that you are proud. Let your pride be of the right kind. Be too proud to be lazy; too proud to give up without conquering every difficulty; too proud to wear a coat that you cannot afford to buy; too proud to be in company that you cannot keep up with its expenses; too proud to lie, or steal, or cheat; too proud to adopt any bad habits because others practice them.

Thou who wouldst brave the bounding billow,
To view the wonders of the world,
And magnify with blind devotion,
The scenes in froeign climes unfurled!

Hast never dreamed of nearer splendors,
Than beautify an alien strand?
Of rarer gifts of glorious nature,
Bequeathed unto thy native land?

Hast never thought, while rapt admiring
The distant starlight overhead,
There may be flowers of beauty blushing,
Neglected 'neath thy careless tread?
Must home's fair visions be misvalued,
Because the stranger's shores are bright?
Are forms of loveliness less lovely,
When grown familiar to the sight?

Ne'er has it been my lot to wander
O'er Orient sands or Alpine snows,
Or linger in the vine-clad valleys,
Where Rhine's clear winding water flows;

I ne'er have watched the sun declining
Along the classic Grecian hills,
Nor pressed the plains of Palestina,
Nor drank from Sinai's sacred rills.
But I have stood amid the thunders,
When shook the towering granite height,
And trembled where the vivid lightnings
Blazed on the angry brow of night;
I've seen the headlong torrent leaping
From crag to cloven gulf beneath,


And caught the snowslide's whelming terrors
Descending on the wings of death.
Oh! tell me not that grander tempests,
Reverberate with louder roar,
On Jura's cloud-enveloped summits,
Than on the Rocky Mountains hoar;

That fiercer rolls the thundering lauwine,
Than the snowslide's fatal thrall,
And lovelier the Alpine cascade,

Than the Wasatch waterfall.

Say not the shores of limpid Leman,
Their cultured charms unrivaled hold;
Lake Mary lies in yonder mountains,
A wildwood beauty uncontrolled.
Nor praise the skies of soft Italia,

Where suns in glory rise and set,
Till thou hast seen them bathe with brightness,
The matchless hills of Deseret.

Sing not of Erin's famed Killarney,
Laud not the wave of Galilee,
For I have sailed the buoyant waters
Of Utah's wondrous saline sea;

I've climbed her everduring mountains,
I've rested in her peaceful vales,

I've quaffed her pure and sparkling streamlets,
I've breathed her life-imparting gales;

I love the land that gave me being,
Her features e'er shall seem to me,
More beautiful than boasted marvels,
Of all the realms beyond the sea.

O. F. Whitney.

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THE President died at Francklyn cottage, Long Branch, New Jersey, September 19, at 11.35 p.m. He lingered for eighty days from the time he was shot, July 2. His life was preserved by the skilful nursing of eminent physicians and competent attendants; though the nature of the wound, as proved by the autopsy, was fatal. His heroic struggle for life during all those anxious days, and the brave trust in the future, if life should not be spared, which supported the distinguished patient, won for him the sympathy and admiration of the world. His death caused the civilized portions of the globe to mourn. It humbled the nation of which he was president, as the chastisement of "Him who giveth life and taketh it away."

The life of General Garfield was a remarkable one. It abounds in those incidents that develop the noblest traits of human nature. Faith, obedience, love, patience, perseverance, were living principles with him, shining in all the acts of his life, and making it one of the best examples for youth to emulate, that is found in the annals of illustrious men. His career is an abiding testimony of the liberality and equality of our Republican institutions and of the power of patience and perseverence in the achievement of worthy aims in life; for it shows how the highest trust and place of consequence in the nation could be deserved, and was gladly bestowed upon a son of the people, that worked his own way from obscurity and poverty, to eminence and power.

James Abram Garfield was born in Orange, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, on the nineteenth day of November, 1831; his father died soon after, leaving his family dependent upon their widowed mother for education and support. This mother was a heroic woman, who instilled principles of independence and industry in the minds of her children, and lived to see their fruition in the merited fame of her son, whom she survives, though eighty years of age. In boyhood, Garfield worked to help support the family, occupation which satisfies the energies of most boys. Not so with him; while doing his share in this respect, he longed to do more for his own ambition. From the beginning, he wanted to be a scholar, and this desire stimulated him to success. He left the farm and took the tow path, because canal men received money for their labor, and he required money to go to college. He entered Williams' College, Massachusetts, in 1854, and graduated two years after.

He returned to Ohio, and engaged in teaching, soon taking the presidency of the college of Hiram, Portage County. His success in this calling, and the local esteem in which he was held, soon secured him the suffrages 'of the people of his county, who sent him to the State Senate when he was twenty-eight years of age. He worked his way in the political world as he had in the private walks of life. He was a Republican, but not condescending to take the mean course to defeat opponents and gain a party advantage, usually characteristic of most partizans, he was not considered the most zealous party leader. It was said of him, that his political sentiments were defined by the Republican party, but his patriotism, when it came to acts, forgot party lines. Thus, while his party would have him committed to a certain policy, if, when the time came to act, some other appeared better, he was apt to be found compromising party for principle. It therefore became a somewhat noted observation, that Garfield was a more stalwart party man, on paper than in fact.

Hon. George Q. Cannon, in his ad


mirable tribute, paid to the President's memory, at the memorial services, held in the Tabernacle, September 26th, intimates that this characteristic would have greatly modified his seeming unfriendliness to our people—as indicated in his inaugural address-if he had lived to attempt carrying out measures against us. In regard to his attitude toward us, it is a well known fact, that in all the efforts of zealots in and out of Congress to crush us, Garfield was opposed to them. His acts of courtesy and service to our Delegate, won from the latter a deep feeling of regard and confidence. When General Garfield visited Utah in 1877, he made many friends by his gentlemanly deportment and apparent freedom from the common prejudice, which most visitors from abroad come laden with. This may, however, be accounted for. He was reared in the neighborhood where the Church had its origin, and was familiar with its doctrines and with many families connected with our people. This knowledge, of course, dispelled the prejudice that would otherwise have most probably warped his judgment, as it is ignorance of our faith and practices that lies at the root of the general opposition to us. Besides this, he was a member of a small and unpopular church, the Campbellite, many of the doctrines of which are similar to ours. General Garfield was elected to Congress in 1863, and served nine terms. He was chosen in 1880 to fill the senatorial seat at the expiration of the term of Senator Thurman, but before Congress met, at which he would have entered upon this office, he was nominated at Chicago, as Republican candidate for President of the United States. He was elected by a large majority over General Hancock, the Democratic candidate. In assuming this high office, and performing the duties thereof, with his customary independence, he gave offense to certain Senators, particularly Roscoe Conkling, of New York. The difference between them caused a split in the Republican party, and created great excitement throughout the land. It finally culminated in the resignation of the New


York Senators, who were deservedly rebuked for their opposition to the administration, by their State refusing to re-elect them.

The assassin of the President claims that this division of the party afforded him grounds for his murderous act. He could see no union of the divided factions while Garfield lived, and the insane wretch, consequently resolved to take his life. On the resignation of the Senators, the Cabinet members who had previously entertained varied and different views on the subject, became united, and on the morning of the assassination the President was congratulating himself and the Cabinet on the harmonious arrangement of all differences and the prospects for a peaceful and prosperous administration.

But the inscrutable providences of a Higher Power decreed otherwise for Mr. Garfield. He is dead. The Vice President, Mr. Chester A. Arthur, is President; and the former Cabinet may be supplanted by a new one any day.

The funeral of the President was a very solemn and imposing one. The body was taken to Washington and laid in state one day at the Capitol. It was then conveyed to Cleveland, Ohio, where on Monday, September 26, the last services of respect were paid. Tens of thousands of people from all over the Union were present. The procession and burial services were of the grandest description suitable to such an occasion. The body was interred in Lakeview Cemetery, and will be surmounted by a monument that the subscriptions of the whole people will erect to the memory of the great statesman, whose sorrowful doom, filled their hearts with sadness, but whose cherished memory will remain a lively incentive to vigorous and patriotic action for generations to come.


AMONG the noble men that the Reaper of Life's harvest has gathered home this season, one of the noblest was Elder William C. Staines. He died Wednesday evening, August 3, at his residence in the Twentieth Ward of this city. His

funeral services were conducted by the Stake presidency in the Assembly Hall Friday afternoon, August 5, when President Joseph F. Smith preached a powerful sermon on the Resurrection and Restoration, through the atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, a single passage of which is as follows: "To the mind that is illumined by the Spirit of Truth, there is no doubt as to the existence of man in time and in eternity. There is no doubt that Brother Staines will be raised from the dead, and that you and I and every son and daughter of Adam will be raised from the dead. God has declared it; angels have declared it; prophets have written it; it is recorded in the Bible, in the Book of Mormon, in the Doctrine and Covenants; it is inscribed upon the hearts of those that have received the Spirit of God. Every soul that has a being in this world will come forth in the resurrection from the dead to live again."

Wm. C. Staines was born at Higham Ferries, Northamptonshire, England, September 23, 1818. He received the Gospel at the age of twenty-four, and lived a true and faithful member of the

Church until his death. He performed a mission, full of exciting interest, to the Ponca Indians, in 1846, and spent about three years as a missionary in the London Conference, England. In 1863-4-5 he assisted in forwarding the emigrating Saints from New York, and since the latter year, until his release last summer,he occupied the responsible position of Church Emigration Agent, which he filled with ability and honor. In that capacity he forwarded over fifty thousand persons from New York to Utah Territory.

Brother Staines was not only a useful man, but he was one of the most companionable and friendly that ever lived. With all classes of men he had the wonderful power to make his influence for good felt. With young men he ever seemed young himself, his cheerfulness driving away all restraint from those he approached, and winning their confidence and trust. The noble qualities of his head and heart made him the valued friend of hosts of people, old and young, of all shades of opinion, at home and abroad. He gained a name and fame among them that will be enshrined in their memories forever.


I DON'T know that my opinion on the subject is of any value but at least I have a right to express one and if you don't choose to listen, why don't.

My dear James Thomas, and Sarah Mary, don't you know that everything occurs upon natural principles? You may fish all day up a dry creek and go on your knees and pray ever so frequently and ever so well, for "a bite," but return home in the evening in the same condition you left, minus your temper mayhap. I heard an excellent man say that if he was rewarded according to his desires, his reward would be great; he laid on his lounge one Sunday and his desire was to go to meeting, but-he didn't go, and he "rather guessed he would receive his deserts and not his desires." We may have ever such a

desire and pray ever so earnestly for our Associations to be better attended. But if we don't make a cause we shall not find the effect. My dear friend you were not made President of the Y. M. M. I. A. in your little town because you were thought to possess all the virtue and intelligence needful for the position; on the contrary, you are expected to Occupy yourself in increasing your limited knowledge; and while you humbly seek God in prayer, let your labors show how anxious you are to magnify your position. You may not have the least idea of human nature-then set to work to study it. You can't catch flies with salt, but sprinkle in sugar and behold they are abundant. Ask God to give you wisdom and then use it; and for pity's sake don't mistake self-conceit

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