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shout before which its bulwarks shall fall, and its strength be for ever overthrown.


Ir has pleased Providence to make mankind subject to various ills as well as blessings, and to render their happiness dependent on the right application of the means adapted to temper joy and sorrow. Men have ever been liable to pains of body and weaknesses of mind, and irksome pressure from external circumstances, and also to intemperate enjoyment of sensible pleasures, and of undue excitement of certain faculties of the mind. A counteracting power has, at the same time, been furnished in the influences of religion; a power adequate to lighten all burdens, to soothe all pains, to temper all pleasures, to stimulate to action, and to restrain excess, to equalize the lot, and ennoble the character. This auxiliary of all good, and antidote of all evil, is evidently designed to be made use of by each individual according to his needs. The time will come when every man that is born into the world will recognise, and lay hold of, and apply his religion for himself; when no one will be needed to stand between God and himself, and no human teaching will be made the medium of divine. But that time has never yet been, nor will be, till Christian nations have learned enough of Christianity to give to their brethren, without distinction, not only their inheritance of bread, but of the word of God. All God's children have an equal right, not only to the means of bodily, but those of spiritual life; and till such an equalization shall have been effected as shall bestow on every breathing man leisure for the exercise and cultivation of his immortal facul

* Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. By Charles W. Upham, jun., Pastor of the first Church in Salem. Boston, U. S. 1831.

ties, no community may boast itself of its Christianity. That the dispensing of its benefits has hitherto been committed to a separate class, is a sure sign that its influences are yet mutable; as the sealing up of the granaries of Egypt was an intimation of probable dearth. If our faith were what it ought to be, the livelong summer of the spirit, there would be no more occasion to garner up its privileges in a priesthood, than there would have been for Joseph to withdraw a portion of the plentiful harvests, while he knew that every season would produce its own abundance for ever. Hitherto we have distrusted the promise that seed-time and harvest shall not cease; we have not even tried what the sunshine and dews of heaven can do towards ripening the moral harvest. We have kept the people out of the field, which is theirs as much as ours, and placed them at the mercy of stewards who hold their office by arbitrary appointment.

And how have the priesthoods of the earth discharged their functions? We admit the credentials of one such class, which, however, was absorbed into the mass nearly eighteen centuries ago; but, except the Jewish, what priesthood has shown by its influence that it was divine in its origin? Professing to stand between heaven and earth, have they brought down truth from the hand of the God of truth? Have they been the dispensers of peace from the God of love? Have they watched from their elevated position for the approach of freedom, and given the signal to the world below them to prepare its triumph? Haye they directed the tendencies of man to high objects, and employed his energies aright, as it was their part to do if they were indeed the privileged agents of Providence? O, no! look through the records of society. thus far, and it will be found that priests have flattered the vices, and taken advantage of the weaknesses of their disciples; that they have fomented strife, and hindered freedom, and, above all, kept back or polluted God's own truth. This,

which is notoriously true of all pagan priesthoods, is not less so, in varying degrees, of all which have called themselves Christian. It is no new thing to complain of the Romish church government; but was there ever a Protestant priesthood which was not worldly, cowardly, and deceitful? Is there much to choose between the ministry of the English church, or the Scotch church, or the Presbyterian, or any other ecclesiastical government? Is not the history of pious fraud (the worst kind of fraud) to be found complete in the ecclesiastical annals of every incorporated religious class? And are we not warranted from this to infer, that the principle of incorporation is as wrong in respect of religion as of any other profession? This principle brings about its disastrous results with equal effect, through whatever means it operates, whether through the licentiousness of the Romish clergy, or the policy of the English, or the bigotry of the Scotch; whether through the fanaticism of the Puritans of a former age, or the worldliness of the Presbyterians of the present. It cannot but issue in these results, notwithstanding all the virtuous efforts of the pious and disinterested who have been found in all these bodies. No individual exertions, or testimony, or sacrifices in favor of truth, can be of more than temporary and partial avail, while principles are countenanced which afford temptations and impunity to fraud. All established ministries offer this temptation and impunity, whether the object be the selfish pursuit of temporal advantage, or the fancied promotion of the cause of religion. It is difficult to measure the comparative guilt of these two objects. It is difficult to make a choice between the Sadducees and the Pharisees; but it is easy to pronounce on the positive guilt of both, and to declare that if there be crime in the worldliness of Romish policy, and in the licentiousness of Romish monachism, there is also crime in Methodist revivals, and in the pretended exercise of holy gifts in a metropolitan chapel, no

less than in the dreadful proceedings which we are about to relate.

Our readers have probably, like ourselves, heard from childhood of the delusion in Salem respecting witchcraft; but they may not, any more than ourselves, have heard the particulars related by an impartial historian, and elucidated by the lights of philosophy and experience. This is done in the little work before us, which, for the sake of its commentary, as well as its narrative, we should like to put into the hands of Mr. Irving's followers, (if he still has any,) and of not a few disciples of the managers of orthodoxy and methodism in this country. Though society has advanced too far, we trust, to be again liable to the visitations on Salem in 1692, the same inclinations may exist in certain ecclesiastics, the same weaknesses in certain of their followers, ready to exert their evil influences, in modes accordant with the spirit of the times. However extravagant in its horrors, therefore, this narrative may appear to us, it will ever remain as an admonition, while the key by which its machinery is disclosed is the same which unlocks the mysteries of our own hearts. As long as there exists priestly manoeuvring on one hand, and spiritual subservience on the other, this tale of Salem will remain a tale of the times.

However the principles of the pilgrim fathers were strengthened by the persecutions which drove them to the shores of America, their social dispositions were not (how should they be?) ameliorated by their circumstances. If they left persecution behind, privation awaited them; and the sufferings they underwent, for a long period after their settlement, combined with the political and ecclesiastical events of the time, confirmed them in a gloomy fanaticism, which they transmitted to their descendants. These, in their turn, were exposed to an aggravation of their prevailing weaknesses, by their position. They were encompassed by dangers, and

oppressed with hardships. Pirates desolated them from the sea, and the Indians from the woods, and a barbarous war with these enemies was waged from year to year. They were weighed down with a burden of debt, and with an intolerable taxation, - circumstances not the most favorable to the temper, nor consequently to the reason, of a community. Within a short time, the town had lost all its venerable fathers and leading citizens; there were no monied institutions, no foreign commerce, no objects of general interest to concentrate their exertions, and no predominant influence to guide them. Political jealousies found their way into the place; religious dissensions sprang up; the wars with the Indians and the pirates had produced a relaxed and licentious state of morals among the people. A worse intellectual and moral condition can scarcely be conceived. Those who wished to restrain the downward career of society, thought of no other way of doing so than increasing the influence of the clergy. Special efforts were made, at the beginning of the year of the delusion, to renew the power of the spirit of the gospel; and while, probably, all believed that the Evil One was let loose in their community, some endeavoured to check his authority by lawful means only, while others abused their influence over the imaginations of the people, and led them to the extreme of superstition; thus striving to do God service by debasing man.

A violent religious dissension had, at this time, spread strife through the whole town, and was carried up to the General Court of New England. It was between a large portion of a neighbouring congregation and their pastor, the Rev. Samuel Parris, in whose family the first instance of alleged infliction appeared. It is desirable to explain the precise nature of the infliction, as it was understood at the time and place, that it may be evident how easy the jugglery became, when once the popular notion of the devil was received as an article of faith.

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