Brill's Companion to HoraceHans-Christian Günther BRILL, 29.11.2012 - 646 Seiten This volume centres on a detailed analysis of the whole corpus of Horace s work by Edward Courtney ("Satires"), Elaine Fantham ("Epistles" I and "Odes" IV), Hans-Christian G nther ("Epodes," "Odes" I III, "Carmen Saeculare" and "Epistles" II) and Tobias Reinhardt ("Ars Poetica"). The latter is preceeded by a detailed account of Horace s life and work in general by H.-C. G nther. Two appendices on the transmission of the text (E. Courtney) and style and metre (Peter Knox) conclude the volume. It is aimed at students and scholars of classical and modern literature who seek comprehensive orientation on all aspects of Horace s work. All quotations from Latin and Greek are translated. |
Horaces Life and Work | 1 |
The Two Books of Satires | 63 |
The Book of Iambi | 169 |
Carmina IIII | 211 |
The First Book of Letters | 407 |
The Carmen Saeculare | 431 |
The Fourth Book of Odes | 445 |
The Second Book of Letters | 467 |
The Ars Poetica | 499 |
Language Style and Meter in Horace | 527 |
The Transmission of the Text of Horace | 547 |
Bibliography | 561 |
581 | |
588 | |
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Alcaeus already ancient Apollo archaic Greek Archilochean Archilochus artistic attitude Augustan poets Augustus Augustus's beginning Callimachean Callimachus Carmen Carmen Saeculare Carmina Catullus Cavarzere character concept context contrast course criticism death divine elegiac elegy Ennius Epicurean Epicurus Epist Epod explicitly fact Fraenkel genre gods Günther Hellenistic Hipponax Horace Horace's love Horace's poetry Horatian human iambic interpretation Kiessling and Heinze Latin letter lines literary love poetry Lucilius lyric poetry Maecenas Maecenas's manuscripts meter metrical moral Muse Neoteric Nisbet and Hubbard Nisbet and Rudd Odes Ofellus panegyric passage philosophical Pindar poem poet's poetic political poetry praise present princeps Propertius quid reader recusatio refers religion role Roman Rome Saeculare Sapphic stanza Sappho Satires satyr play says sense Serm situation slave speaks stanza Stoic style Syndikus theme Tibullus topic tradition verse Virgil virtue word write