Abbildungen der Seite

InternuncYus, i. m. 2. a
Internus, a, um. adj. inter-
nal, inward, secret, pri-
vate, concealed
Intero, rère, trivi, tritum.
act. 3. to rub, grute, or
crumble into
Interordinĭum, i. n. 2. a
space left between two
rows, or ranks
Interpartio, ire, a. 4. to part
between [terruption
Interpellatio, unis. f. 3. in-
Interpellator, ōris. m. 3. an
Interpello, are. act. 1. to
interrupt, disturb, hin-
der, demand, require
Interplicatto, Onis. f. 3. an
Interphico, are. act. 1. to
fold between
Interpolatio, onis. f. 3. a
Interpolator, ōris. m. 3. a
mender of old things,
vamper, polisher
Interpolatrix, icis. f. 8. id.
Interpolis, e. adj. vamped

Interpolo [inter, polio], are. act. 1. to interpolate, insert, mend, vamp up, repair,renew, furbish,seour, polish, refine, interrupt, hinder

Interpono, ere, sui, sĭtum. a. 3. to interpose, intermeddle, put between, or in, insert, mir, suborn Interposito, onis. f. 3. an interposition, interlineation, intermixture Interpositus, a, um. pt. of interpono

Interpositus, us. m. 4. an

intervention Interpremo, měre, essi, es

sum. act. 3. to press hard, stop, or close in Interpres, étis. c. g. 3. an interpreter, expounder, translator, soothsayer, mediator, confident Interpretatio, onis. f. 3. an interpretation, translation, conjecture Interpretator, öris. m. 3. an interpreter Interpretor, äri, atus sum. dep. 1. to interpret, expound, explain, understand, translate, judge, account, esteem Interpunctio, onis. f. 3. al

pointing [point, a stop | Interpunctum, i. n. 2. a Interpunctus, a, um. pt. of Interpungo, ère, nxi. a. 3. to point, to stop Interpurgatio, onis. f. 3. a cleansing Interpurgo, are. act. 1. to take away superfluous branches Interpüto, are. a. 1. to prune away little branches Interqueror, ri, estus sum. dep.-3. to complain frequently

Interquiesco, cère, ēvi, ētum. n. 3. to rest between whiles

Interrado, ĕre, asi, āsum. a. 3. to scrape off, to thin Interrasilis, e. adj. filed, polished [terrade

Interrasus, a, um. pt. of inInterregnum, i. n. 2. an in

terreign [gent, viceroy Interrex, ēgis. m. 3. a reInterritus, a, um. pt. of in

terreo, undaunted, undismayed, fearless, bold Interrogatio, onis. f. 3. an interrogation, question, inquiry, demand Interrogative, adv. interrogatively Interrogatīvus, a, um. adj. interrogative, of asking Interrogatiuncula, æ. f. 1. a short question, or demand Interrogator, oris. m. 3. a demander, a catechist Interrogatoria, pl. n. 2. interrogatories Interrogo, are. a. 1. to ask, demand, examine, accuse, argue Interrumpendus, a, um. pt. to be interrupted, or broken in upon Interrumpo, pere, rupi, ruptum. a. 3. to interrupt, disturb, hinder, break off, or down [between Interrão, uĕre. a. 3. to rush Interrupte, adv. interruptedly, by stops Interrupto, onis. f. 3. an interruption Interruptus, a, um. pt. of

interrumpo (der-staff Interscalare, is. n. 3. a lad. InterscalmYum, i. n. 2. the space between the oars of a galley, &c. Interscindo, děre, scīdi,

issum. act. 3. to cut in the midst, hew asunder

Interscribo, bere, ipsi, iptum. act. 3. to write between, interline Intersěco, are, cui, ctum. a. 1. to intersect, cut in, cut, chop [tersection Intersectio, onis. f. 3. an inIntersepto, ire, psi, ptum.

act. 4. to fence about, hem in, or inclose Interseptum, i. n. 2. the midriff [tersepin Interseptus, a, um. pt. of inIntersĕro, rère, sevi, sĭtum.

act. 3. to sow, set, plant, or graft between Intersěro, rère, rui, sertum. act. 3. to put between, intermiæ, allege [intersero Intersertus, a, um. pt. of Intersisto, tere, stīti. n. 3. to rest, or stop between Intersitus, a, um. pt. of in


Intersono, are, nui. neut. I. to sound, to play Interspersus, a, um. pt. of interspergo, interspersed Interspiratio, onis. f. 3. & breathing between, fetching of breath Interspiro, are. act. 1. to

breathe between, to vent Interstinctus, a, um. pt. of Interstinguo, ĕre, nxi, ne

tum. act. 3. to divide, extinguish, strangle Interstitio, onis. f. a pause, vacation (terval Interstitiam, i. n. 2. an inInterstrātus, a, um. pt. of

intersterno, laid between Interstrěpo, père, pui, pī


tum. neut. 3. to make noise amongst others Interstringo, gère, îxi, ictum. act. 3. to strain hard, squeeze close Interstruo, uere, uxi, uctum. act. 3. to build together, join, unite Intersum, es, füi, esse. neut. cum dat. to be present, be in the midst, come between, differ, be of consequence, assist Intertextus, a, um. pt. of

intertexo, woven, interwrought Intertignum, i. n. 2. the space between two rafters, or beams Intertinctus, a, um. pt. of intertingo, spotted here und there, marked, coloured


Intertraho, ere, axi, actum.
act. 3. to draw out from
between, take away all
Intertrigo, Inis. f. 3. a gall
ing, chafing, rubbing
Intertrimentum, i. n.
waste, loss, injure, dam-
age, refuse, dross
Interturbatio, onis. f. 3.
a disturbing
Interturbator, oris. m. 3.
a disturber
Interturbo, are. a. 1. to
trouble, hinder, inter-
rupt, spoil
Intervallata febris, a quar
tan ague
Intervallum, i. n. 2. an in-
terval, space, distance,
break, pause, respite,
rest, stop
Intervello, lére, valsi. act.
to pluck, or pull here and
there, or up and down
Intervento, ire, veni, en-
tum. n. 4. to intervene,
come, or pass between,
hinder, prevent, come
unexpectedly upon, sur
prise, come in, come in
the mean while, happen
now and then, intercede,
Interventio, onis. f. 3. sure-
Interventor, ōris. m. 3. a
visiter, interrupter, me-
diator, surety, bail, bro-

Interventus, us. m. 4. an
intervention, interpoti-
tion, surprise
Interversor, äri. dep. 1. to
mix with

Interversor, öris. m. 3. an

interloper, smuggler Interversus, a, um. pt. of Intervērto, těre, ti, rsum. a. 3. to turn aside, convey away, embezzle, intercept, chouse out of, overthrow, consume, spend Intervigilo, äre. n. 1. to wake often, to sleep only by fits Intervireo, ere. n. 2. to be green among other colours Interviso, sere, si, sum. act. 3. to visit, go and see Interüla, . f. 1. a shirt, shift, waistcoat Intervolito, are. n. 1. to fly often amidst Intervolo, are. n. 1. to fly among Intervŏmo, mère, mui. n. 3.

to vomit now and then,,
pour amongst
Intestabilis, e. adj. that by
the law can make no will,
or be taken for a witness,
that cannot be attested
Intestato, adv. without a



Intestinum, i. n. an entrail,
a gut
Intestinus, a, um. adj. in-
ward, hidden, privy, se-
cret, deadly, spiteful
Intexo, xere, xai. a. 3. to
interweave, intermix,
embroider, weave, or
knit, plait, or fold, tie,
or wrap up, introduce,
Intextus, a, um. pt. of
Intextus, us. m. 4. an in-
Intime, adv. intimately,
Intimide, adv. undaunt-
Intimo, are. a. 1. to inti-
inate, to shew
Intimus, a, um. adj. superl.
intimate, very familiar,
very much beloved, best
acquainted with, privy
to, most inward, most
deep, or secret
Intinetto, onis. f. 2. a dip.
ping, a dyeing [intingo
Intinctus, a, um. pt. of
Intinctus, us. m. 4. sauce
Intingo, gère, uxi, netum.
act. 3. to dip, or steep,
dye, colour
Intolerabilis, e. adj. lor,
somp. intolerable, that
cannot be borne
Intolerabiliter, adv. into-

Intolerans, tis. adj. unable
to bear, impatient, un-
governable, immoderate
Intoleranter, adv. immode-

Intolerantia, æ. f. 1. want
of moderation
Intolerantissime, adv. sup.
most intolerably, or im-

Intollo, lere. act. 3. to raise,
or set up
Intondeo, ère, di, nsum.
act. 1. to clip, shear, or
shave round about
Intono, are, nui. neut. 1.
to thunder, make a great
noise, speak loud [tondeo
Intonsus, a, um. pt. of in-
Intorqueo, ére, rsi, rsum &
rtum. a. 2. to throw, cast,

or hurl, to turn, writhe, wrest, sprain Intörte, adv, crookedly, intricately

Intortas, a, um. pt. hurled,
turned, turned, or wound
in, curled, twisted, writh-
ed, winding, wrested, in-
tricate, obscure

Intra, præp. cum acc. with-
in, in less than, not more
than, not above, within
the compass of
Intra, adv. within, on the
Intrabilis, e. adj. that may
be entered

Intractabilis, e. adj. ior,
comp. untractable, un-
manageable, sharp
Intractio, onis. f.
3. a
Intrabo, here, axi. act. 3.
drawing in

to draw in

Intransitīvus, a, um. adj.

Intrarius, a, um. adj. in-
Intrātus, us. m. 4. an en-
Intremisco, cère. incep. 3.
to quake
Intremo, měre, mui. neut.
3. to tremble, shake,
quake, shiver
Intrepide, adv. undaunt-
edly, boldly
Intrepidus, a, um. adj. un-
daunted, stout
Intribão, uěre. act. 3. to

Intricate, adv. intricately
Intricatura, e. f. 1. an in-

Intrico [in, trica), are.
act. 1. to inwrap, infold,
Intrinsecus, adv. within
Intrīta, æ. f. 1. fine mortar,
loam, or clay, panada,

Intritam, i. n. 2. minced
meat, a hash

Intritus, a, um. pt. broken,
mashed, minced
Intro, adv. within, into a

Intro, are. act. 1. to enter,
Introcedo, dere. neut. 3.
go, or get in

to come in Introclado, dere, act. 3. to shut in

Introduco, cere, uxi, uetum. act. 3. to introduce, carry, lead, or bring in Introductio, onis. f. 3. i

troduction [introduco, Introductus, a, um. pt. of Intročo, ire, ivi, Itum. n. 4. to enter

Introfero, fers, otuli, olatum. act. 3. to bear, or carry in Introgredior [intro, gradior], i, essus. dep. 3. to go, come, or enter in Introgressus, a, um. pt entered in

Introitus, us. m. 3. an entrance, a beginning, an introduction Intromissio. ōnis. f. 3. a letting in intromiзsus, a, um. pt. cf Intromitto, tere, misi, mis

sum. act. 3. to let in, suffer, enter, or come in, admit, introduce Introrsum, wel Introrsus, adv. within Introrumpo,

pere, rūpi, ruptum. n. 3. to break, or rush in, enter by force Introrupto, ouis. f. 3. a rushing in Introspector, Oris. m. he who looketh in Introspectus, a, um. pt. of Introspicio (intrò, specio], cere, speci, spectum. act. 3. to look into, view, consider, examine Introvoco, are. a. 1. to call


Intrude, dere, usi, usum. act. 3. to intrude, encroach, thrust in Intubaceus, a, um. adj. of endive

Intúbum, i. n. 2. endive Intueor, eri, uftus, dep. 2.

to look upon, or at, behold, regard, consider, take heed, reverence Intaltus, us. m. 4, a beholding, a view [tueor Intultus, a, um. pt. of inIntumeo, ere, mui, neut. 2. to swell, be swelled, or puffed up Intumesco, cere, inc. to begin to swell, be puffed up Intüor, ueri, ūtus &ultus. dep. 2. to look upon, behold, regard Inturbatus, a, um. adj. unaisturbed Intus, adv. within, in, at home, inwardly, from within, into the house Intor, a, um. adj. unsafe,


Intrbem, 1. n. 2. endine lavado, dere, asi, act. 3. to invade, attack, fall, or come upon, seize upon, go, or come, march Invalentia, æ. f. 1. indispo sition

Invaleo, ère, lai. n. 2. to grow strong, or into use, to be in health, to prevail Invalesco, ère. n. to pre. vail, increase Invaletudo, ĭnis. f. 3. indis

position, sickness, illness Invalide, adv. feebly, faintLy

Invalīdus, a, um. adj. feeble, weak, infirm, crazy, sick, faint, inefficacious, unavailing, useless Inüber, eris. adj. ill fed, poor, small Invectio, onis. f. 3. «n importation, inveighing,

course, cr motion Invectitius, a, um. adj. brought in, imported, unnatural, forced

Invectus, a, um. pt. of inveho

Invectus, us. m. 4. a bringing in

Invěho, here, exi, ectum. act. 3. to carry, or bring, bring in, or upon, import, convey, inveigh Invendibilis, e. adj. unsaleable

Invenditus, a, um. adj. un[Non.


Invenibo, pro Inveniam, Invento, īre, vēni, ventum. act. 4. to invent, contrive, or denise, discover, find out, find, meet with, get, oblain, or procure Inventio, onis. f. 3. invention, un inventing, or finding out, a thought Inventiuncula, e. f. 1. a small device Inventor, ōris. m. 3. an inventor, discoverer laventrix, Icis. f. 3. a deviser

Inventum, i. n. an invention, device Inventus, a, um. pt. of invenio [tion, discovery Inventus, us. m. 4. invenInvenuste, adv. unhandsomely Invenūstas, a, um. adj. unhandsome, unbecoming, unhappy Tahame Inverecunde, adv. without

Inverecundia, æ. f. 1. im pudence Inverecundus, a, um. adj. immodest, impredent Invergo, gère. n. 3. to in cline; act. slip, pour in,

or upor

Inversto, onis. f. 3. an in version, misplacing of words, or matter Inversuræ, arum. pl. 1. turnings

Invērsus, a, um. pt. of Inverto, tere, ti, rsum. act. 3. to invert, turn upside down, turn in, up, or out, turn, charge Investigabilis, e. adj. not to be found out, untraceable Investigatto, onis. f. 3. an investigation, disquisition, searching out Investigator, ōris. m. 3. a searcher out, examiner, inquirer

Investigo, are. a. to seek, or search out, trace, or find out, inquire, czamine, investigate Investimentum, i. n. 2. a garment

Investio, Ire, Ivi, Itum. act. 4. to invest, adorn, clothe, enrobe

Investis, e. adj. naked, unclothed, pure Investitura, æ. f. 1. an investiture

Inveterasco, cere. ine. 3. to grow old, obsolete, or out of use, grow incurable, be confirmed, or sertied Inveteratio, ouis. f. 3. inveteracy Invetero, are. act. 1. to keep till it be old, or stale; neut. to endure, be of long continuance, be antiquated, or abolished, be long lost Invicem, adv. one another, each other, by turns, in turns, one after another, mutually, on the other side

Invictus, a, um. pt. of in


Invidentia, . f. 1. envy, a repining Invideo, ere, idi, īsum. act. & n. 2. to eary, grudge, spite, or bear il-will, hate, deny, or refuse Invidia, æ. f. 1. envy, grudging, spite, mulice,

ill-will, hatred, odious.


Invidiola, æ. f. 1. a little grudge [vidiously Invidiose, adv.iùs, comp. inInvidiōsus, a, um. adj. envious, spiteful, malicious, hateful, odious, hated, envied, coveted, desirable Invidus, a, um. adj. envious, spiteful Invigilatto, onis. f. 3. a careful, or diligent watching, great care Inviglo, are. n. 1. to watch diligently, take great heed, lie in wait Invincibilis, e. adj. invinci ble [bly Invincibilter, adv, invinciInviolabilis, e. adj. inviol


Inviolate, adv. inviolably, faithfully Inviolatus, a, um. adj. unviolated, uninjured, untouched, unbroken, inviolate, unhurt, safe Invisibilis, e. adj. invisible Invisitātus, a, um. adj. not visited

Invisito, are. freq. 1. to nis:t often Inviso, sere, act. 3. to view,

to visit

Invisor, ōris. m. 3. he that envieth

Invisus, a, um. pt. of invideo

pleasant Invitabilis, e. adj. alluring, Invitamentum, i. n. 2. an attraction Invitatio,onis.f. 3. an invitation, inducement, allurement, treat Invitator, ōris. m. 3. he that inviteth [vitation Invitatus, us. m. 4. an in. Invite, adv. iùs, comp. issimè, sup. against one's will, forcibly Invito, adv. pro Invite Invito, are. act. 1. to in

vite, ailure, encourage, or provoke, treat Invitus, a, um. adj. unwill. ing, reluctant, forbid. ding, by constraint Invius, a, um. adj. unpassabte, inaccessible Infils, a. f. 1. elecampane Iuultus, a, um. pt. of inul

[blocks in formation]

Inumbrator, Gris. m. 3. a portrayer Inûmbro, are. net. 1. to cast a shadow upon, shade, preserve Inuuco (in, uncus], are. act. 1. to eatch, to hook, to entangle Inuncio, onis. f. 3. an anointing Lanointer Inunctor, öris. m. 3. an Inunctus, a, um. pt. of inungo [Aowing Inundans, tis. pt. over. Inundatio, ouis. f. 3. an inundation, overflowing, flood, deluge Inundo, are. a. 1. to overflow, deinge, with water, pour in Inungo, gère, xi, ctum. a.

3. to anoint

or cover

Inunguem, adv. to a nail's breadth Iuunto, ire, a. 4. to unite, or make one (generally Inaniversum, adv. wholly, Invocatio, onis. f. 3. an in


Invoco, are. a. 1. to invoke, call in, upon, or for, call, or name, implore, impre.


Involatus, us. m. 4. a flying on (fly about Involtto, are. freq. 1. to Invŏlo, are. neut. I. to fly in, into, upon, or at, jy,

seize upon Invoiücer, cris, cre. & In.

volucris, cre. adj. unable to fly, unfledged, callow Involucre, is. n. 3. a shaying-cloth

Involucrum, i. n. 2. a wrap. per, a cover Involuntarius, a, um. adj. involuntary Involvo, věre, vi, lutum. a. 3. to involve, infold, fold, or wrap up, entangle, cover, or hide, conceal, surround, grasp, roll, or tumble upon, give up Involute, adv. closely, covertly [infolding Involatio, onis. f. 3. an Involutus, a, um. pt. of involvo [vinefretter Involvulus, i. m. 2. a Inurbaue, adv. unmannerly, rudely Inurbanus, a, um. adj. ngenteel, rude, clownish Inurgéo, ére. act. 2. to urge,

push on [wash, plunge Inurino, are. neut. 1. to Inuro, rère, ussi, astum. act. 3. to burn in, up, or to ashes, mark, brand, imprint,fis upon,enamel, pinch, nip, curl Inusitate, adv. unusually, strangely


Inusitato, adv. idem Inusitātus, a, um. adj. unusual, uncommon Inustus, a, um. pt. of in[life, disuse Inusus, us. m. 4. want of Inutilis, e. adj. useless, unprofitable, good for nothing, unfit, needless Inutilitas, atis. f. 3. inutility, unprofitablenen, uselessness [ably, mainly Inutiliter, adv. unprofit Invülgo, are. act. 1. to pub lish, or blaze abroad Invulnerabilis, e. adj. in.

vulnerapie [unwounded Invulneratus, a, um. adj. lo, interj. a cry of joy, oh! Ion, i. n. 2. a violet, a gem Ipse, a, um. pron. I, he, she, it

Ipsemet, pron. he himself Ipsissimus, a, um. adj. even

the very same [Ipse, he Ipsus, a, um. pron. pro Ir, in composition, stands for in

Ira, e. f. 1. anger, wrath, rage, passion, displeasure, resentment, quarrel, falling out, fault Iracinde, adv. in anger,

spitefully [wrath, anger Iracundia, æ. f. passion, Iracunditer, adv. angrily Iracundus, a, um. adj. putsionate, hasty, snappish, angry, pettish, buisterous, raging Irascibilis, e. adj. irascible Irascor, ci, catus. d. to be

angry, moved, or displeas ed, to grieve at Irate, adv. iùs, comp. angrily, in anger Iratus, a, um. adj. angry, displeased, proboked, enraged, agitated, tempestuous Iricolor, Oris. adj. of all

colours [lower-de-luce Irinus, a, um. adj. of a Iris, Ydis. f. 3. a rainbow, a flower-de-luce, a stone, the circle between white and the appl

[blocks in formation]

Irraucēsco, cere, rausi, incep. to grow hoarse Irrecuperabilis, e. adj. irre

coverable Irredivivus, a, um, adj. not to be revived, or paired Irredux, ucis. adj. from which one cannot safely

return Irrefragabilis, a. adj. irre. Jragable [fragably Irrefragabilfter, adv. irreIrrefutabilis, e. adj. not to

be disproved Irregularis, e. adj. irregular Irregularitas, atis. f. 3. ir. regularity

Irretitor, öris. m. 3. an in



Irretortus, a, um. pt. of ir-retorqueo, unmoved, fixed Irreverenter, adv. irrever Irreverentia, e. f. irreverence, rudeness Irrevocabilis, e. adj. ior, comp. irrecoverable, that cannot be recalled Irrevolūtus, a, um. pt. of ir-revolvo, unopened Irrideo, ère, Isi, isum. act. 2. to deride, mock, scoff, jeer, banter, ridicule, laugh, scorn

ment, or provocation Irritatio, onis. f. 3. a provoking, provocation, desire, appetite [voker Irritator, ōris. m. 3. a proIrritātus, a, um. adj. exraged, provoked, angry Irrito, are, act. 1. to irritate, enrage, provoke, stir up, affect, or move, sacrifice


Irritus, a, um. adj. void, vain, in vain, cf no effect, addled

Irroboro, ǎre. act. 1. to grow strong Irrogatio, önis. f. 3. an in. fiction [imposeth Irrogator, öris. m.3. he that Irrogo, are. act. 1. to infict, impose, lay, or set upon, ordain, exact, make, bestow Irroratio, onis. f. 3. a bedew ing Irroresco, ère. Inc. to grow moist with dew Irröro, are. act. to bedew, sprinkle, to wet Irrubéo, ere. neut. 2. vel Irrubesco, cere. neut. 3. to be, or grow red Irrücto, are. neut. 1. to belch [wrinkling Irrugatto, onis. f. Irrügo, are. act. 1. to make wrinkled

Irrumato, onis. f. 3. a suckIrridicale, adv. unpleasant- ing ly, badly [ing-stock Irrumător, öris. m. 3. a sucker [ligion Irridiculum, i. n. 2. a laugh[or suckle Irrigatio, onis. f. 3. a water-Irrūmo, are. act. 1. to suck, ing [waterer Irrümpo, pere, rüpi, ruptum. Irrigator, oris. m. 3. a n. 3. to break, rush, or Irrigo, are. act. 1. to water, hurry in, to enter bedew, moisten, soak, dif- Irrão, uěre, ui, atum. n. 3. fuse over Irrigua, ōrum. pl. n. 2.

Irregulariter, adv. irregu larly Irreligto, onis. f. 3. irre. Irreligiose, adv. irreligiously Irreligiosus, a, um. adj. ir. religious, undevout, ungodly

Irremeabilis, e. adj. from

which one cannot return Irremediablis, e. adj. ir.

remediable Irremotus, a, um. pt. of

ir-removeo, unremoved Irremunerabilis, e. adj. not to be rewarded, or returned

Irreparabilis, e. adj. irretrievable Irreparabinter, adv. irre. coverably (reperio Irrepertus, a, um. pt. of irIrrëpo, pere, psi, ptum.

neut. 3. to creep, or steal in, steal into, or upon Irreprehensibilis, e. adj. ir. reprehensible, blameless


Irrigüus, a, um. adj. watered, wet, moist, watering, soaking

Irriplo in, rapio], pere, pai, reptum. act. 3. to hurry, or hasten in Irristo, onis. f. 3. derision Irrisor, ōris. m. 3. a derider, scorner Irrisus, a, um. pt. of irrideo, derided, mocked Irrisus, us. m. 4. derision, mockery Irritabilis, e. adj. irritable, waspish Irritamen, Ynis. n. 4 Irrita. mentum, i. n. an incite

to rush in, or upon, rush into Irruptio, nis. f. 3. an ir ruption

Irrüptus, a, um. adj. un bruken, firin [vine Irtišla, . f. 1. a kind of is, en, id. pron. he, she,it the same, that, such Isagoge, es. f. an intro duction

Isagogicum, i. n. 2. a book

teaching the first principles of some art Ischiadicus dolor, a fit of the sciatica [tica Ischias, adis. f. 3. the icin Ischlum, i. n. 2. the hip Ischnon, i. n. 2. a slender girl

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