Abbildungen der Seite

stow, employ Impenetrabilis, e. adj. impenetrable, not to be pierced, or overcome Impennis, e. adj. unfledged, callow

Impensa, æ. f. 1. expense,

cost, charge Impense, adv. at great ex pense, eagerly, very much, exceedingly

Impensum, i. n.,2. a gift, a benefit Impensus, a, um. pt. of impendo, adj. great, mighty, earnest, costly, dear, valuable [ly In perative, adv.imperative. Imperatīvus, a, um. adj. imperative Imperator, öris. m. 3. a commander, a general, captain, head, or chief, ruler, or emperor Imperatore, adv. by way of command

Imperatorius, a, um. adj. belonging to a command

er, or emperor Imperatrix, icis. f. an empress, a mistress Imperatum, i. n. a command, order Imperceptus, a, um. adj. that cannot be perceived, understood, unper


ceived Imperco [in, parco], cere. act. 3. not to spare, to deal gently with Imperculsus, a, um. pt. (inpercello), undaunted Impercussus, a, um. pt. (inpercutio), unstricken Imperditus, a, um. pt. (inperdo), undestroyed Imperfecte, adv.imperfectly Imperfecto, onis. I. 3. imperfection Imperfectus, a, um. adj. imperfect, unfinished, undigested Imperiossus, a, um. pt. (inperfodio). ngored, not hurt, not pierced Imperialis, e. adj. imperial Imperiose, adv, imperiously Imperiosus, a, um. adj. imperions, haughty, fordly, domineering, boisterous, rough, harsh, severe, cru. el, powerful, able to command, or govern

ite, adv. unskilfully, e. f. 1. ignorance

Imperfto, are. freq. 1. to command, order, or go


Imperitus, a, um. adj. unskilful, ignorant, simple, unskilled, unexperienced Impertum, i. n. 2. a command, order; power, authority, rule, government, jurisdiction, empire Imperjuratus, a, um. adj. 4 pt. never falsely sworn by Impermissus, a, um, adj. not permitted, unlawful Impero, are. act. 1. to command, order, enjoin, enact; to rule over, reign Imperpetuus, a, um. adj. not perpetual Impersonaliz, e. adj. impersonal [foreseeing Imperspfeax, acis. adj. not Imperspiedus, a, um. adj. not evident Imperterritus, a, um. pt. (in-perterreo), undaunted Imperiinens, tis. adj. im. pertinent

Imperio [in, partio], Ire, ivi, itum. act. 4, to impart, communicate, bestow, employ, teil, acquaint, inJorm, salute Impervfus, a, um. adj. unpassable

Impes, ětis. m. 3. an attack Impetibilis, e. adj. not to be reached, intolerable Impetigo, Ynis. a. 3. a ringTorin, a tetter Impěto, tere. a. 3. to invade, attack

Impetrabilis, e. adj. ior, comp. that may be easily obtained, that can easily obtain, powerful Impetrato, onis. f. 3. an obtaining by request Impetrio, fre. a. 4. to ob tain, to ratify Impetritus, a, um. pt. of impetrio

Impetro (in, patro], are. a. 1. to obtain, get, finish, or perfect

Impetuose, adv. violently Impetuosus, a, um. adj. impetuous

Impetus, us. m. 4. an attack, assault, onset, shock, effort, force, violence, impetuosity, passion, natural, or strong desire, instinct, inspiration, progress imp?xus, a, um. pt. (in.

pecto), uncombed, rough, rugged [filement Impiamentum, 1. n. 2. a deIurpico, are. a. 1. to pitch


Imple, adv. impiously, projanely, wickedly Impietas, atis. f. 3. impiety, wickedness, want of natu ral feeling Impiger, gra, grum.

adj. active, quick, diligent, courageous, daring Impigre, adv. quickly, diligently [diligence Impigritas, atis. f quickness, Impilia, orum. pl. n. 2. woollen socks

Impingo in, pango), gère, pēgi, pactum. act. 3. to dash in, or against, run aground, stumble, put, clap, or fasten upon Implo, are. act. to profane, misbehave

Implus, a, um. adj. impious, ungodly, irreligious, prefane, wicked, undutiful, unnatural, graceless, cruel, merciless [ble Implacabilis, e.adj.implacaImplacabilitas, atis. f. 3. implacableness [cably Implacabiliter, adv. impla Implacidus, a, um. adj. issmus, sup. ungentle, obsti nate, unkind, cruel Implecto, xi, xum, ere. to. plait into, fold together Implementum, i. n. 2. a fili. ing up

Impleo, ère, evi, ētum. a. 2. to fill, fill up, complete, fuifil, perform, accom plish, satisfy, content, or please, fatten, impreg

nate Implētus, a, um. pt. of implěo Implexus, a, um. pt. of implecto, interwoven, plaited, twisted, folded, entangled [twining Implexus, ds. m. 4. an in Implicatto, onis. f. an en

tanglement, perplexity Implicate, adv. intricately Implicite, adv. implicitly, obscurely

Implicitus, a, um. pt. & adj.
wreathed, entangled, in-
tricate, implicit
Implico, care, cavi & cui,

catum & citum, act. 1. to
infold, entangle, fold, or
clasp, surround, tie, in-

terweave, involve, engage, encumber, puzzle, dress, or adorn Implorabilis, e. adj. to be obtained by imploring Implorato, onis. f. 3. an imploring Imploro, are. a. 1. to implure, beg, beseech, entreat, invoke Implambo, are, act. to solder with lead Implūmis, e. adj. unfledged, callow, without feathers,

or hair Implão, uěre, ui, ūtum. n. 3. to rain upon, rain; to light, or fall upon [pluo Implutus, a, um. pt. of imImpluvia, æ. f. a cloak worn in the rain Impluviatus, a, um. adj. wet with rain

Impluvium, i. n. 2. a gutter jor water, a court-yard where rain falls Impœnitens, tis. adj. impenitent Crudely Impolite, adv. unpolitely, Impolita, . f. 1. unpoliteness, rudeness Impolitus, a, um. pt. (inpolio), unpolished, unpolite, rude, homely,

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Impollutus, a, um. pt. (inpolluo), undefiled Imponendus, a, um. pt. to be imposed on Impōno, nere, Ŏsui, ositum. a. 3. to impose, put, set, or lay upon, set over, assign, give, enjoin, annex, inflict, deceive, embark Imporco, are. a. 1. to make a ridge [imported ImportatiYus, a, um. adj. Importo, are. a. 1. to import, bring in Importane, adv. importunately, unseasonably Importunitas, atis, f, 3. importunity, unseasonableness, outrageousness Importūnus, a, um. adj. importunate, urgent, clamorous,ON/Tageous, cruel, troublesome, unreasona ble, fretjul, uneasy, unseasonable, inconvenient, threwd Importuosus, a, um. adj. is

simus, sup. without port, or haren

Impos, dus, adj. unable to command, toek, powerless

Impositto, onis. f. an impo sition, a putting, or laying on Imposititfus, a, um. adj. imposed [posed Impositīvus, a, um. adj. imImpositus,& Impostus, a, um, pt. of impono Impositus, us. m. 4. imposi


tion Impossibilis, e. adj. impossi Impossibiltas, ātis. f. 3. impossibility [imposter Impostor, ōris. m. 3. an Impostura, æ. f. 1. an imposture, cheat Impotens, tis. adj. impotent, weak, feeble, unable to govern, or moderate oneself, wild, unruly, ungovernable, outrageous, insolent, intolerable Impotenter, adv.impotently, weakly, wildly, obstinately, wilfully, cruelly, hardly

Impotentia, . f. 1. impotence, weakness, want of power, inactivity, inaolence, outrageousness Impræmeditato, adv. withunt premeditation Impræsentiarum, adv. at present, at this time, for the present [prandeo Impränsus, a, um. pt. of inImprecatio, onis. f. 3. an imprecation Imprecor, ari. dep. 1. to wish

evil, curse; to wish well, pray for [fully Impresse,adv. forcibly,eareImpressto, onis. f. 3. an im

pression, assault, attack, or onset, utterance Impressor, oris. m. 3. a printer Impressus, a. um. pt. of imprimo Imprimis, adv. in the first place, chiefly, especially, particularly

Imprimo [in, premo), mère, ressi, ressum. act. 3. to imprint, impress, fix, thrust, or stick Improbabilis, E. adj. improbable [allowing Improbatto, onis. f. 3. a disImprobe, adv. dishonestly, wickedly, badly, auanciously, eagerly, excen ively, unseasonably, too late

Improbitas, atis. f. 3 dishonesty injustice, unjust

violence, wickednes Improbiter, adv. dishonestly Improbo, are. act. 1. to disallow, disapprove, reject, condemn Crish Improbŭlus, a, um. adj. wzg Improbus, a, um. adj. dis honest, unjust, knavish, wicked, bad, base, infa mous, audacious, impu dent, lewd, waggish, rash, enger, excessive, violent, fierce, cruel, ugly, unsound, rotten Improcérus, a, um. adj. low, little [cealed Improfessus, a, um, adj. conImpromiseüus, a, um. adj. unmingled Impromptus, a, um. adj. not ready, slow [slow Improperatus, a, um. adj. Impropero, are. act, 1. to make haste, go, go slowly, reproach Improprie, adv. improperly, Improperus, a, um. adj. slow unfitly [propriety Improprietas, atis. f. 3. imImproprius, a, um. adj. im

proper, unfit, inconve nient Improsper, a, um. adj. unprosperous, unfortunate, adverse, indifferent Improspère, adv. unsuccess Jully [defended Improtéctus, a, um. adj. unImprovide, adv. improvi

dently, without foresight, or consideration Improvidus, a, um, adj. improvident, careless, not foreseeing, unforeseen Improviso, 4 Improvise, adv. unexpectedly, on a sudden, unawares Improvisus, a, um. adj. ior, comp. unforeseen, unea pected, unlooked for, un thought of, sudden Imprudens, tis. adj. impru dent, unwise, unwary, foolish, unadvised, unskilful, ignorant, unwilling, against the will Imprudenter, adv.iùs,comp. imprudently, unwisely, unwarily, joolishly Imprudentia, e. f. 1.impru dence, want of care, unskilfulness, ignorance, shallowness Impüber, vel Impabes, adj. of unripe age, ful

[blocks in formation]

Imparus, a, um. adj. im-, Inæternum, adv. for ever pure, unclean, filthy, InagitabYlis, e. adj. unmovenasty, dirty, lewd, wicked,


Imputator, öris. m. 3. one that imputes, an up


Imputātus, a, um. adj. unpruned, uncut Impäto, äre. net. 1. to im pute, ascribe, attribute, charge, lay the fault, lay, ceas, account, reckon, look upon as a favour, or obligation, place to account Imputresco, cère. n. 3. to



Imalus, a, um. adj. a little towards the button Imus, a, um. adj. lowest, lowerm st, deepest, inmermost, remotest, lower, the bottom of

In, præp. cum accus. into, until, after, towards, upon; cum abl. in, at, with

Inabruptus, a, um. adj. unbroken [perfect

Inabsolūtus, a, um. adj. imInaccêdo, dere. act. 3. to


Inaccensus, a, um. adj. not set on fire [accessible Inaccessus, a, um. adj. in. Inaceo, ere. n. 2. & Inacesco, cere, n. 3. to be tart, or sharp, to prick Inadulabilis, e. adj. not to be flattered Inadustus, a, um. adj. unburnt, unsinged, acorched, uninjured Ine, arum. pl. f. 1. fibres, veins [building Indificatto, onis. f. 3. a Indiffco, are. act. 1. to


build; to pull down that which is built

Inæquabilis, e. adj. unequal, uneven Inæquabiliter, adv. un. equally Inæqualis, e. adj. unequal, uneven, odd, unlike, disorderly Inequalitas, atis. f. 3. inequality [ly Inæqualiter, adv. unequalInæquo, are. act. 1. to make even, to level In æstimabilis, e, adj. in


Inæstão, are. n. 1. to boil up, to chafe

able Egrow white Inalbesco, cere. n. 3. to Innlèsco, cere. n. 3. to stick

close Inalgesco, cere. n. 3. to become cold

Inamabilis, e. adj. ior, comp. unamiable, un pleasant, dismal Inamarèsco, cère. n. 3. to grow bitter Inambitiosus, a, um. adj. not ambitious, homely Inambulatto, onis. f. 3. a walking about, or up and down, a walk Inambalo, are. a. walk about Inamoenus, a, um. adj. unpleasant

1. to

Inane, is. n. 3. a void place, a void, the sky, or air, emptiness, vanity Inanesco, cere. inc. 3. to become empty Inanfæ, árum. pl. f. empti [babbling Inaniloquus, a, um. adj. Inanimalis, e. adj. void of life


Inanimentum, i. n. 1. emp tiness [animate Inanfmus, a, um. adj. in. Inanto, Tre. act. 4. to empty Inanis, e. adj. empty, void, destitute, unloaded, vain, frivolous, slight, unpro fitable, ineffectual, useless, foolish, silly, sense less, arrogant Inanitas, atis. f. 3. emptiness, vanity, uselessness Inaniter, vain, vainly Inapērtus, a, um. pt. (in

aperio), not open, not liable

Inapparatto, onis. f. 3. unpreparednes Inardéo, ere, rsi. 4 Inardes. co, cere. n. to burn, be on fire, be infamed Inareo, ere, ruí. neut. 2. to grow dry

Inaresco, cere, rui. n. 3. is dry up, to dry Inargüte, adv. simply Inarutus, a, um. adj. simple, witless, dull, heavy, stupid

Intro, are. act. 1. to plough, till, or manure Inartificialis, e. adj. inartificial, artless [art Inartificialfter, adv. without

Inascensus, a, um. pt. (inascendo

Inascensus, us. m. 4. an


Inaspectus, a, um. pt. (inaspicio), unseen Inaspicuus, a, um. adi. invisible


Inasso, are. to roast
Inassātus, a, um. pt. of in-
Inassuētus, a, um. pt. of in-
Inattente, adv. inconsider

Inaudax, acis. adj. coward-
ly, fearful
Inaudio, ire, ivi, ītum. act.
4. to hear by report, to
Inauditiuncula, m. f. 1. a
Inauditus, a, um. pt. of in-
audio [auguration
Inauguratio, Buis. f. an in-
Inaugurato, adv, luckily
Inauguro, are, act. 1. to di-
vine, guess at, dedicate,

or consecrate

Inaurator, oris.m.3. a gilder
Inauris, is. f. 3. an ear-ring
Inauritus, a, um. adj. with-

out ears

Inaŭro [in, aurum], āre.
act. 1. to gild, or overlay
with gold

Inauspicato, adv. unluckily
Inauspicatus, a, um. adj.
unfortunate, unlucky
Inausus, a, um. adj. unat-
Incæddus, a, um. adj. not
lopped, or cut
Incalesco, ere, ui. n. to grow
hot, be warm, be warmed,

be earnest
Incalfacto, cere, feci, act. 3.
to heat
Incalide, adv. simply, art-
Incaldus, a, um, adj. ior,
comp. simple, plain, art-
Less, without craft
Incandesco, cere, dui. in-
cep. 3. to grow very hot,
to be inflamed
Incanesco, cère. nui, inc. 3.
to grow hoary, or white-
headed, to foam
Incantamentum, i. n. 2. a
Incantator, oris. m. 3. an
Incanto, are. act. 1. to en-
chant, charm
Incanus, a, um. adj. hoary,


Incapax, acis. adj. incapable Incarcerato, onis. f. 3. an imprisoning

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Incarcéro [in, carcer), are.
act. 1. to imprison, to cast
into prison
Incarnatio, onis. f. 3. incar-
Incarno [in, caro], are. act.
1. to incarnate, bring, or
produce flesh
Incassum, adv. in vain, a-

Incaste, adv. unchastely,
Incastus, a, um.adj.unchaste
Incavo, are, act. 1. to make

Incaustum, i. n. 2. ink
Incaute, adv. unwarily
Incautela, æ. f. 1. unwari.


Incautus, a, um. adj. un-
wary, heedlens, unadvised,

Incêdo, děre, essi, essum.
neut. 3. to go, walk,
march, come
Incelebris, e. adj. not fa-
mons, neglected
Incendiartus, i, m. 2. an in-

IncendYum, i. n. 2. a fire,
flame, the vehemence of
any possion
Incendo [in, candeo], děre,

di, nsum. act. 3. to burn,
burn up, set on fire, in-
Aame, provoke, vea, route,
or stir up, raise, animate,
actuate, encourage
Incense, adv. earnestly
Incensto, onis. f. 3. a burn-
ing, a setting on fire, riot
Inclusor, öris. m. 3. a firer
of houses

Incensum, i. n. 2. frankin-
Incensus, a, um. pt. of in-
cendo, & adj. burnt, fired,
set on fire, inflamed, in-
censed, enraged, pro-
voked, stirred up, not


tempt, design Inceptus, a, um. pt. of inelplo [dertaking Inceptus, us. m. 4. an unInceramentum, i. n. 2. a waring over Incerniculum, i. n. 2. a searce, a sieve Incërno, nère, erēvi, cretum. act. 3. to sift, searce, separate, range Incero, are. act. 1. to cover

with wax [doubtfully, Incerte, adv. uncertainly, Incertitudo, Ynis. f. 3.

certainty [not freely
Incerto, adv. uncertainly,
Incertum, i. n. 2. uncer-
tainty, doubt
Incertus, a, um. adj. uncer-
tain, doubtful, incon-
stant, wavering, perplexed
Incessanter, adv. inces
Incesso, sere, ssi vel sīvi,
situm. a. 3. to attack, as
sault, or set upon, pro-
voke, vea, or affront,
seize upon, go, or come,

Incessus, us. m. 4. a gait,
walk, march, step, pace,
pass, defile
Incêste, adv. incestuously,
unchastely [cestuous
Incestificus, a, um. adj. in-
Incesto, are. act. 1. to defile
by incest, to pollute,
Incestum, 3. n. 2. incest
Incestuosus, a, um. adj. in-
cestuous 、

Incestus, a, um. adj. in

cestuous, adulterous, unchaste, filthy, profane Incestus, us. m. 4. incest Inchoatfos buis. f. 3. a beginning

Iuchoativus, a, um. adj. inceptive

Incentio, onis. f. 3. a con-
Incentivum, i. n. 2. an in- Inchão, are. act. 1. to be
Incentivus, a, um. adj. in- gin, to perform (tame
centive, provoking, stir-Iucteur, dris. adj. wild, not
ring up, beginning Incido [in, cado], děre, Ydi,
Incentor, oris. m. 3. a leader casum. neut. 3. to fall
of the choir, an inciter into, in, or upon, fall
Inceptio, ouis. f.3. a begin. out, fall, meet with, be-
[ceptive fall, or happen, arise
Inceptivus, a, um. adj. in- Incido [in, cædo], dere, idi,
Incepto [in, capto], are. Isum. act. 3. to cut, cut
act. 1. to begin, to under- short, shorten, clip, pure,
take, to attempt
chip, engrave, etch, write,
Inceptor, oris. m. 3. a be make an end of, leave off,
lay aside
Incidius, a, um. ad!
lawful to be cut

Inceptum, i. n. 2. a begin.
ning, undertaking, at-


Incfens, tis. adj. far gone with child

Incies, Ivi, Itum, īre, ere, 3. & 4. to incite, set in motion

Inelle, is. n. 3. a watercourse, a trench Incilis, e. adj. of gutters, ditches, &c.

Incilo, are. a. 1. to reprove, blame

Inclnctus, a, um. pt. of Incingo, gere, nxi. netum. a. 3. to gird, surround, eutiron, compass Incino [in, cano], nere, nui, centum. act. 3. to sing, play on instruments Incio [in, capio), pere, cepi, ceptum. act. 3. to begin, undertake, take in hand, attempt Incipisso, sere, act. 3. to begin Incircumeīsus, a, um. adj. uncircumcised Incircumscriptus, a, um. adj. unbounded Inclse, adv. concisely, piecemeal Incisim, adv. idem Incisto, onis. f. an incision, a notching, pointing Incisum, i. n. 2. a comma Incisura, æ. f. 1. a cut, gash, line [cido Incisas, a, um. pt. of inIncisus, us. m. 4. id. qu.

Incisio Incitamentum, i. n. 2. an incitement, motive, encouragement Incitate, adv. iùs, comp. hastily


Incitatio, onis. f. 3. a stir. ring up, emotion, encou Tagement, speed Incititor, oris. m. 3. stirrer up [ring up Incitatus, us. m. 4. a stirIncito, are, act. 1. to incite, stir up, excite, move, hasten, spur on, instigate, or encourage

Incitus, a, um. pt. of incieo Incitus, us. m. 4. motion Incivilis, e. adj. uncivil, ar.


Inciviltter, adv. iùs, comp.
[bawl at
Inclamito, are. a. 1. to
Inclamo, are. n. 1. to call
upon, cry out to, chide,
scold, or rail at

clareo; ere, ui. n. & In-
Laresco, ere, ui, to grow

famous, to get reputation Inclemens, tis. adj. unkind, harsh, churlish, rigorous, unmerciful, severe Inclementer, adv. iùs, comp. unkindly, harshly, mercifully Inclementia, e. f. 1. inclemency, unkindness, sharpness, rigour, cruelty Inclinabilis, adj. inclinable Inclinamentum, i. n. 2. a declension


m. 4. a dwelling Incolo, lère, lui, cultam. act. 3. to inhabit, dwell, continue, or abide Incolorate, adv. without pretence Incolumis, e. adj. safe, sound, unhurt, whole, entire Incolumitas, atis. safety, preservation, soundness

considerateness Incogitatus, a, um. adj. never contrined before, unthought of: incon siderate, thoughtlen un-Incogito, are. n. to contrive against Incognitus, a, um. pt. of Incognosco, novi, nitum, scere, 3. to be unknown, untried, strange Incoibtlis, e. adj. not to be joined [habitant Inclinatio, onis. f. 3. an in- Incola, . c. g. 1. an inclination, bias, disposi-Incolatus, tion, change, or alteration, revolution, climate Inclinatus, a, um. pt. & adj. inclined, disposed, bowed, bent, turned, declining, going down, weakened, fallen to decay, flagging, drooping, giving way Inclinatus, us. m. 4. a de. clining [unbent Incluis, e. adj. stooping, Inclino, are. act. 1. to incline, bend, or bow down, change, or turn, lesen, impair, or debase, lay: neut. to decline, grow worse, or better, recoil, give back, shrink Inclado [in, claudo], ère, usi, usum. act. 3. to include, incluse, shut up, stop, hinder, suppress, Inclusto, Guis. f. 3. a shutkeep in, chase, set ting in, an inclosing, an imprisonment

Inclusus, a, um. pt. of includo Inclytus, a, um. adj. famous, noble, excellent, of great renown, distinguished Incoactus, a, um. adj. unconstrained, voluntary Incoctilis, e. adj. tinned, leaded

Incõetus, a, um. pt. of incoquo, & adj. sodden, boiled, baked, sun-burnt, soaked, seasoned, unsodden, unripe, undigested Inconatus, a, um. adj. supperless

Inconis, e. adj. supperlen Inceno, are. n. to sup, or be at supper Inceptio, incepto, inceptor, iucæptus, vid. Incep tio, &c. Incogitabilis, e. adj. thoughtless Incogitantia, . f. 1. in


f. 3.

Incomātus, a, aj. without hair fish Incomis, e. adj. rude, chariIncomiter, adv. rudely Incommeabilis, e. adj. unpassable

Incommendatus, a, um. pt.

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uncommended, unpraus Incommodatio, onis. f. 3. an incommoding Incommodè, adv. incommodiously, inconveniently, unsuitably, scurvily, unfortunately

Incommoditas, atis. f. in

convenience, 14188e1237ableness, disadvantage Incommodo, are. a. 1. to incommode, cross Incommodum, i. s. 2. an

inconvenience, disadvan tage, or misfortune, is, damage, annoyance, il

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