Abbildungen der Seite

3. f. (-of a pillar), scapus, 2. m. (-in a mine), puteus, 2. m. scaptensula, 1. f. Shag; pannus villosus Shagged, shaggy villosus, hirsutus [corium

Shagreen leather; squali A shake, or shaking; motus, 4. m. concussio, 3. f. (-in music), modulatio, 3. f.

To shake; quatio, 3. concutio, 3. vibro, 1. exagito, 1. (the head), nuto, 1. (-for fear), tremo, 3. contremisco, 3. horreo, 2. (-off), excutio, 3. (often), agito, 1. quasso, 1. To be shaken; titubo, 1. That may be shaken; agi. tabilis

nuto, 1.

A shaker; concussor, 3. m. (-with trotting), succussator, 3. m. Shaking (for fear); trepi dus; (with cold), frigore horrens (-up and down), tremulus, mobilis A shaking (in an active sense); quassatio, 3. f. concussio, 3. f. (in a passive sense), tremor, 3. m. (-with cold), horror, 3. m. (-up and down), agitatio, 3. f. (-or joiting), succussus, 4. m. To shale, or shell; decortico, 1.

A shallop; scapha, 1. f. lembus, 2. m. Shallow (not deep); brevis, minimè profundus; (-in wit), ineptus, hebes; (duil, insipid), insulsus A shallow place; vadum, [vadosus A shallow river: fluvius Shallowly; insulsè, ineptè Shallowness (of water);

2. n.

minima aquæ profunditas; (in understanding), imperitia, 1. f. tarditas, 3. f. Shallows; brevia, pl. n. A sham; fallacia, 1. f. dolus, 2. m.

To sham; fingo, 3. simulo, 1. The shambles; macellum,! 2. n. laniena, 1. f. laniarium, 2. n. [larius Of the shambles; macelShame (bashfulness); pudor, 3. m. modestia, I. f. (disgrace), dedecus, 3 n. infamia, 1. f. opprobrium, 2. n. ignominia, 1. f.

To shame (make ashamed): pudefacio, 3. (disgrace), infamiam afferre Shamed; perfusus rabore; (disgraced), dedecoratus Shamefaced; verecundus, pudens Shamefacedly; verecundè, pudentèr Shameful; foedus, turpis, probrosus, inhonestus, ignominiosus Shamefully; turpitèr, impudentèr Shamefulness; turpitudo. 3. f. probrum, 2. n. dedecus, 3. n. Shameless; Impudens, inverecundus Shamelessly; inverecundè Shamelessness; impudentia, 1. f.

1. f.

Shamois; pellis rupicapræ The shank (of the leg); tibia, 1. f. crus, 3. n. (-bone), parastata, 1. m. A shanker; ulcus, 3. n. A shape; forma, 1. f. figura, [1. To shape; formo, 1. figuro, Shapeless; informis Shapeliness; harmonia, 1. f. venustas, 3. f. Ill-shapen; deformis Well shapen; venustus Of two shapes; biformis Of many shapes; multiformis

A shaping; formatio, 3. f. A shard, or sherd; testa fracta

Of a shard; testaceus A shard (gap); sepis ruina; (fish), trutta minor A share; pars, 3. 1. portio, 3. f.

The share-bone; os sacrum To share (divide), divido,

3. partior, 4. distribuo, 3. A sharer; partitor, 3. m. (-or partaker of), particeps, 3. c. g. consors, tis, [3. f.

c. g.

A sharing by lot: sortitio, A shark (fish), canis, 3. c. g. carcharias, æ, 1. m. Sharp (n action); acer;

(in taste), acidus, subacidus (-in wit), acutus, asutus,sagax: (-in words), mordax: (-fight), pugna atrox; (cruel), severus, rigidus, ferus, crudelis; (-cold), frigus durum; (rough), asper; (set). famelicus, esuriens;

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To be sharp; acec, 2. To grow sharp; acesco, 3. To sharpen; acuo, 3. exacuo, 3. acumino, 1. (-at the end), cuspido, 1. spiculo, 1. (at the top), cacumino, 1.

A sharpening; executio, 3. f. A sharper; astutus, versutus; (cheat), fraudator, 3. m. veterator, 3. m. Sharply; acutè, acritèr; (by way of reproach), contumeliosè; (roughly), asperè, acerbè; (wittily), acutè, argutè, sagacitèr, salsè Sharpness (of edge); acies, 5. f. acumen, 3. n. (severity), rigor, 3. m. se veritas, 3. f. (smartness). acrimonia, 1. f. 1. f. (-of words), mordacitas, 3. f. (sourness), acerbitas, 3. f. (-of wit), sagacitas, 3. f. solertia, 1. f. ingenii acumen, 3. n.

To shatter; quasso, 1. comminuo, 3.

To shave; tondeo, 2. rado, 3. (-about), circumrado, 3. (-off), abrado, 3. (-close), attondes, 2. A shaver; tonsor, 3. m. A shaving; rasura, 1. f. tonsura, 1. f.

Of shaving, tonsorius Shavings; ramenta, pl. n. She: ea, illa, ipsa, ista, hæc A sheaf; fascis, 3. m. ma

nipulus,2. m. (-of arrows), pharetra, 1. f. fascis sagittarum; (-of corn), desecti frumenti fascis To shear; tondeo, 2. detondeo, 2.

A shearer; tonsor, 3. m. A shearing; tonsura, 1. f. A shearman; panni tonsor Shears; forfex, 3. f. A sheat (sheet); funiculus quo velum transfertur; (-anchor), anchora max


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Sheepishness; insulsitas, 3.

f. insipientia, 1. f. verecundia, 1. f. Sheer (pure); purus, merus To sheer off; clanculùm discedere

A sheet (for a bed); lodix, 3. f. (of paper), folium, 2. n. -of lead), lamina, 1. f.

Sheeted; lodicibus stratus A shekel; sielus, 2. m. A shelf; pluteus, 2. m. abacus, 2. m. (-of sand), brevia, pl. n. syrtes, pl. f. A shell; testa, 1. f. (-of nuts, &c.), putamen, 3. (-of a fish), concha, 1. f. (-of a suail), cochlea, 1. f.

To shell; decortico, 1. deglubo, 3. Shelly; testaceus

Like a shell; conchatus A shelter; refugium, 2. n. To shelter; tego, 3. protego, 3. defendo, 3 tueor, 2.

Shelterless; inops, deser

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The sheriffdom; vicecomi tatus, 4. m.

A sheriffwick; vicecomitis jurisdictio

A shew, show (outward appearance); species, 5. f.!

simulatio, 3. f. prætextus, 4. m. (sight), pompa, 1. f. spectaculum, 2. n. A puppet-shew; puparum spectaculum

To shew, show; monstro, 1. demonstro, 1. ostendo, 3. indico, 1. declaro. 1. To shew kindness; diligo. 3. (-mercy), misereor, 2. (-fear), timen, 2. (respect), revereor, 2. veneror, 1.

A shewing: indicatio, 3. f. Shewn; monstratus, decla

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A shield-bearer; scutigerulas, 2. m. (-maker), scutarius, 2. m.

To shield; defendo, 3. protego. 3.

A shielding; protectio, 3. f. A shift (expedient); ratio,

3. f. modus, 2. m. (remedy), remecium, 2. n. (de vice), dolus, 2. m. effugium, 2. n. stropha. 1. f. techua, 1. f. vaframentum, 2. n. (a woman's shift), indusium, 2. n. subucula feminea

To shift (escape); evado, 3. effugio, 3. (change), permuto, 1. muto, 1. (-as the wind), verto, 3. (-off), detrecto, 1. (remove), amoveo, 2. removeo, 2. (-from place to place), migro, 1. demigro, 1. A shifter; veterator, 3. m. A shifting; mutatio, 3. f.

migratio, 3. f. (-trick), fallacia, 1. f. dolus, 2. m. A shilling; solidus, 2. m. The shn; tiba, 1. f. To shine; fulgeo, 2. mico, 1. niteo, 2. luceo, 2. splendeo, 2. (-about), circumfulgeo, 2. (bright), eniteo, 2. effulgeo, 2. (-before), præfulgeo, 2. (-like gold), rutilo, 1. (-a little), subluceo, 2. (-out), enitesco, 3. (through), perluceo, 2. transpareo, 2. (-together), colluceo, 2. (-upon), alluceo, 2.

affulgeo, 2. illustro, 1. To begin to shine; splendesco, 3.

A shingle (lath); asser, 3. n. The shingles; herpes. 3. m. Shining (adj.); rutilis, coruscus, nitidus, splendi dus, fulgidus; (-through), perlucidus

A shining; fulgor, 3. m. ni-
tor, 3. m.
Shiningly; splendidè, nitidè
A ship; navis, 3. f. navigi-

um, 2. n. (-with a flat
bottom), navis plana ca-
rind; (-of war), navis bel-

The master of a ship; nauclerus, 2. m. naviculator, 3. in. navarchus, 2. m. Of a ship; navalis nauticus Ship money; tributum pro

navibus coustruendis A ship-boat; scapha, 1. f. Shipwreck; naufragium,2.n. Shipwrecked; naufragus A shipwright; naupegus, 2.


A ship's fare; mulum, 2. n. To govern a ship; navicu lor, 1.

A shipping; in navem conscensio; (a putting on board), in navem impositio

A shire: provincia, 1. f. comitatus, 4. m.

To shirk about, parasitor, 1.
A shirt; indusium, 2. n.
To shive, or shiver; frag-
men, 3. n.

To shiver; frango, 3. com

minuo, 3. conseindo, 3. A shivering (to pieces); dissecatio, 3. f. (-or quaking), horror, 3. m. In shivers; assulatim A shoal (of fishes, &c.); grex. 3. m. agmen, 3. n. caterva, 1. f. (-of sand), brevia, pl. n.

A shock (of corn); acevus, 2. m. (-in battle), certamen, 3. n. conflictus, 4. m. (-upon the spirits), impetus, 4. m. horror,3.m. To shock; confligo, 3. con

gredior, 3. terreo, 2. permoveo, 2. Shod; calceatus; (as a

horse), ferratus Not shod; discalceatus A shoe; calceus, 2. m. solea, 1. f.

A high shoe: pero, 3. m.
To shoe (or put on shor

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A shoot; germen, 3. n. sur-To shorten; decurto, 1. culus, 2. m. contrabo, 3. in compendium redigere A shortening; contractio,

Full of shoots; surculosus Of shoots; surcularius To shoot (as trees); germino, 1. (an arrow, &c.), jaculor, 1. emitto, 3. (-ns an car of corn), spico, 1. (as lightning), emico, 1. corusco, 1. (or jet out), prominco, 2. exto, 1.(.or run upon one), irruo, 3. insilio, 4.(or grow over), cresco, 3. (at one), sagittis petere

A shooter (of darts); jaeu. lator, 3. m. (-of a lock),

seræ obex The shooting of a star; trajectio, 3. f.

A shooting; jaculatio, 3. f. (of trees, &c.), germinatio, 3. f.

To go a shooting; aucupor, 1.

A shooting star; sidus voA shop taberna, 1. f. officinn, 1. f.

A shopkeeper; tabernarius, 2. m. [narius Beloning to a shop; taberA shore; littus, 3. n. arena, 1. f. ripa, 1. f. terra, 1. f. (prop), fulcrum, 2. n. (common sewer), cloaca, 1. f. crypta, 1. f. To shore up; suffulcio, 4. fuicio, 4.

A shoring up; suffultio, 3. f. Shorn; detonsus, tonsus,

circumtonsus Not shorn; intonsus Short; brevis, curtus, con cisus, compendiosus,


In short; breviter
'na short time; brevi


3. f.

Shortly (in words); brevi. ter, summatim, ad summam; (in time), brevi (after), paulò, post, mox Shortness; brevitas, 3. f. (-of breath), asthma, 3. n. spiandi dithcultas

A shovei; ligo, 3. m. (fire-), batillum,. n. (paring-), pala, I. f.

To shovel; ligone auferre. A shovel-board; mensa longa lusoria

A shoulder (of a manj; humerus, 2. m. (of a beast), armus, 2. m.

With great shoulders; hu

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A shrew mulier rixosa;

(-mouse), mus araneus Shrewd (sharp, cuuning); vafer, subdolus, astutus, argutus: (ticklish, dangerous), difficilis, pericuTosus; (uubappy), malus, improbus. pravus A shrewd turu; maleficium, 2. 11. [dole Shrewdly; astute,pravè,subShrewdness; astutia, 1. f. sagacitas, 3. f. Shrewish; perversus, cla[mo, 1. To shriek; ejulo, 1. exclaA shriek, or shrieking; ejulatus, 4. m. Shrill; argutus, sonorus, clarus


Shrilly; argutè, sonorè Shrillness; sonus argutus A shrimp; squilla parva A shrine conditorium, 2. n. To shrink (or contract itself), se contrahere; (grow less), decresco, 3. (-from one's word). tergiversor, 1.(-in courage), labasco, 3.

A shrinking; contractio, 3. f. (from one's word), retractatio, 3. f. (-of sinews), spasmus, 2. m. nervorum convulsio To shrive; confitentem absolvere

To shrivel; rugo, 1. cor rugo, 1.

[m. A shriver; confessor, 3. m. A shroud (shelter), tectum, 2. n. tutela, 1. f. præsidium, 2. n. (-for the dead), amiculum ferale To shroud (a dead body), amiculum ferale impunere; (cover), tego, 3. operío, 4. velo,i.(defend), defendo, 3. protege, 3. The shrouds; rudentes majores

A shrub (little tree); fru

tex, 3. m. arbuscula, 1. f. Shrubby; fruticosus, viridans

To grow shrubby; frutico,1. A shrubberv; fruticetum, 2. [fruticatio, 3.4. The sprouting of shrubs


To shrug; tremo, 3. (up | A sickness; morbus, 2. m. the shoulders), scapulas attollě e

To shudder; horreo, tremo, 3.

Shuddering; horrens, tre


A shuddering; horror, tre

mor, 3. in.

To shuffle; misceo, 2. (-and cut), tergiversor, 1. A shuffling; mistura, 1. f. (-or boggling), cavillatio, 3. f. tergiversatio, 3. f. (knavery), astutia, 1. f. (-fellow, or shuffler), tergiversator, 3. m. homo [dulenter Shufflingly; dolosè, frauTo shun; devito, 1. fugio,



3. declino, 1.

That may be shunned; evitabilis That cannot be shunned; inevitabilis [giens Shunning; devitaus, fushunning; devitatio, evitatio, 3. f. To shut; claudo, 3. (or bar fast), occiudo, 3. obsero, 1. (-in), includo, 3. (-ont), excludo, 3. (-up), intercludo,3. concludo, 3. A shutter; claustrum, 2. n. A shutting (out); exclusio, 3. f. (-up), conclusio, 3. f. A shuttle; radius textorius Shy (wary); caatus; (disdainful), fastosus, superciliosus; (apt to start), pavidus; (not friendly), vultus minimè fraternus Shyly; frigidè, indifferen

tèr Shynes; fastus. 4. m. cautela, 1. f.

A sibyl; sibylla, 1. f. Siccity, ariditas, 3. f. siccitas, 3. f.

The sice-point; senio,3. m. Sick; ægrotas, æger; (-at stomach), stomachicus,


To be sick; ægroto, 1. (-in bed), lecto æger affigi; (dangerously), gravitèr ægrotare; (-of a fever), febricito,1.(-of the colic), dolore colico cruciari; (of the gout), articulorum dolore laborare: (-of a thing), ægrè terre A sickle; faix messoria Sickliness; ægrotatio, valetudo, 3. f. (dinarius Sicily, infirmus, valetu.

ægrotatio, 3 f. (green-), chlorosis, 3. f. (contagious), contagium, 2. n. (falling-), epilepsia, 1. f. (plague), pestilentia, 1. f. pestis, 3. f.

A side; latus, 3. n. (party), pars, 3. f. causa, 1. f. (-of a country), ora, 1. f. regio, 3. f. (-of a leaf), pagiua, 1. f. (of a river), ripa, 1. f. (-or brim), margo, 3. d. g. (the shore), littus, 3. n. (of a bed), sponda, 1. f. (-of a hill), clivus, 2. m. Belonging to a side; late. ralis

A sideboard; abacus, 2. m. (-of plate), abacus vasis argenteis refertus

A side-blow; ictus obliquus A side-face; facies obliquè depicta

A sidesman; adjutor, 3. m. quæsitor, 3. m.

A side wind; ventus obliquus

Sidereal; sidereus, lacidus Sideways; obliquus trans


Sideling; corpore inclinato By the side of; juxta, propè

Of the same side; collate


On all sides


sùs, undique On both sides; utrinquè; (either side), alterutrinque; (-every side), undiquè, ex omni parte; (-the inside), intùs; (one side. and the other), ultrò, citròque; (the outside), extrinsecùs ; (neither side), neutro; (-the other side), è contrario aliorsùm; (this side), eis, citra; (that side), trans ultra

To side with (or favour); faveo, 2. partes sequi, cum aliquo stare

A siding with; partium stu


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To lay siege; obsideo, 2. Belonging to a siege; obsidionalis

A sieve; cribrum, 2. n. Beloning to a sieve; cribra


To sift: cerno, 3, cribro, 1. A sifting (of meal); cribra

tio, 3. f. (-or searching), scrutatio, 3. f.

Siftings; recrementum, 2.n. A sigh; suspirium, 2. n. ge

mitus, 4. m.

To sigh; suspiro, 1. gemo,3. A sighing; suspiratio, 3. f. A sight (show); spectaculum, 2. n.

The sight; visus, 4. m. aspectus. 4. m. conspectus, 4. m. obtutus, 4. m. (-or faculy of seeing), facultas videndi; (-in a cross bow), scutula. 1. f. (-of the eye), oculi acies At first sight; primâ facie To come in sight; appareo,2. Dimness of sight; caligatio, 3. f. [gans Dim-sighted; luscus, caliQuick-sighted; benè oculatus Sharp-sighted; perspicax, sagax [captus Sightless; cæcus, lumine Sightly; spectabilis, speci


A sign (token); insigne, 3. n. signum, 2. n. nota, 1. f. indicium, 2. n. (footstep), vestigium, 2. R. (presage), prsægium, 2.n. (manual), chirographium, 2. n. (-at a house), signum, 2. n. insigne, 3. n. To sign; signo, 1. obsigno, 1. [insignis Signal; notabilis, clarus, A signal; siguum, symbo lum, 2. n.

To signalize; insignio, 4.

re sestâ clarum reddere Signalized insignis, illus

tris, celebris, insignitus Signally; insignitèr, eximiè A signature; signatura, 1.

f. (in printing), litera schedæ index

A signer; signator, 3. m. A signet; sigillum, 2. n. Significancy (meaning); sensus, 4. m. significatio, 3. f. (force), "vis, 3. f. momentum, 2. n. pondus,

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mens: (-of great force), | Similar; similis, similaris! magui momenti A simile; collatio, 3. f. Significantly; clarè, planè similitudo, 3.f. (example), A signification (or show- exemplum, 2. n. ing); significatio, 3. f. A similitude similitude (parable); (-or sense of a word), parabola, 1. f. (likeness), sensus, 4. m. vis, 3. f. similitudo, 3. f. potestas, 3. f. notio, 3. f. Significative; significati


To signify (mean,; valeo, 2. significo, 1. (declare), denuncio, 1. declaro, 1. notifico, 1. denoto, 1. (presage), prædico, 3. portendo, 3.

A signifying; significatio, 3. f. significatus, 4. m. prædictio, 3. f. Signifying declarans


A signing; signatio, obsignatio, 3. f. Silence; silentium, 2. n. taciturnitas, 3. f. (secrecy), reticentin, 1. f. Silence! (interj.), au! st! To silence; os obstruĕre To break silence; profari To keep silence; sileo, 2. taceo, 2. Silencing; oris obstructio Silent; silens, tacitus, taciturnus

To become silent; obticeo, conticeo, 2. Silently; tacitè, silentèr Silk, sericum, 2. n. bom. byx, 3. m.

Of silk; sericus, bombycinus.(silken throughout), holosericus Covered with silk; sericatus

A silkman; seriearius, 2. m. (shop), bombycini operis officina; (weaver), serice textor; (-worm), bombyx, 3. m. Silky; mollis, flexilis A sill limen, 3. n. A sillabub; oxygala, 1. f. Sillity; ineptè, insulse, absurdè

Silliness ineptia, 1. f. insulsitas, 3. t.

Silly: vecors, ineptus; (-fellow), asinus, 2. m. -action), ineptè factum Silvan; silvestris Silver; argentum, 2. n. (quick-), argentum vivum Full of silver; argentosus To silver; argento obdu


[tarius A silversmith; faber argen

To simmer; lentè ebullio, 4. A simnel; libum, 2. collyra, 1. I.

A simper; risus levis To simper; subrideo, 2. arrideo, 2.

Simple (unmixed); simplex, merus, purus; (single, alone), unicus, solus; (harmless), innoxius, innocens, innocuus; (plain, without ornament), simplex, inornatus; (sincere, honest), simplex, integer, probus, sincerus; (silly), ineptus, insipiens, fatuus, insulsus; (trifling), frivolus, vilis, levis Simpleness, or simplicity; simplicitas, 3. f. sinceritas, 3. f. (-in understanding), insipientia, 1. f. stuititin, 1. f. fatuitas,3.f. A simpleton; fatuus, 2. m. Simply; simplicitèr, sincerè, (without ornament), nullo ornatu; (in wit), insipienter

Simulation; simulatio, 3. f. Sin; peccatum, 2. n. delictum, 2. n.

A sin-offering; sacrificium, piaculare [3.

To sin; pecco, 1. delinquo, Since (seeing that); cum, quum, quando, quia,quan doquidem, siquidem, quoniam (from that time), postquam, cum, quod; (before that time), antè, abhinc

Ever since: jam, indè Long since; jamdudùm, jampridem

Not long since; nupèr, non priuèm How long since? quam pridèm? Sincere; sincerus, integer Sincerely; sincerè, simplicitèr Sincereness, sincerity; sinceritas, 3. f. A sine; sinus, 4. m. A sinew; nervus, 2. m. Sinewy; nervosus, fortis Sinful; impius, fingitiosus Sinfully; impiè, flagitiosè Sintalness; impietas, 3. f.

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A singing; cantio, 3. f. harmonia, I. f. (-together), concentus, 4. m. (-place), odeum, 2. n. (boys), pueri symphoniaci; (man), cantator, 3. m. cantor, 3. m. (-woman), cantatrix, 3. f. Single; singularis, unicus; (-hearted), integer, probus

A single life; cælibatus, 4. m. (person), cælebs, 3. c. g.

To single out; seligo, 3. excerpo, 3. Singleness; simplicitas, integritas, 3. f. Singly; singulatim, singillatim

Singular (belonging to one only) unicus, simplex, singularis; (particular), peculiaris Singularity; singularitas, 3. f. affectatio, 3. f. insolentia, 1. f. Singularly;



Sinister (unlucky); sinis ter, mali ominis; (unlaw ful, unjust), malevolus, iniquus, injustus To sink sido, 3. desido, 3. consido, 3. subsido, 3. labo, 1. (one's spirits), detrecto, 1. (-a well), puteum fodere; (-or waste by sickness), contabesco, 3. (or penetrate into), penetro, 1. (-a mine), cuniculum agere; (grow less), decresco, 3. A sink; sentina, 1. f. latrina, 1. f. cloaca, 1. f. (-hole), ostium closcale Sinless; innocens, sceleris purus

A sinner; peccator, 3. m. peccatrix, 3. f. A sip, or sipping; sorbitio,

3. f.

To sip; sorbillo, 1. gusto, 1.

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