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Of Saturday [1856] contains the valedictory of its late editor, from which we copy his closing words. Edwards is an editor after our own heart, and we hope soon to welcome him back into the ranks of a profession he is so well qualified to dignify and adorn.-N. Y. Ev. Mirror.

No pecuniary recompense, however, is worthy of being compared, in the eyes of an earnest editor, with the regard and esteem of his readers. The drudgery and toil of the conductor of a daily journal would be bitter beyond endurance unless it were sweetened by some touch of mutual sympathy, and enlivened by occasional flashes of mutual appreciation and good will.

Nor am I ungrateful to the persons employed with me in the publication of the Express, whose kind and patient coöperation has been of the utmost service to me in the discharge of my labors. It is pleasant, also, to remember that though I have had occasion to cross weapons with my professional brothers of the city press, my personal relations with so many of them have been of the most pleasant and cordial character, and that I have participated with some of them not only in the amenities of the craft, but in the social enjoyments of life.

I will still further lay open these fond but natural expressions to the just charge of egotism by adding, as I do most conscientiously, that in the discharge of my duties to the public I have never consciously published an untruth, turned my back upon a friend, or been


272 wilfully ungenerous or unforgiving towards an opponent, and that though in the retrospect I could point out several occasions on which, if I had been more supple, I should have gained a temporary advantage, I find on the whole no reason to regret my attachment to my own principles or my obedience to my own impulses and convictions of duty.

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