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dicam. Antiquum obtines, feil. morem vel inftitutum, Plaut. Hodie in ludum occæpi ire literarium, ternas jam fcio, feil. literas, i. e. AMO, Id. Triduo abs te nullas acceperam, fcil. literas, i. e. epiftolam, Cic. Brevi dicam, fcil. fermone: So Complecti, refpondere, &c. brevi. Dii meliora, fc. faciant: Rhodum volo, inde Athenas, fc. ire, Id. Bellicum, vel clafficum canere, fc. fignum, Liv. Civicâ donatus, fc. coronâ; So obfidionalem, muralem adeptus, &c. Id. Epiftola librarii manu eft fe. fcripta, Cic. So in English, "The twelve," i. e. apoftles; "The elect," i. e. perfons.

When a conjunction is to be fupplied, it is called ASYNDETON; as, Deus optimus maximus, fcil. et; Sartum tectum confervare, i. e. fartum et tectum; So Abiit, exceffit, evafit, erupit, Cic. Ferte citi flammas, date vela, impellite remos, Virg. Velis nolis, fcil. feu.

To this figure may be reduced most of those irregularities in Syntax, as they are called, which are variously claffed by grammarians, under the names of ENNALAGE, i. e. the changing of words and and their accidents, or the putting of one word for another; AnTIPTŌSIS, i. e. the putting of one cafe for another; HELLENISM or GRECISM, i. e. imitating the conftruction of the Greeks; SYNESIS, i. e. referring the construction, not to the gender or number of the word, but to the fenfe, &c. thus, Samnitium duo millia cæfi, is Duo millia (bominum) Samnitium (fuerunt bomines) cæfi, Liv. So Monftrum quæ, fc. mulier, Hor. Scelus qui, fc. homo, Ter. Omnia Mercurio fimilis, fc. fecundum, Virg. Miffi magnis de rebus uterque, legati; i. e. Miffi legati (et) uterque (legatus miffus) de magnis rebus, Horat. Servitia repudiabat, cujus, fc. fervitii, Sall. Cat. 51. Familia noftra, quorum, &c. fc. hominum, Sall. Concurfus populi, mirantium, Liv. Illum ut vivat, optant, for ut ille vivat, Ter. Populum late regem, for regnantem, Virg. Expediti militum, for milites; Claffis ftabat Rhegii, for ad Rhegium, Liv. Latium Capuaque agro multati, fc. homines, Id. Utraque formofæ, fc, mulieres, Ovid. Aperite aliquis oftium, Ter. Senfit delapfus, for delapfum, fc. fe effe, Virg.

When a writer frequently ufes the Ellipfis, his ftyle is faid to be elliptical or concise.


PLEONASM is when a word more is added than is abfolutely neceffary to exprefs the fenfe; as, Video oculis, I fee with my eyes; Sic ore locuta eft: adeft præfens: Nufquam gentium; vivere vitam: fervire fervitutem; Quid mihi Celfus agit? Fac me ut fciam, &c. Suo fibi gladio hunc jugulo, Ter. Suo fibi fucco vivunt, Plaut.

When a conjunction is used apparently redundant, it is called POLYSYNDETON; as, Una Eurufque Notufque ruunt, Virg.

When that which is in reality one, is fo expreffed as if there were two, it is called HENDIADYS; as, Pateris libamus et auro, for aureis pateris, Virg.

When feveral words are used to exprefs one thing, it is called PERIPHRASIS; as, Urbs Trojæ, for Troja, Virg. Res voluptatum, for voluptates, Plaut. Ufus purpurarum, for purpura; Genus pifcium, for pifces, Hor.


HYPERBATON is the tranfgreffion of that order or arrangement of words which is commonly used in any language. It is chiefly to be met with among the poets. The various forts into which it is divided, are, Anastrophe, Hystěron proteron, Hypallǎge, Synchěfis, Tmefis, and Parenthesis.

1. ANASTROPHE is the inverfion of words, or the placing of that word laft which fhould be firft; as, Italiam contra; His accenfa fuper; Spemque metumque inter dubii; for contra Italiam, fuper his, inter fpem, &c. Virg. Terram fol facit are, for arefacit, Lucret.

2. HYSTERON PROTERON is when that is put in the former part of the fentence, which, according to the fenfe, fhould be in the lat ter; as, Valet atque vivit, for vivit atque valet, Ter.

3. HYPALLAGE is the exchanging of cafes; as, Dare claffibus auftros, for dare claffes auftris, Virg.

4. SYNCHESIS is a confused and intricate arrangement of words; as, Saxa vocant Itali mediis quæ in Auctibus aras; for Quæ faxa in mediis fluctibus Itali vocant aras, Virg.

5. TMESIS is the divifion of a compound word, and the interpofing of other words betwixt its parts; as, Septem fubjecta trioni gens, for Septentrioni, Virg. Quæ meo cunque animo libitum eft facere, for quæcunque, Ter.

6. PARENTHESIS is the inferting of a member into the body of a fentence, which is neither neceffary to the fenfe, nor at all affects the construction; as, Tityre, dum redeo, (brevis eft via) pafce capeli las, Virg.


The difficulty of tranflating either from English into Latin, or from Latin into English, arifcs in a great measure from the different arrangement of words which takes place in the two languages,

In Latin the various terminations of nouns, and the inflection of adjectives and verbs, point out the relation of one word to anothcr, in whatever order they are placed. But in English the agreement and government of words can only be determined from the particular part of the sentence in which they stand. Thus, in Latin, we can either fay, Alexander vicit Darium, or Darium vicit Alexander, or Alexander Darium vicit, or Darium Alexander vicit; and in each of these the sense is equally obvious: but in English we can only fay, Alexander conquered Darius. This variety of arrangement in Latin gives it a great advantage over the English, not only in point of energy and vivacity of expreffion, but also in point of harmony. We fometimes indeed, for the fake of variety and force, imitate in English the inverfion of words which takes place in Latin; as, Him the Eternal hurl'd, Milton, Whom ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. But this is chiefly to be used in poetry.

With regard to the proper order of words to be obferved in tranflating from English into Latin, the only certain rule which can be given, is to imitate the CLASSICS.

The order of words in fentences is faid to be either fimple or arificial; or, as it is otherwise expressed, either natural or oratorial. The Simple or Natural order is, when the words of a sentence are placed one after another, according to the natural order of fyntax.

Artificial or Oratorial order is when words are so arranged, as to render them most striking, or most agreeable to the ear.

All Latin writers ufe an arrangement of words, which appears to us more or lefs artificial, because different from our own, alIn order therethough to them it was as natural as ours is to us.

fore to render any Latin author into English, we must first reduce the words in Latin to the order of English, which is called the Analyfis or Refolution of fentences. It is only practice that can teach one to do this with readincfs. However to a beginner the observation of the following rule may be of advantage.

Take firft the words, which ferve to introduce the sentence, or hew its dependence on what went before; next, the nominative, together with the words which it agrees with or governs; then, the verb and adverbs joined with it; and lafly, the cafes which the verb governs, together with the circumftances fubjoined, to the end of the fentence: fupplying through the whole the words which are understood.

If the fentence is compound, it must be refolved into the several fentences of which it is made up; as,

Vale igitur, mi Cicero, tibique perfuade effe te quidem mihi cariffinum; fed multo fore cariorem, fi talibus monumentis præceptifque lætabĕre, Cic. Off. lib. 3.

Farewell then, my Cicero, and affure yourself that you are indeed very dear unto me; but fhall be much dearer, if you shall take delight in fuch writings and inftructions.

This compound fentence may be refolved into these five simple fentences: I. Igitur, mi (fili) Cicero, (tu) vale, 2. et (tu) perfuade tibi (ipfi) te effe quidem (filium) cariffimum mihi: 3. fed (tu perfuade tibi ipfi te) fore (filium) cariorem (mihi in) multo (negotio) 4. fi (tu) lætabere talibus monumentis, 5. et (fi tu lætabere talibus) præceptis.

1. Fare (you) well then, my (fon) Cicero, 2. and affure (you) yourself that you are indeed (a fon) very dear to me; 3. but (assure you yourself that you) fhall be (a fon) much dearer (to me) 4 if you thall take delight in fuch writings, 5. and (if you fball take delight in fuch inftructions.

When a learner first begins to translate from the Latin, he should keep as strictly to the literal meaning of the words as the different idioms of the two languages will permit. But after he has made farther progrefs, fomething more will be requifite. He fhould then be accustomed, as much as poffible, to transfufe the beauties of an author, from the one language into the other. For this purpose it will be neceffary that he be acquainted, not only with the idioms of the two languages, but also with the different kinds of style adapted to different forts of compofition, and to different fubjects; together with the various turns of thought and expreffion which writers employ, or what are called the figures of words and of thought; or the Figures of Rhetoric.


The quantity of a fyllable is the space of time taken up in pronouncing it.

That part of grammar which treats of the quantity and accent of Syllables, and of the meafures of Verfe, is called PROSODY. Syllables, with refpect to their quantity, are either long or fourt. A long fyllable in pronouncing requires double the time of a fhort; as, tenderě.

Some fyllables are common: that is, fometimes long, and fometimes fhort; as the fecond fyllable in volucris.

A vowel is faid to be long or short by nature, which is always fo by custom, or by the ufe of the poets.

In polyfyllables or long words, the last fyllable except one is called the Penultima, or, by contraction, the Penult, and the last fyllable except two, the Antepenultima.

When the quantity of a fyllable is not fixed by fome particular rule, it is faid to be long or short by authority, that is, according to the ufage of the poets. Thus le in lego is faid to be short by au thority, because it is always made fhort by the Latin poets,

In most Latin words of one or two fyllables, according to our manner of pronouncing, we can hardly distinguish by the ear a long fyllable from a fhort. Thus le in lego and legi feem to be founded equally long; but when we pronounce them in compofition, the difference is obvious; thus, perlego, perlēgi; relego, -ĕre; relēgo, •are, s.

The rules of quantity are either General or Special. The former apply to all fyllables, the latter only to fome certain fyllables.


1. A vowel before another vowel is fhort; as, Meus, alius: fo nibil: b in verfe being confidered only as a breathing. In like manner in English, create, běhave.

Exc. I. I is long in fio, fiebam, &c. unless when followed by r; as, fieri, fierem; thus,

Omnia jam fient, fieri quæ poffe negabam, Ovid.

Exc. 2. E having an i before and after it, in the fifth declenfion, is long; as, fpeciei. So is the firft fyllable in aer, dius, ibeu, and the penultima in aulai, terrãi, &c. in Pompei, Cai, and fuch like words; but we fometimes find Pompei in two fyllables, Hor. II. Od. 7.

Exc. 3. The first fyllable in obe and Diana is common; so like. wife is the penult of genitives in ius; as, illius, unius, &c. to be read long in profe. Alius, in the genitive is always long; alterius fhort.

In Greek words when a vowel comes before another, no certain rule concerning its quantity can be given.

Sometimes it is fhort; as, Danae, Idea, Sophia, Symphonia, Simõis, Hyades, Phǎon, Deucalion, Pygmalion, Thebǎis, &c.

Often it is long; as, Lycaon, Machaon, Didymãon; Amphion, Arion, Ixion, Pandion; Nais, Lais, Achãï; Briseis, Cadmeis; Latous, & Latõis, Myrtõus, Nerēïus, Priamcïus; Achelõïus, Minõïus; Archelaus, Menclāus, Amphiarāus; Æneas, Penēus, Epēus, Acrifionēus, Adamantēus, Phœbeus, Giganteus; Darius, Bafilius, Eugerius, Bacchius; Caffiopea, Cæfarea, Charonea, Cytherea, Galatea, Laodicea, Medea, Panthea, Penelopea; Clio, Enyo, Elegia, Iphigenia, Alexandria, Thalia, Antiochia, idololatria, litania, politia, &c. Lä. ertes, Deïphobus, Dēijanīra, Trões, herões, &c.

Sometimes it is common; as, Chorea, platea, Malea, Nercïdes, canopeum, Orion, Geryon, Eos, cous, &c. So in foreign words, Michael, Ifrael, Raphael, Abraham, &c.

The accufative of nouns in eus is usually short; as, Orphĕa, Salmoně, Caphares, &c. but fometimes long; as, Idomenea, iliouē3, Virg. Inftead of Elegia, Cytherea, we find Elegeia, Cythereĭa, Ovid. But

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