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difta, &c. The accufative is governed by ad or per understood, and the ablative by a or ab.

Obf. 2. When we exprefs the measure of more things than one, we commonly use the distributive number; as, Muri funt denos pedes alti, and sometimes denum pedum, for denorum, in the genitive, ad menfuram being understood. But the genitive is only used to exprefs the measure of things in the plural number.

Obf. 3. When we exprefs the distance of a place where any thing is done, we commonly use the ablative; or the accufative with the prepofition ad; as, Sex millibus paffuum ab urbe confedit, or, fex millia paffuum, Caf. Ad quintum milliarium v. milliare confe dit, Cic. Ad quintum lapidem, Nep.


Obf. 4. The excess or difference of measure and distance is put in the ablative; as,

Hoc lignum excedit illud digito. Toto vertice fupra eft, Virg. Britanniæ longitudo ejus latitudinem ducentis quadraginta milliäribus fuperat.

5. TIME.

(LVI. When the question is made by Quando? When? time is put in the ablative; as,

Venit horâ tertiâ,


He came at three o'clock.

¶When the question is made by Quamdiu? How long? time is put in the accufative or ablative, but oftener in the accufative as,

Manfit paucos dies,
Sex menfibus abfuit,

He ftaid a few days.

He was away fix months.

* Or thus, Time when is put in the ablative, time how long is put in the accufative./

Obf. 1. When we speak of any precife time, it is put in the ablative; but when continuance of time is expreffed, it is put for the moft part in the accusative.

Obf. 2. All the circumftances of time are often expreffed with a prepofition; as, In præfentia, or in præfenti, fcil. tempore; in vel ad præfens; Per decem annos; Surgunt de nocte; Ad horám destinatam; Intra annum; Per idem tempus; ad Kalendas foluturos ait, Suet. The prepofition ad or circa is fometimes fuppreffed, as in these expreffions, hoc, illud, id, iftuc, ætatis, temporis, horæ, &c. for hac ætate, hoc tempore, &c. And ante or some other word; as, Annos natus unum & viginti, fe. ante. Siculi quotannis tributa conferunt, fe. tot annis, quot vel quotquot funt, Cic. Prope diem, fc. ad, soon; Oppidum paucis diebus, quibus eo ventum eft, expugnatum, f. poft cos dies, Caf. Ante diem tertium Kalendas Maias accepi tuas literas, for die tertio ante, Cic. Qui dies futurus effet inante diem octavum Kalendas Novembris, Id. Exante diem quintum Kal. Octob. Liv.

Lacedæmonii feptingentos jam annos amplius unis moribus et nunquam mutatis legibus vivunt, fc. quam per, Cic. We find, Primum ftipendium meruit annorum decem feptemque, fe. Atticus; for sep temdecim annos natus, seventeen years old, Nep.

Obs. 3. The adverb ABHING which is commonly used with refpect to past time, is joined with the accusative or ablative without a prepofition, as, factum eft abbinc biennio or biennium, It was done two years ago. So likewife are poft and ante; as, paucos poft annos: but here, ea or id may be underfood.


(A compound fentence is that which has more than one

nominative, or one finite verb.

A compound fentence is made up of two or more fimple fentences or phrafes, and is commonly called a Period. The parts of which a compound fentence confifts, are called Members or Claufes.

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In every compound fentence there are either feveral subjects, and one attribute, or several attributes, and one fubject, or both several fubjects and feveral attributes: That is, there are either several nominatives applied to the fame verb, or several verbs applied to the fame nominative, or both.

Every verb marks a judgment or attribute, and every attribute must have a fubject. There must therefore be in every fentence or period as many propofitions as there are verbs of a finite mode. Sentences are compounded by means of relatives and conjunc tions; as,

Happy is the man who loveth religion and practiseth virtue.


LVII.(The relative Qui, Qua, Quod, agrees with the antecedent in gender, number, and perfon; and is confrued through all the cafes, as the antecedent would be in its place ; as,


Vir qui, Fœmina que, Negotium quod, Ego qui fcribo, Tu qui fcribis, Vir qui fcribit,

The man who.
The woman who.
The thing which.
I who write.
Thou who writeft.
The man who writes.

Viri qui.
Famine que.
Negotia qua.
Nos qui fcribimus.
Vos qui fcribitis.
Viri qui fcribunt.

[blocks in formation]

If no nominative come between the relative and the verb, the relative will be the nominative to the verb.

But if a nominative come between the relative and the verb, the relative will be of that cafe, which the verb or noun following, or the prepofition going before, ufe to govern.

Thus the conftruction of the relative requires an acquaintance with most of the foregoing rules of fyntax, and may ferve as an exercife on all of them.

Obf. 1. The relative must always have an antecedent expreffed or understood, and therefore may be confidered as an adjective placed betwixt two cafes of the same substantive, of which the one is always expreffed, generally the former; as,

Vir qui (vir) legit; vir, quem (virum) amo: Sometimes the latter ; as, Quam quifque norit artem, in hac (arte) fe exerceat, Cic. Eunuchum, quem dedifti nobis, quas turbas dedit, Ter. fc. Eunuchus. Sometimes both cafes are expreffled; as, Erant omnino duo itinera, quibus itineribus dome exire poffent, Cæf. Sometimes, though more rarely, both cafes are omitted; as, Sunt, quos boc genus minime juvat, for sunt bomines, quos, &c. Hor.

Obf. 2. When the relative is placed betwixt two fubftantives of different genders, it may agree in gender with either of them, though moft commonly with the former; as,

Vultus quem dixere chaos, Ovid. Ef locus in carcere, quod Tullianum appellatur, Sall. Animal, quem vocamus hominem, Cic. Cogito id quod res et, Ter. If a part of a fentence be the antecedent, the relative is always put in the neuter gender; as, Pompeius fe afflixit, quod mihi eft fummo dolori, fcil. Pompeium fe affligere, Cic. Sometimes the relative does not agree in gender with the antecedent, but with fome fynonymous word supplied; as, Scelus qui, for fceleftus, Ter. Abundantia carum rerum, quæ mortales prima putant, fcil. negotia, Sall. Vel virtus tua me vel vicinitas, quod ego in aliqua parte amicitiæ puto, facit ut te moneam, fcil. negotium, Ter.

Obf. 3. When the relative comes after two words of different persons, it agrees with the first or second perfon rather than the

third; as, Ego fum vir, qui fatio, scarcely facit. In English it fometimes agrees with either; as, I am the man, who make, or maketh. But when once the person of the relative is fixed, it ought to be continued through the rest of the sentence: thus it is proper to say "I am the man, who takes care of your intereft," but if I add," at the expence of my own," it would be improper. It ought either to be "his own," or " who take." In like manner, we fay, " I thank you, who gave, who did love," &c. But it is improper to fay, "I thank thee, who gave, who did love:" it should be, "who gaveft, who didst love." In no part of English fyntax are inaccuracies committed more frequently than in this. Beginners are particularly apt to fall into them, in turning Latin into English. The reafon of it feems to be our applying thou or you, thy or your, promifcuously, to exprefs the fecond perfon fingular, whereas the Latins almost al ways expreffed it by tu and tuus.

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Óbf. 4. The antecedent is often implied in a poffeffive adjective;

Omnes laudare fortunas meas, qui babérem gnatum tali ingenio præditum, Ter. Sometimes the antecedent must be drawn from the fenfe of the foregoing words; as, Carne pluit, quem imbrem aves rapuisse feruntur; i. e. pluit imbrem carne, quem imbrem, &c. Liv. Si tempus eft ulium jure bominis necandi, quæ multa funt, fcil. tempora, Cic.

Obf. 5. The relative is fometimes entirely omitted; as, Urbs antiqua fuit: Tyrii tenuere coloni, fcil. quam or eam, Virg. Or if once expreffed, is afterwards omitted, fo that it must be supplied in a different cafe; as, Bocchus cum peditibus, quos filius ejus adduxerat, neque in priore pugna adfuerant, Romanos invadunt; for quique in priore pugna non adfuerant, Sall. In English the relative is often omitted, where in Latin it must be expreffed; as, The letter I wrote, for the letter which I wrote; The man I love, to wit, whom. But this omiflion of the relative is generally improper, particularly in ferious difcourfe.

Obf. 6. The cafe of the relative fometimes feems to depend on that of the antecedent; as, Cum aliquid agas eorum, quorum confuêfti, for quæ consuêsti agere, or quorum aliquid agere consuêsti, Cic. But fuch examples rarely occur.

Obf. 7. The adjective pronouns ille, ipfe, ifle, bic, is, and idem, in their conftruction, refemble that of the relative qui; as, Liber ejus, His or her book; Vita eorum, Their life, when applied to men; Vita "earum, Their life, when applied to women. By the improper use of these pronouns in English, the meaning of fentences is often rendered obfcure.

Obf. 8. The interrogative or indefinite adjectives, qualis, quantus, quotus, &c. are alfo fometimes conftrued like relatives; as, Facies eft, qualem decet effe fororum, Ovid. But thefe have commonly other adjectives, either expreffed or understood, which answer to them; as, Tanta eft multitudo, quantam urbs capere poteft: and are often applied to different substantives; as, Quales funt cives, talis est civis tas, Cic

Obf. 9. The Latin relative often cannot be tranflated literally into English, on account of the different idioms of the two langua ges; as Quod cum ita effet, When that was fo; not, Which when it was fo, because then there would be two nominatives to the verb was, which is improper. Sometimes the accufative of the relative in Latin must be rendered by the nominative in English; as, Quem dicunt me effe? Who do they fay that I am? not whom. Quem dicunt adventare? Who do they fay is coming?

Obf. 10. As the relative is always connected with a different verb from the antecedent, it is ufually conftrued with the fubjunctive mode, unless when the meaning of the verb is expreffed pofitively; as, Audire cupio, quæ legeris, I want to hear, what you have read; that is, what perhaps or probably you may have read: Audire cupio, quæ legifli, I want to hear, what you have read.

To the conftruction of the Relative may be fubjoined that of the ANSWER TO A QUESTION. A

The answer is commonly put in the fame cafe with the question; as,

Qui vocare? Geta, f. vocor. Quid quæris? Librum, fc. quæro. Quotâ horâ venifti? Sextâ. Sometimes the conftruction is varied; as, Cujus eft liber? Meus, not mei: Quanti emptus eft? Decem affibus. Damnatufne es furti? Imo alio crimine. Often the answer is made by other parts of speech than nouns; as, Quid agitur? Statur, f. a me, a nobis. Quis fecit? Nefcio: Aiunt Petrum feciffe. Quomodo vales? Bene, male. Scripfistine? Scripfi, ita, etiam, immo, &c. An vidifti? Non vidi, non, minime, &c. Chærea tuam veftem detraxit tibi? Factum. Et eâ eft indutus? Factum, Ter. Most of the rules of Syntax may thus be exemplified in the form of questions and anfwers.


(LVIII. The conjunctions et, ac, atque, nec, neque, aut, vel, and fome others, couple like cafes and modes ;/as, Honour father and mother! He neither reads nor writes.

Honora patrem et matrem,

Nea legit nec fcribit,

Obf. 1. To this rule belong particularly the copulative and difjunctive conjunctions; as likewife, quam, nifi, præterquam, an; and alfo adverbs of likeness, as, ceu, tanquam, quafi, ut, &c. as,

Nellum præmium a vobis poftulo, præterquam hujus diei memoriam, Cic. Gloria virtutem tanquam umbra fequitur, Id.

Obf. 2. These conjunctions properly connect the different members of a sentence together, and are hardly ever applied to fingle words, unlefs when fome other word is understood. Hence if the construction of the fentence be varied, different cafes and modes may be coupled together; as,

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