Abbildungen der Seite

unteers or by personnel of a State or outlying area.

"(2) The provision of technical assistance to eligible providers of adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs, including for the development and dissemination of scientifically based research instructional practices in reading, writing, speaking, math, and English language acquisition programs.

"(3) The provision of assistance to eligible providers in developing, implementing, and reporting measurable progress in achieving the objectives of this title.

"(4) The provision of technology assistance, including staff training, to eligible providers of adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs, including distance learning activities, to enable the eligible providers to improve the quality of such activities.

"(5) The development and implementation of technology applications or distance learning, including professional development to support the use of instructional technology.

"(6) Coordination with other public programs, including welfare-to-work, workforce development, and job training programs.

"(7) Coordination with existing support services, such as transportation, child care, and other assistance designed to increase rates of enrollment in, and successful completion of, adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs, for adults enrolled in such activities.

"(8) The development and implementation of a system to assist in the transition from adult basic education to postsecondary education.

"(9) Activities to promote workplace literacy programs.

"(10) Activities to promote and complement local outreach initiatives described in section 243(7).

"(11) Other activities of statewide significance, including assisting eligible providers in achieving progress in improving the skill levels of adults who participate in programs under this title.

"(12) Integration of literacy, instructional, and occupational skill training and promotion of linkages with employees.

"(b) COORDINATION.-In carrying out this section, eligible agencies shall coordinate where possible, and avoid duplicating efforts, in order to maximize the impact of the activities described in subsection (a).

"(c) STATE-IMPOSED REQUIREMENTS.Whenever a State or outlying area implements any rule or policy relating to the administration or operation of a program authorized under this title that has the effect of imposing a requirement that is not imposed under Federal law (including any rule or policy based on a State or outlying area interpretation of a Federal statute, regulation, or guideline), the State or outlying area shall identify, to eligible providers, the rule or policy as being imposed by the State or outlying area.


"(a) 6-YEAR PLANS.—

"(1) IN GENERAL.-Each eligible agency desiring a grant under this title for any fiscal year shall submit to, or have on file with, the Secretary a 6-year State plan.

"(2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR APPLICATION. The eligible agency may submit the State plan as part of a comprehensive plan or application for Federal education assist


"(b) PLAN CONTENTS.-The eligible agency shall include in the State plan or any revisions to the State plan

"(1) an objective assessment of the needs of individuals in the State or outlying area for adult education, basic skills, and family

literacy education programs, including individuals most in need or hardest to serve;

"(2) a description of the adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs that will be carried out with funds received under this title;

"(3) a description of how the eligible agency will evaluate and measure annually the effectiveness and improvement of the adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs based on the performance measures described in section 212 including

"(A) how the eligible agency will evaluate and measure annually such effectiveness on a grant-by-grant basis; and

"(B) how the eligible agency—

"(i) will hold eligible providers accountable regarding the progress of such providers in improving the academic achievement of participants in adult education programs under this title and regarding the core indicators of performance described in section 212(b)(2)(A); and

"(ii) will use technical assistance, sanctions, and rewards (including allocation of grant funds based on performance and termination of grant funds based on nonperformance);

"(4) a description of the performance measures described in section 212 and how such performance measures have significantly improved adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs in the State or outlying area;

"(5) an assurance that the eligible agency will, in addition to meeting all of the other requirements of this title, award not less than one grant under this title to an eligible provider that

“(A) offers flexible schedules and necessary support services (such as child care and transportation) to enable individuals, including individuals with disabilities, or individuals with other special needs, to participate in adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs; and

"(B) attempts to coordinate with support services that are not provided under this title prior to using funds for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs provided under this title for support services;

"(6) an assurance that the funds received under this title will not be expended for any purpose other than for activities under this title:

"(7) a description of how the eligible agency will fund local activities in accordance with the measurable goals described in section 231(d);

"(8) an assurance that the eligible agency will expend the funds under this title only in a manner consistent with fiscal requirements in section 241;

"(9) a description of the process that will be used for public participation and comment with respect to the State plan, which process

"(A) shall include consultation with the State workforce investment board, the State board responsible for administering community or technical colleges, the Governor, the State educational agency, the State board or agency responsible for administering block grants for temporary assistance to needy families under title IV of the Social Security Act, the State council on disabilities, the State vocational rehabilitation agency, other State agencies that promote the improvement of adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs, and direct providers of such programs; and

"(B) may include consultation with the State agency on higher education, institutions responsible for professional development of adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs instructors, representatives of business and indus

try, refugee assistance programs, and faithbased organizations;

"(10) a description of the eligible agency's strategies for serving populations that include, at a minimum—

"(A) low-income individuals;

"(B) individuals with disabilities;
"(C) the unemployed;

"(D) the underemployed; and

"(E) individuals with multiple barriers to educational enhancement, including individuals with limited English proficiency;

"(11) a description of how the adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs that will be carried out with any funds received under this title will be integrated with other adult education, career development, and employment and training activities in the State or outlying area served by the eligible agency;

"(12) a description of the steps the eligible agency will take to ensure direct and equitable access, as required in section 231(c)(1), including

"(A) how the State will build the capacity of community-based and faith-based organizations to provide adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs; and

"(B) how the State will increase the participation of business and industry in adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs;

"(13) an assessment of the adequacy of the system of the State or outlying area to ensure teacher quality and a description of how the State or outlying area will use funds received under this subtitle to improve teacher quality, including professional development on the use of scientifically based research to improve instruction; and

"(14) a description of how the eligible agency will consult with any State agency responsible for postsecondary education to develop adult education that prepares students to enter postsecondary education without the need for remediation upon completion of secondary school equivalency programs.

"(c) PLAN REVISIONS.-When changes in conditions or other factors require substantial revisions to an approved State plan, the eligible agency shall submit the revisions of the State plan to the Secretary.

"(d) CONSULTATION.-The eligible agency shall

"(1) submit the State plan, and any revisions to the State plan, to the Governor, the chief State school officer, or the State officer responsible for administering community or technical colleges, or outlying area for review and comment; and

"(2) ensure that any comments regarding the State plan by the Governor, the chief State school officer, or the State officer responsible for administering community or technical colleges, and any revision to the State plan, are submitted to the Secretary.

"(e) PLAN APPROVAL.-A State plan submitted to the Secretary shall be approved by the Secretary only if the plan is consistent with the specific provisions of this title. “SEC. 225. PROGRAMS FOR CORRECTIONS EDUCATION AND OTHER INSTITUTIONALIZED INDIVIDUALS.

"(a) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.-From funds made available under section 222(a)(1) for a fiscal year, each eligible agency shall carry out corrections education and education for other institutionalized individuals.

"(b) USES OF FUNDS.-The funds described in subsection (a) shall be used for the cost of educational programs for criminal offenders in correctional institutions and for other institutionalized individuals, including academic programs for

"(1) basic skills education;

"(2) special education programs as determined by the eligible agency;

[blocks in formation]

"(C) reformatory;

"(D) work farm;

"(E) detention center; or

"(F) halfway house, community-based rehabilitation center, or any other similar institution designed for the confinement or rehabilitation of criminal offenders.

"(2) CRIMINAL OFFENDER.-The term 'criminal offender' means any individual who is charged with, or convicted of, any criminal offense.


"(a) GRANTS AND CONTRACTS.-From grant funds made available under section 211(b), each eligible agency shall award multiyear grants or contracts, on a competitive basis, to eligible providers within the State or outlying area that meet the conditions and requirements of this title to enable the eligible providers to develop, implement, and improve adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs within the State.


"(b) LOCAL ACTIVITIES.-The agency shall require eligible providers receiving a grant or contract under subsection (a) to establish or operate one or more programs of instruction that provide services or instruction in one or more of the following categories:

"(1) Adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs (including proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and math).

"(2) Workplace literacy programs. "(3) English language acquisition programs.

"(4) Family literacy education programs. "(c) DIRECT AND EQUITABLE ACCESS; SAME PROCESS. Each eligible agency receiving funds under this title shall ensure that—

"(1) all eligible providers have direct and equitable access to apply for grants or contracts under this section; and

"(2) the same grant or contract announcement process and application process is used for all eligible providers in the State or outlying area.

"(d) MEASURABLE GOALS.-The eligible agency shall require eligible providers receiving a grant or contract under subsection (a) to demonstrate

"(1) the eligible provider's measurable goals for participant outcomes to be achieved annually on the core indicators of performance and employment performance indicators described in section 212(b)(2);

"(2) the past effectiveness of the eligible provider in improving the basic academic skills of adults and, for eligible providers receiving grants in the prior year, the success of the eligible provider receiving funding under this title in exceeding its performance goals in the prior year;

"(3) the commitment of the eligible provider to serve individuals in the community who are the most in need of basic academic skills instruction services, including individ

uals who are low-income or have minimal reading, writing, speaking, and math skills, or limited English proficiency;

"(4) the program

"(A) is of sufficient intensity and duration for participants to achieve substantial learning gains; and

"(B) uses instructional practices that include the essential components of reading instruction;

"(5) educational practices are based on scientifically based research;

"(6) the activities of the eligible provider effectively employ advances in technology, as appropriate, including the use of computers;

"(7) the activities provide instruction in real-life contexts, when appropriate, to ensure that an individual has the skills needed to compete in the workplace and exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship;

"(8) the activities are staffed by welltrained instructors, counselors, and administrators;

"(9) the activities are coordinated with other available resources in the community, such as through strong links with elementary schools and secondary schools, postsecondary educational institutions, one-stop centers, job training programs, communitybased and faith-based organizations, and social service agencies;

"(10) the activities offer flexible schedules and support services (such as child care and transportation) that are necessary to enable individuals, including individuals with disabilities or other special needs, to attend and complete programs;

"(11) the activities include a high-quality information management system that has the capacity to report measurable participant outcomes and to monitor program performance against the performance measures established by the eligible agency;

"(12) the local communities have a demonstrated need for additional English language acquisition programs;

"(13) the capacity of the eligible provider to produce valid information on performance results, including enrollments and measurable participant outcomes;

"(14) adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs offer rigorous reading, writing, speaking, and math content that are based on scientifically based research; and

"(15) applications of technology, and services to be provided by the eligible providers, are of sufficient intensity and duration to increase the amount and quality of learning and lead to measurable learning gains within specified time periods.

"(e) SPECIAL RULE.-Eligible providers may use grant funds under this title to serve children participating in family literacy programs assisted under this part, provided that other sources of funds available to provide similar services for such children are used first.


"Each eligible provider desiring a grant or contract under this title shall submit an application to the eligible agency containing such information and assurances as the eligible agency may require, including

"(1) a description of how funds awarded under this title will be spent consistent with the requirements of this title;

"(2) a description of any cooperative arrangements the eligible provider has with other agencies, institutions, or organizations for the delivery of adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs; and

"(3) each of the demonstrations required by section 231(d).


"(a) IN GENERAL.-Subject to subsection (b), of the amount that is made available under this title to an eligible provider

"(1) at least 95 percent shall be expended for carrying out adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs; and

"(2) the remaining amount shall be used for planning, administration, personnel and professional development, development of measurable goals in reading, writing, speaking, and math, and interagency coordination.

"(b) SPECIAL RULE.-In cases where the cost limits described in subsection (a) are too restrictive to allow for adequate planning, administration, personnel development, and interagency coordination, the eligible provider may negotiate with the eligible agency in order to determine an adequate level of funds to be used for noninstructional purposes.


"(a) SUPPLEMENT NOT SUPPLANT.-Funds made available for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs under this title shall supplement and not supplant other State or local public funds expended for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs.



"(A) DETERMINATION.-An eligible agency may receive funds under this title for any fiscal year if the Secretary finds that the fiscal effort per student or the aggregate expenditures of such eligible agency for activities under this title, in the second preceding fiscal year, were not less than 90 percent of the fiscal effort per student or the aggregate expenditures of such eligible agency for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs, in the third preceding fiscal year.

"(B) PROPORTIONATE REDUCTION.-Subject to paragraphs (2), (3), and (4), for any fiscal year with respect to which the Secretary determines under subparagraph (A) that the fiscal effort or the aggregate expenditures of an eligible agency for the preceding program year were less than such effort or expenditures for the second preceding program year, the Secretary

"(i) shall determine the percentage decreases in such effort or in such expenditures; and

"(ii) shall decrease the payment made under this title for such program year to the agency for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs by the lesser of such percentages.

"(2) COMPUTATION.-In computing the fiscal effort and aggregate expenditures under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall exclude capital expenditures and special one-time project costs.

"(3) DECREASE IN FEDERAL SUPPORT.-If the amount made available for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs under this title for a fiscal year is less than the amount made available for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs under this title for the preceding fiscal year, then the fiscal effort per student and the aggregate expenditures of an eligible agency required in order to avoid a reduction under paragraph (1)(B) shall be decreased by the same percentage as the percentage decrease in the amount so made available.

"(4) WAIVER.-The Secretary may waive the requirements of this subsection for not more than 1 fiscal year, if the Secretary determines that a waiver would be equitable due to exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances, such as a natural disaster or an

unforeseen and precipitous decline in the financial resources of the State or outlying area of the eligible agency. If the Secretary grants a waiver under the preceding sentence for a fiscal year, the level of effort required under paragraph (1) shall not be reduced in the subsequent fiscal year because of the waiver.


"(1) PURPOSE.-The purpose of the National Institute for Literacy is to promote the improvement of literacy, including skills in reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults, through practices derived from the findings of scientifically based research.

"(2) ESTABLISHMENT.-There is established a National Institute for Literacy (in this section referred to as the 'Institute'). The Institute shall be administered under the terms of an interagency agreement entered into, reviewed annually, and modified as needed by the Secretary of Education with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Labor (in this section referred to as as the 'Interagency Group').

"(3) OFFICES.-The Institute shall have offices separate from the offices of the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Labor.

"(4) ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT.-The Department of Education shall provide administrative support for the Institute.

"(5) DAILY OPERATIONS.-The Director of the Institute shall administer the daily operations of the Institute.

"(b) DUTIES.

"(1) IN GENERAL. To carry out its purpose, the Institute may

"(A) identify and disseminate rigorous scientific research on the effectiveness of instructional practices and organizational strategies relating to programs on the acquisition of skills in reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults;

"(B) create and widely disseminate materials about the acquisition and application of skills in reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults based on scientifically based research;

"(C) ensure a broad understanding of scientifically based research on reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults among Federal agencies with responsibilities for administering programs that provide related services, including State and local educational agencies;

"(D) facilitate coordination and information sharing among national organizations and associations interested in programs that provide services to improve skills in reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults;

"(E) coordinate with the appropriate offices in the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and other Federal agencies to apply the findings of scientifically based research related to programs on reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults;

"(F) establish a national electronic database and Internet site describing and fostering communication on scientifically based programs in reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults, including professional development programs; and

"(G) provide opportunities for technical assistance, meetings, and conferences that will foster increased coordination among Federal, State, and local agencies and entities and improvement of reading, writing,

and English language acquisition skills for children, youth, and adults.

"(2) COORDINATION.-In identifying scientifically based research on reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults, the Institute shall use standards for research quality that are consistent with those established by the Institute of Education Sciences.


"(A) IN GENERAL.-The Institute may award grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, individuals, public or private institutions, agencies, organizations, or consortia of such individuals, institutions, agencies, or organizations, to carry out the activities of the Institute.

"(B) REGULATIONS.-The Director may adopt the general administrative regulations of the Department of Education, as applicable, for use by the Institute.

"(C) RELATION TO OTHER LAWS.-The duties and powers of the Institute under this title are in addition to the duties and powers of the Institute under subparts 1, 2, and 3 of part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (commonly referred to as Reading First, Early Reading First, and the William F. Goodling Even Start Family Literacy Program, respectively).

"(c) VISITING SCHOLARS.-The Institute may establish a visiting scholars program, with such stipends and allowances as the Director considers necessary, for outstanding researchers, scholars, and individuals who

"(1) have careers in adult education, workforce development, or scientifically based reading, writing, or English language acquisition; and

"(2) can assist the Institute in translating research into practice and providing analysis that advances instruction in the fields of reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults.

"(d) INTERNS AND VOLUNTEERS.-The Institute, in consultation with the National Institute for Literacy Advisory Board, may award paid and unpaid internships to individuals seeking to assist the Institute in carrying out its purpose. Notwithstanding section 1342 of title 31, United States Code, the Institute may accept and use voluntary and uncompensated services as the Institute determines necessary.



"(A) IN GENERAL.-There shall be a National Institute for Literacy Advisory Board (in this section referred to as the 'Board'), which shall consist of 10 individuals appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.

“(B) QUALIFICATIONS.-The Board shall be composed of individuals who

"(i) are not otherwise officers or employees of the Federal Government; and

"(ii) are knowledgeable about current effective scientifically based research findings on instruction in reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults.

"(C) COMPOSITION.-The Board may include

"(i) representatives of business, industry, labor, literacy organizations, adult education providers, community colleges, students with disabilities, and State agencies, including State directors of adult education; and

"(ii) individuals who, and representatives of entities that, have been successful in improving skills in reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults.

"(2) DUTIES.-The Board shall

"(A) make recommendations concerning the appointment of the Director of the Institute;

"(B) provide independent advice on the operation of the Institute;

"(C) receive reports from the Interagency Group and the Director; and

"(D) review the biennial report to the Congress under subsection (k).

"(3) FEDERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ACT.Except as otherwise provided, the Board shall be subject to the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.


"(A) IN GENERAL.-Each member of the Board shall be appointed for a term of 3 years, except that the initial terms for members may be 1, 2, or 3 years in order to establish a rotation in which one-third of the members are selected each year. Any such member may be appointed for not more than 2 consecutive terms.

"(B) VACANCIES.-Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of that term. A member may serve after the expiration of that member's term until a successor has taken office.

"(5) QUORUM.-A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may hold hearings. A recommendation of the Board may be passed only by a majority of the Board's members present at a meeting for which there is a quorum.

"(6) ELECTION OF OFFICERS.-The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board shall be elected by the members of the Board. The term of office of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be 2 years.

"(7) MEETINGS.-The Board shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or a majority of the members of the Board.

"(f) GIFTS, BEQUESTS, AND DEVISES.— "(1) IN GENERAL.-The Institute may accept, administer, and use gifts or donations of services, money, or property, whether real or personal, tangible or intangible.

"(2) RULES.-The Board shall establish written rules setting forth the criteria to be used by the Institute in determining whether the acceptance of contributions of services, money, or property whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, would reflect unfavorably upon the ability of the Institute or any employee to carry out the responsibilities of the Institute or employee, or official duties, in a fair and objective manner, or would compromise the integrity, or the appearance of the integrity, of the Institute's programs or any official involved in those programs.

"(g) MAILS.-The Board and the Institute may use the United States mails in the same manner and under the same conditions as other departments and agencies United States.

"(h) DIRECTOR.-The Secretary of Education, after considering recommendations made by the Board and consulting with the Interagency Group, shall appoint and fix the pay of the Director of the Institute and, when necessary, shall appoint an Interim Director of the Institute.

"(i) APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN CIVIL SERVICE LAWs.-The Director and staff of the Institute may be appointed without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and may be paid without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of that title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, except that an individual so appointed may not receive pay in excess of the annual rate of basic pay payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule.

"(j) EXPERTS AND CONSULTANTS.-The Institute may procure temporary and intermittent services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code.


"(1) IN GENERAL.-The Institute shall submit a report biennially to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate. Each report submitted under this subsection shall include

"(A) a comprehensive and detailed description of the Institute's operations, activities, financial condition, and accomplishments in identifying and describing programs on reading, writing, and English language acquisition for children, youth, and adults for the period covered by the report; and

"(B) a description of how plans for the operation of the Institute for the succeeding 2 fiscal years will facilitate achievement of the purpose of the Institute.

"(2) FIRST REPORT.-The Institute shall submit its first report under this subsection to the Congress not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of the Job Training Improvement Act of 2005.

"(1) ADDITIONAL FUNDING.-In addition to the funds authorized under section 205 and reserved for the Institute under section 211, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Labor, or the head of any other Federal agency or department that participates in the activities of the Institute may provide funds to the Institute for activities that the Institute is authorized to perform under this section.


"The Secretary shall establish and carry out a program of national leadership activities that may include the following:

"(1) Technical assistance, on request, including assistance

"(A) on request to volunteer communityand faith-based organizations, including but not limited to, improving their fiscal management, research-based instruction, and reporting requirements, and the development of measurable objectives to carry out the requirements of this title;

"(B) in developing valid, measurable, and reliable performance data, and using performance information for the improvement of adult education basic skills, English language acquisition, and family literacy education programs;

"(C) on adult education professional development; and

"(D) in using distance learning and improving the application of technology in the classroom, including instruction in English language acquisition for individuals who have limited English proficiency.

"(2) Providing for the conduct of research on national literacy basic skill acquisition levels among adults, including the number of limited English proficient adults functioning at different levels of reading proficiency.

"(3) Improving the coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness of adult education and workforce development services at the national, State, and local levels.

"(4) Determining how participation in adult education basic skills, English language acquisition, and family literacy education programs prepares individuals for entry into and success in postsecondary education and employment, and in the case of prison-based services, the effect on recidivism.

"(5) Evaluating how different types of providers, including community and faithbased organizations or private for-profit agencies measurably improve the skills of

participants in adult education basic skills, English language acquisition, and family literacy education programs.

"(6) Identifying model integrated basic and workplace skills education programs, including programs for individuals with limited English proficiency coordinated literacy and employment services, and effective strategies for serving adults with disabilities.

"(7) Supporting the development of an entity that would produce and distribute technology-based programs and materials for adult education, basic skills, and family literacy education programs using an intercommunication system, as that term is defined in section 397 of the Communications Act of 1934, and expand the effective outreach and use of such programs and materials to adult education eligible providers.

"(8) Initiating other activities designed to improve the measurable quality and effectiveness of adult education basic skills, English language acquisition, and family literacy education programs nationwide.".



The Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et. seq.) is amended

(1) by striking sections 1 through 13; (2) in section 14 by inserting "of Labor" after "Secretary"; and

(3) by amending section 15 to read as follows:



"(1) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary of Labor, in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall oversee the development, maintenance, and continuous improvement of a nationwide workforce and labor market information system that includes

"(A) statistical data from cooperative statistical survey and projection programs and data from administrative reporting systems that, taken together, enumerate, estimate, and project employment opportunities and conditions at national, State, and local levels in a timely manner, including statistics on

"(i) employment and unemployment status of national, State, and local populations, including self-employed, part-time, and seasonal workers;

"(ii) industrial distribution of occupations, as well as current and projected employment opportunities, wages, benefits (where data is available), and skill trends by occupation and industry, with particular attention paid to State and local conditions;

"(iii) the incidence of, industrial and geographical location of, and number of workers displaced by, permanent layoffs and plant closings; and

"(iv) employment and earnings information maintained in a longitudinal manner to be used for research and program evaluation;

"(B) information on State and local employment opportunities, and other appropriate statistical data related to labor market dynamics, which—

"(i) shall be current and comprehensive; "(ii) shall meet the needs identified through the consultations described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (e)(2); and

"(iii) shall meet the needs for the information identified in section 134(d);

"(C) technical standards (which the Secretary shall publish annually) for data and information described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) that, at a minimum, meet the criteria of chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code:

"(D) procedures to ensure compatibility and additivity of the data and information

described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) from national, State, and local levels;

"(E) procedures to support standardization and aggregation of data from administrative reporting systems described in subparagraph (A) of employment-related programs;

"(F) analysis of data and information described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) for uses such as

"(i) national, State, and local policymaking:

"(ii) implementation of Federal policies (including allocation formulas);


"(iii) program planning and evaluation;

"(iv) researching labor market dynamics; "(G) wide dissemination of such data, information, and analysis in a user-friendly manner and voluntary technical standards for dissemination mechanisms; and

"(H) programs of—

"(i) training for effective data dissemination;

"(ii) research and demonstration; and "(iii) programs and technical assistance. "(2) INFORMATION TO BE CONFIDENTIAL.— “(A) IN GENERAL.-No officer or employee of the Federal Government or agent of the Federal Government may

"(i) use any submission that is furnished for exclusively statistical purposes under the provisions of this section for any purpose other than the statistical purposes for which the submission is furnished;

"(ii) make any publication or media transmittal of the data contained in the submission described in clause (i) that permits information concerning individual subjects. to be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means; or

“(iii) permit anyone other than a sworn officer, employee, or agent of any Federal department or agency, or a contractor (including an employee of a contractor) of such department or agency, to examine an individual submission described in clause (i), without the consent of the individual, agency, or other person who is the subject of the submission or provides that submission.

"(B) IMMUNITY FROM LEGAL PROCESS.— Any submission (including any data derived from the submission) that is collected and retained by a Federal department or agency, or an officer, employee, agent, or contractor of such a department or agency, for exclusively statistical purposes under this section shall be immune from the legal process and shall not, without the consent of the individual, agency, or other person who is the subject of the submission or provides that submission, be admitted as evidence or used for any purpose in any action, suit, or other judicial or administrative proceeding.

"(C) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.-Nothing in this section shall be construed to provide immunity from the legal process for such submission (including any data derived from the submission) if the submission is in the possession of any person, agency, or entity other than the Federal Government or an officer, employee, agent, or contractor of the Federal Government, or if the submission is independently collected, retained, or produced for purposes other than the purposes of this Act.


"(1) IN GENERAL.-The workforce and labor market information system described in subsection (a) shall be planned, administered, overseen, and evaluated through a cooperative governance structure involving the Federal Government and States.

"(2) DUTIES.-The Secretary, with respect to data collection, analysis, and dissemination of labor employment statistics for the system, shall carry out the following duties:

"(A) Assign responsibilities within the Department of Labor for elements of the workforce and labor market information system described in subsection (a) to ensure that all statistical and administrative data collected is consistent with appropriate Bureau of Labor Statistics standards and definitions.

"(B) Actively seek the cooperation of other Federal agencies to establish and maintain mechanisms for ensuring complementarity and nonduplication in the development and operation of statistical and administrative data collection activities.

"(C) Eliminate gaps and duplication in statistical undertakings, with the systemization of wage surveys as an early priority.

"(D) In collaboration with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and States, develop and maintain the elements of the workforce and labor market information system described in subsection (a), including the development of consistent procedures and definitions for use by the States in collecting the data and information described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (a)(1).

"(E) Establish procedures for the system to ensure that

“(i) such data and information are timely;

"(ii) paperwork and reporting for the system are reduced to a minimum; and

"(iii) States and localities are fully involved in the development and continuous improvement of the system at all levels, including ensuring the provision, to such States and localities, of budget information necessary for carrying out their responsibilities under subsection (e).

"(c) NATIONAL ELECTRONIC TOOLS TO PROVIDE SERVICES.-The Secretary is authorized to assist in the development of national electronic tools that may be used to facilitate the delivery of core services described in section 134 and to provide workforce information to individuals through the one-stop delivery systems described in section 121 and through other appropriate delivery systems. "(d) COORDINATION WITH THE STATES."(1) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary, working through the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Employment and Training Administration, shall regularly consult with representatives of State agencies carrying out workforce information activities regarding strategies for improving the workforce and labor market information system.

"(2) FORMAL CONSULTATIONS.-At least twice each year, the Secretary, working through the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shall conduct formal consultations regarding programs carried out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics with representatives of each of the 10 Federal regions of the Department of Labor, elected from the State directors affiliated with State agencies that perform the duties described in subsection (e)(2).

"(e) STATE RESPONSIBILITIES.— "(1) IN GENERAL.-In order to receive Federal financial assistance under this section, the Governor of a State shall

"(A) be responsible for the management of the portions of the workforce and labor market information system described in subsection (a) that comprise a statewide workforce and labor market information system and for the State's participation in the development of the annual plan;

"(B) establish a process for the oversight of such system;

"(C) consult with State and local employers, participants, and local workforce investment boards about the labor market relevance of the data to be collected and disseminated through the statewide workforce and labor market information system;

"(D) consult with State educational agencies and local educational agencies con

cerning the provision of employment statistics in order to meet the needs of secondary school and postsecondary school students who seek such information;

"(E) collect and disseminate for the system, on behalf of the State and localities in the State, the information and data described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (a)(1);

"(F) maintain and continuously improve the statewide workforce and labor market information system in accordance with this section:

"(G) perform contract and grant responsibilities for data collection, analysis, and dissemination for such system;

"(H) conduct such other data collection, analysis, and dissemination activities as will ensure an effective statewide workforce and labor market information system;

"(I) actively seek the participation of other State and local agencies in data collection, analysis, and dissemination activities in order to ensure complementarity, compatibility, and usefulness of data;

"(J) participate in the development of the annual plan described in subsection (c); and

"(K) utilize the quarterly records described in section 136(f)(2) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to assist the State and other States in measuring State progress on State performance measures.

"(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.-Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the ability of a Governor to conduct additional data collection, analysis, and dissemination activities with State funds or with Federal funds from sources other than this section.



"(f) None of the functions and activities carried out pursuant to this section shall duplicate the functions and activities carried out under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.).

"(g) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2011.

"(h) DEFINITION.-In this section, the term 'local area' means the smallest geographical area for which data can be produced with statistical reliability.".


Section 2(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 701(a)) is amended—

(1) in paragraph (5), by striking "and" at the end;

(2) in paragraph (6), by striking the period and inserting "; and"; and

(3) by adding at the end the following: "(7) there is a substantial need to improve and expand services for students with disabilities under this Act.".


Section 3(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 702(a)) is amended—

(1) by striking "Office of the Secretary” and inserting "Department of Education";

(2) by striking "President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate" and inserting "Secretary, except that the Commissioner appointed under the authority existing on the day prior to the date of enactment of the Job Training Improvement Act of 2005 may continue to serve in the former capacity"; and

(3) by striking ", and the Commissioner shall be the principal officer,". SEC. 403. DIRECTOR.

(a) IN GENERAL.-The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 701 et seq.) is amended

(1) by striking "Commissioner" each place it appears, except in sections 3(a) (as amended by section 402) and 21, and inserting "Director";

(2) in section 100(d)(2)(B), by striking "COMMISIONER" and inserting "DIRECTOR";

(3) in section 706, by striking "commisioner" and inserting "director"; and

(4) in section 723(a)(3), by striking "COMMISIONER" and inserting "DIRECTOR".

(b) EXCEPTION.-Section 21 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 718) is amended

(1) in subsection (b)(1)

(A) by striking "Commissioner" the first place it appears and inserting "Director of the Rehabilitation Services Administration"; and

(B) by striking "(referred to in this subsection as the 'Director')"; and

(2) by striking "Commissioner and the Director" each place it appears and inserting "both such Directors".


Section 7 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 705) is amended

(1) by redesignating paragraphs (35) through (39) as paragraphs (36), (37), (38), (40), and (41), respectively;

(2) in subparagraph (A)(ii) of paragraph (36) (as redesignated in paragraph (1)), by striking "paragraph (36)(C)" and inserting "paragraph (37)(C)";

(3) by inserting after paragraph (34) the following:

"(35)(A) The term 'student with a disability' means an individual with a disability who

"(i) is not younger than 16 and not older than 21;

"(ii) has been determined to be eligible under section 102(a) for assistance under this title; and

"(iii)(I) is eligible for, and is receiving, special education under part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1411 et seq.); or

"(II) is an individual with a disability, for purposes of section 504.

"(B) The term 'students with disabilities' means more than 1 student with a disability."; and

(4) by inserting after paragraph (38) (as redesignated by paragraph (1)) the following:

"(39) The term 'transition services expansion year' means

"(A) the first fiscal year for which the amount appropriated under section 100(b) exceeds the amount appropriated under section 100(b) for fiscal year 2004 by not less than $100,000,000; and

"(B) each fiscal year subsequent to that first fiscal year.".


(a) COORDINATION WITH EDUCATION OFFICIALS AND ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS.-Section 101(a)(11) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 721(a)(11)) is amended

(1) in subparagraph (D)(i) by inserting ", which may be provided using alternative means of meeting participation (such as video conferences and conference calls)" before the semicolon; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

"(G) COORDINATION WITH ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS.-The State plan shall include an assurance that the designated State unit and the lead agency responsible for carrying out duties under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 3001), as amended, have developed working relationships and coordinate their activities.".

(b) ASSESSMENT AND STRATEGIES.-Section 101(a)(15) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 721(a)(15)) is amended(1) in subparagraph (A)

(A) in clause (i)—

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