Parliamentary Papers, Band 6H.M. Stationery Office, 1958 |
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1959 MEMBERS PRESENT Amendment proposed Ayes ballot Barnett Stross Blackburn Chair Charles Pannell Clause Clement Davies Colonial Committee divided Committee Stage consider course deal debate Derek Walker-Smith difficulty discussion division Ernest Davies Finance Bill floor Freeth Gaitskell Government guillotine Hale Harriet Slater Henry D'Avigdor-Goldsmid House of Commons insert the words Kenneth Robinson Lady Gammans leave left out stand legislation Lord matter Memorandum ment Minister Mitchison mittee Money Resolution morning sittings Morrison Ness Edwards Noes Opposition Oram paragraph Parliament Private Members Privy Councillors procedure Question proposed Question put quorum R. A. BUTLER Ramsden recommend regard Report Stage Ronald Bell rule Second Reading Select Committee Session Sir EDWARD FELLOWES Sir Herbert Butcher Speaker Standing Committee Standing Order suggestion taken thing Tiley timetable tion Tuesday upstairs Viscountess Davidson Vosper vote Wedgwood Benn Welsh withdrawn words proposed