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This section does not aim to include all trade associations, a list of which is issued by the United States Department of Commerce, but only those maintaining a specialized information service. As indicated in the descriptive notes such service frequently is maintained for the exclusive benefit of a particular clientele.


American Cooperative Com- A4. AMERICAN Manufacturers Export mission, 806 Engineers Bldg., Cleveland, O. Cooperative News Service, a weekly bulletin for immediate release to newspapers and other agencies on world-wide progress of the cooperative movement. $2 a year with special monographs on various phases of cooperation and cooperative banking. $4

a year.

A2. AMERICAN Electric Railway As sociation, 8 W. 40th St., N. Y. Consists of the main association, and four affiliated associations namely, the American Electric Railway Association of Accountants, Claims, Engineering and Transportation and Traffic. The branches of the association's service are: committee work, bureau of information and service, Washington of.. fice, advertising section, "Aera, a monthly magazine, annual convention and exhibit of manufacturer's supplies and equipment, and mid-year conference. The association publishes proceedings of annual conventions for five associations, advance committee reports and the revisions of Engineering Manual. Members are: electric railway companies, manufacturers of electric railway supplies, management corporations and individual employees of member companies.


A3. AMERICAN Management Associa tion, 20 Vesey St., N. Y. Publishes "American Management Review" monthly magazine. Individual members receive copies of all committee reports which employee publications, supervisory forces, health supervision, visualized training, employee cooperation, community cooperation, benefit systems, economies for employees, compensation for employees, job analysis, personnel administration, relations with engineering colleges, relations with public schools, relations with collegiate schools of business, discussions of reports at Annual Convention which give further data on subject. Dues for individual members $15 a year. Individual membership covers periodical news letters, a bibliographical service not exceeding 12 bibliographies a year, etc., and the magazine and proceedings.


Association, 160 Broadway, N. Y. Supplies information about: advertising mediums, agents and copy for foreign advertising; agents in foreign countries, drafts, acceptances, documents, collection charges, credit; tariffs, customs duties, exchange quotations, exhibitions; insurance, marine insurance; legal matters; federal legislation affecting export trade; passports, vises; patents, trade marks, shipping terms, bills of lading, freight rates, port charges; postal information, taxation; theft and pilferage; trade opportunities. Has a translation service. Publishes "Amexa News,' semi-monthly Year Book which gives classified list of members' products. Dues, $50 a


A5. AMERICAN National Retail Jeweler's Association, Jewelers Research Bureau, 515 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gives information relative to costs in jewelry business. Publishes manual of operating accounts, and yearbook. Manual $5; year book $150.

A6. AMERICAN Paper and Pulp Association, Information Service, 18 E. 41st St., N. Y. Gives special service to members. Publishes reports and bulletins on subjects of interest to paper industry.

A7. AMERICAN Petroleum Institue, 15 W. 44th St. N. Y. Publishes Bulletin containing statistics on production and consumption of petroleum and its products, addresses delivered and

papers presented at annual meetings and reports of other activities. Bul.. letin published once a week or more often available to members. NonMembers price, $10 a year. Cost of membership $10 a year.

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cancer. Class of membership according to amount of dues paid. A9. AMERICAN Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Research Department, 29 W. 39th st., N. Y. Conducts fundamental researches on engineering subjects, particularly dust, heating, infiltration, air conditioning, ventilation. Prices of reports on request.

A10. AMERICAN Wholesale Grocers Association, Inc., Bulletin Service, 406 Consolidated Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Sends all wholesale grocers in U. S. issues of trade journal "Facts and Figures." Prepares business studies. Keeps in personal contact with wholesale grocers. Free to wholesale grocers; $10 a year to others.



A11. ASPHALT Association, 25 W. 43d
St., N. Y. Conducts research to im-
prove quality of asphalt pavements;
prepares standard specifications for
all types of asphalt paving; conducts
educational work through lectures and
public press; publishes and distributes
pamphlets; represents members before
railroad rate bodies and Interstate
Commerce Commission to seek relief
from burdensome freight rates; collects
statistical data; holds exhibits at high-
'way conventions; issues bulletins and
serves as a source of information and
advice on all phases of asphalt paving
for members and non-members.
$100 a year, plus a pro rata charge to
producers of asphalt based on tonnage
of paving asphalt marketed.
A12. ASSOCIATED General Contractors
of America, 1038 Munsey Bldg., Wash-
ington, D. C. Maintains research di-
vision for study of contractor's prob-
lems, and publishes results of investi-
gations in monthly journal "Construct-
or," $5 a year. Also maintains statistical
service for study of fundamental busi-
ness conditions affecting construction,
and publishes results in fortnightly re-
ports entitled, "Index." $12.50 semi-

A13. ASSOCIATED Industries of Massa-
chusetts, 1034 Kimball Bldg., Boston.
Publishes "Industry" weekly. Issues
bulletins for specific information on
taxation, industrial accounting, insur-
ance, etc., on request. Publications free
to members, who consist of manufac-
turing concerns of Massachusetts. Cost
of membership, $.50 per $1,000 payroll.
A14. BRITISH Library of Information, 44
Whitehall St., N. Y. Loans official
publications of all kinds concerning the
British Empire. List of latest acces-
sions is issued at frequent intervals.
Acts as a bureau of information on the
British Empire.

A15. BROWN University, Bureau of
Business Research, Providence, R. I.
Conducts investigations for members of
Providence Chamber of Commerce and


business firms in Rhode Island. G advice on specific business proble on request. If governing board pern will do work for outside organizatio Price on request. (No direct repor A16. BUREAU of Municipal Resear 1417 Sansom St., Phila. Gives inf mation on government matters. P lishes reports and a weekly bullet "Citizens Business," which supplies formation on public questions. Bulle $.50 a year.

A17. CARNEGIE Institue of Technolog Division of Cooperative Resear Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. cludes Bureau of Personnel resea bureau for retail training, life ins ance school, department of educati research, and research in the phys sciences. Service is rendered to fin who cooperate with the institute pay a fee in proportion to amount work done.

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A18. CHAMBER of Commerce of
U. S., Washington, D. C. Secures u
fied action upon National questions
fecting financial, industrial and
mercial interests of the entire count
Has eight representative Departmen
Civic Development, Domestic Distrib
tion, Fabricated Production, Finant
Foreign Commerce, Insurance, Natu
Resources Production, and Transpor
tion and Communication. Has fo
administrative departments: Reso
tions and Referenda, Research, Fiel
and Editorial. Makes results of stud
available through printed publicatio
letters and telegrams. Publishes G
eral Bulletin, weekly, Legislative B
letin, weekly, Nation's Busines
monthly. Issues special bulletins a

A19. CHEMISTS' Club, 52 E. 41st &
N. Y. Library Service. Does trans
ting, compiles bibliographies, ma
searches, and does photostating.
quoted on application.



A20. CITIZENS Medical Reference B
reau, (in Opposition to Compulsa
Medicine), 145 W. 45th St., N. Y.
sues two bulletins and a news lett
each month dealing particularly w
present and proposed legislation ter
ing toward state medicine. $2 a ye
A21. CITY Managers' Association, La
rence, Kan. Renders information s
vice, has a library, supplies names
speakers for public addresses,
lishes names of individuals desiri
positions as city managers and of cit
needing city managers. Publishes
magazine and yearbook. $10 a year
A22. COMMUNITY Service, Inc.,
Fourth Ave., N. Y. A national ci
body for promoting citizenship throu
right use of leisure. On request
help local communities to work
leisure time program.
Issues repo
and publications.



University, New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y. Information service dealing with news and information on agriculture and home economics. Issues 4 or 5 stories, twice a week to dailies and weeklies in New York state consisting of mimeographed matter, each item about 250 words long, or 1 page typewritten. Once a week a column of material on farm and home matters through plate service of Western Newspaper Union which sells to newspapers. Special articles to suit special needs written and sent to papers of a group such as poultry or dairying. Weekly and daily service includes a page of short paragraphs or briefs to be used as a box feature, or as fillers; all matter sent without cost to newspapers. A24. COST Association of Paper Industry, 18 E. 41st., N. Y. Service rendered to members; standard cost estimate sheet drawn up for use of pulp and paper manufacturers; publishes "Budget Cost System For Paper Mills;" holds conventions twice yearly; conducts cost section in Paper Trade Journal; answers all questions relating to general and cost accounting subjects, federal taxes; arranges visits to mills where good cost systems are in operation, and periodical meetings for benefit of executives and paper cost accountants in different paper-making centers. Membership, $115 a year; qualification is manufacture of pulp or paper. A25. DETROIT Bureau of Governmental Research, Inc., 316 R. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cooperates with officials to increase the effectiveness of Detroit's government, keeps citizens informed about the city's business. Publishes bulletin and compiles reports. A26. ENGINEERING Foundation, 29 W. 39th St., N. Y. Conducts researches and investigations in engineering and the related sciences chiefly in collaboration with the American societies


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Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. Furnishes
necessary outlines and schedules for
making biological family history
studies. No charge for outlines and
schedules if collaborator will file a
duplicate copy of the family history
records made in accordance with these
outlines. Pending the development of
similar courses by the universities,
office trains investigators in human
heredity and other phases of eugenical
A30. FOREIGN Language Information
Service, 119 W. 41st St., N. Y. Pro-
vides information for immigrant in his
native tongue through foreign language
press, foreign language organizations,
and individual service work. Furnishes
information to native born in regard
to the immigrant and his group in-
terests. Publishes in English "The
Interpreter," monthly; also an editorial
digest of foreign language press, twice
a month. Free. Work is supported by
voluntary contributions.

A31. GLASS Container Association, 70
Fifth Ave., N. Y. Traffic department



cooperates and works with traffic managers of members in connection with their problems; Research Department investigates new uses and plans to increase efficiency of glass tainers. Legislative department operates with members in relation to state or national legislation of a constructive or destructive nature, and legal problems affecting the industry. Business and Publicity department publishes "The Glass Container,' monthly official publication; distributes periodic bulletins regarding inquiries of interest; furnishes specific information to individual members. Cost membership, 1/10 of 1 per cent of invested capital of member. Firm must be manufacturer of glass containers or metal caps, or furnishing material, equipment and accessories to the Glass Container Industry or to the users of Glass Containers.

of civil, mining, metallurgical,
chanical. and electrical engineers, and
with industries, universities and gov-A32. HARVARD University, Bureau
ernmental bureaus.

A27. ENGINEERING Societies Employ.
ment Service, 29 W 39th St., N. Y. A
free service maintained by American
Society of Civil Engineers, American
Society of Mechanical Engineers,
American Institute of Electrical En-
gineers to supply all classes of engi-
neers, executives and assistants.
A28. ENGINEERING Societies Library,
Service Bureau, 29 W. 39th St., N. Y.
Does bibliographic and engineering re-
search, translation and photoprinting;
Research $2 an hour, translating $6.50
and upwards a thousand words; photo-
prints, 11 by 14 inches, $.25.
A29. EUGENICS Record Office, Carnegie
Institution of Washington, Cold Spring


Business Research, Cambridge, Mass. Establishes standards of accounting, average costs, and business practice. Issues bulletins at intervals presenting results of field studies and investigations. Aids business world in general. $.50 to $2 each.

A33. HONORARY Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ottawa, Canada. Ascertains and tabulates various agencies and lines of investigations for co-ordination and cooperation in work. Makes study of common unused resources for purpose of utilization; productive and industrial problems for economic results. Makes addresses and publishes bulletins and monographs about results of scientific

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and industrial research in Canada. (No direct report.) A34. HOSPITAL Information Bureau, 15 W. 43d St., N. Y. Keeps in touch with hospital work and progress in New York City; furnishes information with regard to administration, record keeping and other factors concerning hospital work, organization and facilities; studies and makes known the hospital needs of the city, prepares exhibits, maintains a library of hospital reports and statistics, also of record forms and blanks used in the several departments of the hospitals; publishes information concerning hospitals; promotes uniformity in hospital reporting; when called upon by hospitals assists in such administrative and efficiency studies as would be of value to hospitals, municipal and private. Free. A35. INDUSTRIAL Relations Association of California, 432 Flood Bldg,, San Francisco. Publishes monthly bulletin, concerned with industrial relations problems of community, in an effort to stabilize and improve industrial relations. Price on request. (No direct report.)

A36. INSTITUTE for Public Service, 1125 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. Aims to increase citizen information about, and citizen attention to, all public business, including public education. Makes local surveys of governmental efficiency. Publishes Public Service Bulletin, in post card form. $1 for two years. A37. INSTITUTE of International Education, 419 W. 117th St., N. Y. Clearing house for information between the U S. and foreign countries for information on educational matters. Bulletins published irregularly. Free. A38. LATVIAN Commercial Bureau, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Gives information on commerce, industry and finances of the Latvian Republic. Free, if reference is made to this in "Special Libraries." A39. LEAGUE for Industrial Rights, 42 Broadway, N. Y. Organized to preserve legal and constitutional rights in industrial disputes, to protect employer and employees against strikes etc., to safeguard industrial liberty. Publishes monthly magazine, "Law and Labor." Furnishes information and legal services to members. Initial fee, $25; members assessed whenever additional funds are required.

A40. MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology, Division of Industrial Cooperation and Research, Cambridge, Mass. Places accumulated material of library and files at disposal of contractors, maintains files containing information as to experience and techical qualifications of former students of Technology and makes, by reference to these files, recommendations to contractors and other firms in need of


men Does research work. Issues no regular publications.

A41. MELLON Institute of Industrial Research, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Conducts researches in chemistry and allied subjects for associations, manufacturers and individuals; publishes results of researches, reprints of which are free. The price of special bulletins varies.

A42. MOTOR and Accessory Manufactur ers Association, 250 W. 57th St., N. Y Provides space at sanctioned automobile shows; investigates, reports on and grades manufacturers of cars. aeroplanes, motorcycles and bicycles; reports on request, on any jobber or manufacturer in automotive industry; checks freight bills, audits freight claims and gives advise on all transportation matters; keeps members in touch with all bills pending and passed affecting the industry; gives reports and bulletins on latest tax rulings and regulations; maintains Foreign Trade and Export Bulletin Service which acts as clearing house for information pertaining to foreign trade; gets in touch with foreign buyers and engineers and aids in promoting foreign trade: maintains also General Information and Education Service which advises upon all matters of interest and importance publishes monthly magazine, "Digest." A43. MUSIC Industries Chamber of Com. merce, 105 W. 40th St., N. Y. Supplies newspaper articles, gathers data and publishes pamphlets. Has Washington service to keep track of legislation. Supplies dealer helps. Collects data on firms for use in business. Has Export Bureau. Operates Credit information service. All services free to members. Supplies furnished at approximate cost. Membership composed of national music industrial associations. Membership dues vary from $5 to $50; special assessment for large firms. Individual membership, $100.

A44. NATIONAL Association of Cotton Manufacturers, 45 Milk St., Boston. Statistical department gives information to members on cotton. Technical department answers, promptly, any technical questions relating to cotton, which members may submit. Experiments requiring time charged for at actual cost. Publishes Year Book, Transactions, Monthly Bulletin. Price to non-members on request. Members receive all literature free. Membership class and cost based on relation cotton industry.


A45. NATIONAL Association of Manufac turers of U. S. of America., 50 Church St., N. Y. Digest and Reports on legislative matters of interest to industries. Conducts research bureau: distributes motion pictures on industrial problems; publishes classified and al


phabetical list of active members, describing product; provides information on foreign trade, with data on customs, tariffs and regulations, trade marks, credits; filling, handling and financing orders. Translates literature into any commercial language. Provides offices in New York for visiting members. Membership fee $50 a year. A46. NATIONAL Association of Real Estate Boards, 1414 Consumers Bldg., Chicago. Sends News service to ocal real estate boards affiliated with the association, weekly, free. Maintains information bureau collecting data on subjects of interest to its members. Members are real estate boards, paying $3 per capita for each active member of local board.

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cooperation with mutual savings
banks, Super-power Survey, Ontario
Hydro-Electric Commission, insurance,
coal and fuel problems, the Electrify
America movement, uniform classifica-
tion of accounts, good-will advertising
and publicity, organization of state
committees on public utility informa-
tion, electrical resources of the nation,
and accident prevention. Publishes
Bulletin, monthly, Rate Research Book,
weekly; Rate Book, annually. Free to
members. Membership dues based on
class of membership.

A51. NATIONAL Foreign Trade Council,
Permanent Trade Advisor Service, 1
Hanover Sq., N. Y. Gives confidential
information to exporters on problems
relating to foreign trade. Free.
A52. NATIONAL Health Library, 370
Seventh Ave., N. Y. Runs a reading
and reference room for students and
research workers; Book and Pamphlet
Loan Service for all public health
workers; Consultation and Advisory
Service on health literature for public
and special libraries. Prepares biblio-
graphies and reading lists. Publishes
weekly "Library Index" of current
health literature, $2.50 a year.

A47. NATIONAL Automobile Chamber of Commerce, 366 Madison Ave., N. Y. Publishes a number of booklets and pamphlets on motor vehicle distribution and use, free. Service to members includes cross-licensing of patents; traffic department; foreign trade department; highways; legislative study; advertising, commercial research and news department; motor truck department; and management of New York and Chicago Shows. Membership li-A53. NATIONAL Industrial Conference mited to established firms engaged actively in production of motor cars or motor trucks. A48. NATIONAL Board of Fire Underwriters, 76 William St., N. Y. Educational, engineering, statistical and public service organization, maintained by the stock fire insurance companies. Work is carried on through the following committees: Actuarial Bureau, Adjustments clauses and forms, construc-. tion of buildings, finance, fire prevention and engineering standards, incendiarism and arson, laws, membership, public relations, statistics and origin of fires, uniform accounting. Members include nearly all important companies of that class.

A49. NATIONAL Committee for Mental Hygiene, Inc., 370 Seventh Ave., N. Y. Publishes magazine "Mental Hygiene,' quarterly, annual subscription $2; "News Bulletin," monthly, with exception of July and August, $.25 a year; articles on various phases of mental hygiene in pamphlet form distributed from educational department; Single copies of publications consisting of articles reprinted from quarterly magazine, $.10; for 25 or more, $.05 each. Large quantities, charge based on cost per hundred.

A50. NATIONAL Electrical Light Association, 29 W. 30th St., N. Y. The association is dealing in a national way with limitation of tax-exempt securities, water-power legislation, rules and regulations, customer ownership, rural line extensions, inductive coordination,

Board, 10 E. 39th St., N. Y. Publishes "Industrial News Survey," a digest of industrial news and comment as published in reliable newspapers, magazines, reviews, special articles and government documents; research reports, weekly, $2.00. (No direct report.) A54. NATIONAL Information Bureau, Inc., 1 Madison Ave., N. Y. Supplies to its members confidential reports on any national or international social, civic or philanthropic agency asking general public for funds. Issues cautionary bulletins warning members against particular appeals and publishes, at intervals, lists of endorsed agencies. Membership fees range from $25 to $1,000, according to the amount and character of the service rendered. As secretary of the American Association for Cummunity Organization, the Bureau conducts a consulting service on all phases of the Community Chest method of financing private charitable agencies.

A55. NATIONAL Lumber Manufacturers Association, International Bldg., Washington, D. C. Renders to members, lumber dealers, and consumers, service along statistical, economic, legislative, transportation, technical, etc., lines. Represents lumber manufacturers in matters of national forestry and related legislation. Issues statistical reports on lumber production, shipments and orders. Membership cost based on amount of lumber produced or shipped by members. Composed of regional associations, including all important lum

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