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guerre sur terre; III. Convention pour l'adaptation à la guerre maritime des principes de la Convention de Genève du 22 août, 1864; Trois Déclarations concernant [various prohibitions].'

The second Convention had annexed to it a Règlement described in its title. By Art. I the contracting parties undertook to give to their armed forces instructions in conformity with the Règlement; and Art. II made the provisions of the Règlement binding on the contracting Powers in case of war between two or more of them, and the said provisions were to cease to be binding on them from the time when, in a war between contracting Powers, a non-contracting Power joins one of the belligerents.

Art. II of Convention III was identical in effect.1 The Conference unanimously adopted the following Resolution


'La Conférence estime que la limitation des charges militaires qui pèsent actuellement sur le monde est grandement désirable pour l'accroissement du bien-être matériel et moral de l'humanité.'

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Lastly, the Conference emitted' certain vaux recommendations, six in number, of which the first (touching a revision of the Convention of Geneva) was voted unanimously, and the others with slight dissension; there is no record of abstensions.2

X. Conference of Algeciras, 1906

This Conference wound up with the signature of an Acte Général and a Protocole Additionnel, both dated April 7.

To the Acte Général is prefixed the enumeration of the

1 Ratification, not signature only, gives binding force to a Convention. It is necessary therefore to examine the list of ratifications in order to ascertain whether the parties to a war are bound by these two Conventions. A similar condition was inserted in each of the three declarations, which also required ratification.

2 A. Pearce Higgins, The Hague Peace Conference, &c., Cambridge, 1909.

Heads of States who were parties to it, after which is placed the following preamble :---

'S'inspirant de l'intérêt qui s'attache à ce que l'ordre, la paix et la prospérité règnent au Maroc, et ayant reconnu que ce but précieux ne saurait être atteint que moyennant l'introduction de réformes basées sur le triple principe de la souveraineté et l'indépendance de Sa Majesté le Sultan, de l'intégrité de Ses Etats et de la liberté économique sans aucune inégalité, ont résolu, sur l'invitation qui Leur a été adressée par Sa Majesté Chérifienne, de réunir une Conférence à Algéciras pour arriver à une entente sur lesdites réformes, ainsi que pour examiner les moyens de se procurer les ressources nécessaires à leur application, et ont nommé pour Leurs Délégués Plénipotentiaires, savoir: etc. 'Lesquels, munis de pleins pouvoirs qui ont été trouvés en bonne et due forme, ont, conformément au programme sur lequel Sa Majesté Chérifienne et les Puissances sont tombées d'accord, successivement discuté et adopté:

1. Une Déclaration relative à l'organisation de la police; II. Un Règlement concernant la surveillance et la répression de la contrebande des armes;

III. Un Acte de concession d'une Banque d'État marocaine; IV. Une Déclaration concernant un meilleur rendement des impôts et la création de nouveaux revenus;

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V. Un Règlement sur les Douanes de l'Empire et la répression de la fraude et de la contrebande;

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VI. Une Déclaration relative aux Services Publics et aux Travaux Publics;

'et, ayant jugé que ces différents documents pourraient être utilement coordonnés en un seul instrument, les ont réunis en un Acte Général composé des Articles suivants :'...

These articles, to the number of 119, are arranged in six chapters, to which are added four others. By Art. CXX the Powers undertake to bring their legislation, if necessary, into harmony with the engagements entered into by the Acte Général. Art. CXXI provides for ratification. By Art. CXXII it is agreed that the Acte shall come into force so soon as all the ratifications have been deposited at Madrid. Art. CXXIII confirms all the

existing treaties, conventions, and arrangements between Morocco and the Powers, except where they are in conflict with the Acte.

A single original was signed, to be deposited in the archives of the Spanish Government, and certified copies were to be transmitted to the Powers.

The Additional Protocol authorized the Italian minister at Tangier, doyen d'âge of the Diplomatic Body, to take the necessary steps to procure the accession (adhésion) of the Sultan, the Moorish plenipotentiaries having declared their inability to sign without first obtaining the Sultan's answer on certain points which they had felt bound to refer to him for his instructions.1

XI. Second Hague Peace Conference, 1907

The Acte Final of this Conference is drawn up in precisely the same form as that of the Conference of 1899 (see p. 93).

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To it were annexed the text of fourteen Conventions and a Declaration. The first part of the preamble to the Convention pour le règlement pacifique des conflits internationaux' is identical with that of 1899; the latter part states the reasons rendering a new Convention desirable.

The various Conventions follow, some repeating those of 1899, some modifying them, others new.

The 'Déclaration relative à l'interdiction de lancer des projectiles et des explosifs du haut de ballons', of 1899, was renewed for a period extending to the close of the Third Peace Conference. It was signed neither by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Ecuador, Spain, France, Great Britain, Guatemala, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Rumania, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, nor Venezuela.

1 Protocoles et Comptes Rendus de la Conférence d'Algésiras, Paris and Nancy, 1906, pp. 258, 286.


The Declarations of 1899 prohibiting the use of Asphyxiating or Deleterious Gases and prohibiting the use of expanding bullets still remain in force as regards the Powers which signed them.

The Conference declared unanimously that it recognized the principle of obligatory arbitration, and that certain disputes, especially those relating to the interpretation and application of international Treaty stipulations, were suitable for submission to unrestricted obligatory arbitration.

With regard to the limitation of armaments the Conference adopted the following resolution :—

'La Deuxième Conférence de la Paix confirme la Résolution adoptée par la Conférence de 1899 à l'égard de la limitation des charges militaires; et, vu que les charges militaires se sont considérablement accrues dans presque tous les pays depuis ladite année, la Conférence déclare qu'il est hautement désirable de voir les Gouvernements reprendre l'étude de cette question.'

There follow four recommendations (vœux).

Lastly, the Conference recommended the convocation of a third Conference after an interval similar to that which separated the first and second, and called attention to the necessity of preparing the work of such third Conference long enough beforehand to ensure the authority and rapidity indispensable to its deliberations. It was suggested that a committee should be appointed two years before the probable date, to prepare a programme, and, furthermore, propose a method of organization and rules of procedure.

XII. International Naval Conference, London, 1908-9

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The Déclaration relative au Droit de la Guerre Maritime' which embodies the results of this Conference is probably so entitled as the counterpart of the Declaration of Paris, annexed to the Treaty of March 30, 1856. But in form it is a Treaty.


It opens with the enumeration of the High Contracting Parties.

Next comes the preamble, as follows:

'Considérant l'invitation par laquelle le Gouvernement Britannique a proposé à diverses Puissances de se réunir en Conférence afin de déterminer en commun ce que comportent les règles généralement reconnues du droit international au sens de l'article 7 de la Convention du 18 octobre 1907, relative à l'établissement d'une Cour internationale des prises;

'Ont nommé pour Leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir: Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Allemagne,' Roi de Prusse, etc.

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Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs, etc., sont convenus de faire la présente Déclaration :

DISPOSITION PRÉLIMINAIRE. Les Puissances Signataires sont d'accord pour constater que les règles contenues dans les chapitres suivants répondent, en substance, aux principes généralement reconnus du droit international.'

Then follow seventy-one articles divided into nine chapters.

Art. LXXI lays down that this Declaration, to be dated February 26, 1909, is open for signature by all the plenipotentiaries up to June 30. Only one original is to be signed, and copies are to be transmitted to the signatory Powers.

XIII. Conferences of London, 1912-13


On May 17/30 the Treaty of Peace, which was the outcome of these Conferences between the Delegates of Turkey and the Balkan League, was concluded between Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Serbia on the one part, and Turkey on the other.

Enumeration of the High Contracting Parties, followed by a preamble

Animés du désir de mettre fin au présent état de guerre et de

This is not the correct title, which is Empereur Allemand (Deutscher Kaiser).

2 Nouv. Rec. Gén., 3e série, viii, 16, from the Greek copy.

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