Sociology: A Global Perspective

Cengage Learning, 2006 - 651 Seiten
This comprehensive, thought-provoking text is the only one on the market that truly emphasizes global and cross-cultural issues as its core strength throughout each chapter. What better way to introduce your students to sociological concepts and applications than by invoking and instilling global issues. This text is the leader in the global perspective segment of the introduction to sociology market. Eleven of the sixteen chapters incorporate an example highlighting important and long-standing interconnections between the United States and some other country or countries. Five chapters highlight interconnections across national borders but in a more general way. Such extended examples mean that the core sociological concepts and theories are not presented in an encyclopedia-like way. Rather, the example becomes the vehicle for weaving together and applying key concepts and theories to issues confronting the United States and the world.
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Autoren-Profil (2006)

Joan Ferrante is a professor of sociology at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) as well as project director of the Campus Connect Student Philanthropy Project, which awards grants primarily to Kentucky and Ohio colleges and universities to support the integration of student philanthropy projects with academic coursework. In addition, Dr. Ferrante sponsors a Study Abroad Scholarship at NKU called "Beyond the Classroom." Open to any student who has used her introductory text (new or used), the scholarship annually awards funds to five students to support their studies outside the United States. Respected among instructors and students alike, Dr. Ferrante also is the author of SOCIOLOGY: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, 9th Edition and co-editor of THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF RACE AND ETHNICITY IN THE UNITED STATES. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati.

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