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2. The Holy Ghost comes silently. Only once was he heard (on Pentecost) and only twice was he seen. A mighty wind is a sign of great power. A violent storm destroys crops, uproots trees, levels houses, sinks ships and produces general havoc. The power of the Holy Spirit is not destructive however. He gives great power for good to man. He inspires and arouses. He makes timid men bold and weak men strong. He transforms the silent disciples into mighty preachers. He makes the Bible the most wonderful book in all the world.

3. The Holy Spirit appeared in fiery tongues. Fire is power also. In godly men and women it is continually destroying the works of Satan and wickedness in high places. Heathen temples have crumbled before it and ungodly customs have been abandoned. Fire also purifies. It refines the gold by burning out the dross. The Holy Spirit purifies a person in that word and act. He burns out the evil through trials, difficulties and persecutions. Fire produces heat and warmth. So does the Holy Spirit bring a burning zeal, passion and enthusiasm into the life. The spiritually indifferent person has very little of the spirit in his life, so has the lukewarm and the non-worker in the Kingdom of God.

Fire produces light. The Spirit enlightens. Through Him we understand the Word. He opens our eyes, ears and hearts. He awakens the spiritual sleeper. He gave to the disciples new tongues to speak in new languages. Today His Word is spoken in over 500 different tongues. We should preach that word in the language of the country or in any language best understood.

May 26.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

By Rev. M. J. Bieber, D.D.
Introduction--I Pet. 1:2.

Peter wrote a letter to the Christians scattered through Asia Minor. Christ commanded baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. By this letter Peter wished to confirm and strengthen those Christians in the true faith.

Point of Contact-God is One, but He is One in three Persons, called the Trinity, somewhat as the clover leaf is one leaf in three parts; and the body is one but in three divisions-head. trunk and limbs.

The Lesson-1. God is our Father. He created us and He preserves us and daily provides for us. He became our Father through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. We are therefore His children and can go to Him in prayer for all that we need or want, and if it is well for us to have it, He will give it to us. He gives us good parents, good homes, a free country, good schools, teachers, friends, healthall the good things of life. He loves us with an everlasting love. When we were baptized He also elected us to everlasting life.

2. Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son. He is also man born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary over 1900 years ago. Because He loved us he became poor for our sakes, was tempted like us, and died upon the Cross for us and for all mankind; though He had no sin he suffered for our sins and thus paid our debt and set us free.

3. The Holy Ghost-This is the third Person of the Trinity. He is also God and therefore also eternal. He sanctifies us. Sanctified means to grow in holiness. No one is perfect. The religious life is a growth, a climb,

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a warfare. There is no standstill. If we do not go forward we must go backwards. The Holy Spirit helps us onward and upward. He helps us fight our battles for honesty, sobriety, integrity, holiness. He teaches us His word. He gives us faith and love and all that we need to become and remain Christians. How wonderful is the Holy Spirit! do not allow Him to assist us, we grieve Him. Let us allow Him to make us better, wiser, stronger, kinder and more loving each day.

MAY 5.

If we

Missionary Topic-Seven Missionary Object Lessons.

By Mrs. E. C. Cronk.


Suggestions for Leader's Introductory TalkThere are some very little things which have become famous because of the way they are linked with great things and great events. day we are going to see how seven things, which may seem very little things, have helped to carry the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The seven things are: A lily, a treasure book, a shoemaker's hammer, a surgeon's lancet, a pair of dentist's forceps, a dollar, and a catechism.

Follow this with a story about each object, having the member who tells the story hold up the object referred to. These stories will be printed in current issues of Tidings, Lutheran Boys and Girls, and the Lutheran Mission Worker.

1. A lily. Matt. 6:28-34.

In presenting this object lesson from the Bible, show a real lily, or a good picture of one. Have the passage of Scripture read or recited and tell how this passage has strengthened the faith of many missionaries to trust God for everything as they have gone forth to seek first the Kingdom of God.

2. A great treasure which a mother gave her boy. (Ziegenbalg's Bible.) 3. A shoemaker's hammer. (William Carey's hammer with which he paid expenses.)

4. The surgeon's lancet that opened China to the Gospel. (Dr. Parker's lancet.)

5. The forceps that transformed Formosa. (Dr. George Leslie Mackay's forceps.)

6. The dollar that started the orphan home. (The dollar handed to Dr. Passavant.)

7. The first book given to the Indians in their language. (Luther's Catechism.)

Assign these subjects in time to have the Juniors make as much research as possible. Juniors like to "hunt up" things. Here is opportunity for some fascinating hunts.

Hints. Poster-Draw outline of the seven objects mentioned in topic on card, below print "Find out to whom these belonged, at Junior League, on


Invitations-Box cut from cardboard with sign, "This box contains seven missionary objects," and below print "If this box you would unlock, come to church at four o'clock."

Start a collection of curios and various things to be used as material for object teaching. A box will do for a cabinet to start-have children add to collection. Many common, every day objects teach valuable lessons, and children will be interested in collecting them.

MAY 12.

The Life of James.

By C. Harry Heintz. Scripture Lesson-Matthew 4:21-22.

General Truth-No matter how humble our position in life, or what talents we have, we should always be willing to answer the call to God's service. James was a fisherman but when Jesus called him, he was willing to leave his father and friends to follow Jesus and do his will. If we are willing, God will help us

to do things which will benefit ourselves and others.

Point of Contact-Whenever we hear our playmates calling we are always ready to go at once and play. We must remember that God makes it possible for us to have things to play with and we should show that we appreciate it by being just as ready to do things for Him. We should learn to do the small things in our Sunday school and church and this will learn us to love to do greater things. When we do anything for God and His place of worship we should do as James did; do it willingly and without delay.

The Story Told--James was in a ship with his brother John and his father Zebedee, mending their nets, when Jesus called John and James to follow Him, which they did. James was one of the favored three of the disciples (James and John and Peter) and he was on more than one occasion used when there was some special work to do. He was always willing to make a sacrifice in order to carry out the work he had decided upon. James was with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus went there to pray and just before He was betrayed. James was so sincere in his work for Christ that he was willing to lay down his life. Herod Agrippa resolved to kill James and Peter and he had them seized and cast into prison. We read in the Bible that James was killed with the sword. He was the first of the apostles to suffer death for the cause of Christ. We should remember that these men died in order that the church would be preserved and handed down to us. We do not have to suffer death, so we should be willing and anxious to do all we can for our church and show that we appreciate what the great apostles like James did for



Hints. Poster-Draw a large picture of a chair on sheet of cardboard, below print "If you are not there, there will be a vacant chair at Junior League on at Invitation Same on small card. Have just as many of the children as possible take part in the program. Give out the topic the week before, and have each one have some fitting Bible verses to recite. Divide the topic among a number of the children. Have musical numbers and other special features from time to time.

MAY 19.

The Life of John.

By C. Harry Heintz.

Scripture Lesson-John 13:23-25.

General Truth-Let us all like John endeavor to do something which will be of a lasting benefit. The lessons which John gives us in his Gospels and Epistles are something that are valuable and which will last as long as the earth endures. As John became a leader in the church, by his willingness to do all he could, so we can become leaders by educating ourselves in the work of the church of today.

Point of Contact-We should not be discouraged in church and Sunday school work when others do not do as we would like them to do, or if others find fault with what we do. James, who was the brother of John, was killed on account of being a disciple of Christ, but this fact did not make John afraid to go ahead. It was a blessed thing for John to be one of the most important of the twelve disciples. We can all become important and well thought of if we will do all we possibly can for the church.

The Story Told-John, like his brother James. was called by Christ while he was fishing with his father. He was quick tempered. On one occasion he wanted to call down fire from heaven

to consume the Samaritans who refused to receive Jesus into their village. On the day of Pentecost, John was with the other apostles when they received the Holy Ghost and he became one of the first preachers of the Christian faith. In the Bible we read a great deal of Peter and John. This shows that John was in the company of Peter a great deal and we must realize that John and Peter were two great men who were doing all they could for Jesus. John was put in prison and was threatened in many ways but he continued to do what he thought was right. John was considered the head of the church in several parts where it had been established. His enemies finally succeeded in having him put away on an island. God did not forsake him, for while on this island John is supposed to have had certain dreams or visions which are explained to us in the book of Revelation. As long as we have the true faith, and the determination that John had, we are bound to be successful in our efforts to further God's cause.

Hints. Poster-Large hobby horse drawn on card and colored, below print "It is the hobby of our Junior League to want every girl and every boy at the meeting on Invitation Same


as poster, on small card. While studying life of John, have children select chapters from Book of John. and have them mark passages-all referring to sufferings of Christ, with cross, all which show opposition to Him with an arrow, etc. Call for some of these passages to be read at meeting and have markings noted.

MAY 26.

A Clean Tongue.

By C. Harry Heintz.

Scripture Lesson-James 3:5-10.

General Truth--If we do not guard our tongue when we are young we are very apt to form a habit which we will carry with us into manhood and which will cause ourselves and others much sorrow. If we speak a kind word whenever possible we will be doing a great service. We do wrong, also, if, when we hear others who say evil things or take the name of the Lord in vain, we do not show our displeasure.

Point of Contact--Every day of our lives. from the time we wake in the morning, until we go to bed at night, we have opportunities of using our mind and tongue for a good cause. We should pray when we arise and in doing so we are talking to God. The same is true when we retire at night. During the day, whether we are at play, at school or doing some little duty assigned to us, we should be careful to talk and say things which will show that we have respect for those older and above us. Then in time we will reap our reward as others will begin to respect us.

The Story Told--In our Scripture lesson we read part of a letter. James, an apostle of Christ, was telling the Jews that although the tongue is a small part of the human body it can do great harm if not used properly. It is impossible for us to control the tongues of others, so we must use extreme care in how we use our own. James compares the tongue to a fire. A match is a small thing, but we know it can start a large fire. So with our tongue by one cross or evil word we can start a large disturbance. If we always remember that God hears every word we say and if we have the right respect for Him we will be very careful in what we say. A good thing to remember is, "If you cannot say anything good about anyone, do not say anything at all." We must also remem(Continued on page 31.)


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Kansas Topeka.

May 1, 2, 3
South Dakota-Brookings. . May 3, 4, 5


Ohio Springfield..

May 8, 9 New York-Brooklyn... May 21, 22, 23: . June 25, 26, 27








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We invite correspondence or, still better, a visit to our Studios.



All Questions Answered
and Illustrated Data and
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We are to fight a battle against ignorance-other people's ignorance.

The Black, Red, White, Blue and Gold is our standardMartin Luther the standard bearer.

The army of the Luther League is to follow him in a peaceful battle. The weapon we are to carry is Truth. The ammunition is information. We have it. Every Leaguer must provide himself with a supply.

The source of supply is the authorized Reading Course adopted by the Luther League of America at the Toledo Convention and prepared with the greatest of care.

Fill your cartridge belt, so you can do your part toward letting the world know what it gained in the Great Reformation.

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Luther League

The Story of Gettysburg


MONG the gently rolling plains of southern Pennsylvania there lies a short range of low granite hills, thrust up in molten masses from the heart of earth before the beginning of history. All around are fertile fields; but these fields rise weird and wild, as if their scattered rocks had been the plaything of giants or the abode of dark spirits. And so, after men came to live in that region, they must

But, like the hidden fires in which the hills were forged, there were mighty thoughts astir within men's minds, working changes for our country. There came a time of upheaval, when the great principles of liberty and national union cast all our land into a furnace of war, to be melted and moulded over into a purer and stronger nation. And to these hills of Gettysburg there came a day when it

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