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||ledged impenitence. The blessing did not cease here; many soldiers, and the subIndian agent, were added to the number of praying men. My dear sir, what can I render unto God for the unspeakable gift he has bestowed on us, so entirely unworthy?

Our little church, organized in January, now numbers thirty; and twenty (with four Indians) have united with Mr. Bingham's, in the five months since my arrival. More than fifty have expressed hope in this revival, thirty-five of whom are men. Many a widowed mother will rejoice, and many a parent's heart be glad, to hear of the conversion of "the prodigal son," at Fort Brady. There are now forty professing Christians, and fifty who hope they love God, in this fort. Twelve or fourteen altars for family prayer have been set up. A blessing is implored at the table

Christians grew cold. In this extremity we looked unto the Lord, and he heard our cry. Knowing that united, cordial, Chris2 tian effort, with a right feeling of unwor3 thiness and dependence on God, always bring the blessing, Mr. Bingham, (Baptist Missionary,) and myself, appointed a day of fasting and humiliation,-our churches to meet together and mutually supplicate the blessing. The day was the 21st of March; it was a day of storms, the snow driving from Lake Superior with almost irresistible force. But we thought nothing of storms, when assembled to humble our. selves before God. The scene was most heart-cheering. Delightful unity of heart seemed to prevail. We felt confident of a rich blessing. It was a day of much prayer. One circumstance was peculiar. Though five officers from the fort were present, not one would open his mouth in prayer, while twelve or more soldiers plead-in each mess-room. Public evening prayer ed earnestly, affectionately, and appropri- is held in one of the barrack rooms. Meetately, for the best of blessings on their ings for prayer, besides my Bible Class, commanders. Thanks to our kind Father, are held on three or four evenings in the these five officers now plead for the same week. Of the forty-seven who have stuheavenly gifts to descend on those who died the Bible Class lesson this winter and then prayed for them. Two were pre- spring, only eight remain without hope viously hoping, but diffidence prevented of having been forgiven through the their publicly acting then. That day's mercy of Christ. In our settlement, there exercises left deep solemnity on every are but few individuals to whom I can mind. The Friday following, was a tri- present the truths of the Gospel. The umphant day. A Lieutenant, who had French are degraded, ignorant, superstibrought infidelity from the Military Aca- tious Papists. They will hear no one but demy, came to my room, saying he was a Priest. The only Americans here, (aside weighed down by a mountain load. He from the fort, the Indian agency, and passed two hours with me. The scene I the mission,) less than a dozen in number, cannot describe. If you have witnessed have, with one or two exceptions, Indian` such, you know the thrilling interest. wives, and their children speak Indian. Before leaving me, he felt the load re- The women and children of course can moved, and prayed in the spirit of one receive no instruction except through an liberated from the slavery of Satan. He interpreter. In consequence, little imwent from me to proclaim what God had pression has been directly made on this done for his soul. A Captain from the community. Only ten of the settlement same academy, who had been three months are connected with the infant church. The seriously inquiring, was aided that evening conversions, on account of the peculiar by this Lieutenant and other Christian character of the population, have been friends, and hopes by the grace of God that of adults wholly; and, as you have seen, he that night admitted a divine Redeemer about four fifths males. Indirectly, we to his heart. He rejoices in the delightful trust, we are acting upon the French and hope that his wife on the same day was born Indian population, especially by example again. Another Lieutenant and his wife in temperance and morality. Last year date their conversion within a day or two of 130 barrels of spirits were sold here. For the same period. The last lady had been three months past there has been none for a Catholic, and, till within two months, had sale. One barrel has now been brought; not opened a Bible since she entered the it is still on the vessel, having in three days convent. Two Captains, two Lieuten- found no purchaser; and we trust the kind ants, the Surgeon, and the Sutler, with the captain will carry it back to Detroit, or wives of four of these gentlemen, (the empty it into the St. Mary. The soldiers others not being married,) all hope they have now unanimously agreed to purchase have been born of the Spirit. One officer neither beer nor cider from the Sutler's and his wife only remain in acknow-store,-where, till within the last month


From the Rev. J. F. Brooks, Collinsville.

Since my last report, my time has been regularly occupied in ministerial duties in the two places of my location, except one Sabbath, which was spent with the Presbytery at Carmi, nearly 130 miles distant. The business of Presbytery closed on Sa turday. On the Sabbath was a sacramental occasion, and three sermons were preached. The exercises had the effect of producing at least deep solemnity.

or two, they have been accustomed to ex. pend about two thirds of their wages for these useless drinks. Saving their money, they feel that they can now do something for the A. H. M. S. They have been aiding in the good cause spoken of above, of printing the New Testament. About $300, including that already mentioned, have been subscribed in a few days, in this poor settlement, for that purpose. Soldiers subscribed from one to six dollars each. Does not the Gospel open the heart? You would rejoice to hear these men pray; and to see how they are elevated from the depths of degrading intemperance. One who had been a Catholic, gave five dollars. He knew the evil of being deprived of the Bi-ceived five into our number by profession, ble. Another, who had been a Catholic, with his wife, said he never saw a Bible till he came to this country; and he "thanks God there was ever a ship built, else he had been still in darkness with his friends in Ireland." Eight of those indulging hope, were Papists. Many of them look now with dread upon the errors of the Romish || church.

On the 19th of Feb. I administered the sacrament to the church in this place, re

and baptized one adult. The occasion was one of deep interest, both at the prepa ratory lecture and during the exercises of the Sabbath; and though we are far from being able to speak of such refreshings as have been felt in the neighbouring city of St. Louis, yet punctuality and interest have been manifested in attendance upon social prayer-meetings and other means o I hope, considering the pressing wants grace. The monthly concert has been of your society, that our community, small established this winter, and I have comand poor as it is, will be able to meet all menced giving familiar lectures on the the promises made by you to your mis- Bible,—and, judging from the attendance, sionary here the present year. and attention given, I believe I am not Our garrison, we think, is now the hap-without success in this attempt. I have piest in the world. The army has been thought, till now, a bad school of morals. And truly it has been so. But we have reached a new era. A revival in the army! Six pious gentlemen in one fort! A corps of pious soldiers! Fort Brady is now truly "house of prayer." The dance is exchanged for the praying circle; the bewitching cards have given place to the blessed Bible; instead of the song of the drunkard, the psalm of praise is heard; in-about the future, either in respect to this stead of the profane oath, the word of world or the next. With others, the suChristian consolation; the fears and well preme good in prospest is to become rich. grounded suspicion of the officer, is ex- What human means can break this apathy changed for security and parental confi- is yet difficult to tell. But, our little church dence; the hatred and surly obedience are not insensible to religious things, or of the soldier, have in their place, cheerful ignorant of the spirit of benevolence, as compliance and filial love. Instead of you may learn from the following fact. whiskey and its kindred poisons, and dis-The agent of the American Education ease, the drink of the soldier is the pure water of Lake Superior, and coffee, accompanied with a clear mind and health of body.


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visited nearly all the families within the distance from which they usually attend upon preaching here, and have been kindly received, without exception; and some have been induced to attend meeting who were seldom if ever seen out before. But in a large portion of the community there is an astonishing apathy in regard to reli. gion. With some, if their present temporal wants are supplied, they have no anxiety

Society came here a few weeks ago, and obtained three life members, and some ad. ditional subscriptions,-a handsome sum, indeed, for this settlement. Our church are anxious to do all they can for the cause of religion. But, they are few in number, and most of them have little of the world's goods.

Death of a pious Emigrant.

Of B-I need say little at present, except to notice a sorely afflictive event-the death of our Christian sister, Mrs. K. She came into this country last fall with her husband, who opened a school. Her health was, at that time, feeble, and in the latter part of the winter she failed rapidly, and died on the 5th of March. She was a person of cultivated mind, and expansive Christian benevolence, united with a peculiarly amiable and lovely disposition.

She was

I think we shall have a house raised and covered before another winter.

There is, as yet, but one church in this county. From my congregation, twenty. three have united with the church since I have been here, twelve on examination, and eleven by letter. Sabbath Schools in this county are at present in an unsettled state. The number who attend my Bible Class is very variable. We have a County Temperance Society, containing at present about seventy members. There is a Coun

once a member of Dr. Payson's church, atty Bible Society, which has nearly, or Portland; and, it is evident, she had not with the word of life. For the other be. quite supplied those who were destitute, been neglectful of his instructions, for she nevolent societies, there are no regularly had not failed to imbibe much of his spirit. organized associations. She made many friends during her short stay in B., though in feeble health; and her loss is severely felt, particularly by those of us who were looking forward to her co-operation in plans and labours of usefulness. Of these she would delight to talk, even when confined to her sick bed; and would hope soon to recover, and prove what might be done by kind and Christian efforts. But, the Lord, whose ways are not as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts, has seen fit to remove her hence. And though her departure is our loss, it is, no doubt, her eternal gain.

From Rev. R. Barnes, Canton, Illinois. For the last few weeks my labours have been divided between Canton and Lewiston, (Br. Farnam being at Jacksonville, as the state of things there is unusually interesting.) Sabbath before last, the Lord's supper was administered in L., and five were admitted to the church; four on confession of faith, and one by letter. Since that time there have been three or four hopeful conversions in that place. Last Sabbath we had a communion season in this place, and thirteen were admitted to the church; five on examination, and eight by letter. Thus, notwithstanding the occasion we have for deep humility in view of our unfaithfulness, God is permitting us to rejoice in the prosperity of Zion.

REVIVAL IN BETHEL, BOND CO. ILLINOIS. A letter received from Rev. B. Y. Messenger, Edwardsville, Illinois, speaks of a protracted meeting, held in the Bethel Church in the latter part of May, which appears to have been a season of very deep interest. The following is extracted from his


Christians had been looking forward to this meeting with deep interest, and earnest expectation that God would display his saving power on that occasion; nor were they disappointed. On Friday, about thirty went to the anxious room; on Saturday, about forty; on the Sabbath, rising of fifty; when some, as they hope, found the Saviour. We had expected to close the meeting on Sabbath evening; but such was the state of things, that it was thought advisable to continue it another day; and I think that we have occasion to bless God for ever that we continued, for it was, indeed, the "great day of the feast." At the close of the sermon in the || afternoon, those who had indulged hope during the meeting, and those who were anxious, were invited to retire to the meeting house (for we had been preaching in the grove) for instruction and prayer. It was said, that every impenitent person on the ground, over twelve years of age, left the stand, and repaired to the house of God; when it, indeed, became the gate of The severity of the winter, and the high heaven to their souls. Nine were hoping water of spring, together with my engage-when they went in, and there were fortyments nearer home, have prevented me four, or forty-five on the anxious seats. from even visiting the growing settlements Every individual who went to the anxious in the new counties, west and north of room was brought, as we hope, to a saving us. In my former reports I have stated, knowledge of the truth. Most of them that one of the greatest of my discourage-came out very bright, and gave the most ments arises from the want of a suitable decisive evidence of a change of heart. house for worship. The prospects, how-O, what joy was then in Heaven! Nor ever, on this subject are becoming brighter. was it confined to that world of glory;

there was rejoicing on earth, in that house of God. Parents, brothers, and sisters hung upon the necks of their repenting relatives, while tears of soul-thrilling joy flowed in copious streams.

From a Missionary in Illinois. There are several openings in this state for your missionaries; and these will be created beyond the probable supply.What is to be done? Our colleges, our seminaries, and our men of affluence, must decide. To leave a people destitute, when a sufficient number are together to require the stated labours of a minister, is attend. ed with consequences of a most serious character. It were better to go beyond the absolute necessities of the west, in this respect, than to fall short of them. The habits acquired by non-attendance on the ordinances of religion, are worse here than at the east, being almost invariably permanent. On this subject I am prepared to speak from observation. This place was so left, and the effects of it will not, probably, be counteracted for many years

to come.

Houses of Worship.

that, within a few years, our most flourishing towns will erect such buildings, even if they receive no assistance. But this fact should not be lost sight of-that in the mean time, habits are fixed, character formed. Many will tread the path which leads to the region of practical atheism, where God is forgotten and unknown. Unless something more be done for us, by the benevolent at the east, your society can never fully gain the end at which you aim in your charities and prayers. Let us have suitable places of worship; then furnish men, whose talents will cominand respect, and whose piety shall glow with a holy fervour, that will induce constant, unremitted exertion, and the materials on which they may act will be multiplied far beyond what they now are; and a part of them, at least, with the blessing of Heaven, may be moulded to virtue and piety. This is a subject in which I feel a deep interest. I look around upon our heterogeneous society, and find not one half in attendance upon the public exercises of the Sabbath. Some, doubtless, stay away under the not very unwarrant able impression, that they cannot be edified there. But others do it, because the house is out of the way, and the seats bad.


From Rev. J. U. Parsons.


One obstacle to the success of your missionaries in this county, is the want of suitable houses for religious worship. When the people are not "church going," every possible accommodation should be You are already aware, that, during furnished to increase the inducements for two thirds of the quarter, I was confined attendance upon preaching. Were our away from my appointed field. But, circumstances bettered in this respect,had we a convenient and commodious furnish me with as much work as I could during this time, the Lord was pleased to building in which to meet, our congrega- find opportunity to do. As often as I tion would, doubtless, be doubled at once. could steal a moment from the couch of The erection of meeting houses has gene- my languishing companion, it was spent rally been deemed unworthy the attention in calling upon those families, where I of the benevolent at the east; but it should hoped sinners were seeking, or might be not be so. I doubt whether a more judi-induced to seek the salvation of their cious appropriation could be made of a souls. Often, too, the tedious hours of part of those charities which are constant-confinement were alleviated by the visits ly flowing into the treasury of the Lord. A few only of the inhabitants of this portion of the western country are able to contribute much towards building meeting houses; and the number is still smaller, who are both able and willing to do any thing. If we wait for them to perform the work, it will not, for a long time, be done. And then, people moving in from abroad, if they find not comfortable accommodations in the houses of worship, will, probably, in the majority of cases, pass their Sabbaths in hanging about public houses, or in ranging the woods

of those, whose anxious eye, and hesitating aspect, indicated the desire-" sir, we would see Jesus." I have little doubt, this interest might have been extended; but the church, generally, would not be persuaded to awake, and the increasing illness of my wife confined me almost altogether at home. From thirty to forty expressed so much interest in regard to

their souls as to attend anxious meetings at different times. A few in the bloom

* See account of the decease of Mrs. Parsons,

and prairies in pursuit of game. It is true in the present number of the Pastor's Journal.

of life began to give pleasing evidence || a place which demands the attention of that they had found the Saviour, when your committee. There are but few Presthe providence of God opened the door for byterians, but several who favour the my departure. How many of them I Presbyterian interest. It will ultimately shall meet in heaven, God only knows; be a place of considerable importance, but my aim was, to clear my skirts of especially as, since the passage of the their blood. In connexion with these la- "Wabash and Erie canal bill," all the bours, I commenced visiting every member places on this river as well as on the of the church in conjunction with the Wabash, and the whole line of canal, will pastor, to inquire particularly into their assume a much higher importance than system of parental instruction, and sug. heretofore. The whole country from Fort gest any improvements which occurred Meigs to Fort Wayne, if we except the We recommended to mothers the foreign missionary establishment among practice of praying with their children, the Ottawas, is destitute of Presbyterian one at a time, daily, or as often as they influence. There is, however, occasioncould find opportunity. We found but ally, preaching, by Methodist ministers. one mother who had been in this practice; Education is almost entirely neglected. and when asked if she found it beneficial A missionary, stationed at Fort Defiance, to her own soul, she replied-"indeed, I might build up a church there, and extend do :-I don't know how I could live a day his influence up and down the river. This without it." It is well nigh superfluous place is forty or fifty miles from Fort to add, her little ones show the influence Wayne. of this course. The eldest, a little girl, is quite serious.

to us.

The last month I have spent in visiting different neighbourhoods within the limits assigned me, and some places in Salem Presbytery, in order to compare the relative destitution. Within twenty-five days I have preached twenty-four sermons, visited and addressed five Sabbath Schools, and made arrangements to organize ano. ther; held the monthly concert of prayer, made several exhortations, and preached the gospel to about one hundred, indivi. dually. During the whole quarter, I have addressed seventy-five meetings, preached and expounded thirty-nine times, and endeavoured to labour in private, and study as I had opportunity. My circumstances have been such as to preclude all plan and system, and, of course, the fruits of my labours have been comparatively small.

From Rev. E. O. Hovey, Fountain Co., Ind.

I arrived at Fort Wayne on the 19th of November, having been delayed more than a week in waiting a conveyance up to the Maumee river. The country upon this river is but thinly settled. In the distance of one hundred and fifty miles, there are, on both sides of the river, two|| hundred families, including the towns of Perrysburg, Maumee, and Fort Defiance. At the latter place there is something of a settlement. The people, when I passed there, were desirous of obtaining a Presbyterian missionary. From what I could learn, I should judge Fort Defiance to be VOL. V.

From Fort Wayne we found the journey attended with much difficulty, on account of the lateness of the season, and the fact, that the country is extremely new. We were obliged to travel to the fork of the Wabash, a distance of thirty miles, in an ox-wagon, through an entire wilderness. From thence we proceeded on the river by perogues, or canoes, to Logansport, fifty miles, where the winter, in its strongest severity, set in upon us. The same night we arrived in Logansport, the ground was covered with snow, and the river frozen. Here I met Brother Carnahan, who had come hither to assist Brother Post in a communion season.

I left my wife at Logansport, and proceeded, in company with Brother Carnahan, to Lafayette. We visited Clinton county first.-This is a new county, a little back from the river, and contains fifteen hundred inhabitants-is fast settling. The little church at Frankford were anxious to obtain a minister. I afterwards visited this county, and when we had ascertained the state of things here, it was decided, that this county had the strongest claim on my labours: I consequently decided to locate here for the present year.

I have nothing of cheering success to report, except that there is a disposition on the part of the people to listen to the Gospel, and to give attention to instruction in the Scriptures. I have organized two Bible Classes, one in the Coal Creek congregation of forty-five members, and one in Covington of thirty-six. Our Sabbath Schools have not yet been organized for the season. We hope to have two, or more. I reside within the limits of the 6

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