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..PREACH the GOSPEL............Mark xvi. 15.
How shall they PREACH except they be SENT ?....Rom. x. 15.

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OUR readers will excuse the absence of our usual selection of intelligence for our monthly concert, which we omit the present month, in order to make room for a more extended notice of the Sixth Anniversary of the American Home Missionary Society.


The American Home Missionary Society held its sixth anniversary, in the Chathamstreet Chapel, New-York, on the evening of Wednesday, May 9th, 1832. The Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, LL. D., President of the Society, took the chair, and the meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Thomas M'Auley, D.D. LL.D., of Philadelphia.

The President made the following opening


The success which, under God, continues to attend the various institutions of Christian benevolence, in our country, places all under peculiar obligations to the Giver of all good. With what gratitude and praise should we regard the bountiful Author of our mercies, when each succeeding year adds new testimonies to his loving kindness, and to his watchfulness over the interests of his church. The friends of Home Mis. sions, are under special obligations to the King of Zion, for the success which has followed their efforts: they have encouragement to persevere, and to enter upon the operations of another season with renewed zeal, and awakened energy.

It is my object, briefly to notice some of the encouragements which are presented to the friends of home missions to persevere in sending the living messenger to the destitute churches.

The first sign, is the great good which has been achieved. Our society has been in operation for six years; and, within that short period, has supplied with the stated ministrations of the word, many churches, which else would have been without pastors. It has afforded timely assistance to many others, benevolently co-operating with them in their exertions to maintain public worship in their sanctuaries. In this manner an amount of good has been accomplished, which eternity alone will disclose. The number of churches thus relieved and supplied, during the year which is now past, is 745; and the number of ministers employed to labour in these different churches, 509. With such truly gratifying results, how much encouragement have the friends of our cause to persevere.

The second sign is the gradual increase of means, and a corresponding enlargement of our operations, which have regularly taken place in each succeeding year. This will be seen by the Report. Whilst we continue to receive such pleasing and substantial evidence of the approbation of the Christian public, we have reason to rejoice.

Another great encouragement is, that God's blessing has been specially manifested in various ways. Not only has the God of all grace enabled us to enlarge our plans of usefulness, but has watered with spiritual blessings, many portions of his vineyard, which we have been permitted to superintend. Many revivals of religion have followed the labours of the ministers we have employed, and many members have been added to the church of Christ. The number of revivals the past year was 187, and the num. ber of communicants added, 7490.

If, then, we are allowed to interpret the indications of God's providence as the manifestations of his favour, how much cause have the friends of Home Missions to renew their strength, and to persevere! The principles on which our Society is founded, affords us much encouragement to proceed. It is free from that rigid sectarianism, which too often obtrudes into measures and plans of benevolence of every kind. That Christians who think alike on fundamental points, should refuse to co-operate and act VOL. V.

together in the good work of advancing the cause of the Redeemer, is truly lamentable. We conceive it clear, that Christians who agree on all essential articles of faith, can accomplish more by union and active concert, than by separate associations. Nothing is more injurious to any church, than that feeling which would perpetuate sectarian divisions within the walls of Zion, and introduce a spirit not characteristic of the gospel. Let every one, however, be fully persuaded in his own mind-let us continue to act on the same principles which have hitherto governed our conduct. They are principles which the Christian community will one day more fully embrace.

Another encouragement is, that the home missionary cause is closely connected with the future prosperity of the church. It is in vain that we have churches, unless we have ministers to perform the solemn duties of the sanctuary. The preached word is the great means which, under God, is made effectual to the salvation of souls. Without the stated ordinances of the Gospel, Zion can never prosper. It is this important means of proclaiming the offers of salvation, that the Home Missionary Society undertakes to afford. The importance of its object, ought to encourage all its friends to come forward with increased zeal, and aid in its work of benevolence. The cause of our Master appeals to us for support, and shall we not answer the appeal by the vigour of our future efforts!

The last motive I shall mention, as urging us to persevere in our efforts to supply destitute churches, is the fact that so much remains to be done. The friends of Home Missions have a wide field open before them; their labours are but just begun. There cannot be less than 1500 churches in the three denominations of which this Society is composed, who have no means of enjoying the ordinances of the Gospel. What a powerful inducement to a Christian community to come to the help of the Lord, and to build up the walls of Jerusalem! Let us derive encouragement instead of feelings of despondence! May this spirit animate our zeal, and let the operations of the Society another year, testify that they discerned the "signs of the times.

The Treasurer's Account, Knowles Taylor, Treasurer. May 1st, 1832, $50,299 25. sury, $2,509 14.

with the certificate of the Auditor, was read by Mr. The whole amount of receipts during the year, ending Expenditures, $52,808 39. Balance against the trea

The Corresponding Secretary then read the


Of which the following is an abstract.

The year to be reviewed, at the present || sued with greater energy, with larger preanniversary, is distinguished in the an-paration, and more glorious success, than nals of the world. It has been, at once, an "acceptable year of the Lord," and a 66 day of vengeance of our God." Even our own republic has been moved with conflicts, which have led some of little faith, to predict its disruption, while, in the older nations, thrones have tottered, and political structures, whose walls had been cementing for ages, have been rent by convulsions, which have agitated the whole fabric of civil society.

ever before. While the enemy has come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord has lifted up a standard against him. This has come to pass, not only in the increased energy and extension of benevolent efforts throughout Christendom, for the conversion of the world, but especially in the new and extraordinary manifestations of the power of the Holy Ghost, in the revival of religion in the churches of the United States.

The moral world, also, has been moved It is estimated, that two thousand with conflicts of high, and decisive, and churches, of different denominations, in momentous bearing. On the one hand, the United States, have been visited with infidelity of every grade has been com- revivals of religion, within the last twelve bining its energies with the mighty pow. months, and that not less than one hun. er of "the man of sin," the "son of per-dred thousand souls have been converted. dition," to roll back the car of salvation. || Here is exhibited the brightest aspect of On the other, the faith of Christians has the providential government of God over fastened, with more than its former this world. And here has been especially strength, upon the promises of God to his felt the influence of the AMERICAN HOME people; and the great enterprise of re- MISSIONARY SOCIETY. While the field of claining the whole world to the rightful its operations has been much enlarged, dominion of the Saviour, has been pur-and the number of its missionaries in

creased, it has been chosen of God, as the instrument of salvation to many souls. So signal, in this respect, have been its triumphs, that the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, in presenting their SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT, would not feel that they had duly honoured the divine grace, which has ac. companied their operations, should they fail to designate the year which is now past, as characteristically a YEAR OF RE


[Here follows, in the Annual Report, the alphabetical list of Missionaries, Congregations, &c., which are omitted in this place.]

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sum, which, after due inquiry, has seemed sufficient to enable the congregation aided, to sustain the minister of its choice; and so strict has been their adherence to this rule, that the support afforded to most of the missionaries, in their arduous labours, has been such as would have been complained of, as inadequate, by any but selfdenying men, who count it a privilege to make sacrifices to preach the Gospel to the poor. But, notwithstanding the studied economy of the Committee, the increase of missionaries has required a correspondent increase of expenditures. The amount actually paid out from the treasury during the year, including office rent, Secretary's salary, and all the incidental expenses of the Society, is $52,808 39, which is more, by $5,550 79, than the payments of the previous year. Yet, this amount distributed among 509 missiona

Whole Number of Missionaries, &c. From the preceding details it appears, that the whole number of missionaries and agents employed by this Society during the year, is 509; and the number of congregations and missionary districts, aided in their support, 745. Of the mis.ries and agents, would divide the average sionaries and agents enumerated, 351 were in commission at the commence.

ment of the year; a large proportion of whom have been reappointed, and are still in the service of the Society. The remaining 158 have been new appointments, during the year, making, in all, 509. Extent of Fields, and amount of Labour

sum to each of only $103; and, deducting the amount paid to several agents, and to a number of missionaries in distant and frontier stations, who derive almost their whole support from the Society; it affords of ministerial service actually performed. not more than about $100 for each year large in comparison with the payments of The amount expended, therefore, though former years, is small in comparison with Of the whole number, thus employed, the increased number of missionaries em347 are settled as pastors, or are employed ployed, and of congregations aided, and as "stated supplies," in single congrega- smaller still, when viewed in connexion tions; 131 divide their labours between with the glorious results of which we shall two or three congregations; and 31, in-speak in the sequel of this Report. cluding agents, have been employed on


replenishing it.

larger fields. Thus distributed, the mis-State of the Treasury, and the means of sionaries of this Society, during the year, have probably preached the gospel, with more or less frequency, to more than 700,000 people, and to a large portion of these, their ministry has been constant. The amount of ministerial labour reported as performed within the year, in the service of this Society, is 361 years and 5


Amount of Expenditures.

At the commencement of the year, May 11, 1831, there were in the treasury $877 13. This was the whole amount of our stock in hand for the enterprise before us. At the same time, the Committee and agents, then in the field, to the amount were under engagements to missionaries of $36,785, which they were bound to pay within the year. Thus destitute of To sustain these extended operations, resources, excepting in the confidence of even on the strictest plan of economy, the co-operation of the Christian public, has required a large pecuniary expendi-and the manifested favour of God, they ture. To diminish as much as possible entered upon their work, as they had done this amount, the Committee have made in former years, trusting only in the blesstheir appropriations with the utmost cau- ing of him who is head over all things to tion; and, on a review of their doings for the church.-That blessing has not been the year, they are convinced that, in most withheld; but the Committee are constrain. cases, their grants have rather been belowed to report, that, during the whole prothan above the righteous claims of the needy upon the bounty of the Christian public. Their invariable rule has been, to appropriate, in each case, the smallest

gress of the year, their faith has been more severely, and they hope, more profitably tried, than in any former year, in re. lation to the pecuniary means of sustain

ing the enlarged and constantly increasing operations of the Society. From the 11th of May to the 1st of December, the disbursements from the treasury were $20,236 67, and yet, during that whole period, its receipts were only $8,616 29. This left the treasury, at the latter date, overdrawn $11,619 88; for which individuals of the Committee had become personally responsible, that there might be no failure in the prompt payment of the drafts of the missionaries.

Thus embarrassed, the Committee were constrained to pause and deliberate, whether they ought not to withhold further appropriations, until they should be possess. ed of the means of going forward in their work, without the necessity of increasing their own pecuniary responsibility. But, even under the pressure of this apparent necessity, they dared not to curtail, in any important measure, the operations of the Society. The spirit of the enterprise forbade it. Every lesson of their past experience, and the accumulating and extraordinary blessing of God upon the labours of the Society's missionaries, forbade it. They therefore commended the cause to the mercy of the Saviour, and determined to go forward. They invited a meeting of a number of the friends of the object in the city of New-York, before whom, they exhibited the financial condition of the Society, and were much encouraged by their liberal pledges and subscriptions. They also addressed the public through the religious newspapers, and issued a circular to individuals in different parts of the country. These were answered by a few liberal returns to the treasury, and the agency of the Corresponding Secretary, and the efforts of other agents, began soon to be more productive; and we report, with gratitude, that the result of a continued and laborious effort, to the present time, has relieved, in some measure, the responsibility of the Committee.

The re

ceipts of the Society, during the last year, as appears from the Treasurer's Report, have exeeeded those of the preceding year, $2,174 52, and the expenditures have increased $5,550 78. This leaves the treasury overdrawn at the present time, $2,509 14; and in addition to this, the Committee are under engagements to missionaries now in the field $36,644 50, making the whole amount, a part of which is now due, and the whole of which is pledged to be paid within the coming twelve months, $39,153 64.

Remarks on the state of the Treasury.

This is a state of the treasury which, we are aware, would be discouraging, were it not for the increasing evidence, in the results of its operations, that this Society is owned of God. But "he that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." What, then, are these shadows of discouragement, while the eternal sun-light of the divine favour to his own cause is falling upon the eye of faith, and will certainly, in due time, ripen the fruit of every labour of love? It cannot be that the present deficiency in the treasury of $2,509 will be permitted to retard the steady advancement of an enterprise which appeals so directly to the interest of our whole country, and to the heart of every American Christian. There are pecuniary means enough in the hands of the friends of this Society, and ten times more than enough, to push on this enterprise to the full extent of the wants of our country; and if we have not entirely mistaken the spirit of our holy communion, in the several denomi nations who have combined to accomplish it, there is piety enough to contribute all that may be needed.

The Committee, therefore, should they be longer intrusted with this work, will not hesitate to go forward.

TABLE.-Exhibiting the amount of receipts from each state, the number of congrega. tions and missionary districts aided, and the number of missionaries employed in each state within the last year, and the amount pledged to each state for the year to come.

States and Territories.


Cong. & Miss. Dist.



Do. City, 10,592 14...$25,424 37....204... 156...$10,013 75

1 New-York, $14,832 23

2 Ohio....

3 Maine..

4 Vermont

5 New-Hampshire

6 Indiana...

877 03.... 132. 74.... 6,514 50 3,570 14. 75.... 62.... 601 00


1,668 94. 2,870 21.

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37.... 32...

46.... 40.... 500 00

53.... 24.... 2,567 75

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From this TABLE it appears, that while || for their supply, than they have ardently the operations of this Society have encouraged and strengthened the efforts of The whole number aided by this Socieits Auxiliaries in the older states, to aid ty, west of the Alleghany mountains, the needy within their own bounds respect- since our last anniversary, has been 177; ively, the Executive Committee have not and the whole number employed there, failed to concentrate as much as could be since the organization of this Society, has obtained of the resources of the older been 240; which is nearly one half of the states, both in men and in the means of Presbyterian ministers on that extended their support, to supply the wide spreading || field, embracing eleven states and parts of wants of the western and southern sections states, with a population of nearly of our country. The state of New-York,|| for instance, has contributed $14,159 88 more than has been expended in sustaining the missionaries and agents within its bounds; and each of the New-England states, excepting Maine, has supplied something to our treasury, besides the amount required for the support of their own missionaries. This has been appropriated to the newer and more needy states and territories.

4,000,000, in several sections of which, nearly their whole supply has been derived from this Society. In Missouri, there are now 18 Presbyterian ministers, and 13 of them have been sent there, or aided by the A. H. M. S. Illinois has now 32 Presbyterian ministers, and 23 of them are, or have been missionaries of this Society, and 19 are now in commission in that state. Michigan Territory has 18, and 15 of the same have been sent there, or aided from the same source; and in other large sections of the west, the proportion is nearly as great.

In the southern states, it is true, we have planted comparatively few labourers. The reason is obvious; but few labourers have been found, of suitable qualifications, disposed to remove to those states. The Committee, therefore, have regarded, with deep solicitude, the claims of their southern But the number of missionaries employ. brethren, while, for the lack of labourersed, of congregations aided, and the amount to be employed, they have done far less raised and expended in their support


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