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teen individuals, most of them by profes. sion, came forward and publicly united with the people of God. Freely was the church receiving, and freely were they ready to give. A few individuals, learning our embarrassed situation, readily gave me $161,50 to aid us in finishing our house of worship. This was a most unexpected and timely assistance, for which we praise God. We hope that an impulse has been given to the work, which will result in its completion the ensuing sum-ledge, both to children and their parents, mer. Thus light has sprung up out of who, in many cases, attend with their fadarkness. "The God of heaven, he will milies. prosper us; therefore, we his servants will rise and build," but Sanballat and Tobiah, and the heathen, shall have no portion, nor right, nor memorial in Jerusalem. I have a bible class, which meets every From Rev. Francis Bartlett, Starr townweek, and has become exceedingly interesting. Quite a number attend, and manifest a deep interest, who have, till lately, been seldom seen even in the Sanctuary on the Sabbath. I view it as one of the most promising means of salvation we have.

||ruption every other Sabbath until the present, and will probably put forth increased efforts, the coming summer. My bible classes have been doing some good, espe cially in E. There is a great improvement in attending the missionary concert for prayer, and other social meetings have been of late more interesting. I catechize once every week during the winter season, and thereby have a favourable opportunity of communicating doctrinal know

Our Sabbath school has recently been re-organized, under very auspicious circumstances. At our last Sabbath school concert, an unusual degree of feeling was manifested; the scholars, especially when addressed, were affected even to tears.


ship, Hocking county, O.

The eleven months of my labour here, has been a season of uncommon interest to me. I may truly say, the Lord has revived us. My wife and myself, have both laboured to make the means of grace as numerous and as interesting as possible. In the bible class, in the Sabbath school, and in religious visitation, we have spent much of our time. Our attention has also been much directed to the distribution of religious books and tracts, which we That there are many lambs in this flock, Procure and lend to the people. This, in a county, whose existence is but as yeswhom the Great Shepherd will soon ga- terday, is a privilege indeed. And these ther to his arms, I have reason to hope. various efforts, although very feeble, have We have raised ten dollars to replenish been followed with blessings of incalculaour Sunday school library. By the aid of ble value. Our labours, however, do not a very worthy agent sent out by the A. deserve to be mentioned in connexion with S. S. U. we have recently established in what the Lord hath done in this county. this county, about a dozen schools, most We wished and prayed for a powerful reof which are in very promising circum-vival, at the very beginning of our labours,


but the Lord in wisdom, has ordered it otherwise, and has caused us to hear the

From Rev. W. O. Stratton, Canfield and still small voice, during all our labours

Ellsworth, O.

them now, than when I first came to this place. Previous to the beginning of my labours here, this people had never enjoyed but two months regular preaching. No religious paper gave them a weekly view of the religious world; no concert of prayer gave them a monthly record of the stately steppings of Jehovah throughout the earth; and no agents of the tract, bible, education, Sabbath school, missionary society, &c., oc

here. Religion seems to be making steady progress. Her institutions are better unThe congregations in C. and E., are derstood, and more highly prized, and the both pretty large for Ohio. Their tempo-people are much more desirous to support ral prospects at present are so good, that neither of them will, I understand, apply for aid this year, and several have been added to the communion of the church, whom we trust truly love Jesus Christ; whilst many more in both congregations are indulging the blessed hope, that they have passed from death unto life, or are anxiously asking, what they must do to be saved. The two Sabbath schools in E. have been suspended through the win-casionally spread before them the benevoter, but will, I expect, resume operations again, as soon as the roads become settled. The one in C. has gone on without inter

lence of the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ. But they were literally alone, and that too in the wilderness, with no one to lead

them onward, in the faith of active piety. year of his life, he spent every Friday in It is not strange, therefore, that they fasting and prayer. His great desire was should have been found living, as our fa-to have before he died the regular minis. thers lived fifty years ago. There were,tration of the word established here; but however, a few, even here, under all these the Lord conferred a still greater blessing disadvantages, who seemed have on him, by taking him, as we trust, to himcaught the spirit, which blesses the hap-self in glory. He died before any minis. piest portions of our country. One of tration was sent here: yet I believe that these, who now sleeps with Jesus, you we are to look to that little prayer meeting, will permit me to mention in a more par-and to the other efforts of that pious man, ticular manner.


An example to pious Emigrants.

as the means, in the hands of God, of all the spiritual blessings, that have been sent on this people. In 1829, a missionary was sent to this people, for two months, under whose preaching, three of that deacon's children were hopefully converted, and a church was organized of seventeen members. In the mean time, the above mentioned son of the deacon had become an ordained minister, and on the seventh of May, 1830, began to labour here, under a commission from the A. H. M. S. And if he has been instrumental in doing any good, I believe it to be in answer to the prayers of his pious father, in no small degree.

[From the statistical table accompanying the above, we learn that the number of hopeful conversions, since May last, is twenty-four.]

Milan, Huron Co. O.

On page 222 of vol. 3, we published an account of the awakening in this place, under the labours of Rev. E. Judson. The following is from his last report.

He was a deacon in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and removed to this county in 1816. Besides himself and wife, there was no known professor of religion within twelve miles of him, and the nearest place of public worship, was twenty miles. These circumstances brought sadness to his heart, "while he remembered Zion." Yet he did not "hang his harp upon the willows." But as his first Sabbath drew on him in the wilderness, he invited his thinly scattered neighbours, to come and unite with him in prayer on the Lord's day. A thing so new, excited their curiosity, and a number came, and attended to the first prayer which they had perhaps ever heard there in public, and to an excellent sermon from Burder. The burden of his prayer was, that God would cause this wilderness to bud and blosom as the rose; and ere long spread his table here. His faith never failed him, he laboured as though he expected the Lord would an. swer his prayers, in his own time. He thus In my last quarterly report, I was perlaboured alone, from Sabbath to Sabbath, conversing with all he met, on the momen-mitted to speak of the continued influencos tous concerns of their souls, during one of the Holy Spirit upon the congregation whole year; at the end of which, the Lord in this place. During the last three months, sent a helper for him, another layman, hopeful conversions have not occured as from old Plymouth. The year following, frequently, as in three months preceding. another came. The deacon's hands were We have, however, enjoyed the conthus greatly strengthened, and his heart tinued manifestations ofthe divine presence. much encouraged, by seeing a little im- It has resembled the gentle distilling of provement in the moral character of the the dew, rather than the copious shower of settlers. The third year, his second son rain. I am unable to name the definite professed conversion, and joined the number of hopeful conversions since I last Twenty have united with our church in Athens, twenty miles distant, wrote. and a few months afterwards commenced church, eighteen of them by confession, his studies preparatory to the ministry. which, added to the seventeen before re When this son made known his wishes to ported, gives thirty-five who have united his father, respecting the ministry, he said, with us, as the fruits of this revival. "the thing proceedeth from the Lord; we Others are expected to unite with us, at cannot speak unto thee bad or good."-our next communion. The whole numGen. xxiv. 50. "Behold the way is be-ber that have united with the Milan church fore thee; go, and the Lord go with you within a year, is forty-eight. This, when and bless you." For six years, he watched we take into consideration, that the whole and prayed over this spot in the little pray-number antecedent to that period, was only er meeting on every Sabbath, and doubt-32, may be regarded as a large accession to less in secret also; and during the last our numbers. Our meetings continue to

be well attended, and some seriousness || eight by profession and four by letter. Joy still exists among us. Of those who have and gratitude swelled the hearts of God's united with us, almost one half are Sabbath || children, whilst some of the impenitent, to scholars. Our Sabbath school has never been as flourishing as at present. It has now been in operation for nearly a year and a half, and, during the whole period, has been increasing in numbers and inte


Eldridge, Huron Co. O.

Our prospects in Eldridge have been more cheering, for a few weeks past, than for some months previous. A good degree of interest and Christian energy is manifested by most of the members of the church. A spirit of prayer has been felt for impenitent sinners, and we have been permitted to rejoice over three or four, who cherish the hope, that they have been born of the Spirit of God.

Churches in Huron Co.

The churches in this county are united for the purpose of holding "conferences" monthly. These meetings have been highly blessed. Most of the congregations visited, have been favoured more or less with the reviving influences of the Holy Spirit. The state of religion in most of our churches, is at present more than usual ly interesting.



say the least, were pricked in their hearts, and under the energies of omnipotent Grace have since hopefully submitted themselves to God. The Lord is doing great things for us. Among the hopeful converts, which are all from the Sabbath school and Bible class, except one, there is now a higher state of religious affection, more decision and devotedness, than at the time they indulged hope.. I know of no exception to this statement. This is peculiarly encouraging and animating to the friends of Zion, especially to us. The aspect of this place has almost entirely changed within six months.

Awakening begun at Euclid, O.

From Rev. S. Peet.

We have had many trials, and the past year has been marked by them, as well as former years. We, however, can at length say, that the Lord is among us. A good work is begun here; seven souls have, we hope, submitted to Christ within a short time, and about twenty are anxious. Christians to some extent are awake, though not universally.

I need not say, that the hearts of God's people are greatly rejoiced, and that your missionary feels to praise the Lord for his goodness. Meetings are numerous, crowded and solemn. Christians love to pray and converse. I have much to do, and must go out this afternoon, to see some of the anxious, and must be excused from giving you a long letter. I will give you intelligence from time to time, if the work goes on. Pray that it may increase, and spread through this region.

From Rev. John Beach, Norwalk, Ohio.

From Rev. E. P. Salmon, Ruggles, O. I stated in my last report that we had some pleasing indications that God was about to appear in mercy and revive this little branch of his vine. Our hopes have not been altogether disappointed. have for three months past enjoyed a little refreshing season, and there still appears to be evidence that God has not forsaken us. There is a good degree of religious feeling here, and some cases of deep seriousness. Our communion season, which was observed the first Sabbath of the pre- Since the date of my last commission I sent month, was, I think, the most solemn have continued my missionary labours in and interesting day I ever witnessed. The this place and in Fitchville. The prospects Lord was in very deed with us; an univer-in both congregations are encouraging. sal solemnity pervaded the whole au- For a short season the excitement which dience-in almost every countenance was commenced last summer in Fitchville, depicted deep anxiety. Some who had seemed to subside, but recently it has been boasted that they would not weep, found renewed. Professing Christians are quickthemselves dispossessed of this resolution; ened-the Holy Spirit is convincing of they could not longer suppress their feel-sin. The Sabbath school enjoys the larg ings, but wept profusely during the whole est share in the blessing. At our last comservice. Our third meeting was equally munion there were added to the church solemn and impressive. Twelve were re-two, on profession, one by letter. Meetings seived into communion with this church, are well attended, especially on the Sab

bath; and the precious word of God has || But while we acknowledge with gratitude not been dispensed in vain.

Two weeks since, a monthly conference of the churches was attended in this place, which exerted a very favourable influence. Some cases of seriousness, and a very few of hopeful conversion, had been witnessed before. The way appears to have been prepared for just such a meeting. A spirit

the mercy of God towards us, we have to lament the prevalence of soul-destroying error in our neighbourhood. In this township, I understand, there are not less than forty-six subscribers to a Universalist paper. I need not say that they exert a pow. erfully deleterious influence.

Hamilton Co. Ohio.

of grace and of supplication, seems to From Rev. Robt. J. Hall, Mount Pleasant, have been poured out upon professing Christians. Different denominations are more united. A general solemnity is perceivable at religious meetings. An unusual number attend public worship. Last Sabbath three united with the church-two by letter, and one on profession.

I prefer, however, to withhold further particulars for a time, to determine whether our hopes are to be blasted or realized.

From Rev. H. S. Fullerton, Union, (near
Chillicothe, Ohio.

When I commenced my labours here, in October last, I found that the church had been in a divided, sinking condition, for several years. Some of the old members had died-others had gone to different parts of the country, and in the mean time there had been very few additions of new members to supply their place. Within the last year, however, there had been an increased attention to the means of grace, and three or four had been added to the church.

Desire to hear the Word.

Since the commencement of my labours I have preached within the bounds of the congregation regularly on Sabbaths, and as frequently through the week as my health would permit. There has been, and there still is, a very great desire to hear the word preached. If I were able to preach once, or even twice every day, I believe I would very seldom be without an audience. Our congregations are large and solemn. They are still increasing, and I feel encouraged to hope that it will yet be said of this place-"this and that man was born

Mr. H. labours in Mount Pleasant and two other congregations in the vicinity.From the last report received from him, it appears that the Great Head of the Church has blessed his labours, in the addition of 60 members to the three churches, of whom 50 were received on profession of their faith.

Burlington and Hartford, Licking Co. O.

A recent Report of our missionary in these churches, encourages us to hope that the Lord is about to pour out his Spirit in copious effusions. After detailing some interesting facts, he adds in a postscript"Last evening we held our first inquiry meeting. Twelve attended. Two were rejoicing in hope-two wished to remain silent-and eight were deeply impressed;

some of them were on the borders of des pair. Pray for us."

From Rev. A. T. Rankin, Felicity, Clermont Co. O. April 1, 1831.


In looking over the year's service just ended, there are many things calculated to fill our hearts with gratitude to God. When I visited this placé last spring, as a missionary, the church was in a perishing condition. The Sabbath, to this people, had been for a length of time silent, its return brought no temple service, the voice of prayer and praise had ceased. And though the few remaining followers of the Redeemer, (for the number had dwindled to a few,) wept over the desolations of this part of Zion, yet they had almost relin. quished all hope of ever again seeing good By referring to the schedule that accom- days, when they should rejoice at the sweet panies this, you will see we have reason to and heart-elevating accents, "Let us go hope that God is with us, and is blessing up to the house of God." Some of their as. Three members have been received children had well nigh wandered; others by letter, and thirty-one by confession, since were growing in years, on whose foreheads I came here in October. Of the latter, had never been impressed the seal of the nine adults were to be baptized. The ad- everlasting covenant; over whom the names ditions have been chiefly from the youth, of the blessed Trinity had never been prothough the middle-aged, and the gray-head-nounced. Sadness and gloom settled on ed, have also participated in the blessing. the countenances of the parents as they


Season of refreshing.

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Changes effected.

But by the blessing of Providence, the face of things has been greatly changed. Success appears to have attended the preaching of the word, through the whole year. The old church in Felicity has been revived and greatly increased; and the foundation of a new and active one laid in the adjoining neighbourhood.

looked over their rising families, and re-at times. Never have I known a church membered their offspring were increasing to come up to the help of the Lord more in stature, but without wisdom and the unanimously than this; and such has been knowledge of the Lord. And but for the the spirit of prayer, that where the word benevolence of your society, none can tell preached did not profit, the strong cryings how long such a melancholy state had con- of Christians have so availed with God, as tinued. that during seasons of prayer our strongest have bowed themselves. There has been an universal excitement in the town, and I believe that the various denomina. tions have more or less entered into the work. Upwards of a hundred have indulged hopes within the bounds of the Presbyterian society, and thirty-four united with the church on Feb. 13th, on profession of their faith, thirteen of whom At the commencement of the year we were then baptized. The work is still adestablished a weekly prayer meeting, the vancing, and I think more rapidly than monthly concert, and a prayer meeting on heretofore. The society has ever been dithe vacant Sabbath, which have been con-vided about the site of their contemplated tinued with interest. Also, a sabbath meeting house. They have been prepared, school, bible class, and temperance soci-and would have built one some years ago, ety. but for this. Now they are united, and de[From the schedule accompanying the clare with one voice, "the revival has deforegoing report, it appears that the addi- cided where the site shall be." Every tions to the churches of Felicity and Eben-thing appears to be in the most happy and harmonious state.

ezer, to which our missionary preaches,

have been by Letter, 3, by Confession, 127. What hath God wrought!]


Revival in Newark.

I have been at Marion only part of the time since the revival commenced. The people of Newark were destitute of a minister, and insisted on my spending part of From the last report of our missionary, my time among them. A revival having Rev. John B. Preston, who preaches prin- commenced among them, duty appeared cipally at Ernest Town and Camden, U.C. plain, I thought, and I have complied with we learn that there have been during the their request. During my absence from first three quarters of his missionary year, Marion, my place has been supplied by thirty-eight hopeful conversions, of which Rev. Messrs. Nash, Campbell, of Palmyra, thirty-five are in the congregation of Cam-and Steele, of Warsaw. There has been den. Eight S. Schools are in operation, embracing 315 scholars, having libraries amounting in all to 320 volumes. Four temperance societies have been organized having 420 signers.


From Rev. James Boyle, Marion and New-
ark, Wayne Co. N.Y.

Revival in Marion.

within the bounds of Newark society, I should judge, about a hundred and fifty hopeful conversions. On Feb. 20th five were added to this church by letter, and eighty-three on profession of their faith. It was a most solemn day, and it has given a mighty impetus to the work.

From Rev. S. Porter, Castleton, N. Y.
March 14, 1831.

Blessed be the Lord, I am now able to speak of a glorious work of grace among When I wrote you last I mentioned that my people, which I trust will rejoice the there was some appearance of a revival in hearts of all who love Zion, and especialMarion, and that we had some expectation|ly of the friends and patrons of the Home of seeing a great work of God among us. Missionary cause. The first token for That expectation has been realized. The good, in regard to this blessed work, was congregation became so large that we were a spirit of agonizing supplication, which obliged to build an addition to the school-was poured out upon a little band of sisters house in which we held our meetings, in the church, who had kept up a weekly which will contain nearly two hundred prayer meeting. In November a movepersons, and yet we are straitened for roomment was made in the Temperance cause,

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